Hercules Walk

Chapter 180 Dali Reasoning With You

Chapter 180 Dali Reasoning With You

"I disagree!"

As the leader of the coalition army, he turned his face immediately after hearing the identities of Wang Dali and others.

"What kind of visitors from another world, that is, the identity is unknown? Guards, arrest them!"

As soon as he gave an order, two teams of twelve soldiers rushed into the hall immediately.They unsheathed their swords and guns, and surrounded Wang Dali and his party indifferently.

"Where are the other two people? Especially the blue-skinned one, there is something wrong at first sight!"

Seeing the guards approaching Wang Dali and the others, Brian Bronzebeard, who had a very ugly face, slapped the table hard, and stood up from his seat with a bang.

"Grand Duke Bolvar, they are my guests!"

"Your Excellency Brian, you have to think clearly."

Grand Duke Bolvar turned his head, frowned a pair of plank-like straight eyebrows and looked at Brian Bronzebeard.

"The people from the other world who came last time were those orc bastards. Although these people from the other world seem to be human, how do you know that they are not people with ulterior motives?"

"Grand Duke Bolvar, but you have no way to prove that they have ulterior motives?"

After Bryan, Ronin, who also had an ugly face, also spoke.I just proposed to use Wang Dali's portal to connect the Eastern Kingdom and Northrend, but now you want to arrest the person I suggested, which is simply a slap in the face.

"But I have!"

Bovar raised the corners of his mouth and sneered.

"Is it just a coincidence that they suddenly appeared at the coalition dock when the coalition army was preparing to go on an expedition to Northrend?"

Sure enough, when Bovar connected Wang Dali's identity as a visitor from another world with the orcs who were also visitors from another world, many people present frowned.

Although several races joined the coalition forces this time, the main body is still dominated by humans from the Eastern Kingdom.And the two consecutive orc wars have forged a deep hatred between humans and orcs.

Although the alliance and the Horde acted together in this expedition to Northrend, if given the chance, neither would let go of the opportunity to put the other to death.

Immediately, many human generals present looked at Wang Dali and the others in the wrong way.

Seeing that he had the upper hand in the scene, Bovar nodded.He didn't want to offend Dalaran, the strongest mage of mankind, so he said to Ronin.

"The suggestion just made by Master Luo Ning is very good, but if these people have malicious intentions, it will be a catastrophe. So for the sake of safety, we should arrest them first and make a decision after we settle down in Northrend .”

"I support Grand Duke Bolvar's proposal."

Halford Wyrmbane, High Commander of the Seventh Legion, spoke.As a good friend, he naturally agreed with Bovar's meaning.

With him taking the lead, Gryan Stallman of the Westfall People's Army also nodded.Then, many league executives on the field agreed with Berval's opinion.

The situation was very bad, Strange sighed, and said to Wang Dali who was beside him.

"That's what you said, okay?"

"No problem at all."

At this time, Wang Dali was hugged by Catherine who pretended to be nervous with his left hand, and Mindy who pretended to be scared with his right hand, and there was a little rascal who pretended to be cold behind him.Even Matt and Erica's faces showed no sign of being surrounded.

"A group of turkeys and dogs."

"What did you say?!"

"shut up!"

"Stranger, do you want to provoke the entire alliance?"

After all, amidst the glaring and scolding of everyone in the arena, he stomped his feet.Everyone felt their bodies lighten, and then the hull under their feet shook violently.

"What happened?"

"What did you do?!"

While the hull was swaying, a holy light exploded on Bovar's body.He pulled out the two-handed epee at the side, stepped on his right foot and crossed a distance of six or seven meters, and came directly in front of Wang Dali.

"It's nothing."

Facing Bovar's glaring gaze, Wang Dali smiled lightly.

"I just used the portal to send these warships back to the dock where we came from."

"What did you say?"

"Stranger, aren't you joking with us?"

As soon as Wang Dali's words fell, there was a roar in the cabin.Bovar was frightened and angry, and hurried to the side of the cabin to look out, and what appeared in front of him was indeed a familiar scene.

"I am going to kill you!"

"You guys are indeed the spies of natural disasters!"


After being played by Wang Dali, the anger, hatred and murderous intentions of the high-level members of the alliance towards him can be imagined.At the same time, several people drew their weapons and rushed towards Wang Dali.

"do not move!"

Strange spread out his hands to prop up a magic shield, and through the light orange light curtain, Wang Dali smiled at many high-ranking members of the alliance standing outside the light curtain.

"Don't blame me for not reminding you, if anyone dares to step forward again, I have no choice but to invite everyone to experience together what is called free fall at an altitude of [-] meters."

As soon as these words came out, the senior leaders of the alliance who wanted to break the magic shield in front of them stopped on the spot.Since Wang Dali was able to teleport so many warships back to the dock from the distant sea, maybe he really has the ability to teleport them to high altitudes.

At that time, if Wang Dali opened a portal and left, they and so many coalition soldiers would be turned into meatloaf.

Suddenly changing the environment, so many high-level alliance leaders here can't accept it, let alone ordinary soldiers on other ships.One after another magic message and soldiers were sent to the Silver Covenant ship, and the rest of the ships stood by, not knowing what to do.

"I don't understand very well. You people don't even know my strength, but you want to arrest me? Could it be because you have a large number of people, so you are particularly confident?"

Wang Dali slapped the faces of so many high-level alliance executives in Chengcheng, but there was nothing they could do about him.In desperation, they had no choice but to turn to Brian Bronzebeard, who seemed to have a good relationship with Wang Dali.

Hmph, I told you to suppress me just now, but now it's on my head!

Under the eyes of everyone asking for help, Brian, who knew the identities of Wang Dali and the others, couldn't hide the smug smile on his face.

"Ahem, Dali, first ask your friend to remove the shield, let's have a good talk."

"Of course you want to remove the shield. But before that, shouldn't everyone put down the weapons in their hands to avoid any misunderstanding?"

Glancing at the big men in plate armor surrounding them, Wang Dali threatened in a joking manner.

"It doesn't matter if I misunderstood, but if you accidentally shake your hand and send everyone to high altitudes, volcanoes or seabeds are not very good."

Under the threat of Wang Dali's success and the gaze of Luo Ning and Brian Bronzebeard, these alliance executives reluctantly put down their weapons one by one.Several of them went out of the cabin to calm the nervous soldiers on other ships.

(End of this chapter)

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