sweeping the world

Chapter 548 The Inevitability of History

Chapter 548 The Inevitability of History

The news of Shihu's stroke must be completely blocked, but there is no absolutely impenetrable wall in the world, the difference is when the news leaks.

Ran Min had his own considerations for sending a small fleet to the Hutuo River in Dingxiang. He knew what kind of person Shi Hu was, and he was confident enough to use that action to stimulate the tyranny in Shi Hu's veins. , I just don’t know that I’m playing too well.

A person with a cruel personality usually also has a self-willed factor. Such a person will not completely follow the established plan, but will change his personality because of the different things he faces. But decided to turn around and fight with someone.

"The retreat in Dingxiang has been terminated, and it seems that it is still in some kind of chaos." Xie An's demeanor is very gentle, and he can be regarded as an out-and-out Confucian general.He obviously had some guesses, but he definitely didn't expect the confusion caused by Shi Hu's stroke: "Is Shi Jie spreading doubts, or did something really happen?"

Marching Commander Shi is in some respects the think tank of an army, and he is positioned as a military adviser. Xie An thinks he can perform this job well, and he won't delay his work because of his different views on Ran Min.He arrived only two days ago, and what he did after he came was to fully understand the situation, and he didn't make any suggestions to Ran Min for the time being.

"Isn't it what we want for them to stop retreating?" Ran Min said with his own rhythm, "Wait for the follow-up troops to arrive, and then make an approach towards Dingxiang."

There are quite a few troops in the hussars shogunate sequence, not counting the imperial guards and county soldiers. The nine standing armies have been determined. In addition to the original six of the northern shogunate, three more were added, and then three were covered. The imperial guards and the county soldiers with a total of more than 20, the total number of warriors, imperial guards, county soldiers, and militiamen exceeds 50, but the distribution of troops is actually very scattered.

The number of troops located at Ran Min's location is currently only [-], of which there are less than [-] combat soldiers.Li Tan's troops are attacking Jinyang and Quyang, and are not sure when they can continue their march north.The following two armies are already marching quickly, and the rendezvous deadline is seven days later.

With a total number of 50 people, [-] to [-] people actually participated in the war. It can be considered that the Han Dynasty really made great efforts, or it was the domestic internal affairs construction and the cooperation during the reform period. Ran Min didn't care what happened to the others. He himself is determined to destroy the Shijie Zhao State once and for all.

The scale of the war was confirmed by Liu Yan himself. Even with his prestige, he did not completely suppress the voice of opposition. The Prime Minister's Office was forced to reduce the scale of internal affairs, but the reform did not stop.

The reduction in the scale of internal affairs construction is still coordinated with food consumption. After all, gathering a large number of people to work must be for food, and the daily food consumption is definitely an astronomical figure.

The reform is still mainly focused on legal reform. At present, most people's attention is drawn to the upcoming war, which makes the difficulty of the reform a lot easier.

It was not the first time that Ran Min held the military power of 10 people, but this time he was able to lead [-] to [-] soldiers to fight, which still filled him with excitement. He really had the determination to wipe out Shijie once. He sent documents to Ji Chang more than once, clearly stating that there must be no problems with logistics.

When Ji Chang saw Ran Min begging and threatening the secretary, he was annoyed and funny. The country's food and fodder reserves have entered a difficult period. It is related to the country's war of annihilation. What kind of moth, can only force Xu Zheng to put pressure on all aspects of the Southwest Peninsula, and at the same time keep looking for colleagues and well-established clans.

The hussars shogunate figured out what happened on the eighth day after Shihu's stroke. They spied on two channels. The first was that Shihu's sons actually started fighting each other, and the second was that some Shihu The minister secretly passed the song.

I don't know if it's brain damage, or if the Hu people are just like that. After the news of Shi Hu's stroke leaked out, Shi Shi was the first to gather arms, but the outbreak didn't start with Shi Shi.

Shi Shi is actually still a child now, and his mother is the daughter of Emperor Liu Yao of Later Zhao.

As the former royal family and one of Shihu's favorite harem, Liu is not the kind of woman who has no influence. She is surrounded by many veterans from the former Zhao Dynasty. After Zhi is also appended.

To Shi Shi...or it should be said that it was Zhang Jack who suggested the army to be raised by the Liu family. Luckily.

