Chapter 463

After the first emperor swept Liuhe to unify the Central Plains, he did not know why he quickly ordered the city walls of the whole country to be demolished, and at the same time, the passes were gradually demolished everywhere.He did not deploy many troops in the country, mainly to the two borders of the north and the south. In the country, the local people serving in the military service in the counties and counties acted as the main force of the garrison, and only a very small number of soldiers from Qin served as the main force. Officers.

Xianyang, the former capital of the Qin Empire, did not plan the city wall at the beginning of its construction. It is hard to say what kind of idea it was based on. There is a saying that Shang Yang, who planned the city, believed that the surrounding terrain of Xianyang was a natural barrier, and the Qin army was good at fighting. A capital does not need to be defended by walls.

"Linzi is a temporary capital, and the capital will be moved to another place in the future." Ah Xiang was the order of Linzi, and she didn't know whether it was a sign from above or her own intention. She came over after Xie Daoyun arrived.She felt that it was necessary to answer the question raised by Xie Daoyun: "At the beginning, I thought that the scope of the capital would continue to expand, and the existence of the city wall would have many restrictions. The army in the future has been keeping the enemy out of the country, so there is no need for the city wall."

Xie Daoyun was very surprised that the person in charge of the majestic capital city of the Han Dynasty was a woman. It was normal for women to be officials in ancient times, but after the Western Han Dynasty, women would also serve as female officials in Miyagi, and there was no place for women in other official positions.She really didn't expect that the Han Dynasty under Liu Yan's rule would undergo a "restoration" that broke the rules.

Ah Xiang is the wife of Han Guolang General Li Kuang. Currently, women will take their husband's surname when they marry.Outsiders should call her Li Shi, because she is directly called by official names without surnames because of her official position.

Taking the surname of your husband is a custom in most mainstream countries in the world. The Chinese mainland maintained it until the end of the Republic of China, and some autonomous government areas outside the "two governances" were preserved (such as Hong Kong, Macau, and Taiwan). Regardless of whether it is a mainstream country in Europe or the Americas, women also take their husband's surname after they marry. It can be seen that it is not discrimination for a woman to marry with her husband's surname.

"Will you move away from Linzi at any time?" Xie Daoyun asked curiously, "Where will you move?"

Axiang is not very clear about this. Recently, the issue of moving the capital has been raised. Those who advocated think that Linzi is too far to the east of the country, which is not conducive to the central control of the region.In addition, I think that the capital should be located in the very center of the country, or choose the side where the capital was located, like the Western Han, Eastern Han, and Cao Wei chose to expand.

"Shouldn't the terrain around the capital be the priority?" Xie Daoyun knew that the reason why Jiankang became the capital was that Jiankang had a foundation for development on the one hand, and more because of the natural barriers around Jiankang.She seemed to think of something, and said: "The Han army has conquered Xiangguo, the capital of Shijie. I heard that the king of Han ordered not to destroy the palace?"

Ah Xiang gave an affirmative answer: "There is such an order. The person who gave the order is not the king, but Prime Minister Zuo."

In fact, according to Ran Min's original intention, he wanted to set fire to those palaces that looked magnificent. The reason was that the palaces were not only made of people's fat, people's anointing, but also the blood and tears of the nation. They should learn from Xiang Yu, the former overlord of Western Chu, to burn them down for justice. .

Ji Chang could give the military an order directly, but his order was approved by Liu Yan.What he considered was that Liu Yan was never willing to spend people's and material resources to build a place of enjoyment. It was a good thing for the king to live a simple life, but if the king's residence was not grand, it would lower the majesty of a country. Now that Shijie has been established, Han Dynasty The country can also use it.

Liu Yan's idea is that since it has been built, regardless of whether to live in it or not, it is not easy to destroy the things that have been built with a lot of people's resources and material resources. An act of waste.

"Ah?" Xie Daoyun was surprised again: "Han Wang wants to move there? Will he be scolded... scolded?"

"Your Majesty didn't say you want to move there." Ah Xiang had a better impression of Xie Daoyun, the reason being that Xie Daoyun would consider her husband's family even before she got married.She smiled and said, "There are rumors that the capital will be moved to Guanzhong, but I don't know what the king will think about it."

The territory of the Han Dynasty has been expanded again and again. From the former Changguang County, the entire Qingzhou has been recovered successively, and the entire territory of Xuzhou and Yanzhou has been taken. It is too far to the east.

