Super Extraction

Chapter 61 Cleaning Up the Zombies in the Town

Chapter 61 Cleaning Up the Zombies in the Town
Using the deadly 2025-style sniper rifle to shoot zombies at a distance of about 300 meters, Li Han felt like he was overqualified for using an anti-aircraft gun to shoot mosquitoes!After shooting hundreds of bullets one after another, he felt that he didn't have much strength to shoot zombies at a distance of about 300 meters.

Therefore, Li Han chose the target to be around 400 meters. In his opinion, in order to improve his shooting ability, he had to either shoot a farther target or attack a fast-moving target.

With a sound of "snap!", a zombie 400 meters away had its head smashed to pieces by an 18mm caliber bullet.

Encouraged, Li Han picked up a sniper rifle with a net weight of 35 kilograms, and in a kneeling position, aimed again at another slow-moving zombie.

Take a deep breath, adjust your breathing, and lightly pull the trigger. The 18mm caliber bullet burst out from the barrel, smashing the target zombie's head in the blink of an eye. On the ground, after overturning dozens of zombies one after another, Li Han stood up.

He decided to shoot the zombies in the distance from a standing position.

Shooting postures are generally divided into lying, kneeling and standing positions. Each of the three postures has its own advantages and disadvantages.

But he saw him standing with his feet in a staggered horoscope, with the butt of the gun close to his shoulders, and the deadly 1800-style sniper rifle with a length of 2025mm was held in his hand.

Li Han, who has been practicing the Three Tiger Styles since he was a child, has a very stable lower body. He stands motionless on the rooftop, as if there are roots under his feet.With a body of 35 kilograms of strength, the sniper rifle with a net weight of [-] kilograms was as smooth as dead water when he held it.

The right eye selects the target through the scope, and the left eye looks around from time to time to pay attention to the surrounding movements. From the perspective of others, this may not be necessary. After all, Li Han on the rooftop is not in any danger at all!
However, Li Han doesn't think so. In his mind, if a person concentrates on the target in front of him, he will ignore the sudden danger around him. Once he gets used to it, it will be difficult to change it.

When shooting, in order to ensure the accuracy of shooting, many people always like to aim and shoot with one eye open and one eye closed. Although the accuracy of shooting is the highest, they also lose the ability to deal with unexpected situations around them. The accident happened, so I can only stare blankly!Or, they just don’t know how they died!

Taking a deep breath, he aimed at the head of a zombie about 400 meters away from him. Seeing that the zombie was moving slowly, he resolutely pulled the trigger.

The sounds of gunshots, zombies falling to the ground, and bullets falling to the ground were all done in one go.

"The recoil of this gun is too small!" Li Han was very impressed by the faint vibration on his shoulder just now.

He didn't even think about it, how powerful is he?If ordinary people carry this sniper rifle with a net weight of 35 kilograms, whether they can aim at the target is a big problem. Only a person with strong physical strength like him can shoot with a deadly sniper rifle in a standing position. !

A sniper shoots a target, usually in a prone position, or uses the tripod on the sniper rifle to stand on some kind of object, transfers the weight of the sniper to the object, and then shoots. The scene of shooting the target with a sniper rifle.After all, a sniper is a type of arms that can attack opponents from a distance!

After the zombies 400 meters away were killed by him, Li Han started to face the zombies 500 meters away.

"Crack! Crack! Crack!" Gunshots rang out from time to time, and the corresponding zombies hundreds of meters away fell to the ground one by one. Not long after, the zombie Li Han chose to shoot was already a thousand meters away from him. .

The distance is getting farther and farther, and there are more and more bullet casings on the ground!
The scope, which originally only had a magnification of ten times, was adjusted to fifty times by him at some point.

Aiming at a zombie 2000 meters away again, Li Han didn't shoot immediately, the zombie in the distance was moving, and he also knew that with his current marksmanship, it would be very difficult to hit a moving zombie 2000 meters away.

The zombies in the distance looked like hounds. They lowered their heads to smell the smell in the air from time to time, and then quickly walked up and down the street.

Through the scope, Li Han looked at the zombie's face in the distance, which looked like rot and made people want to vomit, and found that the disgusting maggots on its body seemed to have disappeared, and its skin became very dry.

The muzzle of the sniper rifle in his hand kept moving slightly with the movement of the zombies in the distance. Li Han was waiting for the opportunity, waiting for that shot to send the zombies back to the west.

At this moment, the zombie in the distance came to a trash can, but saw it squatting down and reaching out to dump something in the trash can.

Here's your chance!Li Han thought secretly, and the cross of the scope quickly moved to the forehead of the zombie.

With a sound of "Pa!", a zombie in the distance bent over and turned over the garbage with his claws was sent to the west by the sudden flying bullet.

Li Han, who was not satisfied with killing the enemy 2000 meters away, began to look for zombies farther away from him.

Looking through the scope, Li Han stared at a zombie about 3000 meters away.

Two full hours later, he was shocked to discover that the sniper rifle in his hand could indeed hit zombies at a distance of about 5000 meters.

"Could it be that I was able to hit the zombies about 5000 meters away from me, all because of the dynamic automatic sight on this sniper rifle?"

After a moment of silence, such a thought emerged in Li Han's mind.

Out of curiosity, he tested it a few more times before realizing that to hit the target, he only needs to adjust the magnification of the scope to the corresponding magnification. The scope on the gun will recognize the target distance according to the magnification and automatically calculate the wind speed And humidity and other parameters!
Looking down and seeing thousands of zombies gathered downstairs, Li Han put the deadly sniper rifle back into the superpower space, took out an HS-2020 automatic rifle and a whole box and popped it out.

Taking off the clip on the rifle, he pressed the bullets into the clip one by one.

"Crack!" After a few sounds, Li Han had loaded the rifle magazine and loaded it.

The HS-2020 automatic rifle uses mechanical sights and uses a 35-round magazine to feed ammunition. It can fire in a single burst, or in a burst of three rounds, and it can also shoot.

Li Han adjusted the rifle to single-shot burst, raised the gun, and aimed at the zombies below who kept jumping and screaming.

"Bang! Bang! Bang!" The building only has seven floors. Li Han, who is standing on the edge of the rooftop, is only more than 20 meters away from the zombies below. Plus, he is condescending, and the zombies below are crowded together, and bullets are almost useless. False hair.

"Kill!" The excited Li Han yelled, and the zombies wandering in the distance who heard gunshots and his voice all ran over at a speed of about ten meters.

"Bang! Bang!. Bang!" The weak fireworks from the muzzle kept flickering, and the zombies downstairs fell down one after another.

"Let me send you to the west! You should die early and be reborn soon!"

After finishing one magazine, Li Han pressed another bullet into the magazine.

After shooting more than a dozen magazines one after another, he felt a little bored. After all, the zombies below were crowded together, and the zombies in the middle of the zombie group had almost no room to move, which was similar to that of a stationary target. It is difficult to achieve the purpose of tempering marksmanship.

The zombies in the distance rushed over one by one, and the tightly blocked building made them helpless. They were unconscious, and only knew that there was food upstairs that they wanted to eat.

PS: Chapter 1 today, please recommend, collect, and motivate!
(End of this chapter)

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