Shi Shi's mother, Liu Shi, was originally captured and dedicated to Shi Hu who was still the King of Zhongshan at that time led by Zhang Jackal. They did not form an enemy relationship because of the capture and sending, on the contrary, they formed a good friendship because of it.

Zhang Jie only used one sentence to suggest that the Liu family raise troops, that Shi Hu is about to die, and the prince Shi Xuan is not a guy who can tolerate people, so he was killed after being humiliated in the back, it is better to raise troops and fight to the death .

Mrs. Liu knew very well what Shi Hu's situation was like, and knew Shi Xuan's cruelty, so naturally she wanted to fight to the death, but it would be a lie to say that she had no worries.She asked Zhang Jackal to contact the ministers of the DPRK and China, especially those generals with military power.Not only that, she also asked Zhang Jack, even if it succeeded in the end, how should the Shijie Zhao State face the menacing Han State after a civil strife.

Faced with the questions, Zhang Jack came up with a series of answers. He had already contacted Shi Tao, Shi Kun, and Shi Chong in advance, and obtained their promise to fight with Shi Shi by various means.

Shi Tao is Shi Hu's fifth son. He was King Anle first, and then Duke Qin. He and Shi Xuan had been at odds for a long time, and the two sides fought fiercely. When Zhang Jie approached him, he was making some preparations. Probably because he knew that Shi Xuan would definitely kill him after he gained power, so he planned to strike first.Zhang Jack was lying to him, saying that after the matter was completed, he would be the emperor instead of Shi Shilai.

Shi Kun is the eighth son of Shi Hu, and he has the prince of Ruyin King. Generally speaking, he is an outlier among Shi Hu's many sons. Not to mention his timid and cautious personality, the strange thing is that he admires Han culture very much.Zhang Xie came to him purely to gain momentum, and threatened him that after Shi Xuan ascended the throne, he would definitely kill all his brothers.He didn't dare to participate in any uprising at first, he just wanted to escape, but later Zhang Jack said that he had found a way to the Han country, and it was still possible to become a rich man in the Han country if King Ruyin was wronged.I don't know what he was thinking, but he was really convinced by Zhang Jackal's last statement.

Shi Chong is the youngest son of Shi Hu, and it is definitely not him who really makes up his mind, but some civil and military people who have taken refuge in his sect. If Zhang Jackal handles those civil and military forces, it is tantamount to pulling him in.

In fact, before Zhang Jack really took action, Shi Xuan was the first to seek treatment from Shi Bin after confirming that Shi Hu was unable to manage politics.

Among Shi Hu's many sons, Shi Bin is one of the people with the most say in the military. He has been operating Youzhou for a long time and held military power, and once controlled Jizhou.He was the prince who fought the most battles with the Han army, and sometimes he fought very well. Jizhou was captured by the Han army, and Youzhou was sent to Murong Yan by Shihu. He suffered a comprehensive blow, but his strength was still extremely strong. It is No.1 who threatens the throne of Emperor Shixuan.

Shi Xuan made a move to Shi Bin, first several assassinations were unsuccessful, and then Donggong Gaoli was dispatched directly.

Shi Bin didn't have any possibility of sitting still, because he also failed to assassinate Shi Xuan several times. When Shi Xuan dispatched Donggong Gaoli, Shi Bin called his own troops to do it, and the two sides started the war directly in Dingxiang City.

Shi Xuan's Donggong Gaoli was very fierce. Shi Bin's original frontier army was not bad, but after both sides fought, they immediately killed the sky. Taking their own lives, Shi Xuan and Shi Bin, who were red-eyed, responded by letting those ministers die first.

The war in the city soon affected everyone, whether active or passive, those who wanted to protect themselves were involved one after another. Shi Shi, Shi Tao, Shi Kun, and Shi Chong, who were the third party and alliance, were the most eye-catching.

Earlier, Shi Jie Wenwu had secretly contacted Ran Min, letting Ran Min know that Shi Hu had suffered a stroke and was unable to govern, and later he learned of the civil strife in Dingxiang.

After Ran Min and others who were marching towards Dingxiang received the information that many of Shi Hu's sons were killing each other, they were really stunned.

"I knew that Shihu's many descendants were not in harmony..." Xie Ai said with emotion: "The Hulu is really a Hulu, and there was a civil war at the end of his death."

Xie An couldn't even hide his dumbfoundedness, and said, "They didn't think about it, even if they won that position, how would they face us in the end?"

