sweeping the world

Chapter 464 Going North and Going South

Chapter 464 Going North and Going South

The Han State is currently only a military power, and people's livelihood has basically declined except for Qingzhou. However, in general, the Han people living in it are happy to see the country's military strength.

There are many reasons why the Han people are willing to see the country pay attention to the military. The only one is that they have encountered brutal foreign rule in the past few decades, and they are willing to support military construction even if their lives are harder. What's more, the country treats those who own private land in terms of taxation. Small households really get preferential treatment, and the corvee service is actually more like a disguised form of status where people provide labor in exchange for two meals a day.

When Liu Yan met Xie Daoyun, nothing special happened, just chatting and asking about interesting things along the way, and then they parted.

"Uncle." Xie Daoyun was riding in the same carriage as Xie An. She looked at Xie An, whose skin had turned dark due to constant battles, and asked softly, "Has the King of Han always been so easy-going?"

It should be said that Xie Daoyun's first impression of Liu Yan was very good. Apart from Liu Yan's pretty good looks, the most profound thing is that Liu Yan's personality looks gentle and talkative, unlike some kings who only care about showing off their majesty.

"Your Majesty is really gentle towards his subjects." Xie An knew that the time when Liu Yan lost his temper was when Shi Hu provoked a racial vendetta, and the rest of the time Liu Yan always seemed very indifferent.He didn't want to talk too much about the king's affairs, so he said to Xie Daoyun, "I won't go back to the post house."

It was Linzi Order Ah Xiang's arrangement before, otherwise Xie Daoyun should really live with Xie An after arriving in Linzi.

"Uncle is going to go south soon?" Xie Daoyun is not concerned about the Civil War, nor doubts that Xie An will stick to his position in that war. She was not too nervous before, but after meeting Liu Yan, her psychology became different. .She said, "Auntie will be in the capital, right?"

Xie An's wife is the Liu family, the younger sister of Liu Tin, a talker in the Qing Dynasty.She came from the south of the Yangtze River at the end of the second year of Yuan Shuo, and she brought a lot of people and money, all of which were obtained from the family of the Xie clan.They were married for a long time but had no children.

In fact, the sons and daughters of the small imperial courts of the Eastern Jin Dynasty basically got married very late, and it was even later in terms of childbearing. Often, two men and women from aristocratic families would formally marry after many years of engagement.

Xie An was somewhat melancholy about the fact that he was about to go south to participate in the invasion war, not only because the Eastern Jin Dynasty's small court's conqueror was Xie Shi, but also because the Han Dynasty's attitude towards the southern aristocratic families had become increasingly obvious.

Regarding how to treat the aristocratic families south of the Yangtze River after the invasion, the Central Committee of the Han Dynasty made a decision to pull a group, fight a group, and kill a group.It is actually very clear about who should be wooed, that is, whoever is useful to the Han army's southern invasion and is willing to take refuge, then whoever is the wooing target.There is no need to talk about killing a batch and killing a batch.

What makes Xie An feel melancholy is that the central government is extremely determined to redistribute resources in the south. So regardless of whether they are willing to be won over or not, the southern family will never be able to control huge resources.

Xie Daoyun lived in Xie's mansion here, and let's ignore what happened, but in the south, the Hanwang Liu Yan's approval of marriage seemed very strange.

There are many interpretations of Han Wang Liu Yan's acceptance of the marriage. What is certain is that no matter what the end of the Xie family will be after this war, the Xie family will definitely continue to be rich anyway.Those people who originally wanted the family daughter to marry, but later regretted it, waited for the situation to develop into the moment when the Civil War was bound to break out, and they didn't know how bitter it was in their hearts.

The season has entered spring, and the south is the first area to start preparing for farming. From south to north, due to climate changes, various places have entered a busy farming period.

After spring came, the Han army waiting on all fronts began to move south again, with a total size of more than 20 soldiers and no less than [-] soldiers.

After several months of buffering, the small imperial court of the Eastern Jin Dynasty tried their best to prepare for the battle amid internal friction. They deployed their forces according to the distribution of the Han army.

It is not difficult to detect the movements of the Han army garrisoned along the Yangtze River. There is one river in Xuzhou, Ruyin in Yuzhou has the largest number of troops, and there is also one in the north of Jingzhou.

After the small imperial court of the Eastern Jin Dynasty repeatedly expanded its army, the number of troops belonging to the imperial court increased from 20 to 36.Xie Shi commanded 15 troops stationed along the Shouchun line, Wang Kan commanded [-] troops stationed along the northern Jingzhou line, and Guozhang Chu Po led [-] troops in Jiankang Yao to defend the Dantu line.The remaining troops need to defend places, and they must guard against the Yue and the barbarians.

