Hercules Walk

Chapter 227 Rune Circle

Chapter 227 Rune Circle
Driving the new evil spirit chariot, the evil spirit knight led Wang Dali to the place on Shadow Island that he felt the most evil and wanted to destroy the most.

Along the way, the speed of the ghost chariot is comparable to that of a high-speed rail.Countless broken stones and fallen leaves were blown up by the strong wind behind the car, but only the long line of fire remained.

Soon, the two came to the former mysterious basement on Shadow Island.

The mysterious basement was originally a place used by a religious group on the blessed island to seal evil and cursed things. His master, who was also the former guard, is the current Warden Thresh.

Here is the source of the black magic sweeping the entire island.

"Evil breath!"

Because of the outbreak of black magic, the surface environment here has undergone great changes.One after another huge criss-crossing ravines divided the surrounding area of ​​the treasure house into pieces, only the middle building was still intact.

The Ghost Rider stopped here, picked up the scythe on the car, twisted his head, and walked towards the interior of the basement first.

It was quiet in the basement at this time, and there was no one there.Ghost Rider's leather shoes stepped on the bluestone floor of the basement, making a crisp bang, and then the sound turned into an echo that vibrated in the basement.

The basement has very strong evil rune energy, which is several times higher than that of the outside world.The ghost knight frowned, and raised the sickle in his hand high. A very huge flame radiated on the blade of the sickle, and the fiery light illuminated the entire basement.

Whips, chains, maces, bone knives, nails, and many instruments of torture on the table appeared under the light of the fire.The first floor here is not so much a treasure house as a torture chamber.

Although there is no dark blood stain on it, Ghost Rider can feel that each of the instruments of torture has at least two digits, and some souls with three digits are screaming and crying.

Seeing this, Ghost Rider's anger welled up, and the flames of hell on his body burned even more vigorously.He waved the sickle in his hand, several huge flaming knives rushed around, detonated the countless instruments of torture hanging on it, and then burned them up.

The flames of hell are burning all around, lighting up the surrounding dark environment.After cleaning up, Ghost Rider held the sickle and prepared to continue walking inward.But Wang Dali, who was standing at the door of the treasure house, said to him.

"Come on out, Johnny. I have an easier way."

When Ghost Rider walked out of the hall, Wang Dali put his right hand flat on his chest, palm facing up.He gestured towards the mysterious basement in front of him, and then it seemed that an invisible shovel moved with him, digging out a huge arc below the mysterious basement.

With a distance of almost half a meter, the entire mysterious basement was divided into two by Wang Dali.Its upper part seems to be supported by something, suspended in the air.

Then, Wang Dali clenched his left hand into a fist, and hit his right hand with a snap.The upper part of the mysterious basement was instantly crushed into a cake like a sand castle under a steamroller, and Wang Dali threw it aside like trash.

After clearing the upper part of the mysterious basement, the scene of the basement was exposed to the two of them.Countless organs among them were dismantled by Wang Dali, and most of them have failed.

But some organs were touched, several kinds of black magic and poison gas were released in the basement, and sharp arrows and short spears that cast curses flew.Many wraiths carefully cultivated by Thresh and sealed up as defensive measures also appeared in the basement.

Sensing the invaders not far away, the desire for flesh and blood made the wraiths rush towards the two howling crazily, wanting to imprint the pain that Thresh inflicted on themselves on Wang Dali and Ghost Rider.

"Let me come this time."

Holding the scythe in both hands, the ghost knight approached the wraiths like a god of death.The blade with the flames of hell split their bodies in two very easily because of the restraint of attributes.

The huge flaming sickle flew up and down. Although he didn't know how to use the sickle, the ghost knight, who was immersed in hacking for a while, quickly killed the wraiths.

After the upper part disappeared, the large magic circle hidden at the bottom of the mysterious basement was exposed to the air.The runes engraved with formation patterns covered the bottom of the basement, and faint black mist and huge dark rune energy were continuously released from it.

"What's next?"

After solving the wraith, the ghost knight, who knew nothing about magic circles, asked Wang Dali.

"I don't know how to crack this magic circle, but Ryze should know."

Wang Dali shook his head.This magic circle happened to be set up on the rune node of the Shadow Isles.If it is cracked violently, it is very likely to cause the energy of the entire Shadow Island to collapse, and then form a huge black hole in space.

The world where the Valoran continent is located is already very unstable, and it is not ruled out that the emergence of this space black hole will cause a chain reaction, causing the entire world to be swallowed by a space storm.


Ghost Rider was a little puzzled, it was a name he had never heard of.

"It's a mage in this world who has lived for more than 1000 years. Huh?"

