Meiman's eldest son of God

Chapter 49 The Nine-Headed Snake Fights Back

Chapter 49 Hydra Strikes Back

Chapter 50 Hydra Strikes Back
Pierce was also quite shocked when he received the news. He didn't expect that none of Mark's team survived.

In the event of casualties, Pierce could still find a reason to be inserted into this incident as a matter of course.But I didn't expect that the team led by Mark didn't die.

This made Pierce quite surprised, and even wondered if someone under his command had been exposed in advance, thus leaking some important news.

But this suspicion was quickly dispelled by himself.Because this possibility is unlikely, if the traitor hidden inside has been found.

That guy Nick will definitely take control immediately and interrogate him severely, instead of being silent until now.

After working together for so many years, Pierce can be sure of this.

Yet the bad news continued.

The news of the death of one hidden Hydra agent after another made Pierce start to feel restless.

Some are insignificant chess pieces, while others are quite important, related to some future plans.

Pierce can no longer continue to let this team run amok, they must make counterattacks and actions.


The Quin-type fighter jet that had just finished solving a target had just taken off when two missiles flew towards the Quin-type fighter jet from the rooftop of a tall building not far away.

It successfully hit the engine of the Quinjet fighter.Fortunately, the pilot's skills were good enough, and the quality of the Kun-type fighter jet was good enough, so it landed on the roof steadily.

But the madness didn't end there, it was just the beginning.

The roar of the helicopter propeller quickly entered everyone's ears.The soldier sitting on the helicopter pulled the trigger, and the cannon on the helicopter unleashed countless bullets on the shell of the Quinjet fighter.

The sound of bullets hitting metal came one after another, one after another.

Fortunately, the material of the Quinjet fighter is hard enough to withstand it for a while.

"Breath of the Creator! It can be used now. Remember, if any of you fall into a rampage, I will shoot you without hesitation. End your life and prevent you from causing a greater threat! Yes Anyone." Mark looked at some people who were about to take the Creator's Breath immediately and reminded them aloud.

Everyone began to hesitate at what Mark said, looking at the potion they could take at any time, as if they were looking at a deadly poison.

After all, no one wants their life to be taken away like this.

"Of course, you can also choose not to take these potions. You will be greeted by overwhelming barrage firepower outside. You should think about it yourself."

One step forward is death, and one step backward is death.

The former died at the hands of the enemy, while the latter died at the hands of one's own people.

Natasha and Clinton took the potion without hesitation.I can't see clearly, facing the enemy under normal circumstances, it is difficult to survive the overwhelming firepower.

Only when you use it can you burst out potential that you have never seen before.The answer is already fairly obvious.

Those painful pictures flashed by, but they were not as strong as the first time, and they knew that they were all false.At the same time, I also have a deeper understanding of my own past.

It doesn't mean that they will be able to let go of their previous attachments at this moment when they are fully enlightened.It's just that they won't stop because of these things anymore.

Mark has never been a stingy man.When individuals take potions, Mark places two small stance generators in the equipment bags on their waists and activates them directly.

Even if they were unlucky to be hit by those machine guns, the protection of these position generators would not allow them to be hit immediately.

At least he still has the strength to fight back.

I don't know if the protagonist in the Marvel world is born with a halo protection.

After Natasha and Clinton rushed out, very few bullets could hurt them. Even if a bullet accidentally flew towards them, it was intercepted by the shield formed by Mark's position generator.

With their excellent spear and bow skills, they shot down several helicopters in the air very easily.Especially now that the potential of the two of them has completely exploded.

Of course the incident didn't end there.

Although the Winter Soldier team suffered heavy losses last time, Hydra still believes that the Winter Soldier is still a very good combat power.

It's just that in the last battle, Mark's strength was wrongly estimated, which led to heavy losses.If there are no accidents, they are absolutely capable of many important tasks for the time being.

For example, to deal a fatal blow to this team, it is not required to kill Mark, but to kill more "SHIELD" agents in this team.

With the emergence of the Winter Soldier, even Natasha and Clinton, there is no way for the two of them to continue to be as comfortable as before.

It was as if the appearance of the Winter Soldier made the aura of the two of them disappear without a trace, and the two of them tried their best to avoid the damage from the Winter Soldier.

The battle on the rooftop was very fierce, but the situation below was not much better.But with the gunship falling from the sky, even if you want to conceal the news, it is impossible.

As soon as the New York Police Department received the alarm call, it immediately dispatched police officers to the scene to maintain the situation.These ordinary police officers don't know what happened to the people above. They only know to ensure the safety of the people around them and themselves.

A few Hydra agents who survived the helicopter by chance, just drew their guns, and before they had time to shoot, they were shot and killed by a large number of police officers.And still kill with Glock...

Mark on the side is completely in the mode of watching a show, and Mark almost doesn't want to participate in this battle, for Mark.

If you do it yourself, it is almost a one-sided massacre.

There are always a few blind guys here who regard Mark as their hunting target and want to kill Mark on the spot.

The other party has already taken the initiative, and it is impossible for Mark to continue to pretend that nothing happened.Mark sprinted to a Hydra, easily twisted his neck, and took the gun from his hand.

The precise shooting quickly caught a sniper in the distance. Malak remembered clearly that the guy fired the first shot!
Another barrage of shots, and a Hydra agent hiding behind a barrier was taken out.

A Hydra agent hiding in Mark's team, watching Mark killing all directions at this time, silently raised the gun in his hand and aimed at Mark.

PS: It's finally over
(End of this chapter)

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