Chapter 96
After dismissing Wang Yaqiao and the others, Li Han picked up the map, read it carefully several times, and wrote down the locations of the banks on the map, the streets around them, and the surrounding houses one by one.

After the memory was correct, Li Han fell into deep thought, which foreign bank he was considering first?When do you do it?How to do it?

Robbing a bank can be difficult for others!But for Li Han, it is actually not too difficult. Robbing a bank is easy for him, but he wants to make the simple robbery more complicated!
Everyone has times when they don't think well, and when they do things recklessly, people criticize them, but everyone also has times when they are thoughtful and beautiful, and people praise them!
Li Han thought that if he simply robbed a foreign-funded bank, he might get burned. Even if the foreign devils had nothing to do with him, they would spread their anger on the compatriots.

After pondering for a long time, while Li Han was robbing the bank, he was going to give the little devil a frame-up!
Back in the end of the world, Li Han asked people to use S5 metal to produce a samurai sword according to the pattern of Japanese samurai swords, and then asked people to make dozens of time bombs, all with machinery and materials, and it only took a few hours. At that time, he brought a brand new katana sword and dozens of time bombs to the Republic of China.

Afterwards, Li Han made a suit of night clothes, a hood and other things.

As night fell, Li Han, who was wrapped in black night clothes and a hood, leaving only a pair of tiger eyes, left his house and went straight to the HSBC Bank in Eagle Country.

Coming to the street where HSBC Bank is located, Li Han looked at the closed bank in front of him. In order not to attract the attention of the surrounding residents and for the purpose of forging the crime scene, he did not destroy the bank's gate.

With a thought, Li Han soared into the air and flew directly to the window on the second floor of the building where HSBC Bank is located. He took out the samurai sword forged from S5 alloy and inserted it into the gap of the window. Swipe up and then down!
Gently opened the window, Li Han got in.

Nianli made the shoes about one millimeter above the ground, and there was no sound when walking. Although HSBC Bank was closed, there were many security guards with guns patrolling inside.

Walking quietly holding a dim flashlight, suddenly two clear footsteps came, and there was a little light from the flashlight at the corner. Li Han suddenly understood that there were two HSBC's night watch security guards were walking towards him.

Without thinking too much, Li Han immediately flew up, using his thoughts to control his body to stick to the top of the passage, and greeted him.

The two security guards who were watching the night naturally did not notice anyone above their heads, and the flashlights in their hands were only shining on the ground in front of them, continuing to do the boring routine patrols year after year.

They never thought that someone would dare to attack the HSBC Bank of their Great Eagle Empire, so they naturally didn't have much precaution in their hearts.

At this moment, Li Han came down from behind them, took advantage of the situation and chopped off the head of a foreign devil security guard, and then beheaded another person on the spot.

At the same time, Li Han held up their bodies and the flashlights with his thoughts, and let them fall slowly, so as not to disturb other people in HSBC Bank. Go upstairs.

Before he reached the first floor, two more footsteps came. The distance was too close, and Li Han had no time to avoid it. He walked over without any scruples. At the same time, the flashlight in his hand shot at the two foreign devil.

"Dude! Quickly remove the flashlight, you dazzled my eyes!" In the dark night, under the strong light, the foreign devil naturally didn't know that the person in front of him was not his companion at all.

Li Han, taking advantage of the dazzled eyes of the two foreign devils and having difficulty distinguishing between the enemy and the enemy, took a samurai sword and hacked one to death, while the other survived. Before he was unconscious, he uttered in Japanese dialect: "Baga! Almost exposed!" Already!"

Then he stepped on that person and knocked him unconscious. After studying Chinese medicine for a period of time, and studying with Sun Lutang for eight months, Li Han naturally knew the structure of the human body and acupuncture points very well. The second knife seemed to have hurt the remaining foreign devil badly, but it avoided the vital point, and that kick just knocked him out!

Along the way, Li Han killed those foreign devils who were patrolling or who hadn't fallen asleep one by one until they reached the first floor of HSBC Bank.

Checking around, he found the location of the HSBC vault.

Others need passwords and keys to enter the vault, but Li Han doesn't need it. He directly uses the space ability to close the vault door into the ability space.

The gate was confiscated, and the contents of the bank vault were naturally left to him to fiddle with. Thinking that there were many banks that needed to be looted overnight, Li Han didn't have the heart to taste the contents of the bank.

After packing away all the contents of the vault, Li Han put the vault gate in place and installed a time bomb, then placed a time bomb at the bank gate, and then left from the window sill on the second floor.

"I didn't expect that there are so many things in HSBC Bank, about 300 million pounds, more than 100 million in Oceania, [-] kilograms of gold, and thousands of antiques such as precious stones, porcelain, calligraphy and paintings!" Li Han, who was flying in the sky, was very surprised. He didn't understand why there were so many things in the vault of HSBC Bank.

After thinking for a while, he remembered that in the vault of HSBC Bank, gems, porcelain, calligraphy and paintings were almost all taken out by him from private lockers, and a lot of gold was also taken from private lockers out of it.

"Could it be that those high-ranking officials and aristocrats in the former Qing Dynasty kept them in HSBC Bank? Or those wealthy businessmen and the like?" Such a thought came to Li Han's mind.

One bank has gained so much, and Li Han is full of expectations for the next looting of other banks.

Overnight, Li Han traveled all over the business world, looting more than a dozen banks one after another, including the Far East Bank belonging to Tsarist Russia, and HSBC, Sassoon Dashang and other banks belonging to the Eagle Kingdom.There are Citigroup, Chase, and AIA Bank belonging to Yankees, as well as Huiyuan Bank belonging to France, and a bank specially used by skinheads to make money was also ransacked by him!
He robbed more than a dozen banks, but Li Han didn't do anything to the little devil's Mitsubishi, Mitsui, Zhengjin, Hankou, and Taiwan banks. He was going to wait a few days before doing anything.

During the robbery, Li Han intentionally or unintentionally left a few survivors, and from time to time he uttered a sentence in Japanese, which happened to be heard by the survivors. He didn't care if the survivors could understand Japanese, as long as they heard it, it was fine. Even just remembering one or two Japanese pronunciations is enough!

Before four o'clock in the morning, Li Han returned to the house and looked at the time on his watch.

"Ten, nine, eight, seven, six, five, four, three, two, explode!" When it was exactly four o'clock, more than a dozen banks in Shanghai suddenly exploded. The gates were deformed by bombs!
 Thanks to the book friend Yikui, the book friend Weiliang with shallow eyes, and the book friend brother who passed by with a smile for their rewards!
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(End of this chapter)

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