Super Extraction

Chapter 97 All parties in action

Chapter 97 All parties in action

The telegram flew, and the kingdoms shook!
"Mother Xipi, mother Xipi! What did that bastard do? Check it out! Find him out! My skinheads dare to rob banks in China." Baldy Jiang lost his temper at Dai Li angrily.

"Principal, according to the survivors of the bank, the other party speaks Japanese, it looks like a kid did it!" Dai Li whispered.

"Revenge me, you must retaliate severely. Didn't the little devil rob our bank? They sent someone to rob them of several banks in Shanghai!" Thinking of his private money and the skinhead government's deposit A large amount of money in the bank was robbed by a kid. Baldy Jiang was a little confused. He decided to retaliate and get back double the money that was robbed.

"Principal, do we need to think long-term about this matter?" Daly reminded cautiously.

"Long-term plan? Long-term plan? Do we have time for long-term plan? The military salary, the money and rations of various departments of the party and state cannot be in place in time, why don't they all defect to the Harmony Party?" Bald Jiang yelled at Da Li angrily.

"Principal, the students will make arrangements now!" Daly said with his head bowed, and just as he was about to leave, Baldy Jiang told him to stop.

"Be careful when doing things, don't give up your excuses, and let the little devils catch us!"

"Yes! Principal!" Daly nodded fiercely, then turned and left Baldy Jiang's office.

Eagle Country's ambassador to China, Wilson, also angrily swept the things on the desk to the ground with one hand.

"Mr. Ambassador, according to the reports of the survivors of several of our banks, the person who attacked the bank was wearing night clothes and a hood on his head. He was dazzled by the other party's flashlight at the time, and he didn't see the other party's face clearly! "

"The murderer held a long knife, which seemed to be a Japanese samurai sword. After the murderer slashed him, he spoke Japanese. As for what the murderer said, he could not understand it at all. According to his recollection, the other party Said "Baga." An Eagle Country official with the rank of colonel reported to Wilson.

"Fake, the damn Japanese actually dare to attack our Great Eagle Empire. Contact the ambassadors of the Americans, France, Germany, and Italy. I have something to discuss with them!" Wilson cursed angrily and said to the Eagle Army colonel.


At this moment, France, Tsarist Russia, Germany, Italy, and the US ambassadors to China were equally furious. When they heard that their country's bank in Shanghai was robbed, and the bankers were massacred by murderers, the ambassadors also agreed. Contact the ambassadors of other countries in China.

"Gentlemen, the survivors of our Eagle Kingdom said that the murderer spoke Japanese and held a samurai sword in his hand," Wilson said, looking at several ambassadors from other countries around him.

"Well! The survivors of our American Citibank happened to understand Japanese. According to him, the murderer yelled, "Long live His Majesty the Emperor, long live ****!" the US ambassador to China Mike then said.

"Unfortunately, all the employees of our German bank were killed by the murderer, but judging from the wound, it happened to be caused by a fast slash with a samurai sword!" German Ambassador to China Mark Wen said with a sad expression.

"All the employees of our Bank of France were massacred. No one survived. The wound was also caused by a sharp long knife. Depending on the situation, the murder weapon used by the murderer was a samurai sword!"

Each of the Western devils described the scene of the murder in their respective banks.

"Gentlemen, do you think the murderer is really from Japan?" Wilson, the ambassador of Eagle Country to China, looked at the people around him and asked them.

"It's clear that the Dongying people did it. In Shanghai, there are two forces with the strength to attack more than a dozen of our banks at the same time. One of them is the Dongying people, and the other is the skinheads!"

"The skinheads are afraid of us in the West like tigers, and they have no guts to loot our banks in Western countries. Even if they are bold, they cannot attack banks in so many countries at the same time. The skinheads beg us for loans and it is too late to buy arms. So Maybe take action against us?"

"At this time, the Northeast of the skinheads is occupied by the Dongying people. Under the eyes of Dongying, the skinheads are in danger of destroying the country. Naturally, they dare not do anything to our bank, but the Dongying people are different!"

"The Dongying people have always been extremely arrogant and vicious in their actions. If they hadn't accidentally left their mouths alive when they robbed the bank, who would have known that they did it?" Jevich, the Tsarist Russian ambassador to China, analyzed.

The rest of the ambassadors are naturally not mentally retarded. They are very clear about the hatred between Tsarist Russia and Japan, but all the evidence now points to the people of Japan, and they have no reason to argue.

"Actually, it doesn't matter whether the murderer is from Dongying or not, as long as we say it was done by Dongying people, they did it! Can they still resist? Now we have witnesses, what excuse do they have to deny it? Besides, our loss must be Can someone fill it in?" Mike, the US ambassador to China, said suddenly.

"That's right, someone needs to pay for this loss. The skinheads don't have the money at all, and they don't have the guts to do anything to us!" Wilson, the Eagle Country's ambassador to China, agreed.

"Well! We must seek compensation from the Dongying people, not only the funds that were robbed from the bank, but also the pensions of our dead Chinese!" said Yevich, the Tsarist Russian ambassador to China.

"Wrong! Not only do they have to compensate for the money that was looted from our bank, but they also have to pay double the compensation. The Japanese people don't know how much money is in the bank. We can say more and double it. Gentlemen, please don't be too greedy. , if you ask for too much, the Japanese may not compensate!" Wilson, the ambassador of Eagle Country to China, thought for a while and said.

As a native of the Eagle Country, he was very clear about the greed of the people of the Western countries. He said it at this time to prevent the other people from asking too much, and the Dongying people were unwilling to pay for it!

"Gentlemen, it's better for us to be more frank. Let's first discuss the amount of compensation we want from the Dongying people, and then agree to seek justice from the Dongying people!" Eagle Country's ambassador to China, Wilson, added later.

"Yes! We should discuss the amount of compensation first!" The ambassadors to China smiled and looked very greedy.

Several ambassadors to China then asked people to go to their respective banks to retrieve the account books. After some checks, after determining the amount of compensation that needed to be compensated by Dongying, they also asked people to notify Shigemitsu Aoi, Dongying's minister in China in the business world.

More than a dozen banks were robbed. Although the little Japanese devils received the news, they didn't realize that it was a conspiracy against them. They were still thankful that their Great Eastern Empire's bank in Shanghai was safe and sound!
At this time in Shanghai, although the Japanese little devils were relatively strong, they did not have the ability to cover the sky with one hand. The dozen or so banks that were robbed were tightly sealed after the incident. The specific details of the bank robberies were unknown to the Japanese little devils. Of course the Japanese had no idea!

But the little devils in Dongying eagerly mobilized their spies in Shanghai to investigate bank robberies. Their intention was not to find the murderers for those banks, but they just coveted the huge amount of money the robbers robbed!

 The second update today, see if there is still time, if you have time, add more!
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(End of this chapter)

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