Super Extraction

Chapter 59 Ding Dong Online Novel Writing

Chapter 59 Ding Dong Online Novel Writing

Li Han thought that he hadn't seen Niu Ren for several months, so he had to treat him to a good meal anyway, so he drove Niu Ren straight to a restaurant named Tang's Private Kitchen in his pickup truck.

The restaurant of Tang's Private Kitchen is not far from Linhai Hotel, only twenty kilometers away. It only took Li Han more than ten minutes to drive the pickup truck to the door of Tang's Private Kitchen.

After parking the car, the two walked into the restaurant. After asking the front desk, they entered a private room. After ordering food and drinks, the two of them began to casually tell each other about their situation during this time.

"Xiao Er, it's actually quite good to be a civil servant. Although the monthly salary is not very high, there is a lot of extra money. Take me for example. Although the monthly salary is only in the early three thousand, including benefits, it is only 5000. How many Chinese coins!"

"The more than 5000 Chinese dollars is nothing to say, but our China Merchants Bureau is responsible for attracting investment. As long as we can find businessmen to invest and build factories in Qamdo, we can get [-]% of the local tax paid by the businessmen in the first year. As a bonus!"

When Niu Ren talked about his working salary, he was a little elated, as if he was proud that he was able to work in China Merchants.

"That's right, it's good. I was thinking, if you don't like your job, come and open a noodle restaurant with me. It seems that I'm being self-indulgent!" Li Han smiled awkwardly.

"Thank you, Xiao Er!" Niu Ren thanked him sincerely. Although the other party asked him to open a noodle restaurant together, Niu Ren knew that Xiao Er had no other intentions, but wanted to help him sincerely.

"By the way, what are you doing in Linhai this time? Could it be that you are also here to attract investment?" Li Han asked Niu Ren curiously.

"That's right! This time I came here with our bureau chief. Tomorrow there will be a national regional exhibition in Linhai. We are going to see if there is any opportunity to attract investment!"

"I see!" Li Han nodded.

It didn't take long for exquisite dishes to be brought to the table one after another. Li Han ordered a few bottles of beer and began to drink one after another with Niu Ren.

Some people are usually as timid as a mouse and don't dare to speak much, but once they drink alcohol, they become bolder and talk more, as if alcohol has broken through their disguise or restraint, and their The original face appeared.

Li Han in his past and present lives, although he drank, he never got drunk. It wasn't that he could drink well, but that he didn't want to get drunk. Every time, enough was enough. He had seen countless drunken crazy guys, so naturally he didn't want to be like those drunk and troublemakers , Hurt others and hurt yourself!

Li Han has always believed that people who go crazy when drunk are not very healthy. Maybe those who go crazy because of alcohol, living in a depressive environment, really can't release their hearts!
Li Han only drank some alcohol when he met old acquaintances from other places, and when friends with very close relationships came, it was just to create a happy atmosphere.

After drinking and eating, Niu Ren said that he had to go back, so Li Han had no choice but to drive him back to Linhai Hotel.

"Xiao Er, in this world where luck is everything, you are too low-key! You have to be more high-key when you do things. Only in this way can you get more luck. As long as you have strong luck, no one or anything can Stop your steps, remember!" After getting off the car, Niu Ren suddenly turned around and reminded Li Han.

They said to each other that they cherished each other, and they also knew that they didn't need too many words of blessing, a simple sentence was enough, and if they said too much, it was just a waste of saliva, which was no different from that kind of hypocrisy.

The friendship between gentlemen is as light as water, but the friendship between villains is as sweet as honey!
Driving the pickup truck back to the villa, Li Han suddenly remembered that it was drunk driving just now, and he was very glad that he didn't meet the traffic police uncle on the road, otherwise, he would be in big trouble, not only his driver's license would be revoked, but he would also be detained for fifteen days.

After swimming in the swimming pool for a while, Li Han took a shower, then turned on his computer and logged on to the writer platform of He was surprised to find a message from the editor-in-chief Hu Yan asking him to send him his bank account number.

After seeing the information, Li Han realized that the book he wrote on started to make money. After looking at the data of the book "The Contradictory Knight", he found that his remuneration was actually 10,000+ up.

Remembering what Niu Ren said just now, he should be more high-key, Li Han thought about it, and found that it really doesn't need to be too low-key!Popularity, fame, and talent can all bring a lot of luck!Although I don't want to be like Huang Furen, spending money to bribe opponents in the arena to gain popularity and gain the power of luck!But there's no need to be too restrained, right?As long as it's not too ostentatious!
People, either have the courage to be an emperor, and the determination to be an emperor!Or be a beggar begging along the street!What's the use of being mediocre and doing nothing?
Even if you can't be the emperor, you can't become the emperor, but you have thought about it, but you have worked hard!Never doing nothing, never wasting time, never bowing your head and admitting defeat!

His mentality changed quietly. Li Han saw that the book "The Warrior of Contradictions" had started charging, so he uploaded all the remaining chapters in one go.

After uploading "The Warrior of Contradictions", a masterpiece of martial arts that travels through time and space, he created another novel on Dingdong Literature Network, a novel called "There is a pigsty in my backyard".

"There is a pigsty in my backyard" is a novel with urban themes. It is mainly about the protagonist who fails in the shopping mall. After being frustrated in love, he returns to his hometown and finds a strange pigsty in his backyard.

From time to time, there will be domestic pigs, wild boars, monster pigs, and pig demons in the pigsty. Finally, Zhu Bajie also appeared in his pigsty.The protagonist first kills domestic pigs to sell money and earns the first pot of gold, but after killing a thousand domestic pigs, wild boars appear in the pigsty in the backyard of his house.

After slaughtering [-] wild boars one after another, the protagonist's wealth jumped to become the famous richest man in the village. In an instant, pure and charming girls and young women began to appear in his life.

The protagonist who was originally in high spirits discovered that after killing five hundred wild boars, monster pigs appeared in the pigpen in the backyard of his house. A kind of magic core reversed his understanding, and the protagonist who got the magic core began to possess all kinds of magic, so He embarked on a path of practicing magic again.

When the two hundred monster pigs were slaughtered by him, the pig demon appeared in the pigsty in the backyard of his house again, a kind of demon pill, which subverted the protagonist's understanding again.
The book "There is a pigsty in my backyard" was also obtained by Li Han from the plane of the end of the world. One of the three hardcover published novels had already converted the text version into an electronic document, so he just copied and pasted it and uploaded it to Ding Dong online.

After thinking about it, Li Han uploaded the remaining novel "My Infinite Clone" together. Thinking of those classic martial arts masterpieces in his previous life, he started to crackle the code words again. He decided to update more than a dozen novels at once. , Only in this way can it be more sensational, cause greater controversy, and gain more power of luck!

PS: This is the fourth update of today. Today, the turtle book has written two chapters, and this book has four chapters, with a total of more than 1 words. There should be more updates later. Don’t wait, stay tuned. Watch it tomorrow!Anyway, the book written after working hard for half a day is not enough for book lovers to read in a few minutes!
Finally, please recommend, please collect, please support!
(End of this chapter)

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