Super Extraction

Chapter 58 The Sudden Visit of Niu Ren

Chapter 58 The Sudden Visit of Niu Ren

University life is very free. Students of other majors skip classes almost every day. Those students who do not go to school are either cats in Internet cafes, addicted to games!Or just lie in the dormitory, recover your strength, and prepare to continue the battle at night!
Li Han and the others major in traditional Chinese medicine, and their discipline is relatively strict.Those sixty-seventy-year-old teachers will always roll roll during class. There are only more than 70 people in their class. If one is missing, it is absolutely impossible to escape the sharp eyes of the old and firm teacher. Therefore, if there is nothing important, they Almost no one in the class dared to skip class.

The subject of traditional Chinese medicine is broad and profound, and it has emerged since the Spring and Autumn Period and the Warring States Period. It is said that Chinese medicine began in the Shennong era. , pathogenesis, treatment principles, health preservation, etc.

Li Han, who originally entered Linhai University to study Chinese medicine, only wanted to learn some knowledge of meridians and acupoints, so as to lay a solid foundation for practicing martial arts!Who would have thought that when he entered the school, he would meet Yu Jie who made him fall in love at first sight, and that beauty who made him fall in love at first sight also unconsciously changed his view of Chinese medicine.

Li Han thought, Yu Jie was born in a family of traditional Chinese medicine, and her family must have excellent medical skills, and I also majored in Chinese medicine. If one day I go to visit her elders at her home, the other party will definitely ask me about Chinese medicine. If I answer If she didn't come out, wouldn't it be a big loss to her face, and she wouldn't be able to leave a good impression on her elders!

He hasn't chased Yu Jie yet, but he's already thinking about meeting her parents. He's really far-sighted!

Since ancient times, medicine and martial arts have not been separated. If you want to practice martial arts well, you have to learn medical skills well. The medical skills here are Chinese medicine!Among martial arts, especially the method of practicing internal energy, it involves the meridians and acupoints of the human body and the circulation of the five elements.The five elements of the human body and meridians and acupoints are an indispensable part of Chinese medicine!
For the sake of Yu Jie and martial arts, even if Li Han didn't want to study such a boring subject as Chinese medicine, he could only force himself to study the medical skills of Chinese medicine with all his heart. Over time, he was also moved by the charm of Chinese medicine and indulged in its vastness. In the boundless ocean of Chinese medicine knowledge.

That day, Li Han was in class in the classroom when his phone vibrated suddenly. He took out the phone and saw that it was Niu Ren who called. He whispered to Yu Jie and walked out from the back door of the classroom softly.

"Hey, Niu Ren, the sun came out from the west today? You are willing to call me!" Li Han walked quickly to the stairwell, and after answering the phone, he said to Niu Ren.

"Xiao Er, are you in class today?" Niu Ren laughed and opened his mouth to ask.

"We're in class today! What's the matter?"

"Xiao Er, I'm coming to Linhai, why don't you come here to greet me?" Niu Ren thought to himself, college life is just like that. Although he didn't go to college himself, he knows that college life is very free, and he can go to class or not, so, He said to Li Han unceremoniously.

"Okay, you send me the address, I'll go find you!" I didn't want to go, but Niu Ren was his best high school classmate, he was at the same table as well as a good friend, so Li Han readily agreed.

After sending a text message to Yu Jie, telling her about Niu Ren's visit to Linhai, Li Han left the teaching building, and when he came to the parking lot, he drove his precious pickup towards Linhai Hotel.

"Niu Ren, I'm here, where are you?" Half an hour later, Li Han parked the car at the entrance of Linhai Hotel, dialed Niu Ren's phone and asked him.

"Come on, wait 2 minutes!"

A few minutes later, Niu Ren came out of the Linhai Hotel. He looked around, but he couldn't find where Li Hanren was. He was about to make a phone call to inquire, but he heard the horn of a Baofeng pickup truck not far away. Surprised and delighted, he walked over.

"Xiaoer, have you made a fortune? They're all driving Baofeng pickups!" Niu Ren opened the car door and sat on the co-pilot.

"It's so-so, and I made a small fortune!" Li Han said with a smile, and then drove away from Linhai Hotel.

"Xiao Er, this car seems to cost more than 100 million Chinese coins, right? With this spare money, why don't you buy a sports car?" Niu Ren asked Li Han suspiciously.

"Why do you buy a sports car? It's too dangerous to drive on the road and run under someone else's car if you don't pay attention!"

"Then you can buy an off-road vehicle! The off-road vehicle is so domineering, with good sightlines, strong power, huge space, and high safety factor!"

"I also want to buy an off-road vehicle, but off-road vehicles can't pull goods!" Li Han smiled wryly. He actually wanted to buy an off-road vehicle in his heart, but he needed to purchase things to transport to the end of the world. After much deliberation, he still felt that pickup trucks Suitable for some.

"So you bought the car for pulling things! Xiaoer, why don't you buy a Baoniu brand pickup truck? The performance of that car seems to be much better than this Baofeng pickup truck, and the price is about the same!" Niu Ren was curious. asked Li Han.

"My lord Niu, don't you think about which country the Baoniu brand pickup is produced? Will I buy the car of the foreign devils fried in coal? I am a Chinese who loves the nation, the motherland, and the people. Why? Maybe buy something fried in coal?" Li Han patted his forehead speechlessly.

"I can't tell! Xiaoer, you are still a patriotic youth!" Niu Ren said with a smile.

"If I'm not patriotic, who is patriotic?" Li Han didn't want to say this directly, and then said: "Actually, the vast majority of Chinese people are patriotic, but many people have never put their patriotic feelings into consideration because of their own interests. Just show it! Once the war comes, I believe that most people will advance and retreat with the motherland and the nation, and live and die together!"

"Hehe!" Niu Ren laughed a few times, but he didn't refute, and he thought so deeply.

"By the way, great man, what are you doing here in Linhai?" Li Han was very surprised, what did the other party suddenly come to Linhai for?
"You also know that after graduating from high school, I didn't go to college, right?" Niu Ren asked him.

"En!" Li Han nodded.

"I didn't tell you in detail at the time, but after graduating from high school, my old man asked me to take the exam for the County Merchants Bureau. After I passed the exam, I started working in the County Merchants Bureau!" Niu Ren said with a sigh.

"Oh! I can't tell, the current Uncle Niu is a civil servant with a solid job! You have to take care of my brother in the future!" Li Han said politely with a smile.

"Xiao Er, aren't you cleaning me up, brother? What am I? I'm just a little shrimp who just joined China Merchants. I want you, Mr. Li, to take care of my performance!" Niu Ren looked at me angrily. To Li Han.

"Hey man, how is the work in the China Merchants Bureau? Are you used to it?" Li Han asked Niu Ren, and he decided in his heart that as long as the other party said that he was not used to it or that the work was too tiring, he would let him work hard with him. field.

"It's okay! Actually, it's nothing. I just run around all over the country all day long, attracting business and investment. Look, my stomach has grown up during this time!" Niu Ren stretched out his hand and lifted his clothes.

"It looks like it's been two or three months!"

"What two or three months, just over a month?"

"Whose is it?" Li Han asked suddenly.

"Xiao Er, you are looking for death!" Niu Ren suddenly realized what Li Han meant, and threatened him.

"Don't mess around, I'm driving, I don't want the car to crash!"

PS: Thank you Wang Zuo, the first book friend in this book, for your reward. This is the third update today. Please recommend, collect, and support!

(End of this chapter)

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