Speaking of which, the small imperial court of the Eastern Jin Dynasty has always been troubled by various Yue people. This is a problem left over from the Eastern Wu period. Human riots occurred more frequently, mainly concentrated in Jian'an County (Fujian Province and parts of Zhejiang), southern Guangzhou (the whole of Guangdong Province and parts of Guangxi), and Jiaozhou (Southern Vietnam).

The national troubles of the small court of the Eastern Jin Dynasty were not only Zhuyue, but also Zhuman.The barbarians mentioned so far are more targeted. The barbarians in the north and west of Guangzhou (most of Guangxi), Gaizhou (Guizhou), and Ningzhou (Yunnan) are the most troubled, and chaos will erupt from time to time.

The small imperial court of the Eastern Jin Dynasty used two methods to deal with Zhuyue and Zhuman, nothing more than pacifying and suppressing Zhuyue.

The Civil War was about to break out. Previously, Wang Shao (son of Wang Dao, brother of Wang Xizhi) led the army in the south, and went out to fight everywhere regardless of the seasons. The purpose was to settle down in the rear and prevent chaos in the rear when a major war broke out on the northern front.What I have to say is that Wang Shao is also a talker and calligrapher. His military position is the leader of the army. He leads the army in battle and does not personally go to the field to command. It is the trilogy (family general) of the Wang family who regulates and directs the troops to fight. .

"The little imperial court has been stabilizing the rear for almost six months..." Ji Chang seemed to have a sneer at the corner of his mouth before continuing: "I heard that non-combat casualties are very large."

Today is the Xiaochaohui, Liu Yan is of course sitting where he should sit, and all the ministers and workers in the train below are kneeling and sitting in their places.

The difference between the small court meeting and the big court meeting is that the number of participants is not large, and the main participants are the chief officials of a department, unlike the big court meeting where all high-ranking officials in the capital need to be present.

The Central Plains has a profound impression of the South. One is the dense water network, and the other is the mountains, hills, and ridges.From the time when the First Emperor formed the Southern Xinjiang Army to attack the southwest, his impression was that dense jungles, swamps and miasma could be seen everywhere.

"After the small imperial court moved to the south, the biggest external victory was to capture Jiaozhou and bring it into the scope of governance." The Jiaozhou mentioned by Sang Yu was called Jiaozhi a long time ago. At the end of the Eastern Han Dynasty, it still belonged to the territory of the Shang Kingdom of the Celestial Dynasty. Under Shi Xie's governance, it did not happen Split, the Shi family fell behind but was independent by the local aborigines. During the Soochow Wu period, only part of it was recovered, and it was not recovered until the small imperial court moved south.He said a little curiously: "I heard that there is a grain production place?"

Of course Liu Yan knew where Jiaozhou was. That place was really a large grain-producing area, and rice could be grown three times a year.In addition to the fact that it is easy for crops to grow due to the climate, Jiaozhou also has the largest anthracite coal deposit in Asia, and one of the top ten iron mines in the world. The rest of the tree resources, copper resources, and silver resources are also very rich.

The offshore routes of the small imperial court of the Eastern Jin Dynasty were actually very prosperous, and there were countless ships passing through the South China Sea. When there was a famine, there were even incidents of transporting food from Jiaozhou for emergency relief.In addition, the small imperial court of the Eastern Jin Dynasty also established diplomatic relations with Funan and Linyi, and the pearls and corals used by some aristocratic families to fight for wealth came from trade with the two countries.

When the Han army wanted to attack the small imperial court of the Eastern Jin Dynasty, except for placing a large army along the Yangtze River, of course they would not give up their superiority at sea, so it became necessary to understand the southern states and counties of the small imperial court.

The Han Dynasty began to explore the sea routes of the Eastern Jin Dynasty's small courts since the second year of Yuanshuo, mainly concentrated in Yangzhou, the Eastern Jin Dynasty's small courts, that is, along the East China Sea.It was not until the third year of Yuanshuo that they approached Jiangzhou.Jiangzhou was within the territory of the small imperial court of the Eastern Jin Dynasty. The Han army landed many times to investigate inwards, but what they discovered was that the locality was actually divided and autonomous by the Yue.

"Sooner or later it will be ours." Huan Wen has already accepted the task of conquering Li's Chenghan, and the north of Jiaozhou is Ningzhou.After completing the task of destroying the Chenghan family of Li, he continued to go south, with the goal of Ningzhou: "If the battle goes well, please allow me to advance there."

Of course Liu Yan attached great importance to the invasion south of the Yangtze River, but he was a little uncertain about whether the progress of the war would be fast or slow.

The Han army will adopt a strategy of attacking from multiple places. There are three places along the Yangtze River. What can be confirmed is that they will send troops to land in the east of Yangzhou. Whether to land from Jiangzhou depends on the actual situation.

