Meiman's eldest son of God

Chapter 70 Thor Arrives

Chapter 70 Thor Arrives
Chapter 69 The God of Thunder Comes

Looking at his son who was still obsessed with obsession, Odin did not choose to seal his son like his daughter.Odin, who is now old, is not as powerful as before.

While maintaining the seal on his daughter Hela, he also faces threats from the Nine Realms.If he pushes his son against him at this time, then the whole of Asgard will soon fall apart.

So at this time Odin chose to banish Thor from Asgard.

He wants Thor, who has lost all his power, to understand the mistakes he made.And the qualities needed to be an excellent god king.

In the middle of the night, the wind was churning and the thunder and lightning pierced the sky. Mark could not help but be overjoyed when he saw the stirring lightning in the sky.

On the other side of the road, an off-road vehicle was heading towards the lightning center.

The vision in the sky attracts Jane Foster and Dr. Eric Savage, and their assistant Daisy Louise is completely unable to understand their madness.

In weather like this, shouldn't you stay in the building honestly?Why are you still rushing towards the center of lightning?
She never admitted that there was something wrong with her head, but now she had to admit that she really had something wrong with her head, so she would be friends with these two guys.

While the off-road vehicle was driving, it didn't notice that a guy who suddenly fell from the sky hit him with a bang.

This poor fellow who fell from the sky was none other than Thor, the god of thunder who had lost his divine power.He was hit hard by a high-speed off-road vehicle.

If a normal person suffered such an impact, he would have died on the spot.But they bumped into someone who wasn't normal.Even if he loses his divine power, Thor's body is still the body of a god, and such an impact cannot cause fatal damage to his body.

This can be regarded as the backhand left by Odin for his son. He doesn't want his only heir to die in Midgard like this.

Jane Foster, who realized that she had caused an accident, immediately stopped the car, came to the front of the car, and looked at the unconscious man who fell on the ground.

She has realized the seriousness of the problem, just now she killed a person.She walked forward slowly to check the condition of the person who was hit, and she was surprised to find that the person who was hit by her was still breathing.

Eric and Daisy also got out of the car, after all, they also felt the impact just now.Looking at the unknown person who fell on the ground, their hearts also tightened.

"Jane, did you kill someone?" Daisy asked in disbelief.

"Shut your mouth, he's not dead yet! Come here and help him, he's really going to die if you don't help!" Jane tried to pull Thor's body, but she found that this man was too heavy, with a huge root Can't drag.

Human life is at stake, especially when it has something to do with yourself, you can't be negligent.

But just as he was about to lift Thor up, Thor suddenly opened his eyes.Jane was taken aback by Thor who suddenly opened her eyes, and Daisy, who was standing aside, was also taken aback, taking a few steps back.

"Where is this place? Who are you? Heimdall, open the Rainbow Bridge for me!" At this moment, in the eyes of Jane and the others, Thor looked like an alcoholic who was losing his nerve after drinking.

Talking all kinds of nonsense.

Calling Heimdall many times, Thor's situation was a little bit wrong at the beginning. He asked Jane not far away: "Which realm is this? Alfheim? Dollenheim?"

"Sorry, this is Midgard!" Mark suddenly appeared behind Thor and punched him neatly.

Thor didn't expect the sneak attack from behind at all, and even his vigilance dropped a lot after losing his divine power.

Mark can only say that he is really lucky.Originally wandering around here, I just wanted to find Thor's Hammer, but I didn't expect to meet Thor here.

Mark knew that Heimdall and Odin could see everything here. After all, they had just let go, and Thor hadn't been long.

Mark raised his middle finger facing the sky. What Mark didn't expect was that the old bastard Odin didn't follow the routine at all, and a bolt of lightning struck Mark.

However, Mark was smart enough to prepare for it long ago, taking a step back and dodging the lightning.The poor one was Thor who fell on the ground, Thor who had been beaten by Mark and passed out.

After being woken abruptly by his father's lightning, he passed out again.

This is probably the legendary cheating son!
Jane and Daisy, who were on the side, were dumbfounded at the sudden appearance of Mark and the lightning just now.

Dr. Eric didn't know what happened just now, but after hearing Alfheim and Dollenheim from Thor's mouth, Dr. Eric still guessed something.

"Who are you?" Dr. Eric, who was doing research, didn't know much about Mark, but Daisy, who stood aside, helped Mark answer Dr. Eric's words: "Doctor, this is Mark Komnenos, that's the one." A superhero who is as famous as Iron Man recently!"

"Ah? Iron Man!" Although Eric didn't hear anything out of the window and only focused on research, he still learned something about Tony Stark recently.

After all, it's hard not to know about this playboy.Who told this is an era of extremely developed information!

In Dr. Eric's research institute.

When she first came back, Jane wanted to stay where she was and study the textures on the ground, but Mark's words made Jane give up this idea.

"If you are not afraid of being struck to death by lightning, you can continue to study here!"

Because of this sentence, Jane immediately packed up her things and returned to the research institute.

I have to say that Jane, who witnessed the previous scene with her own eyes, is still very afraid of lightning.

"Actually, the guy you bumped into is the legendary Thor, the god of thunder. He is the son of the god king Odin, and the so-called lines you know there are the runes left by the Rainbow Bridge when it was transmitted. In fact, take There is nothing worth studying, and if you have time to find that kind, it is better to have a good chat with the son of the god king to get more things." Mark pointed to Thor who was still in a coma in the distance.

Daisy looked at the handsome man who had turned into a black African and said with concern: "Is there really no need to send him to the hospital?"

Mark drank the coffee delivered and said, "If you want to be targeted by the relevant departments, you should be sent to the hospital. You might even face jail time."

(End of this chapter)

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