Meiman's eldest son of God

Chapter 4 Trapped on the Space Carrier

Chapter 4 Trapped on the Space Carrier
Chapter 4 Trapped on the Space Carrier

But before the agent's intelligence report was completed, powerful energy fluctuations gushed out from the third floor.The agent, disguised as a payroll officer for the TV station, flew straight out of the window.

Nick, who heard the sound of broken glass, rushed to the safe area immediately, taking Agent Hill along with him.

"Hill, you didn't tell me that this mission is so dangerous." Nick said, looking at the broken glass that fell on the ground and the disguised agent who happened to hit their car.

"If I knew everything, then I would not be a small agent now, but the director of S.H.I.E.L.D...."

Facing Hill's irony, Nick was not angry, and then looked up the stairs after that white eye.At the same time, he turned to the headset and instructed the other agents: "Closely monitor every move on the third floor, and absolutely no one is allowed to leave there. If there is any information, report to me immediately, and no relevant personnel can be let go. Inform the relevant departments to block this place." An area. And tell the cops who came that the Homeland Strategic Defense Offensive and Logistics Agency has taken over!"

On the third floor.

Mark felt the force developed in his body, and a large number of arcs surged around him, and these arcs were like wild pythons.

Destroy everything that can be destroyed around it.All the electrical appliances in the entire house have been completely destroyed by this high voltage.

Eamon!Part of the terrazine that hadn't been absorbed before was infused into his body.

This powerful hallucinogenic gas made Mark immediately see something he didn't want to see.

A strong inner reaction responds to terrazine.

Mark was also a ghost agent who had undergone rigorous training, coupled with the previous enhancement in the laboratory, it caused Mark to not be as mentally abnormal as he imagined, that is, his brain was slightly abnormal.

He has a very clear meaning now, and he is consciously controlling those electric arcs, retracting them into his body.

After 2 minutes, this violent energy finally gradually gathered.

However, Mark, who spent a lot of mental energy, also passed out because of this.

Nick, who hurried upstairs, looked at Mark who fell unconscious on the ground, and immediately ordered his arrest.


Inside the prison of the Aircraft Carrier Division of the Homeland Strategic Defense Attack and Logistic Support Agency.

Because Ma attacked a S.H.I.E.L.D. agent before, this also led to Ma being imprisoned, and there were no problems with the arrest procedures.

Although it is said to be cut first and played later, as long as this loophole is not caught, basically there is no big problem.

Besides, the Homeland Strategic Defense Attack and Logistic Support Bureau, which has all hands and eyes, doesn't care about this issue at all.

When Mark woke up again, seeing that he was already in the cage, he already knew that his current situation was not very ideal.

However, Mark, strengthened by terrazine, easily opened the cage.

Even though the cage has been connected to high-voltage electricity, it has no effect on Mark at all.

The sound of several steel plates falling to the ground sounded, and at this time the door that originally led to the outside world was blocked by erected steel plates.

Director Nick's voice sounded from the loudspeaker: "Mark Komnenos, reporter for the New York Daily News, a New Yorker..."

A piece of information about Mark was broadcast by Nick.Mark's memory began to gradually recover every time a message was broadcast.

When the broadcast finally ended, Mark shook his head a little uncomfortable.

"Mr. Komnenos, I hope you can explain what is happening to your body now. Have you been in contact with anything special recently?" Nick's voice rang again, and an LCD screen was added to a steel plate .

It was the braised egg that was shown inside, no, it was the bald head of the Director of S.H.I.E.L.D.

"No, no." Mark categorically denied that he had been in contact with any special things, and there was no need to lie about things that he didn't have.

"Can you please explain what happened to you?"

"Who are you guys? Why do you ask me about my privacy?" Mark was quite sensible, pretending not to know these guys.

However, Emon, who was hiding in Mark's body, was laughing loudly.

Through some inductions, Emon can roughly sense that Mark should know these people in front of him. People who are proficient in psychology and micro-expressions can also analyze Mark's current state from Mark's tone of voice, movements and other aspects.

So this is not an accidental ability.

For Amon who has already mastered the entire universe, it is simply a piece of cake.

"If you don't cooperate with your work, this makes us very troublesome. You must know that you attacked an agent of the FBI not long ago. You must know that attacking a federal agent is a very serious crime. You may face prison The disaster, and the time is not short." Nick said pretending to be threatening.

In fact, this is indeed the case. The agent who disguised himself as a TV toll collector is still registered in the Federation.It can also play a role at certain critical moments.

"First of all, I don't know who your so-called federal agents are. Secondly, I was at my home at the time. According to the Non-Concession Law and the Castle Law, I have the right to protect my personal interests in my home." Mark still has a little understanding of this For things, just open your mouth.

It's a pity that he is not facing ordinary people. Nick Fury is notoriously old-fashioned, can he do things he is not sure about?joke!

Nick Fury, who never fought uncertain battles, immediately said: "According to the agreement you signed with the landlord, you were no longer the owner of that room half a week ago, so the castle law does not apply to you, Of course, our federal agent was carrying out a secret mission at the time, so there was no need to report to you. Moreover, that agent did not pose any threat to you, because the action was necessary, and your identity at the time was a TV payer, but you will The agent was seriously injured and is still in the intensive care unit. Do you think you can escape the sanctions?"

It is almost impossible to even think about arm wrestling with S.H.I.E.L.D. through formal channels.The end result will only make yourself covered in injuries.So at this time, some necessary measures must be adopted.

When the psychic lightning forcibly melted the steel plates, the agents of S.H.I.E.L.D. who had been waiting outside for a long time were exposed, each holding a non-lethal suppression gun.However, the bullets they fired did not pose any threat to Mark.

The psionic shield blocked those attacks.

(End of this chapter)

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