Meiman's eldest son of God

Chapter 3 Energy Fluctuation

Chapter 3 Energy Fluctuation
Chapter 3 Energy Fluctuations


When the familiar voice sounded again, Mark felt bad all over.He swears to God he's never felt like this before.

And he can be sure that even if he commits suicide again, he won't be able to get rid of this guy.At that time, I was the terrazine that directly detonated the entire planet, thinking that with that super energy, I could kill this guy.

But even so, he didn't kill this guy, but strengthened him and connected himself with him.

"Eamon! What do you want?" The problem that death can't solve can only be faced by Mark.

Emon was amused by Mark's question and said: "When you took me to the planet full of terrazine, you didn't ask me! Now answering you is not a little bit of identity?"

"You bastard!" Mark was so angry that the psionic energy stored in his body even began to pour out. It's not that he couldn't control the psionic energy in his body, but the current level of Mark's psionic energy had already surpassed the Queen of Blades.

Of course it is the Queen of Blades who has not been strengthened by Zerus.If you tap your physical potential well, it is not impossible to surpass the Queen of Blades strengthened by Zerus.

As for the Queen of Blades who surpassed the promotion to become the new Xel'Naga, don't even think about it.She has reached another level, and she no longer belongs to the normal level category.

Feeling the surrounding space, because of the abnormality caused by his body's spiritual energy, Mark controlled his emotions and tried not to run away with energy.

"The new world is really good. Maybe I should think about it and let my dark fleet come to this world." Mark, who didn't want to be a savior, didn't care what Emon said.

As I said before, the reason why Mark chose to commit suicide was because he didn't want to be tortured by him.Because he is a selfish egoist.

Even if Amon is too strong and the dark fleet comes to destroy the world, that's none of his business.It's the Avengers, the superheroes, not him, Mark, who have a headache.

But if all of this has nothing to do with Mark, that's fine, but the key point is that it has a lot to do with Mark.The appearance of the Dark Fleet in this world means that endless troubles will come.

"I thought you would say something about saving the world. It seems that you are different from them?" The three saviors in the interstellar world that Amon was talking about were naturally the three saviors who had broken the cycle of reincarnation.

Queen of Blades, Jim Raynor, Artanis.It's just that the three saviors in that world have become Amon's most loyal lackeys.

Because even their own consciousness has been deprived long ago.

"Hahaha! Looking at your painful expression, I am quite happy. This cycle of reincarnation has been broken, maybe I should see what kind of wonderful things will be in other worlds? Maybe you can do your best to perform, Let me watch a good show, maybe I won't destroy the world. You can save a lot of trouble, can't you?"

"Think of me as a clown? I'm not one of those clowns who show off their acting skills and make people happy!" Mark quite hated this kind of wicked idea.

"Whether you like it or not, even if you die, I can still haunt you. It's better to follow what I say than to resist. Maybe I can win together?" Emon's words sounded like a magic voice , stimulating Mark's nerves.

After many rounds of negotiations, Mark finally accepted, because he had no choice, death is not the end?So what?

Emon said that if Mark needs to be able to make this drama more exciting, he doesn't mind helping Mark become stronger.

Whether it is technology or the army, it can be handed over to Mark.

After all, Eamon could take those things away at any time, so he didn't have to worry about Mark using them to rebel against him.

The Tricurved Wing Building, the headquarters of S.H.I.E.L.D.

At this time, Nick Fury, director of S.H.I.E.L.D., was watching Tony Stark's speech. To be honest, he had a lot of resentment towards the playboy.If he wasn't Howard Stark's son, Majestic Falconshaw would never have cared about him.

However, the key point is that this playboy not only has more wisdom than ordinary people, but also likes to tinker with some destructive weapons all day long. The most important thing is that he is the son of Howard Stark, one of the founders of S.H.I.E.L.D.

This has led to SHIELD's attention to it.

"Is there another report?" Looking at Agent Hill who walked into the office, our mother, Nick Fury, said with a painful expression.

"That's right, our director. Not long ago, we detected an abnormal energy fluctuation in New York. Our agents have investigated the location in the early stage, and it is located in an old apartment. The specific situation has not yet been ascertained." , I think you need to pay attention to this matter." Agent Hill did not have as much respect for the director of the black stewed egg as he imagined, and the main reason was that a transfer application that Hill applied for was rejected not long ago.

Of course, it was not Agent Hill's own transfer application, but another agent's transfer application.The main reason is that the agent kept harassing Hill, hoping that the two of them could have dinner and have some more than friendship relationship.It has even reached the level of explicitness.

That's why Hill submitted that application.

"Get ready, it's time to move my old bones." Nick Fury was much older than he looked, and the main reason was that he had taken strengthening potions.That is also one of the few people who took the strengthening potion and survived till now.

In response to the director's self-mockery, Agent Hill didn't express anything, his face was still as expressionless as when he came in.

Nick Fury smiled awkwardly. He didn't expect that his words of enlivening the atmosphere didn't have any effect.

Under the sparks and lightning all the way, the two fastest people in the world who didn't become the central city of a certain comic book next door finally came to the downstairs of Mark's apartment.

The agents who had been preparing here for a long time paid respects to the director and Agent Hill, and then continued to monitor the apartment as before.

"Is there any report?" Nick Fury asked the agents through the headset.

"We haven't found a specific target so far, but the only thing that can be confirmed is that the energy fluctuations are transmitted from the third floor, the outer room. We have dispatched agents, pretending to be TV payers, to go up to investigate the situation .”

(End of this chapter)

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