Chapter 546
There is no doubt that Shi Hu hates Ran Min.

The Ran family was one of the many leaders in the late Western Jin Dynasty. Ran Zhan (also known as Ran Liang) and Li Nong belonged to the begging army.To put it bluntly, the Qihuo Army is an armed group to survive in troubled times. They have fought against quite a few forces, and then gradually turned into forces that resisted the rule of the Hu people in the Central Plains.

The Western Jin Dynasty completely collapsed, and the random chaos in various places was not serious at the beginning. It was the group of aristocratic families and powerful people with private armed forces who conquered each other. When Liu Yuan was waiting for his rise, most of them were defeated one by one.

Liu Yuan established the Xiongnu Han Kingdom and called himself Emperor Han. Of course, he wanted to wipe out the local private armed forces. The beggar army was not that famous or powerful at that time.

The growth of the begging army was during the collapse of the Xiongnu Han Dynasty. At that time, the Jie tribe was rising in an all-round way. Shi Le’s process from slave to emperor was fast and amazing. It is estimated that everyone did not realize that the Xiongnu Han Dynasty had already ended in the hands of Li Yao. .

Compared with the Huns, the cruelty of the Jie people can be described in countless words. However, the cruelty of the Jie people at the beginning was not directed against the Jin people alone, but was equally cruel to every ethnic group.

At the beginning of the rise of the Jie tribe, their main targets were of course the Huns, including the Qiang, Di, Jin, and Zahu people.During those years when you killed me and I killed you, the resistance of the Jin people was the weakest, and the force of each nation was the guarantee of its own survival. Without enough strength, they would be despised, and gradually evolved into the Jie people who could They treat the Huns, Qiang and enemies as somewhat equal, but treat the Jin and Zahu as inferior people.

After the Jie people weakened their persecution of the Xiongnu, Qiang, and Di people, as the actual owners of the Central Plains, that is, the Jin people became the targets.

Later, when Shi Le ascended the throne as emperor, he accepted the advice of some great Confucians from Jin who had taken refuge in him, and shouted out the slogan of the old Shang Shanyu. "Hu people are supreme".

The old Shang Shanyu is not well-known in Chinese civilization. He is the son of Mao Dun Shanyu, and he is probably the first Hun who shouted that "the barbarians of the world are one family".If the idea of ​​the old Shang Shanyu is really successfully implemented, all ethnic groups except the Han family are very likely to form a nation, and there will be no Xiongnu, Xianbei, Yuezhi, Western Regions, Fuyu, Mohe, Luyi, Woju ... and so on, including the difference between Zahu.Such a result is definitely a very terrible thing for the Miao descendants of the Han family. Fortunately, Shan Yu, the military minister who came after the old Shang Shan Yu, didn't want to do anything like "the whole world is a family of barbarians".

Shi Le said that "the Hu people are supreme" united the Xiongnu, Qiang and Di people, and confirmed the foundation of the Jie people's rule of the Central Plains.After Shi strangled to death, Shi Hu rebelled and usurped the throne and became the new ruler.

Shi Hu implemented Shi Le's policies in some aspects, but not fully.For example, in the Shile period, Jin people were somewhat respected. In the Shihu period, the status of miscellaneous Hu was elevated, and only Jin people were targeted. Vegetables and fruits are renamed, courgettes are not courgettes called cucumbers or something.

After Shihu became the ruler of the Central Plains, the Jie nationality was of course the first nation, and the Qiang and Di tribes became the second nation in parallel because of their strength.

How low was the status of Jin people at that time?For example, there was a great Confucian who was an official in the central government. He was robbed by barbarians on his way to court. He went to the court in a state of embarrassment. When asked why he was so embarrassed, he subconsciously said "robbed by barbarians". Such a sentence is the original sin.

That's right, in the Central Plains under the rule of the Jie tribe, the Hu people are innocent of robbing the Jin people. It is a capital offense for the Jin people to call the Hu people "Hu". Killing wild animals will also be punished with capital punishment, and it is common for Hu people to insult Jin people, and Hu people only need to pay a small amount of property for killing Jin people.

For a long time, in the Central Plains under the rule of the Jie tribe, Jin people were inferior to pigs and dogs. Ran Min’s father, Ran Zhan, surrendered to Shi Le after the defeat. Shi Le accepted Ran Zhan as his adopted son, and Ran Zhan changed his surname to Shi Zhan. Ran Min has grown up during this period.

Compared with some other Jin people, the Ran family who changed their surname to Shi is actually much better, because they have the relationship of "adoptive father", and the Ran family is actually regarded as their own by most of the Jie people. .

In fact, Ran Min has done too many things for Shi Jie Zhao Guo. This should start after the begging army was incorporated by the Jie tribe.

