Chapter 547
Hutuo River should be one of the best rivers in Bingzhou. Its origin is in the northeast of Yanmen County. The river section presents a hook shape. Yanmen County, Dingxiang County, Zhongshan County, Changshan County, Boling County, He Jian County and Bohai County are all within the scope of its approach, and it has always been leading to Bohai Sea.

The Han army was not only criss-crossing the sea, but also made good use of the river system within the mainland. The troops led by Ran Min used the Hutuo River to advance in parallel, and the marching speed of the infantry did not slow down the cavalry.

Dingxiang, the new capital of Zhao State in Shijie, is located not far from the Hutuo River. The fleet was the first Han army to appear.

When the Han army fleet appeared in the Hutuo River section of Dingxiang, Shihu sent a large number of archers to the river bank. Although the nearly [-] archers did not organize an arrow formation, the scene of shooting thousands of arrows was really done. Once blocked the sun.

Li Kuang was standing on the flagship and watching the huge scene on the shore. Shijie Zhao Jun didn't know how to arrange any formations, they just piled up in such a crooked manner, but [-] archers shooting arrows at the same time was shocking enough and quite funny What's more, no arrows hit even one ship plank of the Han army.

The State of Shijie Zhao no longer has a navy. Their navy was completely destroyed in the battle of Jizhou, and the cycle for building ships with today's technology and productivity is not short.Even if Shihu kidnapped a considerable number of craftsmen, the distant water could not save the near fire, and it was impossible to rebuild a fleet at all. If there were fewer warships, it was purely to deliver food to the Han fleet.

"Your Majesty has agreed to General Hussar's strategy." Wei Junchi looked at Shijie Zhao Jun who kept shooting arrows on the bank, and couldn't tell what emotion he was in: "We are now in the shogunate of General Hussars."

Ran Min’s Hussar General’s Shogunate was established, and Li Tan’s Zhengbei Shogunate was canceled immediately. The Central’s relocation of the original Zhengbei Shogunate to the Hussar General’s Shogunate is only the first step. It has been confirmed that the Zhengdong Shogunate will also be included Under the hussar shogunate sequence.

Hussar General Ran Min was undoubtedly the commander of the shogunate, Li Tan was the first deputy commander, Xie An, who was urgently transferred from Guanzhong, was the commander of the marching army, and Xie Ai was assigned the marching commander.

The action of the central center gave everyone on the northern front battlefield a more direct and intuitive concept. Xie An used the military position of Zhengxi Zhonglang to concurrently serve as Hussar General Shogun Shifu, and Xie Ai served as a civil servant of Yushi Zhongcheng. Sima, it means that the hussar general's shogunate specifications are in line with reality, and it is also the emphasis shown by the center.

The main force of the Han army, who made the approaching maneuver, was stationed on the south bank of the Hutuo River, fifty miles away from Dingxiang, led by Ran Min.It is more than seventy miles away from Guangmu, nearly a hundred miles away from the border of Changshan County, and less than two hundred miles to the southwest is Li Tan's original sequence of generals who conquered the North.

At present, the troops led by Li Tan are still besieging Jinyang and Quyang. The difference is that the troops in charge of the siege have already launched a battle to ascend the city.

"General Zhengbei used a catapult to throw a large number of sandbags, and it took half a month to concentrate on the southern city wall to pile up a mound for soldiers to charge up." Wei Junchi said with admiration: "It's just a charge. Just kill on the city wall and quickly enter the city."

In fact, the troops sent by Li Tan entered the city did not mean that Jinyang fell. The army's fight began with the competition for each house, and the casualties of both sides were not low.

The Han army fleet on the Hutuo River was preparing for a long-range strike. That was when the bed crossbows on each warship were stringed and placed with crossbow bolts that were thicker than spears. The mallet hit the trigger heavily, and there was a loud "beep" followed by the sound of the bowstrings of the bed crossbow, countless ear-piercing whistling sounds of piercing the air, and the fired arrows lost their kinetic energy after a period of leap and fell, bringing up the bright red Blood and screams.

A total of [-] Shijie Zhao troops fired two rounds of volleys, and all [-] arrows were still floating on the river surface. The large number gathered together covered some river sections, and the floating arrows already had Han warships. The boat that was put down is being recycled.

Shi Hu came to the scene in person, but he didn't show the banner. He was very annoyed that his own archers couldn't reach the Han warship, so he executed three Wanfu commanders on the spot for no reason, and some people who were nearby It's bloody bad.

