Hercules Walk

Chapter 226 Search

Chapter 226 Search
Mordekaiser as a human died long ago.His sudden wealth attracted domestic rebels and righteous robbers from abroad. After a whole day of bloody fighting, Mordekaiser ushered in a node of fate.

Laughing, he stood on top of a mountain of corpses, surrounded by enemies.Arrows, blades and spears pierced his body.Then his body was thrown onto a huge pile of firewood together with his armor, and was charred by teppanyaki.

However, a group of dark mages used these charred bones and undead magic to bring him back to life.And set an oath, as long as his bones are still intact, there is no way to kill him completely.

Immortality, this is Mordekaiser's confidence.

It's just that undead magic is always a joke in front of Wang Dali.

Wang Dali reached out and grabbed Mordekaiser's head, holding the helmet made of the same material as Ye Yun's.With the sound of metal twisting that made people's teeth sour, the precious helmet with hundreds of years of history became a piece of scrap iron.

Wang Dali let go of his hand, his head was deformed, and Mordekaiser, who was knocked unconscious by the impact of his soul, threw the golden mountain and the jade pillar to the ground.Just when he was about to slap the opponent, the Ghost Rider hurried over to stop him.

"Wait, I'm not full yet!"

When Yeyun was destroyed, he surrounded the ghost knights and beat them up, but because of the protection of the pendant, the army of undeads who couldn't break through the opponent's defenses all stopped and turned into spirits all over the sky and dissipated.Many of them turned their heads to show gratitude to Wang Dali before they dissipated.

It's just that in this way, Ghost Rider didn't eat anything, and wasted half a day of hell flames.

"He is carrying undead magic on his body, can you do it?"

"of course can."

Chao Wangli showed a confident smile, and stood aside the sickle in his hand. The ghost knight knelt in front of Mordekaiser, looked down at the unconscious ghost, and opened his mouth.

Boom boom boom! ! !
The next moment, slices of hell flames poured out from his mouth, splashing on Mordekaiser's body.Under the dark night sky, this crimson bright flame illuminated the surrounding area, just like the breath of a giant dragon, it looked violent and gorgeous.

In the attack of hell flames, wisps of green aura were washed out from the inside of the armor.Mordekaiser's body was twitching constantly, as if he was about to wake up from a coma.

Therefore, Wang Dali added another kick to the opponent's head, so that his soul did not wake up until the time of death.

Under the shroud of hellfire like a natural enemy, even the undead magic of Valoran could not resist for too long.After several minutes of calcination, the armor suddenly shrank.

Then, a pitch-black soul was swallowed by the ghost knight who stopped breathing.

"Hi~ It tastes good."

He belched in satisfaction, then hesitated for a moment, reported the motorcycle that had just been destroyed by Hecarim, and then put his hand on the red armor that was burned by the flames.

The hellfire within Ghost Rider's body once again showed its powerful assimilation ability, and these red-hot metal components began to change constantly.They seem to have their own consciousness, covering the wreckage of the motorcycle.

With the injection of this fresh force, the two slowly began to merge.

Metals are blending, high-tech products from modern industry are combined with fantasy handmade armor from another world.Soon, an evil spirit chariot that looked like a real ancient chariot appeared in front of the two of them.

It has a punk-style metal spike skin, and the shape of the lampshade is a skull wearing a helmet, with two curved motorcycle handles, just like a demon.

"Hellfire is really a useful thing."

Looking at the chariot full of violence and punk metal style in front of him, Wang Dali was also a little moved.Although the power of the hell flame is not strong, its plasticity and practicality are very high.

"Come on man, I'll take you for a ride."

Patting his freshly baked chariot, Ghost Rider hung the scythe on the right side of the motorcycle, in a groove he had just pulled out on purpose.When Wang Dali also sat up, he ignited the engine of the evil spirit chariot, causing the beast to rush out with a bang, leaving a long trail of flames behind it.


On the other side, next to the Calibration Light of the Shadow Isles.

Originally, this was a beautiful and spectacular magical facility that everyone who came to Fuguang Island had to pass by.The rune energy refracts each other through the eight rectangular and thick stone pillars forming a regular octagon, and the final point is on the tallest stone pillar in the center.

The light emitted by this stone pillar just divided the island into two halves.

But now, the eight weather-beaten stone pillars have collapsed, and only three and a half are still standing. The rune energy rays that can be called a scene of Fuguang Island have not appeared in decades.