After the begging army was defeated and surrendered, the Shijie Zhao State was incorporated, and then the begging army became active in various battlefields to suppress peace and rebellion. Anyone who resisted the rule of the Jie people was the target of war, killing the Jie people, killing the Xiongnu, and killing Qiang , Shadi, Shazahu... the ones who killed the most were Jin people of the same blood.

Ran Min is regarded as a "non-staff royal family". He has led the army in foreign wars many times, fought with Murong Xianbei, and fought with the small imperial court of the Eastern Jin Dynasty.He shined during the battle with Murong Xianbei. The most famous one was the defeat of Shi Hu's personal conquest, including the troops under Shi Hu's personal command, which were all in chaos. Only his troops were able to retreat in an orderly manner and organize a counterattack.He also showed his sharpness when he attacked the small court of the Eastern Jin Dynasty. He killed the Jin army more fiercely and more than he killed Murong Xianbei. There were even examples of Jin army generals who surrendered and were still beheaded.

As a fierce general of the Shi Jie Zhao Kingdom, Ran Min was not only qualified in many cases, but was so good that he could not hide it, Shi Hu naturally wanted to win over him more, and was naturally hated by the small court of the Eastern Jin Dynasty.

To what extent did the small imperial court of the Eastern Jin Dynasty hate Ran Min?It was Ran Min who dismantled the Jie tribe's rule over the Central Plains. At that time, the Qiang leader Yao Yizhong and the Di leader Fu Hong did not dare to think of taking over the Jie tribe to rule the Central Plains. Yao Yizhong and Fu Hong after the collapse of the Shijie Zhao Kingdom Once again admitting that he was a subject of the Eastern Jin Dynasty, Ran Min invited the Eastern Jin Dynasty to go north to regain the Central Plains. Does that mean that as long as the Jin army goes north, they can regain control of the Central Plains and save the people from the fire and water?

At that time, maybe the small court of the Eastern Jin Dynasty was trapped in internal strife and could not extricate themselves, maybe they were really unable to go northward, or even found that the rise of Murong Yan Kingdom could not be stopped. In short, they not only rejected Ran Min’s invitation to go north, but also clearly pointed out that Ran Min He was a rebellious minister and traitor. As a result, Ran Min proclaimed himself emperor and established the Ran Wei regime in a rage, and then the whole world began to unite to conquer the Ran Wei State.

As a fighter, Ran Min is so good that everyone is jealous, so it's not that he is so brave and good at fighting that it's hard not to admit it.No matter how good he is, he is loved by Shi Hu as much as he is, and he is also guarded against him at the same time.

All in all, given that Ran Min was outstanding to a certain extent, Shi Hu often regarded this adopted son as his own. Shi Hu even treated Ran Min better than his own sons. Even Shi Hu wanted to pass on the throne after his death. Ran Min can say anything.

In this version of history, whether Shi Hu is concerned about Ran Min's passing on the throne after his death, in fact, no one knows about it except the two parties involved.Shi Hu loves Ran Min, but it doesn't happen overnight, as much as he loves it, he hates it when he is betrayed. Ran Min said that using himself as a bait can attract Shi Hu to lead the army to fight.

Liu Yan, who was in Xiangguo, received an urgent call from Ran Min three days later.The first time he saw the memorial, he showed an expression of "as expected", which shows that he had foresight and guesswork when he dispatched Ran Min to lead his army to approach Dingxiang.

"Those guys in the military, one after another, never stop. Everyone wants to lead the army to fight, and everyone wants to make a big event every moment." Liu Yan had guessed about Ran Min's actions in advance, but it didn't mean he agreed. : "This is great. The medium-sized war in the plan will be broken through, and a great war will break out around Dingxiang."

Cui Wan seldom inquired about something deliberately, she stopped her embroidery and said: "The king is the king, and the general of the hussars is the minister."

Xiangguo has entered the season of warm spring and flowers blooming. Thanks to Shihu’s extravagant construction of the palace city of Xiangguo, there are beautiful places everywhere, and the most distinctive one is a specially imitated southern forest garden. garden.

Liu Yan, Queen Cui Wan and some concubines were in a pavilion, surrounded by a sea of ​​flowers made of precious flowers and plants. At a glance, there were all kinds of colors, and you could smell the fragrance of flowers anytime and anywhere.

Tuobaxiu was allergic to some flower scents and was not there. She said that she took the child to the Houshan Forest Garden for an outing. In fact, she rode a horse to hunt by herself, and the child was taken care of by some court ladies.

The Han family has a set of "the monarch, the minister, the minister, the father, the son and the son", but now only some families with deep family backgrounds pay attention to it, and some families with insufficient background have actually been half-humanized.

It's hard to say exactly what the background of the Cui family is. Ever since a member who was a queen appeared in the family, they have developed into a stately relative. At any time, even if they pretend to be, they will pretend to be what a thousand-year-old family should look like. Even Cui Wan was repeatedly reminded of what it should be like.

