Hercules Walk

Chapter 225 Morde Kaiser

Chapter 225 Morde Kaiser
Wang Dali still doesn't know about the Zhanzheng College. Not long after Ghost Rider killed Hecarim, another evil aura quickly approached the two of them.

Thanks to the open environment on the wilderness, they quickly saw each other.

It was a metal knight wearing silver full-body heavy armor, only revealing a pair of eyes burning with evil resentment.He carried a huge one-handed heavy hammer on his shoulder, and the spherical hammer head was full of sharp spikes.

When the other party approached, the edges of some armor on his body shattered and turned into countless sharp iron pieces, attacking the two of them like a rain curtain.

"It's just in time, I'm not full yet!"

Ghost Rider held the handle of the scythe with both hands, stood in front of Wang Dali and began to spin it like a stick.Under the control of the ghost knight, the hell flame on the sickle formed an umbrella-shaped shield, blocking in front of the two of them.

Ding ding ding ding, a series of metal collisions sounded.The iron curtain rain shot by the opponent was all blocked by the ghost knight, and in terms of power, it was no worse than a shuttle of submachine gun bullets.

The attackers were soon before them, then.

The opponent was tall, not shorter than Wang Dali and Ghost Rider.But with his bloated armor due to his size, his legs appear to be very short.

But he didn't come alone.Not long after, behind him came the army of undead that he cultivated on Shadow Isle.

Compared with the shadow cavalry regiment of Hecarim just now, Mordekaiser is densely packed behind him, and it is hard to see how many people can be called an army.

"I am Mordekaiser, Lord of the Shadow Isles, new evil spirit, you are willing to surrender to me!"

Mordekaiser glanced at the wreckage of Hecarim, and said to the Ghost Rider with some surprise.As for Wang Dali who stood beside the opponent as a human being, in his eyes, he could barely become cannon fodder in his army.

Looking at the army behind Mordekaiser, Ghost Rider felt that he would be exhausted if he slashed over with a single knife.So, he turned his head and said to Wang Dali.

"There are so many souls here that I can't eat them all by myself."

"Then you can rest those ordinary souls in peace, and leave the leading one to me."

Wang Dali patted Ghost Rider on the shoulder, and hooked his fingers towards Mordekaiser.

"Fatty, let's go and practice."

"Fat man?"

Mordekaiser pointed at himself in surprise and let out a cruel laugh.It was probably because he hadn't met anyone who dared to challenge him for a long time. He didn't say much, but he actually left his army and followed Wang Dali to the nearby woods.

Later, he will make this human regret what he just said.


Mordekaiser has a magical mace called Nightfall, which can pull out and control the souls of those he kills.Most of the Shadow Isle is his domain, and even Thresh is unwilling to confront him as he is considered to be half the owner of the Shadow Isle.

Unlike those inferior undead, Mordekaiser is not bound by the black mist, because he is too powerful.But the vicious energy of the black mist allowed him to absorb more powerful power, so he recharged his energy on the Shadow Island, and by the way, cultivated a group of undead army that would allow him to return to the mainland to fight again.

If the League of Legends knew of his existence, it would be impossible for a few heroes to arrive.

Halfway through, facing the back of Wang Dali's head, Mordekaiser slammed down the heavy hammer with the sound of the wind.As a warlord leader who has achieved the position of king, Mordekaiser has never been a person who follows the rules.

"I said fat man, you are too anxious."

But Wang Dali fought back without looking at it, and grabbed the spiked Yeyun in his hand.Mordekaiser was amazed that the magic weapon could not even pierce the skin of his hand under the action of huge power.

He began to realize that this seemingly ordinary human being was not at his mercy as he had imagined.

"Then I'll start too."

Glancing at Mordekaiser and Wang Dali who were already fighting, the ghost knight clenched the weapon he had just obtained.The scorching flames of hell spread all over it, actively meeting the Nether army on the opposite side.

Just like harvesting wheat, when the ghost rider sweeps away with a scythe, several undead will be burned to ashes by the flames of hell.These evil spirits left in the human world were restrained by the flames from hell. Given the large difference in level, the evil spirit knights naturally swept away a large number of them.


"Destroy Siphon!"

Mordekaiser's battle armor was black and shiny, and two will-o'-the-wisps burned in the horned helmet.He stretched out one arm, and the steel gauntlet made a clenched and dragged movement in the air. Wang Dali felt that the air around him seemed to freeze, as if an invisible big hand was holding him in it, and clenched it tightly.

But Wang Dali just turned around and waved his hand casually to break Mordekaiser's confinement here.Then the other party pointed in the air, and a beam of evil necromantic light shone on Wang Dali.

But the light that hit Wang Dali was like a mud cow falling into the sea, and the victim himself didn't react at all.

"Why, is this all you can do?"

Under Wang Dali's indifferent face and light tone, Mordekaiser, who felt that he had lost face, called to the army behind him.A group of ghost knights with three times the number of the Hecarim cavalry just now broke away from the siege of the ghost knights and rushed towards Wang Dali.

"The quality is not enough, how about the quantity?"

Wang Dali shook his head, and commented on Mordekaiser's decision with some disappointment,


He raised his right hand and waved, summoning a huge tornado just like facing Hecarim's shadow army just now.In the face of this terrifying power of nature, Mordekaiser's army and Hecarim's army behaved no differently, and those who could not resist at all were involved.

"Son of Death!"

Feeling the huge threat from Wang Dali, Mordekaiser's eyes turned solemn, and he directly used his strongest moves.He injected at least one-third of the magic power in his body into Yeyun, covering the silver-gray one-handed hammer with a light green light.

Then he raised the heavy hammer in his hand, and hit Wang Dali's chest with a bang, who did not dodge or resist at all.

court death!

Mordekaiser raised a cruel smile at the corner of his mouth for the other party's support.The magic on Yeyun allows it to not only attack the enemy's body, but also attack the enemy's soul.

After one blow, Mordekaiser saw that the other party hadn't moved, and used the chaotic cloak hammer technique, knocking bang bang bang bang bang bang bang on Wang Dali's body like blacksmithing.

After dozens of hammers full of magic power, just when Mordekaiser thought that Wang Dali would definitely die, with a click, what made him dumbfounded was that Yeyun, who had been with him for hundreds of years, just stood there helplessly. It crumbled to pieces in front of him.

What made him feel even more like falling into the abyss was that the 'dead' Wang Dali swept the dust off his body and said to him coldly.

"Is it cool to knock? Then it's my turn."

(End of this chapter)

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