Meiman's eldest son of God

Chapter 72 The God of Hammer

Chapter 72 The God of Hammer
Chapter 71 The God of the Hammer

Thor, who just woke up, after being struck by the lightning, he clearly realized that he had been completely abandoned by his father.

Looking at the kind woman in front of him, Thor was extremely excited. He didn't expect to meet such a kind person when he was reduced to Midgard.Should it be my own luck, or my own misfortune?
The convenience bag that Mark was carrying was thrown directly on the table. The bag contained all food, which was prepared for Thor who woke up.

Although Odin took away all his divine power, the power belonging to Thor was sealed in the deepest part of his body.At the same time, it also deprived him of his control over Thor's Hammer, but these are not the most important thing. The most important thing is that Thor is the son of Odin, the son of the king of gods.

His starting point is much higher than the average Asgardian!Especially after so many years of fighting in the north and south, there is no way to directly deprive him of his physical fitness through this method of deprivation. This is the result of his own training.

It's just that Thor still doesn't realize how powerful his body is.

After Sock came in again, his eyes were deliberately avoiding Thor.

Thor didn't notice that there was anything special about Salk, and he completely regarded Salk as an ordinary Midgard.

"What do you want to eat? This is the food on earth, let's just make it!" Thor took out a large bottle of Coke and three wrapped in paper bags from the bag, and threw the burger to Thor.

Thor felt the temperature coming from the paper bag, and was about to refuse, but his stomach made an unsatisfactory growl.

The suddenly quiet room was filled with an awkward atmosphere.

Daisy had a good impression of this muscular man from the very beginning, and persuaded him: "We Midgard people have always been hospitable."

In fact, Thor has already awakened, of course, the awakening time is not as long as imagined.After Thor woke up, Daisy has been chatting with him, and the two can be said to have a good chat.

Daisy introduced to Thor what she knew about the earth.

Whether it is those boxes that can run on the ground, or those things that can be turned with only two wheels, Thor has a strong curiosity.

Thor was also very shocked and surprised when he heard that the Midgards could fly into the sky through steel.

I didn't expect so many changes to happen after not coming to Midgard for so many years.

Thor looked at the Big Mac burger in his hand and tentatively took a bite. When the sauce, minced meat and fresh vegetables entered his mouth, the taste exploded instantly.

Thor completely ignored the beginning of the image, chewing and swallowing in big mouthfuls.In the middle of the meal, Daisy almost choked because she was too excited, so she quickly opened the Coke next to her and gave it to Thor.

This kind of gas drink, like beer, really convinced Thor in an instant.

Although this thing is very, very sweet, the weird taste and gas gave him an unprecedented experience.

"What does this thing taste like? It's really great. If this thing can be mixed with selling wine, my God, I don't know how delicious it will be!" Apparently, His Royal Highness, who has the potential of a deadly fat house, agrees I bought the fat house happy water.

Gulu Gulu drank most of the bottle, and then let out a long belch.Thor didn't feel that what he was doing now was out of style at all, but he said to Mark who threw the food to him quite boldly: "Thank you very much, my friend from Midgard, thank you for sending such delicious food. Food and drink."

Mark smiled until he was dismissed in vain, and leaned against the table and said to Thor: "It's okay, after all, he is the prince of Asgard, and he came from a long way, if he didn't entertain something, it would be too disrespectful. "

Mark's words made Thor, who was still smiling a little, instantly recall what happened not long ago.

"I am no longer a prince..." Thor said slowly, looking at the food in his hand.

"So your father intends to let your younger brother Loki inherit the throne?" Mark really kept talking in a non-surprising way. People like this kind of thing are afraid to avoid it, but Mark said it directly.

Everyone present looked at Mark in shock.

"How do you know?" Thor's addition almost confirmed the authenticity of what Mark said from the side.

"Since I know you are Odin's son, why don't I know about Odin's other son! Or do you think I'm the same as other earthlings?" Mark said leisurely, drinking water.

At this moment, Sock came over and turned Mark's sleeve. Mark looked at Sock who seemed to have something to say and listened to him.

Sok whispered in Mark's ear: "Stop talking about these things!"

Mark nodded with a smirk. Obviously, the Asgardians knew very well that there were questions about the two brothers.

"But anyway, I wish you a happy life on Earth, and now tell you that your city of Thunder God has been thrown by your father Odin to Midgard to wait for someone worthy to lift it up .If someone really lifts it up by then, then you will lose the hammer completely in the future."

At this stage, nothing is more important to Thor than a hammer.If he lost his beloved hammer, it would be like losing the whole world.

Perhaps without Mark intervening, Jane Foster might become the most important existence after the hammer.It's a pity that Mark's arrival disrupted all of this.

Naturally, Mark can also not tell Thor about the hammer at all, but Mark just wants to completely dispel Thor's last little illusion.

"What, where is it?" Thor stood up excitedly and roared loudly.

Not caring about his body that had been struck by lightning at all, Thor actually proved his love for the hammer to everyone present.

Don't look at Torhei's current appearance, as if he was dragged to Africa as a coolie and spent a whole day coaling in the coal mine.

In fact, as long as you simply take a shower, you can easily wash off these stolen goods on your body.The powerful body's repair ability has already healed him, and now he can be said to be alive and well.

What a terrible ability to repair!
If it was placed on a normal person and was struck by lightning, it would be a blessing to survive.

(End of this chapter)

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