Chapter 462

The Central Plains is facing a great change, which refers not only to the rapid rise of the country under Liu Yan's rule, but also to the changes in some systems.

In the pre-Qin period in ancient times, the government could go down to the village, that is, the pavilion system. At that time, the pavilion chief and Lizheng could have direct contact with the local county magistrate or county magistrate, and the government orders of the county were also directly issued to the pavilion chief or the village. In the right hand, the responsibility of the three elders is more to mediate rural conflicts and has no law enforcement power.In the early Western Han Dynasty, the political system was actually able to reach the countryside directly. It was not until the Eastern Han Dynasty that it became a powerful government that the imperial power did not go to the countryside.

Regardless of whether it is Cao Wei or Sima Yijin, they have only changed from powerful politics to family politics. In fact, the power that the central government can directly control will end at the county level, and then the local family will carry out law enforcement and governance.Usually this kind of political system will show a phenomenon, that is, the country is extremely short of money, and the number of people who own their own land is far less than imagined.

After decades of ravages by the Hu people in the Central Plains, there is actually no clear ownership of the land, that is, land deeds are useless at all, and whoever has a big fist can occupy more land.The Hu people have no enthusiasm for farming, and all they want is to return the land to barrenness, overgrown with weeds to provide grazing, and to achieve the real sense of herding horses in the Central Plains.

The rise of the Han Dynasty, the Han army conquered and recovered one county after another. In fact, only a small amount of land in each place is owned by the owner, and more land is not only desolate but also has no owner. In other words, the country of Shijie Zhao It is the owner of those lands.

It is a good thing for a newly rising country to have no land owner. It can carry out its own planning without any interference. The larger role is to use it as a reward for meritorious service. The old ways of empire.

Liu Yan has been controlling the amount of land held by individuals. What he is doing is to make the land owned by more people, instead of concentrating it in the hands of an absolute few people.

Under the premise that the Han Dynasty implemented the twentieth-class nobility system, it is natural that the land equalization cannot be done. Absolute fairness is actually unfair. Otherwise, those who work hard get so much, and those who do nothing get the corresponding things. What's the use of trying hard?

Because of related national policies, after Xie Daoyun joined the family maids and samurai, Gao Ping led a thousand cavalry to continue northward, stopping and stopping along the way. Except for the wasteland, the places where people live together are more people giving to the government. plowing.

"Then the king of Han is the biggest landlord, and those who don't have private land are actually employees of the king of Han." Xie Daoyun was talking about how much land a village is assigned under the cooperative commune system. .She said to her maid Xie Lan: "Perhaps this is the reason why the Han army can have enough food and fodder to fight all year round."

"Those people under the rule of the Han Kingdom are already very happy." Xie Lan was telling the truth: "With or without their own fields in the south, the situation is not good."

Xie Lan is the maid of the Xie Clan. She has a family who lives outside the Xie Clan. Although the family has land, it does not have much, and the taxes it bears are heavy. There is no shortage of miscellaneous taxes, and the income will not be more than that of the Han people under the cooperative commune.

In the cooperative communes of the Han Dynasty, people in the system were fed, drank, and dressed by the public. In troubled times, being able to survive and have security was a blessing, and with food, drink, and clothing, there was nothing to complain about.The source of soldiers recruited by the Han army is mainly the young and strong under the cooperative commune. It is the expectation of adult men in the Han Dynasty to join the army. Enlisting in the army not only means owning private land, but also the simplest way for ordinary people path of progress.

The group of them had already reached the territory of Dong'an County, and the long journey finally came back. Along the way, they not only saw scenes of recovery, but the most impressive thing was the government's control over the place.

Xie Daoyun was born in the south, because of his family background and identity, his understanding of the folk is actually limited.What she knows is that the southern imperial court basically has no control over the country. The country is divided and autonomous by its own family and many clans and families. The living conditions of the people in various places are basically heard from hearsay.

"The place over there is not under the jurisdiction of the government. You can see retired soldiers everywhere in the Han territory..." Xie Lan was very impressed with those physically disabled people, and said: "Although they look rude, their existence can make the common people Get more justice. In troubled times, there are people who have retired from the military, and it can be seen that those people feel at ease."

"Yeah." Xie Daoyun agreed with Xie Lan's statement, but she thought of something else, and said: "There are such people in every place. It can be imagined that not only many people died in the battle all year round, but also more physically disabled people."

