Hercules Walk

Chapter 224 Judgment

Chapter 224 Judgment

The overturned motorcycle fell over and the ghost rider shook his head and got up from the ground.Before he knew it, the battlefield between him and Hecarim had shifted from the beach to the nearby wilderness.

Hecarim drove his four hooves, stepped on the underworld fire, came to the side of the motorcycle that fell to the ground, and pulled out the barbed halberd.Then he raised the knife and smashed the ghost rider's motorcycle chariot into pieces amidst the sparks of hellfire and the power of ghosts.

Afterwards, Hecarim opened his hands to absorb the dark rune energy from the Shadow Isle, causing the power of the ghost in his body to skyrocket.One after another, the warheads were separated from his body, and when they fell to the ground, there was a sound of metal collisions from time to time.

Afterwards, on his armor that was integrated with his body, the hole that had just been punched out by the Vulcan cannon was slowly recovering, and it would soon become the same as the new one.

"I'm very angry and the consequences are serious!"

On the other side, watching the flames of hell on his beloved chariot gradually disappear, and it was obvious that he could not survive, the angry ghost knight clenched his fists.

The flames of hell on his body surged violently, forming a huge flaming skull on top of his head.Ghost Rider held his right hand empty, and pointed at Hecarim. The flaming skull above his head opened its huge mouth also formed by flames, and let out a terrifying laugh towards Hecarim in an arc that humans couldn't reach. Karim rushed away.


Facing the menacing flaming skull, Hecarim raised his halberd and slashed at the flaming skull flying towards him.The evil green blade of the war halberd shone strangely on the pitch-black Shadow Island without even the moonlight, cutting out a long half-moon energy.

The Flame Skull and Ghost Half Moon Slash collided in front of Hecarim, and the direct collision of the two energies produced a violent explosion.A powerful storm erupted from the intersection of the two, digging out criss-crossing chaotic ravines on the wilderness.


In this energy storm, the Ghost Rider whose clothes were torn suddenly rushed out, and let out a roar that didn't look like a human being.He hugged Hecarim's icy armor, staring straight at him with empty eyes.

"Look into my eyes! Your soul is stained with the blood of innocents. Now, feel their pain!"

As Ghost Rider's words of judgment were uttered, the flames of hell on his body moved without any wind, quickly enveloping Hecarim completely.

But the centaur warrior did not sit still, and the power of the ghost in his body fought fiercely against the invasion of the hellfire.The dark green energy and the red and blue hell flames attack each other, but they are quickly suppressed by the opponent who is like a natural enemy.

The green light on Hecarim's body was rapidly weakening, he dropped the halberd in his hand, tightly grasped the ghost knight's body with both hands, trying to throw him off himself with all his strength.Wang Dali at the side could even hear the rattling sound of the bones on the Ghost Rider's body.

However, before Hecarim succeeded, the hell flames on Ghost Rider swallowed him first.I saw a sense of confusion in his eyes, and his body soon became motionless.

At this time, in Hecarim's spiritual world, he was brandishing the barbed halberd, fighting with the souls of countless people killed by him.

"Kill! Kill! Kill! Since I was able to kill your body before, I can kill your soul now!"

With his roar, one enemy after another fell under Hecarim's halberd, but it was just a drop in the bucket.Now Hecarim is surrounded by thousands of souls, even though he slashed and killed dozens of people fiercely, the remaining souls still rushed towards him fearlessly.

Here, the centaur knight couldn't use his speed advantage at all, and not all the people who were killed by Hecarim were weak.A general holding a large shield blocked Hecarim's halberd with the shield in his hand.

The next moment, several soldiers jumped up, and while lying on Hecarim's body, they also inserted the weapons in their hands deeply.

"Ah ah ah ah ah ah ah!!!"

The wounded Hecarim let out a cry of pain, and swung his halberd in an arc, killing more than ten people again.Immediately afterwards, the general with a large shield in his hand threw himself at him with all his might, throwing the giant centaur to the ground.

Soon, countless souls behind him pressed on, and Hecarim's body was buried.

In reality, a faint milky white soul was sucked into the ghost knight's mouth.

After Hecarim died, the armor on his body fell to the ground with a bang, and he picked up the barbed halberd on the ground.Under the erosion of the flames of hell, the dark green halberd slowly turned silver-black.The arc of the barb on the blade of the halberd became larger and larger, and with continuous deformation and transformation, it finally turned into the shape of a scythe.

Holding his new weapon and swiping it twice, hearing the sound of the air being torn apart, Ghost Rider nodded in satisfaction.

"not bad."


Moving forward in time, when Wang Dali went to find Ghost Rider, the Zhanzheng College had already exploded.

It has been eight hours since the heroes came back from the Shadow Island, but Wang Dali has been missing.After asking Ezreal to open the door of Wang Dali's room, there was no one there.

"How do I know where he went?"

When asked by Ryze, Jinx rolled his eyes.

"What he sent back and forth may have returned to his own world."

"Back to your own world?"

Hearing this, Ruiz shook his head helplessly.

"If that's the case, we can only wait for him to come back."

Ryze, who has been a thousand-year-old mage, knows that some powerful protoss can travel between different worlds.He just didn't expect that Wang Dali's portal would have such a function.

While everyone was waiting, the achievements of Wang Dali severely injuring the Spider God and instantly killing Karthus and the female demon Evelyn gradually reached the ears of the heads of various forces.Especially after they knew that Wang Dali could lead people to teleport, they made a decision to win over Wang Dali almost at the same time.No matter how bad it is, we must improve the relationship with him.

If it weren't for the fear of Wang Dali's strength, maybe some people have already issued the decision of 'If you can't get it, then don't let others get it'
Therefore, when Wang Dali himself could not be found, a group of people found Jinx, who had the deepest relationship with Wang Dali, and who might have had a very cordial communication with him. Even Sharina was questioned.

A shameless gambler even offered a price of one thousand rune gold coins for information, but unfortunately, no one was cheated.

For a while, because of Wang Dali, an undercurrent surged in Zhanzheng College.

(End of this chapter)

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