Right here, Thresh, who had just passed by, stopped his footsteps.He held his soul-locking lamp as a node of the Shadow Island's rune circle, and after sensing it for a while, he turned around decisively and rushed towards the edge of the Shadow Island.

"What a terrifying mysterious person. Even Mordekaiser was killed. Although I am a bit reluctant to part with the foundation of the Shadow Isles, I'd better go and hide outside."

Several other people who came here did not have Thresh's ability, but they all rushed here one after another.

The first to come here was Yorick, who followed Mordekaiser and carried many corpses.He glanced at the scorched land around him and the continuous line of fire, and then turned his attention to the armor and helmet that fell off after Hecarim was killed.

"Yes, it's his armor."

So, was Hecarim killed here by the one with the fire ability?
Yorick thought about it, and then noticed Gatling, who neither Ghost Rider nor Wang Dali had taken away.

"what is this?"

Yorick, who had lived on the Shadow Isles for hundreds of years, didn't know what a gun was, so Gatling, who had regained his original form after losing the bonus of hellfire, picked it up.

Lifting the somewhat heavy Gatling, Yorick curiously pressed what seemed to be the trigger of the mechanism button.The six-hole barrel on the Gatling gun began to rotate under his surprised gaze, and then some remaining bullets shot out immediately, smashing the corpse pointed by the two barrels into pieces.

"nice one!"

Before he had time to grieve for the two corpses he had lost, Yorick's eyes lit up with joy.He looked at the bullets connected to Gatling's chamber and the ammunition box with more than half of the bullets left, and let the two corpses walk towards the beach with their backs in excitement.

Because here, he vaguely saw a large sailing ship docked on the beach not far away.

It didn't take long for Yorick, who walked to the shore, to be ecstatic and dancing excitedly.If it wasn't for fear of being discovered, he would even yell.

Yorick hurriedly took a large number of corpses onto the warship of the War College, manipulated the corpses to force it to start, and slowly sailed away from the Shadow Island.

On the Shadow Isles, with nothing to do but survive and no one to talk to, Yorick rummaged through all the books he could find to pass the time.And because Fuguang Island is an island, many books in it belong to the category of navigation.

Maokai, the Twisted Dryad, and Kalista, the Spear of Vengeance, arrived at about the same time as the ship was disappearing below sea level.

"This is Hecarim's armor!"

Gritting her teeth, Kalista, who wanted to eat him alive, recognized at a glance who the metal armor on the ground belonged to.She couldn't help but quickly stepped forward, grabbed these armors in her hands and carefully identified them.

"That's right, it's his!"

Calista nodded fiercely, and threw the armor in her hand on the ground forcefully.She stretched out her right hand, the power of the soul surged, and one after another, the green soul spears were condensed by her, shooting at these armors that had no owner one after another.

Dangdang sounds sounded in succession, and Calista's soul spear almost pierced these armors and Hecarim's helmet like a hedgehog.Then, Calista clasped her right hand and pulled it out forcefully.


More than 20 soul lances impaled on the armor exploded simultaneously, shattering Hecarim's only relic.After 'lashing' Hecarim, Kalista glanced at Maokai and followed the line of fire left by the Wraith Chariot.

In any case, the other party is the benefactor who avenged her.If only Kalista is alone, there is no way to take Hecarim who has an entire shadow cavalry regiment.She also assassinated the other party several times, but all ended in failure.

Maokai on the side bent down, with a tense expression, and hurriedly put one of his branches on the remaining flames on the ground to burn.In the pain of being burned by the flames, this small branch was charred.

Maokai touched it lightly, and the charcoal fell to the ground.Then he activated the polluted natural force in his body, and grew his own finger back.

"Water and fire are the source of life."

Maokai had a fanatical smile on his face, and also strode along the line of fire in pursuit.

He hadn't seen a fire in many years since Blessed Isle became Shadow Isle.In his precious memory, You can still remember hundreds of years ago, the people on Fuguang Island lit a large bonfire in front of him, sang and danced around it, and happily held the annual harvest festival.

Seeing the happy smiles on people's faces is the happiest moment for him.

So this island was first born of hot lava, and I will purify it of its ills with the same fire.Maokai believed that when all the wraiths and dark runic power of the Shadow Isles were burned away, life would be born anew on the cursed isle.

(End of this chapter)

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