Speaking of Ruiz, Wang Dali suddenly remembered that they seemed to have been waiting for him at Zhanzheng College for several hours.

This is a bit embarrassing.

Wang Dali opened a portal and said to the Ghost Rider before stepping in.

"Johnny, wait here first, I'll call someone over."


At this time, Zhanzheng College was already shrouded in darkness, and the time was close to twelve o'clock in the evening.Ezreal's tavern was about to close, and only a few people were drinking their last glass of wine.

When Wang Dali appeared, he instantly attracted the attention of everyone present.

"Where have you been, Wang? Many people are looking for you."

"A glass of Pomporia. I went to explore the Shadow Isles with a friend, and before I knew it, I lost track of time."

Sitting in front of the bar, Wang Dali said to Ezreal.

"Do me a favor and call Ryze, I have an important discovery."

"Important discovery?"

Ezreal glanced at the heroes present with their ears pricked up, and said to Rui Wen who was resting on a stool.

"Okay, Ruiwen, please go for a walk."


The white-haired girl responded, and quickly disappeared into the tavern.At the same time, several heroes in the tavern also checked out and left.


"Vengeance flame soul? No, no."

Together with Sharina and Ruiwen, Ryze came to Ezreal's tavern in about half an hour and a minute, and Wang Dali also brought the Ghost Rider over from Shadow Island.

After seeing the Ghost Rider, Ryze was startled at first, but quickly denied his judgment.Although the Vengeful Flame Soul also has flames flowing all over his body, the opponent still has flesh and blood.

"Mr. Dali, who is this?"

"This is my friend, Ghost Rider Johnny."

Wang Donglai patted Ghost Rider on the shoulder.

"Johnny, cancel the transformation."

With a puff of black smoke, the flames of hell on Ghost Rider's body slowly extinguished.The human body returned to Johnny.

"Uh, hello, I'm Johnny Blazer."

According to the custom of greeting in the United States, Johnny extended his right hand to Ryze.

"Hello, I'm Ryze."

The wandering mage is an archmage with thousands of years of experience. Even though there was no handshake ceremony on Valoran, he quickly reacted when he saw Johnny's open hand and shook it like him.

"It's not too late, Ryze, let's take a look with us. Johnny and I have already found the rune energy array on Shadow Island. Let's see how to solve it."

The group, including the curious Ezreal, Ahri, and Jinx go through the portal together.But to their surprise, there were other people here.

One of them is a soul body, and another soul body is connected behind it; while the other side is a tall treant with twisted branches.

Judging by the positions of the three, they should not be in the same group.

The first time the two sides met, they made alert gestures almost at the same time.While judging people by their cover is not a good thing, the vast majority of people in the world do.

The circumstances are unknown, so Johnny also turned into a Ghost Rider.When they saw the hell flames covering Johnny, the other three were startled, and actually lowered their weapons at the same time.

The tense atmosphere gradually disappeared, and one of the female souls wearing armor and holding a soul spear asked.

"Did you kill Hecarim?"

Her voice is like gold and iron, completely different from what humans should be like.

"You mean the centaur?"

Seeing this, Ghost Rider also lowered the sickle in his hand.

"That is my life and death enemy, thank you for avenging me."

The soul spear in Calista's hand dissipated, and she looked at the ghost knight with gratitude in her eyes.

Seeing the other party's appearance, it was obvious that they couldn't fight anymore, everyone put away their weapons, and Wang Dali stepped forward to ask her.

"you are?"

"You don't need to know who I am."

Calista said to him with a cold expression, then turned and knelt down on one knee towards the Vengeful Spirit.

"Come on, the revenge will be avenged, now is the time for me to fulfill the contract."

"Teacher, what are they?"

Not far away, watching Calista's movements, Sharina raised her head and asked her teacher.

"It seems to be the legendary spirit of revenge. It will appear after a woman who wants revenge has performed a very painful self-sacrifice ceremony, and will help her revenge at the cost of the other party's soul."

Looking at each other carefully, the knowledgeable Ruiz introduced to everyone.

"The Vengeful Spirit hasn't been seen in centuries, so it's always been here."

Looking down at the kneeling Kalista, the Vengeful Spirit raised his right hand high.A sharp dagger with spells gleamed coldly in her hand, and then swung it down forcefully.


But to everyone's surprise, the dagger did not impale on Calista's body, but on Vengeful Spirit himself.

Through the soul vow between her and Calista, power flows into Calista's body continuously.

She raised her head in shock, seeing the Vengeful Spirit smile in front of her for the first time, as if relieved. 1
"From today onwards, you are the new vengeful spirit."

(End of this chapter)

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