Meiman's eldest son of God

Chapter 51 The thief's heart is immortal

Chapter 51 The thief's heart is immortal
Chapter 52

Use the Dark Archon's mind control to target some special hero Mark.

At the beginning, there were still these ideas, but in the end Mark gave up the idea.

Because the willpower of some heroes is too strong, just like Captain America.Even though Captain America has been transformed, he has only reached the limit of human physique.

But Captain America can counteract that control with a phased adaptation, as can any other consistently strong superhero.

Not to mention those superheroes who are inherently resistant to mind control, such as Thor and Captain Marvel.

But facing the Winter Soldier, who was already under the control of the human mind, Mark felt no psychological pressure at all.

Even if it was exposed, it would have no effect on Mark. , and Mark can also logically plant a time bomb in Hydra

Mark can swear to God, this is definitely his own impromptu idea, not prepared in advance.

Because even Mark himself did not expect that Hydra would suddenly launch such an attack.

Nadu's use of void energy far exceeds that of some Dark Archons.Even those dark consuls may not be able to do it to the extent like him.

Under the control of the mind, the two winter soldiers can be said to be absolutely obedient to Mark.The distance will no longer be limited, and Mark can see everything through their eyes.

It can be said that Mark has all the powers of their bodies.

Of course, all of this needs the assistance of Nadu to complete.

But even if Nadu disappears from this world, the mental control they caused will not disappear.

It can be said that these two Winter Soldier want to get rid of Mark, and don't think about their control in this life, unless Mark takes the initiative to lift it.

Under Mark's order, the two Winter Soldier also quickly retreated.

After receiving the news from here, the other Winter Soldier also immediately retreated without any intention of continuing to fight.Now the news can no longer be suppressed, the police have already arrived below, and it is only a matter of time before they come up.

If you don't go, the incident may be further expanded.

The same is true for S.H.I.E.L.D., they don't want to be exposed to the public eye yet.

The confrontation between the two sides ended with the intervention of foreign forces and the threat of exposure.


S.H.I.E.L.D. space carrier.

The body of the traitor was brought back to S.H.I.E.L.D., and Nick directly and publicly announced a rigorous investigation to find the traitor inside.

However, it is precisely because of Nick's public announcement that Pierce, the old fox, feels a lot more relieved if Nick hides the body and investigates secretly.

Instead, it will make the old fox start to worry about whether Nick has found some important clues.

Mark, who was the attacker this time, was naturally not in the scope of the investigation, and Mark returned directly to his home.

The mission this time in life is to target some matters within S.H.I.E.L.D.

However, on Mark's way home, Mark received a message from two Winter Soldier under his control.

Bucky was sealed immediately.After all, he is Captain America's best friend and can play an unparalleled role at critical moments, while the other Winter Soldier is just a puppet with very high combat effectiveness.

So the Winter Soldier went on a new mission after returning to simply heal his wounds.

This new mission is to assassinate Mark.

That's right, at this critical moment, when Nick was still investigating the S.H.I.E.L.D. traitor, he blatantly started attacking Mark.

It can be said that this is lighting a lighter next to the powder keg.

However, the plan prepared by Hydra is also quite sufficient.

The content of the plan is that a high-speed truck directly smashes the car Mark is riding into iron pieces.The driver of the car is a poor guy who has nowhere to go, is in huge debts, and is terminally ill.

After receiving the news, Mark scoffed at Hydra's execution plan.If the van doesn't kill Mark directly, then the Winter Soldier executes the finishing plan.

It can be said that it is a backup plan in itself.

Mark left his phantom avatar in the car, and his body had already left the car.

The car drove in the direction of Mark's villa as normal.With a bang, Mark's car was directly smashed into a discus.


Everyone thought Mark was dead.After all, the car has crashed like that.But it never occurred to me that what Mark stayed inside was nothing more than a clone built by himself with energy.Except for basic actions, even attacks cannot be done.

The plan was executed very successfully, and naturally there was no need for the Winter Soldier to continue to do anything.But what the Hydra never expected was that Mark would go to work at Stark Industries as usual the next day.

Whether it is S.H.I.E.L.D. or Hydra, they were quite surprised by Mark's sudden appearance, as well as Stark Industries, which has all-hands and eyes.

It's just that Tony Stark had already called Mark last night.When the owner of the crashed vehicle was identified for the first time, Tony called Mark.

Mark was very excited about Tony's concern. At least in this world, there are people who sincerely care about themselves as friends.

The top of Stark Tower, inside Tony's exclusive office.

"Do you have any guesses about yesterday's attacker?" Tony poured a glass of wine and handed it to Mark.

Mark pushed the wine back to Tony and said, "Thanks! I know the attackers just can't speak out or do anything for the time being. I can only say that this organization is quite large and dangerous."

"How terrible is it? Is a country with the world's largest aircraft carrier fleet scary?" Tony thought that even if he closed the arms door, the country was still supporting him, so he said proudly.

"Worse than that, and..."

"And what?" Tony hesitated to speak to Mark, and became curious.

"I can't tell you yet, it's not a good thing for you." Mark still didn't say anything in the end.

If you say this kind of thing in advance, you will destroy the stability of time.

Then, as the guardian of time, will Gu Yi kill him directly?This is not necessarily the case!
Mark finally chose a safer possibility.

Tony still trusts Mark quite a lot, and didn't continue to ask.

(End of this chapter)

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