Super Extraction

Chapter 95 Let Wang Yaqiao Enter Shu

Chapter 95 Let Wang Yaqiao Enter Shu
Time is tight, Li Han didn't stay in the end of the world for a long time, and he explained to Wang Feng about the production of weapons, and he returned to the time and space of the Republic of China. The space-time velocity of the two is the same, which is ten times of the modern space-time velocity.

If he stayed too long in the last days, when Wang Yaqiao came to look for him the next day, he was afraid of missing him, and regretted not asking where Wang Yaqiao lived, so he had to stay in the Republic of China and wait.

After leaving the room, Li Han looked at the surrounding walls and found that it should be completed today. The reason why it was so fast was actually also his reason. He only asked the construction workers to build an eight-meter-high wall, and he also asked them to build it quickly. There are no requirements for quality. How long can it take to build a shoddy project?

The warehouse may take nearly a week, and Li Han has no chance to improve the tofu-like wall. Originally, he decided to get some stones from the end of the world after everyone built the wall and warehouse, and then put them on the side of the wall next to the house. Build a stone wall two meters thick and eight meters high!
Nothing happened overnight, Wang Yaqiao came to visit the next day, and there were two other people who arrived with him.

"Brother Wang, who are these two?" Li Han frowned secretly, and asked Wang Yaqiao calmly.

"Come on, brother, let me introduce you. This is Hua Kezhi, and this is Li Yunhe. They are both trustworthy brothers!" Wang Yaqiao extended his hand and introduced Li Han.

"Nice meeting, good meeting, three brothers, please!" Li Han welcomed the three of them into the room.

The four of them sat down. Seeing that there was nothing to entertain each other, Li Han had to make a pot of tea, poured a cup for each of them, and said apologetically, "Sorry, I don't have anything else at home, so I'm neglecting you guys!"

"Brother is serious!" The three said politely.

"By the way, Brother Li, since you want us to follow you, what are your plans?" Hua Kezhi asked Li Han straight to the point.

"Recruiting troops and buying horses, the edge is darkened, wait for time, and the shame will be fulfilled!" Li Han's words were clanging.

"Brother Li, please explain in more detail!" Hua Kezhi continued to ask.

"Let's talk about recruiting troops first! Weapons and funds are provided by me, and you guys are only responsible for recruiting and training. As for where to recruit and train, my brother has a suggestion. Everyone, go to Bashu and wait for the opportunity to win Liu Xiang over!" Li Han thought for a while. road.

"Brother, let's go into more detail!" Wang Yaqiao half-understood.

"Brother Wang, Bashu is a province with a large population and is located in the hinterland of China. Recruiting and training troops there is relatively hidden. If it is along the coast, I believe that with the little devil's penetration ability, it won't take long for them to target us!"

"At this moment, Liu Xiang is turning against his uncle Liu Wenhui. It's the time when we need help. If we take advantage of the situation and win him over, with his influence in the land of Bashu, it will be easy to recruit and train troops!" Li Han explained.

"Liu Xiang is not easy to win over!" Wang Yaqiao frowned.

"As far as I know, Liu Xiang is a patriotic and passionate man. We know him with emotion and act with reason. In addition, we want money and guns, and our goal is to kill the little ones. Drive the Japanese out of China and take over the territories occupied by Lao Maozi! I believe he will not refuse our proposal!"

As a native of Shu in his previous life, Li Han knew very well about Liu Xiang's deeds. From his request to Jiang Guangtou that the Sichuan Army go out of Sichuan to fight against Japan, it can be seen that Liu Xiang's heart to serve the country!Although it is regrettable that after the Sichuan army came out of Sichuan, they lacked food and clothing, guns and ammunition were seriously insufficient, and were used as cannon fodder by Jiang Guangtou. In the end, Liu Xiang was also mad at Jiang Guangtou!

"Let me tell the three brothers about the darkening of the edge! After arriving in Shu, no matter whether we can win Liu Xiang or not, I hope that the army we train by ourselves will better restrain the edge. The training place is also suitable for the mountains. Keep it secret, don't reveal it until the blade is out of its sheath!"

"Shu is very mountainous, and there are countless places like this. As for recruiting troops, you can spend money to buy a security regiment or several security regiments, dozens of security regiment numbers, and a county town can buy a security regiment. Even if there are millions of troops, It can be accommodated!" Li Han said so that his blood boiled a little.

"In the end, it's just a matter of waiting for the right time and a revenge. At present, we haven't recruited enough soldiers and horses. Naturally, we can't talk about training the army, and we will have a shame with the little devils, old men and foreign devils!"

As soon as Li Han's voice fell, Wang Yaqiao stood up after thinking for a moment, and said to him: "Boss, from now on, our anti-Japanese anti-traitor group will obey your orders!"

"Yes, leader, we will follow your command from now on!" Hua Kezhi and Li Yunhe looked at each other, and then said to Li Han.

"Everyone is brothers, don't be so unfamiliar!"

"No! You have to do what you want, you can't do anything without rules!"



"How about, from now on, you call me Boss Li, or Boss!" Li Han said after thinking about it.

"Okay! Boss!"

"Wait!" Li Han said to the three of them, walked to the room on the second floor, packed the dollar, pound, mark and other banknotes in the supernatural space into several pockets, and left with several bags in one hand down.

Seeing Li Han carrying several big bags, every step was like an earthquake, the three of them felt a chill.

"Brothers, this is our initial development funds, 35 yen, 28 pounds, 15 dollars, 13 marks, 21 francs, and [-] kilograms of gold!"

"These banknotes are the accounts that my brothers have looted all the way from the north. Brothers, you should pay more attention when using them, but don't worry too much. No one should know where the money came from!" Li Han told the three of them. road.

The three of Wang Yaqiao were shocked. The other party took out such a large sum of money quietly and calmly, and put it in front of them without any scruples, obviously believing them very much.

"Actually, there are still about 100 million oceans. The brothers also know that although the thing is useful, it is really heavy, and it is really troublesome to move it around! If the brothers need it, they can take it away!" Li Han continued road.

"Boss, if we all go to Sichuan, what about the anti-Japanese and anti-evil affairs along the coast?" Wang Yaqiao was unwilling to leave.

"Anti-Japanese anti-rape without you, there are still people doing it! Isn't your department that is sworn brother Dai Lita very active? Even if they don't do it, I will do it myself. You are still worried that I won't be able to kill a few devils and a few traitors No?"

"Think about it, if you train millions of elite soldiers and strong generals in Shu, do you still need such a small fight like assassination? How good would it be to go straight and rampage?"

"Only with a large number of soldiers, excellent weapons, and strong morale can we drive the little devils, old Maozi, and foreign devils out of Huaguo!"

"Well, that's true. One traitor was assassinated, and ten or a hundred traitors stood up and assassinated one devil, and there are millions of devils waiting behind!" Wang Yaqiao agreed after a moment of silence.

"By the way, boss, this is what you want. The information of all banks in Shanghai is on it!" Hua Kezhi took out a marked map and said to Li Han.

 Thank you book friends for your rewards, it seems unreasonable not to update one more chapter, so I updated this chapter, and the tortoise is busy, all book friends, rest early and take care of your body!

  Please recommend, please collect.
(End of this chapter)

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