The administrative center of a country can't be too remote, it will not have enough control over places that are too far away, and then the money, grain and other taxes in each place must be turned over to the center, and being far away is not only a loss, but also a big trouble.

The statement about moving the capital to Guanzhong is not without reason, and Liu Yan's personal tendency is to prefer Chang'an as the capital.He has this kind of idea not only because there are many natural barriers around Chang'an, but also because the dynasties with Chang'an as their capital are relatively strong, and also because the Han Dynasty will definitely expand westward in the future, so the location of the capital in Chang'an is not only beneficial to westward expansion. , In fact, it can also play a convenient role in conquering the grassland.

The current population of Linzi should be more than [-], because the relationship of becoming the capital city has long been not limited to the original Linzi boundary, but the original surrounding counties have also been incorporated into the capital city system.It is about as far as Xi'an in the north (about ten miles away from modern Huantai), Changguo (modern Zibo City) in the west, Judian Lake in the east, and Linqu in the south, covering an area larger than a smaller county.

The area is too large and the population is not large, resulting in the lack of dense buildings, which led Xie Daoyun to think that what he entered was not a city at all, but an ordinary countryside.

For Xie Daoyun, what impresses Linzi is not what it is, but that there must be boats and boats on every water system. For example, in the Juyangshui just passing by, there are many boats, including many warships.

"All states and counties can transport money and food to the capital by water instead of land." A Xiang didn't think it was a secret, facing Xie Daoyun's curiosity, she said directly: "The country is now in wartime, and recovery is also going on in various places. The roads are made of slaves, and there is no large-scale apportionment of corvees for road construction."

Xie Daoyun saw quite a lot on the way to Linzi. The corvée in the Han Dynasty was mainly aimed at local infrastructure construction. Recently, the most important thing in various places is the use of water for farming. There are really many slaves who build roads and repair roads. It is rare to see common people participating in it.

There are quite a lot of water systems in Linzi. The largest water system in the north is the estuary of the Yellow River, and the nearest one is the Jishui, a large water system. There are also some small water systems such as Mianshui, Zhuoshui, Zishui, Shishui and so on.It is indeed a lot of convenience to use it under multiple water systems, and the residential houses around the water systems seem to be the densest.

Ah Xiang just met Xie Daoyun, and left after chatting for a while.

After entering Linzi, Gaoping's [-] cavalry were stationed in the outskirts of the military camp, and Xie Daoyun and others were transferred to the Linzi government office for reception, and the place where they were arranged was a post house.

The place of resettlement is not far from Miyagi, and apart from Xie Daoyun and others in the post house, there are some original house servants.

The posthouses in the capital are different from those in other parts of the Han Dynasty, that is, they are larger in scale, and the leaders of the posthouses inside are still retired soldiers, and the rest are old people, women and children hired from the local area. Less than young.

There were not many people in Xie Daoyun's group, but this was not the reason why they were able to occupy a post house alone. Obviously, the post house was instructed to clear out the original people, and it was specially used to accommodate Xie Daoyun and others.After they were arranged to move in, they should have received courtesy in terms of food, drink, and treatment, and there were no restrictions on their entry and exit, that is, after Ah Xiang left, no higher-level figures came again.

For about half a month in a row, Xie Daoyun almost visited Linzi except for the palace city. There were no scenic spots, no majestic or magnificent mansions. How could the high-ranking officials and nobles look so simple in the capital of the country.

What Xie Daoyun sees the most is the people who are running around for their lives. The pace of life of the people seems to be very fast, and everyone is busy and fulfilled.She looked at the conditions of the dwellings and the food for meals. The house is a very common thatched hut, but the food seems to be very rich. There are no vegetables to eat due to the season, and fresh fish is always on the dining table.

"The boats and ships of the Han Dynasty are very developed. I heard that the warships of the Han people galloped throughout the Bohai Sea, and even went out to the ocean. The sea is a paradise for the Han people to hunt. Every day, a fleet full of fresh fish comes here from the sea." Xie Lan is not only responsible for Serving Xie Daoyun, he was also responsible for inquiring and collecting some information: "Salt in Han is very cheap, and seafood is even cheaper. People in Qi have a long history of eating fish, unlike people in the inland who are not used to it."

