Chapter 60

In the past few days, Li Han feels a little busy. Every morning at 05:30, he will get out of bed, and then he will practice the Tiger Three Stances, Dragon Elephant Prajna Kungfu, Beiming Magic Kungfu, Lingbo Weibu and Practice mindfulness.

In Tiger Three Stances, the tiger digs out the heart, the tiger pounces on the food, and the tiger patrols the mountain. He has long cultivated to the state of being able to command with his arms. The movements of the Tiger Three Stances have long been integrated into his body and become his instinct!

The Dragon Elephant Prajna Kung Fu still stays at the seventh movement of the fifth floor, and the eighth movement of the fifth floor, he still can't practice it successfully!Li Han didn't force it, he practiced it three times a day, to the point where even if he didn't make progress, he wouldn't let it regress!

Practicing martial arts is like sailing against the current, if you don't advance, you will retreat!Unable to break through the fifth level of Dragon Elephant Prajna Kung Fu, he had no choice but to find ways to ensure that the realm would not regress!

Although the Beiming Divine Art has been practiced, no one let him absorb the internal energy, so the progress is slow. Originally, there was a faint trace of Beiming Zhenqi, but after practicing for a few days, there is still only a faint trace of Beiming Zhenqi. gas.

Lingbo microsteps may seem complicated, but once you are familiar with the eight trigrams, it is not very difficult to practice. No, Li Han has been able to perform Lingbo microsteps correctly, but because of lack of proficiency, he can perform Lingbo microsteps. When taking small steps, there is no such phantom that looks like a fairy and does not have the slightest smell of fireworks!When changing directions, bumps and bumps are inevitable!

As for the power of thought, it is progressing rapidly. At this time, he can already walk freely in the air. Careful people can find that the shoes under his feet are two millimeters away from the ground. It seems that his feet are down-to-earth, but in fact he is flying through the void, but it is too close to the ground. , It's hard to notice!

After school that day, Li Han returned home, had dinner, and then went back into the plane of the last days.

When he came to the rooftop, he looked at the tens of thousands of zombies wandering around in the town, and remembered the deadly 2025-style sniper rifle in the supernatural space, so Li Han took it out.

The deadly 2025-style sniper rifle has already been loaded and loaded. You only need to pull the trigger lightly, and the 18*150mm caliber bullets in the gun can burst out. Target destroyed!
Putting the tripod on the edge of the roof, Li Han looked at the scope and began to look for the target, but what surprised him was that the scope seemed to have too high a multiple, which was not suitable for killing zombies at close range.

Hastily adjusted the magnification of the scope to the minimum magnification of ten times. He looked at the scope again and found that the magnification was just right. He pointed the center of the cross towards the head of the zombie in the distance. Li Han took a deep breath. After calming down his heartbeat, he resolutely pulled the trigger.

The [-]mm large-caliber bullet rushed out of the deadly sniper rifle with a "pop!", and hit the zombie in the distance in the blink of an eye. The zombie's head in the scope suddenly looked like a watermelon hit by a hammer. Generally broken to pieces!

"This gun doesn't seem to have much recoil?" Remembering that he didn't feel the strong recoil at all when he pulled the trigger just now, Li Han was very surprised at the performance of the lethal 2025 sniper rifle.

"Have a good time today, anyway, there are a lot of bullets! In a few days, modern things will arrive. Let Wang Feng and the others make more 18*150mm caliber bullets!"

After hitting the target with one shot, Li Han felt very relieved, and he quickly aimed at the next zombie.

There are tens of thousands of zombies in the small town, either wandering around the town alone, or running around aimlessly in small groups, or swarming in hundreds.

This time he aimed at the tallest one among the bunch of zombies. After adjusting his breath, Li Han decisively pulled the trigger.

With a sound of "snap!", the bullet pierced through the distance of the space and smashed the target's head to pieces again, but it was not over yet. Of the hundreds of zombies crowded together, the tallest head was smashed by the bullet. The tall zombie The head of another zombie behind him was also smashed by the penetrating bullet.

After the bullets smashed the heads of the two zombies, they continued to fly, punching a big hole in the chest of a zombie behind the two zombies, and then broke the thigh of the zombie behind, before they got into the concrete floor.

From the scope, he saw bullets passing through the heads of two zombies one after another, piercing through the chest of a zombie, breaking off the thigh of a zombie, and finally making a deep hole in the street, Li Han was terrified!

"Killing two zombies at once and maiming two, isn't the power of this deadly 2025-style sniper rifle too great?" Li Han was stunned for a moment by the power of the sniper rifle in his hand.

Although he has never used a sniper rifle, it is still a breeze to hit a target at a distance of about 5000 meters with the deadly 2025-style sniper rifle with an accurate range of 300 meters!

After all, the bullet fired by the Desperate 2025 sniper rifle has an initial velocity of 1500 meters, and the recoil is not strong at all. With his 300 kilograms of body strength, he doesn't shake much when shooting. That kind of target that barely moves is naturally not a problem.

Li Han was very excited when he saw that the bullets could shoot four in a row. After all, not everyone has the ability to shoot four in one shot. He also knew that the shot just now was a blind cat and a dead mouse. It was just luck!
The heads of two zombies were beaten to pieces, and the other two zombies were maimed by him. The zombies with tattered heads immediately fell to the ground and died.

Hundreds of zombies around them heard the sound of zombies falling to the ground suddenly, and the sound of bullets hitting the concrete road. They turned their heads and followed the sound, but found nothing that moved them, as if they hadn't noticed anything. Continue to wander around in place.

"Zombies are worthy of being unconscious but active corpses. They don't even know what death is!"

Li Han sighed, moved the muzzle of the gun again, and chose the next target.

Just now, the one shot was four in a row, and the result was outstanding. At this time, he is not very willing to attack a single target, and is going to find a target that can be shot with two or more than one shot.

The muzzle continued to move, and one zombie seemed to be walking behind another zombie. Li Han quickly aimed the muzzle at the zombie in front of him.



"Crack!" Counting silently in his heart, when the two zombies were in a straight line, Li Han pulled the trigger at the same time.

Two zombies with almost the same height, the head of the front one was smashed by Li Han, and the neck of the second zombie was broken by the penetrating bullet, and the head of the back zombie fell directly from its head down.

"Pfft!" The two zombies fell to the ground one after the other.

"This is more powerful than playing games! Playing games are all virtual characters made of data codes. I am a fighting entity, a living entity, a real gun, and a real zombie!"

The zombies are moving, and Li Han is also looking for new suitable targets.

Once two or more zombies were in a straight line in his scope, Li Han pulled the trigger. After a while, dozens of zombies fell to the ground one after another. !

PS: Thank you Shu Youbin for the reward of 999 book coins. This chapter is today’s Chapter 5, which is also updated. Book friends go to bed early, good night!

Please recommend, please collect, please support ~!

(End of this chapter)

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