"Hahaha!" Ran Min looked completely familiar, and after a burst of laughter, he said, "It's what it is, and it's inevitable."

Now there is no such sentence as "God wants to make it perish, he must first make it crazy", but similar words still exist, such as what Ran Min said just now.

There was a sudden civil strife in Shijie, and a large number of civil and military scrambled to seek refuge. The sudden change actually invalidated some of the previous preparations made by Han.

"General." Xie An looked directly at Ran Min and said, "The army is stationed in place?"

"No!" Ran Min knew what Xie An meant, but he didn't intend to accept the suggestion. Instead, he said, "Order Li Tan to dispatch cavalry to cut off the northern route, and another army will directly attack Yanmen County."

The Shi Jie in Dingxiang are killing each other. At this time, the approach of the Han army is likely to make those people stop and fight the enemy together. What the Han army should do is to make those people not feel serious about the external threat. Xie An's opinion is the source. From here.

Of course Ran Min knew what was going on, but he was afraid that it would not be perfect. On the one hand, he wanted to prevent the target from escaping, and on the other hand, he did not intend to stay.

"Chang Shi, there are many times when it is time to launch and you can't hesitate." Ran Min is not a person with high emotional intelligence, and said bluntly: "It is risky to rush forward with the current force, but what is no risk? The risk taken can be matched to obtain The results of the battle, don't worry about failure."

Xie An's face became stiff, but he didn't say anything more, let alone snort coldly.

Bing is expensive and fast is what Ran Min wants to do most now. He is already a majestic general of hussars, but he dispatched all the cavalry and personally led them to rush directly to Dingxiang.

"General Hussars..." Xie Ai looked at the background of the cavalry going away, and kept smiling wryly: "As expected of General Hussars."

There are very few people in the Han Dynasty who don't know Ran Min's character, and they never care if they understand or don't understand Ran Min. If everyone can't understand, Liu Yan can still get used to it.

Xie An and the others who were left behind also looked at the cavalry in the distance, but no one said anything.

25 miles is not too far for the cavalry, what Ran Min has to consider is the marching order of the cavalry, and what can be done after arriving in Dingxiang.

Civil strife broke out in Dingxiang, and the turmoil was not limited to the city. Although Shi Hu had been transferring population to Shuozhou, the army had always stayed by his side.

Those princes started killing each other, for civil and military, it was no longer a choice whether they wanted to be involved or not, it was difficult for them not to be involved.After the total chaos, it affected all aspects, and the result was that the closer Ran Min was to Dingxiang, the more bizarre things happened.

The Han army came, but no one cared about Dingxiang. In the city, you still kill me and I kill you.The troops on the outskirts of Dingxiang either resisted or surrendered, and even directly pulled down the flag of Shijie to stage an uprising.

Ran Min led about [-] cavalry, he would stand up for anyone who stood in the way, and he didn't bother to bother if he avoided it, so he went straight to Dingxiang.

Waiting for Ran Min to arrive at Dingxiang City, the fighting in the city did not stop because of the arrival of the Han army, on the contrary, the killing inside became more intense.

Zhang Jack came over as soon as Ran Min arrived, and the person who appeared with him was Shi Kun.

"I don't need to say anything superfluous. This general will definitely speak well in front of the king. He deserves an official award and nobility. If he wants to live a stable life, nothing will happen."

Ran Min is not trying to do everything, but he has enough confidence to say such things. As long as he can destroy the Shijie Zhao Kingdom, he does not need to deliberately pursue some small things. As a king, Liu Yan also knows how to grasp the big and let go of the small.

Zhang Jack was overjoyed immediately. He did so much just to gain something. He thought he performed well in this incident. Too high an official did not have extravagant hopes. Being able to join the Han Kingdom and stand firm would be his reward. Wish, as for the title, I am also looking forward to it.

Shi Kun showed a very grateful expression. He and Ran Min had known each other for a long time, and they knew each other more or less in character, and knew that Ran Min had something to say.

"These are the civil and military lists for the big man." Zhang Jackal got what he wanted, and he worked harder in his heart: "The villain can go there in person and call for the general to assist the army."

Regardless of whether Ran Min rushed straight to the city of Dingxiang without hesitation, there are still special people in charge of taking over and accepting the rebellion later.The latest news he got included that there were nearly [-] cannon fodder troops, but it didn't hinder him from wanting more soldiers that could be used up.

(End of this chapter)

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