Liu Yan just expressed his feelings, not to let his harem express any opinions.He stood up and said, "But I can't spend more time with you."

Cui Wan took the lead and said: "The king should naturally put state affairs first."

The rest of the concubines showed the same attitude as Cui Wan no matter what they thought in their hearts.

What I want to say is that whether it is Cui Wan or Xie Daoyun and other concubines, they always refer to themselves according to their corresponding ranks. For example, Cui Wan calls herself "Queen", and Xie Daoyun calls her "Xianfei". They are not claiming to be themselves at any time. What "concubine".In fact, there is no such title as "Chen Concubine" at all. It is a misleading idea in the TV series. A minister is a minister and a concubine is a concubine, and they cannot be confused.

Chenqie is the title of slaves in the Western Zhou Dynasty and Spring and Autumn Period. Male slaves are called ministers, and female slaves are called concubines.Concubines in some later dynasties would call themselves "concubines", but they never called themselves "concubines", and the emperor's harem would not be so uneducated, even if they were uneducated, there should be corresponding rules.However, no one takes it seriously.

The generals who were fighting abroad sent official documents to the central government. Those sent to the king alone were called memorials, while those to the central government were official documents.Under normal circumstances, no one would just send a memorial to Liu Yan alone. No matter how important it was, it would be in duplicate.

Liu Yan knew exactly how much trouble Ran Min's affairs would cause. In fact, it was not as he expected. It didn't take long for Taiwei Xu Zheng, Prime Minister Ji Chang, Imperial Envoy Sang Yu, and the rest of the nine ministers to enter the palace one after another. ask to see.

The ministers who came here specially were assigned to the Zhangtai on the mountainside. Liu Yan waited for a while to arrive. Before he went in, he had already heard Sang Yu criticizing Ran Min for making up his own mind, saying that he wanted to show up in front of Liu Yan. Impeach hard.

"Oh, oh, oh!" Xu Zheng had no prejudice or opinion against Sang Yu. He was speaking from the perspective of No. 1 in the military. He was teasing and reminding: "Zishen, the Yushi Mansion cannot participate in military affairs, why? Are you sure that the Cavalry General is acting on his own initiative?"

It is well-known that Sang Yu and Ran Min are on the wrong track, and the former immediately exploded: "If you think that Yu is avenging his personal revenge, it is a big mistake. Yu doesn't want someone to learn from Hussar General in the future!"

Xu Zheng said he was teasing before, but after Sang Yu finished speaking, he corrected his attitude and said: "Master Imperial Envoy, General Hussar's actions have been recorded in the Taiwei Office, and it is one of many battle plans."

"So, I have nothing to say." Sang Yu showed a business-like attitude and would not apologize. He bowed politely and had to remind Xu Zheng: "The Yushi Mansion has the duty to supervise all officials. , I also ask the Lieutenant not to do this next time."

Xu Zheng should return the gift or return the gift, but in his heart he couldn't help curling his lips.

The reform is just in progress. Before the reform is completed, the responsibilities of each department will remain the same. At present, Sang Yu, who is an imperial envoy doctor, can not only choke Ran Min, but even the king can shout five and six. No one can tell. What is wrong.

Liu Yan deliberately stayed outside the door and listened for a while.The attitude of the Taiwei Office is clear, that is, to stand with the military and exert force.The Prime Minister's Office and the Censor's Office are on the same front. The Prime Minister's Office blames the possible lack of preparation for the expansion of the war, while the Censor's Office continues to talk about the fundamentals of being a minister.

Perhaps because he had heard enough, Liu Yan signaled for an announcement, and after saying "The King is coming", he stepped into the room.

There were quite a few people in the room. In addition to the chief officials of various departments, the corresponding important staff members were also present. No matter what they were doing before, they stood in a row according to the department they belonged to, and saluted and greeted Liu Yan respectfully together, but there was absolutely no Just bow down.

It wasn't a formal occasion, the seating arrangement divided the main seats into two rows, leaving a big aisle in the middle, waiting for Liu Yan to sit down at the main seat, and the rest of the people took their seats after he raised his hand to appease him.

"Your Majesty." Xu Zhengren stood up again without hesitation, and he didn't need to leave his seat either at the court meeting or without leaving his seat, and said, "General Hussars Min sent a letter, and I think that what I have done will be a great success, and it is a rare opportunity. .”

Liu Yan smiled and looked at the others.

Ji Chang was the second to stand up and said: "The big man has long hoped to eliminate the vitality of Shi Jie, and I think what the Taiwei said is reasonable."

Those who could speak behind all stood up to express their opinions. Even Sang Yu believed that it could indeed attract Shihu to fight, but the noise in private was not mentioned at all, which made Liu Yan sincerely relieved.

(End of this chapter)

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