Meiman's eldest son of God

Chapter 2: The Aftermath of the Tribulation?

Chapter 2: The Aftermath of the Tribulation?

After following several battles with Protoss, Mark has achieved an unprecedented improvement.The vast majority of protoss warriors also accepted this, warriors with human bodies and souls.

Especially the heroic performance on the battlefield saved many Protoss warriors.

However, because Mark is a time traveler, some things were prevented in advance, and some things did not happen as expected.

The Dark Templar, Zeratul did not die, nor did the Golden Fleet fall into Amon's hands.

The Protoss, who regained their homeland, multiplied and thrived on the homeland until the final battle came.

In the void, humans, swarms, and protoss, the three races fighting each other, finally defeated the fallen creator Sarnaga Amon.

Take the world back from his grasp.

And Sarah Kerrigan, Queen of Blades, was also promoted to become a new god.

Humans and protoss signed a peace agreement, and the swarm returned to their territory, and the universe seemed to have fallen into "peace" again.

But after the final battle was over, another mysterious creature appeared in Mark's body.

He calls himself Eamon!
But to be precise, it is not the Amon in this cycle of the universe.

He is in another reincarnation world, has controlled the whole world, and broke the reincarnation of Amon.

Because of the death of Amon in this world, the connection with other parallel worlds was successfully opened.The Emon who had broken the reincarnation found Mark, the only outsider in this world.

Although Mark is not the kind of person who has righteousness and can sacrifice himself for the world, he knows that no matter how stubborn he is, he can't defeat this Xel'Naga who has infinite power.

In order to stop this endless torture, Mark chose to commit suicide.

However, everything is not as Mark imagined, and it ends here.

Things are just getting started.


As the music of Led Zeppelin's Immigrant Song played in a loop, Mark gradually woke up from his unconscious consciousness.

We come from the land of ice and snow.

From the midnight sun that surges from the hot springs.


The familiar lyrics are still so kind, which makes Mark, who is gradually waking up, feel relaxed.Because Mark knows that in the interstellar world, there is absolutely no such song.

Although I don't know where I am now, hearing this song means it's a good thing.

I couldn't help but feel better, and hummed softly along with this song.

However, humming, he gradually realized that something was not quite right.

Because his body was still filled with that energy.

Mark seemed to be crazy, and rushed towards the bathroom. For some reason, it seemed that he should know where the bathroom was.The remaining memories are not all gone yet.

The self in this mirror, this face is still the self in the interstellar world.

A terrible possibility gradually rose in Mark's mind. He subconsciously swallowed a mouthful of saliva, stretched out his hand, and watched the lightning jumping at his fingertips.

This is lightning made of psionic energy, and every templar will learn this trick.A skilled templar can even gather the spiritual energy in the body into a ball of light and emit it.

It's just that this kind of damage can only hurt those marines wearing power armor, or springtails.

As for the fanatics who have the same spiritual shield, let's go to sleep!

"Dong dong dong!" The rapid knock on the door woke up Mark, who hadn't realized what was going on around him.

"Mark, should you pay this month's rent? It has been delayed for a week. If you don't pay it, you will sleep on the street tomorrow." The landlord of the apartment turned around and left after leaving these words.

He didn't care whether Mark heard what he said, anyway, if he didn't pay the rent tomorrow, he would throw Mark out on the street as he said.

By the way, the landlord Mark also had no choice. The memory that emerged gradually made him understand what the environment he was in now.

The landlord is quite mean. He even drove a seriously ill mother and daughter out of his apartment.But no one would stand up to the mother and daughter.

Because they cannot pay the money or rent a house, they can only leave the apartment, even if they are seriously ill.

This is so cruel.

After all, this is a country with 50 stars and 13 bars (this is also considered black, is the American medical system not counted?).

What is certain is that I have time-traveled again, but I don't know if this world I have time-traveled to is my original world.

Not long ago, Mark lost his last job as a newspaper reporter and became a complete vagrant.

Mark, who has a headache now, doesn't want to think about other things at all. He turned on the TV in boredom, hoping to find some clues from some news or other things broadcast on TV.

However, with the broadcast of a piece of news in the morning news, Mark felt even more headache.

"Mr. Tony Stark received a new order from the military not long ago..."

Mark didn't even have to watch it, he turned off the TV, and the name of this big stallion appeared, which meant that he had traveled through a world that was not his original at all.

After experiencing all kinds of wars in the interstellar world, Mark really just wants to live in peace.At the beginning, I still miss my hometown and people in my hometown, but in the era of space colonization in the interstellar world, there is no distinction between countries and races.

With countless wars and missions, this feeling has gradually been buried in the deepest part of my heart.

When I was awake once, similar feelings did arise again, but with the appearance of Tony Stark, this feeling was buried deep again to avoid hurting myself.

The deception in disguise is also to protect themselves. Ghost agents often perform tasks that they do not want to perform. Some tasks are too cruel, so they learn skills about closing their feelings.

Coupled with the special strengthening items used by some ghost agents, the spirit of some ghost agents is not normal, and it feels like a group of lunatics.

However, this group of lunatics is nothing compared to another group of agents who have become ghosts.

But to put it simply, to describe it in one sentence is that I am an emotional killer (no wonder).

However, just when Mark made up his mind to live peacefully in the Marvel world, a voice in his body broke Mark's fantasy.

"You are such a lunatic. You actually used a lot of terrazine to kill yourself in order to get rid of me. Don't you know that thing is a kind of strengthening for me?"

(End of this chapter)

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