Xie Daoyun and others grew up in the south and actually often eat fish. What surprised them was the new way of cooking fish in Linzi. There is nothing new about adding ginger to remove the fishy smell and adjusting it. It is not fresh to make fish, just take some Cooking fish with seasonings that have never been seen not only smells great, but also tastes good.

"Abundant fish, and meat can also be eaten frequently." Xie Daoyun came from a big family and is no stranger to eating meat. What she knows is that even rich families in the south may not always be able to eat meat: " Dog meat seems to be less than mutton, even beef can appear in the market..."

Of course, there is a market in Linzi, which is divided into the east of the city and divided into various workshops, some of which specialize in selling odds and ends, daily life, food, and even livestock.

For southerners, they are puzzled and perplexed when they see horses being sold in the market, especially some people are surprised that good horses that can be used as war horses can also be sold among the people.This is only because there is an extreme shortage of horses in the south, especially there are fewer good horses that can be used as war horses. The Jin army of 30 to [-] has only [-] to [-] cavalry.

"Horse?" Ah Xiang came to the post house again after a lapse of seventeen days. Facing Xie Daoyun's question, she replied with a smile: "Not everyone can buy it. You must have a title."

Xie Daoyun felt that this was right, otherwise how many horses would have been resold to the south.

Ah Xiang came here this time with a mission, but she didn't feel anxious at all.She is happy to chat with Xie Daoyun about Linzi, especially want to hear Xie Daoyun's impression of Linzi.

"It's not more populous than Jiankang, and it's not as prosperous as Jiankang..." Xie Daoyun felt that he should tell the truth: "Looking at Linzi as a capital city, it looks a bit shabby, not like the capital of a powerful country."

This is where Ah Xiang is most depressed.The country is in wartime all year round, and local construction is also based on the foundation.There is also a king who doesn't like large-scale civil engineering at all, and the people under him have to hold back no matter what they think.Linzi, as the capital city, really doesn't have much grandeur, at least it is incomparable with Shijie or the capital of the small courts of the Eastern Jin Dynasty.What I want to say is that Xiangguo, the capital of Zhao State in Shijie, is now under the jurisdiction of Han State.

"The King of Han is a great king who cares about the people..." Xie Daoyun first praised sincerely, but then frowned and said: "But being strong still needs support, not only for outsiders to see, but also for the appearance that a strong country should have."

Those of the Xie family who accompanied them to the north thought that Han was a powerful country before they came to Linzi, but after seeing Linzi, they lost their awe.This is a common and normal psychology of a person, just as a tall and majestic building can make people know their own insignificance, and even a rich person living in a thatched hut will make people look down upon.

After talking for a while, Ah Xiang explained the purpose of his visit: "Your Majesty is leaving for Sizhou. Do you want Madam to stay in Linzi, or go with you?"

Xie Daoyun didn't think about it, and said bluntly: "If the marriage is confirmed, Daoyun will naturally have to be consistent with many empresses. If the marriage has not been settled, Daoyun is not easy to accompany." Before Ah Xiang said anything, she continued: " If the King of Han didn't restrict idlers, Dao Yun would still like to see the scenery in other places."

Liu Yan this time is a relatively large-scale tour in the near future. He will choose the spring tour because the stargazing officer predicts that most areas of Qingzhou will continue to rain for more than a month in the near future. Considering the need to deter the newly restored areas, Liu Yan The tour will be confirmed.

"Your Majesty has agreed." Ah Xiang smiled sweetly, narrowed her eyes and said, "I just called you Madam."

"Not right, not right." Xie Daoyun really didn't pay much attention to the address just now, and after realizing it, he didn't see any shyness, but said: "I haven't officially married yet. Let's not rush to address my wife. Daoyun really wants to see the king. "

Ah Xiang came here to bring someone to meet Liu Yan, not only Xie Daoyun was curious about Liu Yan, but Liu Yan was not curious about Xie Daoyun who dared to move his family to the north.

Liu Yan chose to confirm his marriage with Xie Daoyun at this time. The personal relationship between children is not the most important thing, it is still related to the battle of the Southern Expedition, so there is a strategy in the marriage.

When Xie Daoyun saw Liu Yan, Xie An was also present.

The war in Sizhou came to a halt, and Xie An returned to Linzi to report on his duties. He will soon be transferred to the Southern Expedition Army, serving as a general in Xu Zheng's shogunate, and participating in the Han Dynasty's invasion of the south of the Yangtze River.

(End of this chapter)

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