"The longest range is 280 steps." Zhang Mao said very cautiously: "The number should be around [-], and each enemy warship is about two bed crossbows."

Zhang Mao was originally the governor of Youzhou, but Shi Hu gave Youzhou to Murong Yanguo. His official position as governor of Youzhou was not dismissed, and then he was given the title of joining the army.

"It's nearly sixty steps longer than the bed crossbow of the Jin army!" Shi Hu's face was full of gloomyness, and he glanced at the trembling court lady who was fanning the wind, squinting his eyes and looking at the Han who was already making a U-turn. Military Fleet: "It has a range of nearly a hundred steps more than our bed crossbow."

Of course Shijie Zhao Guo will manufacture bed crossbows, which is one of the benefits brought by ruling the Central Plains. The shape is modeled after the eight horse crossbows of the Jin army. Some gaps in craftsmanship and differences in parts lead to backward quality, and the longest range is common. It is between 180 steps and [-] steps.

Not only the bed crossbow, but also the strong crossbow can be made by Shijie Zhao Guo, but the quality is also backward. For a long time, Shijie Zhao Jun rarely equips bed crossbow or strong crossbow. There is a factor of weak national strength.

Looking at the small boats of the Han army who were picking up arrows on the river, Shi Hu already regretted it. The test shots before the volley had long been confirmed to be out of reach. It is absolutely false for Wanzhi Arrow to say that he does not feel distressed.

The current Shijie State of Zhao is no longer the country that ruled the Central Plains, but retreated to places like Bingzhou and Shuozhou, which are relatively innocuous. Financial resources and so on are very empty to the Hu people, and the key is to obtain materials and the like. How many qualified shafts and arrowheads are [-] arrows!
The bed crossbow of the Han army was launched again. The scale of sixty rounds was too small for 3 people. It could only cause hundreds of deaths and injuries, but the movement was too big, and the opponent could only be beaten. And Shijie Zhao Jun, who can't fight back, will also be extremely angry.

The bed crossbow is never purely for the purpose of causing many casualties, most of the time it is more used to attack the morale of the enemy, but rarely can hundreds of bed crossbows be gathered, and thousands of bed crossbows can be used in one place, which is completely unprecedented in history. happened before.

Li Kuang brought the fleet over, showing off their power. After they completed the U-turn, they slowly slowed down amidst the sound of war drums.

"Organize a shield wall to protect His Majesty!"

A rush of clappers sounded in the fleet on the river, and the densely packed black spots among the twenty or so warships rose to the sky. It was the crossbowmen firing their crossbow arrows.

The farthest range of the Han army's crossbow is 450 steps. When fighting with the Shijie Zhao army in the early days, the size of the Han army at that time was far smaller than that of the Shijie Zhao army. The Han army used strong crossbows, strong bows, Liannu formed a death arrow formation, teaching Shijie cavalry again and again how to behave.

Shi Hu pushed away Zhang Hezhu, Zhang Mao, Shen Bian and others who were about to come over to make arrow-proof shapes. Their positions were more than [-] steps away from the Han army warships, so how could they be shot.Not only did he push away the courtiers who wanted to show his loyalty, but he also drew out the battle sword on his waist and slashed a few court ladies to death, and kicked a few ministers, it can be seen that he was really angry to the extreme .

Each volley of the Han army on the river is about a thousand crossbow arrows. If the area covered is too large, it must be loose and loose, but the casualties caused by the crossbows are far greater than those caused by the bed crossbows. Small at the same time is chicken flying dog jumping.

A few court ladies who were hacked to death stood there, and the officials of Shijie who were kicked by Shihu didn't even dare to howl. Becoming a small country that was forced to live in a corner, although Shi Hu deliberately avoided the edge of the Han army, but the feeling in his heart really cannot be described.

Shihu is also old, and his long-term indulgence in female sex has long since broken down. He is no longer the overlord who can mount a horse and dance a gun. Some reasons for his personality will make things worse after his body breaks down. According to modern medical common sense, it is long-term. High blood pressure, physical weakness, frequent brain pains, fainting symptoms from time to time, a strong sense of weakness, and a love for power made this person's brutality even more extreme.

According to the Western Yuan calendar, it is currently 54 AD. Historically, Shi Hu died in [-] AD at the age of [-].

"His Majesty!!!"