The territory occupied by Li's Chenghan is not large, that is, the land of Shu and the small area in the west of Jingzhou. It should have a military strength of [-] to [-].

Huan Wen began to study the attack on Li's Chenghan many years ago. What is more entangled is that he studied from south to northwest, but he really didn't study from north to south.

The land of Shu has always been the territory of the Central Plains Dynasty since the pre-Qin eradicated the ancient Shu Kingdom. There are many records in the ancient books, and it is not difficult to find the distribution of mountains and rivers from some maps. The first thing Huan Wen did after returning to Linzi to report his duties was Go to Shaofu.

The Shaofu is a department that manages the king’s private property. It collects the largest number of maps of various places. After finding the map of Shu, Huan Wen began to study it. Only then did a Han army go to the north of Jingzhou, and another Han army re-entered Guanzhong.

Liu Yan was very happy to see Huan Wen's ambitions high, but the land of Shu had a complex terrain, and the roads that were easier to walk were either checkpoints or passes along the way, so it was not too easy to fight.

If you want to get from Shu to Ningzhou, you need to climb more and more dangerous mountains than from Guanzhong to Shu or Jingzhou to Shu.In fact, there are plank roads and some historically opened roads from Guanzhong to Shu. Each dynasty did not pay attention to the entry from Shu to the southwest. If there was, it would be from Shu to Guizhou, and Guizhou... That was not the battlefield of Huan Wen's army. .

The Xiaochaohui is over, Liu Yan needs to make final preparations for his trip to the northwest, and all the ministers and workers also have their own things to do.For example, Xie An was going south, Huan Wen was going to Shu, and the rest of the people who needed to accompany Liu Yan on tour should arrange their family affairs.

Liu Yan's tour was on February [-]nd, but there is no such thing as a dragon raising its head. It was a festival that only appeared after Wu Zetian came to power.

The patrol team was huge, not only Liu Yan and his family, but also all the officials and the whole family accompanied them.The reason for this is that Liu Yan has decided to temporarily move the center to Yecheng. The geographical location there determines that not only can he pay attention to the war on the northern front, but also the contact with the southern front will be much faster than in Linzi.

Linzi has only been a temporary capital for two years, there are no deep-rooted ideas, and there is no such environment for regional disputes, but there are not as many troubles as when some dynasties want to change their capital.Liu Yan temporarily moved the center to Yecheng this time. Although the palace and palace facilities in Yecheng are complete, he does not intend to use Yecheng as the next capital city.

As soon as the patrol team left, six days later, as the stargazing officer speculated, the Bohai Sea in the east began to rain first, and then moved inland, and most of Qingzhou began to enter the rainy season of the new year.

"It's good to rain." Liu Yan's understanding of farming is the same, but he is very aware of the importance of water sources to farming: "Autumn in Qingzhou will be a good harvest season."

The six-day itinerary allowed the patrol team to enter Lu County, and then enter Dongping County, taking the route of Jibei County, Puyang County, Dunqiu County and then Wei County.

"The rest of the country has begun to restore stability." Cui Wan was teasing her son in her arms. She was canonized as a princess on the day of the Winter Solstice, and she will be a queen in the future. Not only the Cui family rejoiced, but also the rich families in Jizhou also greatly increased their confidence.On her left sat the sullen Tuobaxiu, and on the right was Sang Miao, who was involved in teasing the children, and said: "Your Majesty has exempted the newly restored places from tax for three years, and they will soon regain their popularity."

The tax exemption was Liu Yan’s announcement to the world when he canonized Cui Wan as queen, but the tax (corvette) did not say that it would not be collected again. When the Han people thanked Liu Yan, they would inevitably mention Cui Wan.

Sang Miao is 19 years old this year. She is the younger sister of Sang Yu. She followed Liu Yan in the second year of Yuanshuo and is currently Chongyi (a salary of a thousand stones, whose rank is higher than Zuo Geng of the [-]th rank).

Sitting at the corner of the chariot was Xie Daoyun. She was actually quite resistant to riding the royal chariot together. Firstly, it seemed unfair that she was not officially married. Secondly, she was not familiar with the other empresses. After a few days, unless someone Talk in the past, or else just watch quietly.

Liu Yan spoke without saying a word. It was a memorable event for him to enter Yecheng, and he would go to Xiangguo for a walk to show that Han State had won a big victory over Shijie Zhao State.

Especially in the political sense, it was necessary to deter Ran Minzheng's Northern Expedition Corps, and beat Ran Min a little.

That is because Ran Min expanded his army too quickly. Although the implementation center has confirmed that Ran Min can recruit local troops, the problem is that in less than a year, the Northern Expeditionary Corps under Ran Min has increased from 14 to nearly 40. If there is suspicion, The serious king didn't even know how to investigate. He must have killed Ran Min directly.

(End of this chapter)

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