Hercules Walk

Chapter 178 Vereesa and Ronin

Chapter 178 Vereesa and Ronin
As the husband of the ranger general Vereesa, Rhonin is a mage in Dalaran, and Dalaran is the largest and most powerful mage gathering place in mankind.

Dalaran is managed by the six-member Council of the Kirin Tor, and Ronin's teacher, the archmage Krasus, who is the incarnation of the red dragon Kleostrazz, is one of them.Rhonin and Vereesa met during the rescue of the Red Dragon Queen, and they had a good impression of each other in the side-by-side battle.

Coincidentally, the territory of the Red Dragon Queen Alexstrasza, Wyrmrest Temple is in the Dragonbone Wilderness of Northrend.So this time Dalaran asked Ronin to go out as their representative, and they also wanted to use the power of the Red Dragon Queen.

As a mage, Luo Ning's appearance is not as refined as many people guess.He has the long brown hair that is common to Azerothian races, and it falls loosely on his shoulders.A pair of eyebrows, both brown, were raised high like eagle feathers, and there was a sexy goatee on the chin.

His physique is majestic, his limbs are powerful, and his eyes are bright.If he hadn't known his identity in advance, Wang Dali would have thought he was a warrior or a paladin.

When Wang Dali and Little Naughty followed Captain Ranger to the cabin, Luo Ning was practicing spells with Strange.Minty opened a pair of bright eyes and watched all kinds of gorgeous magic brilliance intertwined between the two, while Catherine was talking to Vereesa.

Judging by the expressions on their faces, the two of them are talking happily.

"Welcome, friend Strange."

After seeing Wang Dali, Luo Ning did not cancel the spell in his hand, but turned his head and smiled at him.

"Sit whatever you want, we'll be fine soon."

"Darling, why are you here?"

On the other side of the room, Catherine walked over with a smile and took Wang Dali's arm.

"Staying bored at Brian's place, I just came to see you."

Touching the forehead with Catherine intimately, Wang Dali nodded to the only female high elf in the field.

"Hi, Lady Vereesa, I am Catherine's husband, Dali-Wang."

"Hi Mr. Wang, I'm Vereesa Windrunner."

Unlike Catherine, when facing Wang Dali, Vereesa's expression was relatively cold.This was not because she had any objections to Wang Dali, but because Vereesa had always been like this to outsiders after her family suffered misfortunes.

As for why she has such a good relationship with Catherine, it is because Vereesa has a similar feeling to Catherine as her eldest sister, Alleria-Windrunner.

This doesn't mean they look alike, one is high elf and the other is human after all.Rather, it refers to the similarity in personality and temperament between the two.

"Is Mr. Wang also a mage? According to Catherine, you opened the portal that appeared at the pier that day."

For Catherine's sake, Vereesa would not put Wang Dali aside just to say hello, but had a few words with Luo Ning to get to know him first.

"No, I'm a fighter. I just mastered a technology similar to a portal. The actual principle is very different from the real portal."

"The difference is far more than a big difference. They are basically two concepts. So far, I haven't figured out how Dali's portal is successful."

In the middle of the room, Ronin had finished discussing with Strange.Hearing what Strange said, Rhonin immediately became interested.

"Oh, what kind of technique is that? Mister Dali, can you show it?"

But just as he finished speaking, he patted himself on the head again, apologizing to Wang Dali.

"I'm sorry I forgot to introduce myself. I am a mage from Dalaran, Rhonin. Nice to meet you, Mister Dali."

Luo Ning was not born in an aristocratic family, nor did he have any big names in his ancestors, so he only had a first name and no surname.In Dalaran, he was also an inspirational role model for commoner mages.

"Me too, Master Rhonin."

Wang Dali stretched out his hands, closed them, and then pulled them again.A square door-shaped portal was pulled out by him and stood in the larger cabin.


Obviously, Wang Dali's portal with almost no casting time startled Luo Ning.

"From the perspective of casting spells, this is indeed very different from the traditional portal."

He took out a staff from his bag, and tentatively stretched towards the portal.A deep purple arcane force was attached to the door by Ronin, but was quickly swallowed by the portal.

On the ship of the Explorers Association, in Wang Dali's room, a purple light flashed past.

Seeing that his temptation was devoured by Wang Dali's portal without any results, Luo Ning's interest became even greater.He looked at the cabin opposite the portal, and decided to try it himself, to experience the portal for himself.

Secretly making two gestures, Luo Ning pointed the novice apprentice staff in his hand towards the portal.But what surprised him was that the portal didn't swallow his staff together with him, only the front end of the novice apprentice's staff in his hand protruded out of the portal.

"how can that be?"

Looking at the Dalaran-style novice apprentice staff that kept coming in and out of the portal with his own movements, Luo Ning let out a wonderful exclamation.

After the portal of the world of Azeroth is opened, anyone who touches it will be teleported to another portal that matches it.This door is just a virtual finger, which means it spans two spaces.

And the teleportation gate that Wang Dali used was actually like a gate, which united two spaces in different directions, and it was a real teleportation gate.

After the staff, Luo Ning simply walked in by himself.He stepped into the cabin of the Explorers' Association ship with one foot, and left the other foot on the Silver Covenant ship, stopping in the middle of the portal.

"Amazing! This is truly amazing!"

He turned his body sideways so that his left and right eyes were in the same cabin, and what appeared in his brain were two completely different environments.

When his body completely crossed the portal to the other side, Ronin tentatively stretched the staff in his hand towards the portal again.What shocked and even excited him was that the portal Wang Dali opened was indeed two-way.

Luo Ning crossed the portal again, put away his staff and held Wang Dali's hand tightly.

"Mr. Dali, you may not know that this skill of yours is really very useful to the coalition forces!"

His eyes were full of surprise, and he said firmly to Wang Dali.

"Mr. Dalaran, teach me this skill! On behalf of Dalaran, as long as you are willing to teach me this skill, Dalaran will agree to any request!"

(End of this chapter)

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