A burst of exclamation erupted because Shi Hu kicked people but fell himself. Shi Hu who fell heavily on the ground was obviously dizzy and dazed, and even rolled his eyes, scaring the people around him at a loss.

Li Kuang happened to capture the chaos somewhere on the shore, and he said to Wei Junchi: "Our range is not that far."

Obviously, the range of the Han army's powerful crossbow is currently the farthest in the world, but it has not been exaggerated to more than [-] steps, so something must have happened that the Han army did not know.

Wei Junchi was looking at Shijie Zhao Jun who retreated from the shore in an orderly manner. It would be hypocritical to say that he did not admire him as a strong opponent.He looked in the direction Li Kuang pointed, and the chaos there was very obvious. Without any banner, he couldn't guess that Shihu had an accident.

The Shijie Zhao army, which could only be passively shot at the shore, was already retreating in an orderly manner, and the Han army fleet on the river also began to set sail. What was more sudden was that there were bursts of howling at first with a relatively low frequency, followed by Shijie Zhao Jun, who was retreating, stopped, and approached the shore again under the order of someone.

Li Kuang looked blankly at Zhao Jun who had gone and returned.

The returning Shijie Zhao army consisted of about two to three thousand people. They howled and rushed to the river, and rushed into the water without stopping. One after another figure flopped in the river, trying desperately to swim close to the Han army warship.

"Look, those guys are completely crazy." Wei Junchi was also extremely confused, watching the stone scorpion Zhao Jun who was thumping in the water, many of them sank in the middle of the swim: "Could it be that we shot some important people to death?" Bar?"

Although Shi Hu only showed signs of fainting but did not really faint, the high-ranking officials on Shi Jie's side were really completely crazy, all because Shi Hu who was carried into the carriage turned out to have a distorted face and was unable to speak. Simply put, Shihu had a stroke.

People with high blood pressure are prone to strokes, and those who are emotionally excited and angry will definitely suffer from strokes. It was Shihu's luck that he didn't have an attack before.

"It should be?" Li Kuang was completely mobilized: "Let those guys get closer, and stimulate the Hulu on the shore."

Two or three thousand Shijie Zhao troops who were launched into the water did not get close to the Han army's warship within a hundred steps, and there were less than 50 thumping figures left.Their speed was okay at the beginning, but after swimming about a hundred steps, there was a big disconnect, and no more than [-] people remained in the first echelon.

The Han army on the warship did not feel any sense of tension. With the permission of their superiors, most of the soldiers laughed and commented on the figures flopping in the water, and even deliberately made a lot of noise to make fun of them.

At least [-] pairs of eyes were watching the scene. At this time, no one thought about why the Han army didn't shoot arrows. Shijie soldiers began to swim within ten steps of the Han army's warships. Cheers.The soldiers of the Han army on the warship were actually cheering.

The Hu people ruled the Central Plains for decades, and anyone who is willing to learn can learn to swim. The difference is just how good the water is. The Shijie soldiers who can be the first to approach the warships of the Han army must not only have good water skills, but also have enough water skills. Brave and sturdy, they dare to die even if they are not afraid of death. They underestimated themselves and did not shoot arrows to suppress their anger. Even if they died, they still had the will to bite the Han army.

"Don't, don't shoot, I'll get the harpoon." Li Mi is a middle-aged man with an extremely simple and honest appearance. He really just ran to get a folded harpoon and straightened it with the help of Pao Ze: " Stabbing is more fun than shooting."

The Shijie soldier who was the first to get within five steps of the Han army's warship could not hold on any longer, and he swam in that ups and downs posture, and his speed was so slow that it was not much faster than a turtle crawling up.The longest time he sank was more than ten breaths. When he floated up again, he was panting heavily. His face was whiter than snow, his eyes were bloodshot, and his lips were so blue that they were about to turn pale. purple.

The water surface of the Han army warship decks is generally more than one and a half feet. In fact, Shijie soldiers swam there. Most of their weapons have sunk to the bottom of the river. They are basically unarmed, at most they can only be hammer boats. The board is too slippery for biting.

The high-ranking Shijie official who sent the soldiers acted out of rage and panic, completely for the purpose of venting his anger.

Li Mi found that he couldn't handle a harpoon that was nearly four feet long by himself, so he called for Pao Ze's help. It took several of them to work together to control the harpoon to tilt downward. The Shijie soldiers stabbed over...

(End of this chapter)

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