Hercules Walk

Chapter 179 Identity

Chapter 179 Identity
Wang Dali was a little uncomfortable with Luo Ning who suddenly became enthusiastic, especially when the other party was still holding his hand tightly, and he posted his whole body with full of affection.He forcefully pulled Luo Ning's hand away, and took two steps back to look at him with disgust on his face.

Seeing Wang Dali's reaction, Luo Ning smiled awkwardly.

"Sorry. I know my request is a little abrupt, but this spell is really important to the coalition forces. With it, it means that we will have a steady stream of reinforcements to come to support us, and it is also very convenient in transporting supplies and wounded. If you vigorously If you are willing to teach us, sir, honor, title and territory will not be a problem!"

After a moment of silence, Wang Dali nodded under Luo Ning's sincere and expectant eyes.

"Of course I can teach you how to open this portal."

But before Luo Ning cheered, Wang Dali poured cold water on him again, and continued.

"However, there is one thing I need to tell you first. This portal is not so much a skill, but a natural skill. I can tell you its principle, but I am afraid that no one can use it except me. Don't say The Archmage of Dalaran, not even Malygos, Lord of the Blue Dragons."

"Innate skills?"

Hearing this word, Luo Ning felt a little numb.

Innate skills are very unreasonable, and many times you can learn them without thinking about them.

However, Wang Dali's teleportation skill is very important, so he has to try it first.

Wang Dali closed the portal, and several people sat down on the stools to one side.

"The principle of my portal is actually not complicated. First, find the coordinates of the place you want to go, then break open the space, combine your current location with the space coordinates of the location you want to go, and naturally form a Portal."



Looking at Wang Dali with a serious face, and Strange who was smiling wryly next to him, Luo Ning made sure that the other party was not joking with him, and asked further.

"But how do I break the space? After breaking the space, how do I combine these two coordinates?"

"It's very simple, just break the space like this."

Wang Dali stretched out one of his hands, and gently slid across the void.Wherever his finger passed, the space was divided into two like water waves, and a very obvious crack appeared that was wider than one finger.

"Then, combine the two spatial coordinates in this way."

After breaking through the space, Wang Dali stretched his hand into the space crack under the wide-open eyes of Luo Ning and Vereesa, and repeated the trick again, opening a space crack.

Then, he grabbed the space crack like a pencil, and then put it together like a jigsaw puzzle with the original space crack.A mysterious lavender glow flashed, and a portal that was exactly the same as before, leading to Wang Dali's cabin, automatically appeared in front of everyone.

"Do you understand it?"

Withdrawing his hand, Wang Dali said to Luo Ning after the demonstration.

"I understand."

After watching Wang Dali's method of opening the portal in slow motion, Luo Ning shook his head with a wry smile.
"This kind of technology to open the portal, other people can't learn it at all."

Break open the space with bare hands, then ignore the rules of the space, and grab the two space coordinates in two places together.If he hadn't seen it with his own eyes, Luo Ning would have thought that someone was joking with him.

Then, his eyes became sharp in vain.

"May I ask who you are? Ordinary adventurers can't do this."

"Our identities?"

Regarding Luo Ning's question, Wang Dali looked at Doctor Strange strangely.

"Strange, haven't you told Rhonin?"


Strange pointed at himself, a little confused.

"Shouldn't this matter be hidden?"

"Of course not."

Wang Dali shook his head and said with a smile.

"Our identities are upright and upright, there is nothing to hide."

"Let me introduce myself again, Master Rhonin. My name is Dali-Wang, and I am an adventurer who travels through various worlds."

"Shuttle world?"

Hearing what Wang Dali said, Veresa was the first to frown.Because of the invasion of Quel'Thalas, the orcs who killed her parents also came from a planet other than Azeroth.

Seeing something wrong with Veresa's face, Luo Ning reached out and held her hand, then asked Wang Dali.

"So where are you from? Draenor, Outland, or something else?"

"No, the world I'm referring to here is not a planet like Azeroth or Draenor, but the entire world that includes Azeroth, Draenor, and even Argus, the Twisting Nether, etc. Universe. And we are coming from other universes beyond this universe, which even the Titans don’t understand.”

"From other universes?"

Unlike Vereesa, who is not quite clear about this concept, Rhonin, one of the current leaders of Dalaran, still has heard about the knowledge of the universe.

However, no one has yet been able to confirm the existence of other universes, so this is still only an inference on paper.

However, just like Luo Ning couldn't confirm whether Wang Dali and the others came from another universe, he also couldn't find evidence that the other party didn't come from another universe.Therefore, he temporarily chose to believe Wang Dali's words.

"Then why did you show up at our pier?"

"It was just an accident. When I traveled through the world, I didn't know what happened on the other side of the portal."

Wang Dali looked a little helpless.Just like last time, if he knew that the opposite side was the sewer, Wang Dali would definitely not have dragged Catherine along.

"Is that so..."

Ronin rubbed the goatee on his chin.This matter is of great importance. If the power of Wang Dali's portal can be used, the cost of this expedition to Northrend will be reduced a lot.

However, this is not something he can decide alone.Therefore, he decided to convene other league executives to discuss this issue.

Soon, under the call of Luo Ning, one after another high-level alliance arrived, and Brian Bronzebeard was also one of them.

There are not many members of the alliance now. Apart from humans, there are only gnomes from Gnomeregan, dwarves from Ironforge, and the Silver Covenant from Vereesa.Some time ago, the night elves among the members of the alliance had just survived the catastrophe brought by one of the leaders of the Burning Legion, Archimonde.

In order to kill Archimonde, the night elves were severely injured, and even the world tree that could make the night elves immortal was destroyed.Now they are busy cleaning up the kingdom of the night elves. The remaining demons in Mount Hyjal really can't spare any manpower to go on an expedition to Northrend, so they can only send a few druids to show their support.

(End of this chapter)

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