Meiman's eldest son of God

Chapter 50 Heroic Archon: Nadu

Chapter 50 Heroic Archon: Nadu
Chapter 51 Heroic Consul: Nadu

The bullet flew towards Mark at an extremely fast speed, but was blocked by Mark's shield.Under the surprised eyes of everyone, the traitor of Hydra was also unable to execute, and his own shot was actually empty.

If he knew that Mark had such a shield, he would never have shot.

But nothing is what if in this world.

Mark shot down the Hydra agent in front of him, then turned his head, and said with killing eyes: "How do you want to choose to die?"

If it is said that Ace and Mark are just destroying his reputation and hurting the people around him.Mark will think about killing him all the time, but he will preserve his reputation so that he can still go on in the world openly.

But if someone wants to kill him Mark!Mark will do whatever it takes to kill anyone who wants to kill him.Even if you will be wanted for this, you will not hesitate.

When the flash appeared in Mark's position, Mark appeared in front of the traitor.When it was strong and powerful, it directly grabbed the opponent's throat.

Hydra agents thought they had seized the opportunity and shot Mark frantically, but the bullets only penetrated the traitor's body.

Mark didn't kill the traitor immediately, but let the traitor die under his own gun.

Nothing soothed Mark's anger more than this.

The violent firepower beat the corpse like a sieve, and a lot of blood dripped down the ground along the toes and fingertips, but there was no trace of blood on Mark's body.

Mark threw the corpse directly from the rooftop. He didn't care what it would look like in the end, he just wanted to satisfy the violent desire in his heart.

Hydra's agents also gradually discovered that they were not on the same level as the guy in front of them at all.

Not even the Winter Soldier can defeat him, like a ghost from the depths.

Mark disappeared into the shadows, and no one could find him.Even though the Winter Soldier used all the detection equipment on his body, he still couldn't find Mark's whereabouts.

However, Mark has also locked his previous target, Bucky Barnes.

If there are any targets that Mark must kill, Bucky, the Winter Soldier, is definitely one of them.At this time, Bucky was holding an assault rifle with a grenade pendant, and was suppressing another team of S.H.I.E.L.D. agents under him.

Relying on the strength of only one person, he suppressed the entire team of S.H.I.E.L.D. agents, which shows the strength of this Winter Soldier.

But with Mark's appearance, the red psionic blade completely cut off his steel arm.

Before he even had time to react, he was kicked by Mark and hit the edge of the roof.

Mark picked up the assault rifle on the ground and checked the grenade pendant, only to find that there was no more rounds left in it.The possibility of tearing the Winter Soldier to pieces is gone.

The reason why Mark did this was to prevent someone from taking advantage of this and putting himself in conflict with Captain America.

If there is no body left, then there is no way to mention it.There is no evidence to prove it.

But this still can't change Mark's determination to kill him.

The moment Mark was about to shoot, the fist wrapped in the specialized combat uniform hit Mark.

Mark conveniently used the assault rifle in his hand to block, but what he didn't expect was that the assault rifle was smashed by the punch and directly turned into pieces.

With the assault rifle in his hand as a buffer, Mark punched the opponent with a backhand.But it gave Mark the feeling that he was hit on a steel plate.

Although Mark's body has been transformed, he didn't have any spiritual power in the circle just now.It can be said that it is only relying on the strength of its own body.

But even so, it is not the power of ordinary people.Even if it is a steel plate, a dent should be made.

But the other party was standing there!

The other party was also wearing a mask.But it doesn't have a steel arm like Bucky.

Bucky, who was attacked by Mark, finally recovered. Although he lost his steel arm, he is a world-class expert in the use of hot and cold weapons.

Relying on skills can also pose a great threat to Mark.

Pulling out the dagger attached to his calf, he sprinted in front of Mark, and the dagger slashed towards Mark's neck.

Mark's shield blocked the dagger's attack, and the dagger stuck firmly on Mark's shield.Mark was about to fight back, but what he didn't expect was that another Winter Soldier had already attacked.

On one side is Bucky who has lost his iron arm, and on the other side is the Winter Soldier with strange strength.Mark also made his own choice.

First, a burst of red and violent energy appeared behind Mark.Immediately afterwards, a white plasma electric ball appeared in this world.

Archon, Nadu, here we go!
The deadly psychic shock wave shot towards the supernatural Winter Soldier immediately.This kind of shock wave that can easily penetrate even heavy alloys is not an ordinary body at all, it can be blocked by mortal bodies.

Even a powerful Thunder Beast can be regarded as the top tank-type melee creature among the entire Zerg.Even so, their hard bone shields still couldn't ignore this powerful spiritual energy shock wave.

The Winter Soldier escaped the direct damage of the shock wave with a roll, but the high temperature brought by the shock wave also hurt his body.

The combat uniform on his body was burned by the high temperature, exposing a large piece of skin, and it was also severely burned.

Only a fool would choose to fight alone. The positions occupied by the two Winter Soldier are already remote enough, and Mark is not worried at all about the exposure of the powerful consul beside him.

It doesn't matter if it's Nick or Hydra who wants to tear his face off with him.Nadu alone has reached the level of a general superhero.

Coupled with Mark, the two of them can definitely stir up huge waves.

In the days of S.H.I.E.L.D. or Hydra, don't even think about living well.

Mark will let them know what sleeplessness is.

The scorched Winter Soldier was about to retreat, but he found himself trapped in mud.

Nadu is not a simple consul of light.

He was a fusion of two templars who were most loyal to the Nagara.Not only can you use the lightning storm and energy devour that the light templar is good at.

After changing form, you can also use powerful maelstrom and mind control at the same time.

It's just that the stronger the mental strength of the target and the stronger the willpower to resist, the smaller the impact that the mind control can cause.

But they happened to be facing those Winter Soldier who had weak willpower and had been brainwashed countless times.

(End of this chapter)

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