"Xijun..." Xie Lan felt the need to express his opinion: "At least the disabled Han soldiers can be properly accommodated, or they can be placed in post stations as local security chiefs. In contrast, our imperial court For generals..."

"It's extreme, it's extreme." Xie Daoyun agreed with great agreement: "There is no need to worry about the future, no wonder the Han army is brave."

Xie Lan kept nodding, and said, "Aside from the physical disability, the family members who died in battle can receive long-term pension and care, and they can even enjoy incense offerings..."

"Death in battle becomes a god!" Xie Daoyun wanted to say what impression he had of the Han army, and this was the one that impressed him the most.She said a little excitedly: "Incense worship is the treatment only given by gods. Soldiers who died in the Han army can enter the martyrs' garden, and relatives and friends can go to commemorate them at any time. The country also holds public sacrifices every year. I heard that the king of Han attended the public sacrifices in the past two years? "

The crisp voices of the two women drifted outside from the car, and the guards around the car could actually hear them very clearly.

The Han Dynasty attached great importance to road construction, and strived to ensure that each state basically had a direct road, and the counties did not necessarily have to extend in all directions, but the roads must be smooth.

The country fights every year, and the prisoners of war captured on the battlefield are not only allocated to meritorious soldiers, but most of the prisoners of war are used for road construction.At present, the center of the Han Dynasty feels that it is relatively urgent to connect and repair the road along the Yangtze River from Linzi to Xuzhou, and then the road to Yuzhou.

The season is approaching the end of winter, and the ice and snow in Dong'an County have begun to melt. The roads will inevitably be muddy under the water, and the government offices located on the side of the National Highway have been ordered to maintain the avenue.

After the car stopped for a while, Xie Daoyun's little head quickly stuck out, and what he saw was the dense crowd around the road.

"My lord, the road ahead is very crowded." Xie Biao rode on his horse and saluted: "What Gao Junhou means is, wait on the side of the road first."

There were many similar situations along the way. It was impossible for the team to squeeze forward forcefully. Besides, squeezing through would cause the wheels to get stuck in the mud and cause trouble.

What Xie Daoyun didn't know was that this time it wasn't that there was any problem with the road, but that other teams needed to pass first.

Gao Ping was talking with the local county magistrate, and he learned that there was a mountain shift (that is, a mudslide) and a ground shake (earthquake) in the Gonglai Mountain in front of him. The lot is full of water, but fortunately there are not many people affected by the disaster.

"Eight thousand slaves have been assembled to stabilize the embankment day and night." Jun Cheng said with a bitter look on his face, "There was a heavy rain in the upper reaches recently, and two to three thousand of the eight thousand slaves were killed or injured. The manpower is extremely insufficient. The county guard After reporting to Linzi, they received support, and the slaves from several counties in the vicinity gathered together to fight the disaster.”

It is no wonder that there are at least [-] to [-] slaves on the road, and there are also [-] to [-] garrison guards along the way, and the garrison troops also come from different counties.

Natural disasters have occurred throughout the dynasties, and the local government’s self-rescue is the mainstream. After the central government is alarmed, it is nothing more than tax reduction or exemption, and the more serious is to transport food for disaster relief. However, there is no mobilization of troops or manpower from non-disaster areas to rush to the disaster area.The main reason for not mobilizing manpower is that it is limited to road problems. Large-scale manpower mobilization is also regarded as an inducement for chaos and will not be carried out lightly.

The number of slaves in the Han Dynasty was 200 million. The person who ruled the country was Liu Yan. It is normal for him to make some unfashionable actions. He didn’t want the people to take their lives to fill in the disaster area. It is not so distressing to use slaves to cause many deaths and injuries. .

The car drove back to the side of the road, and Xie Daoyun simply stuck his head out and looked out.

There were quite a lot of people on the road, and they were dressed in anything. The largest number were people wearing dirty animal furs, which made it easy to identify them as barbarians at a glance.

The Jin people in the south of the Yangtze River had the impression that the Hu people should be vicious, but what Xie Daoyun saw was a group of Hu people who were not tall and looked downcast.

"One Han army can escort a hundred barbarians..." Xie Lan could see the scene clearly without sticking out his head: "The county soldiers have swords hanging on their waists, a spear in their hands, and they can have a piece of leather armor. .The Han State treated its soldiers more favorably than expected.”

The Jin army also has soldiers from counties and counties, and usually a single weapon is pretty good, and armor is a rare item.

"The most preferential treatment is the soldier." Xie Daoyun responded casually: "You can ride a good horse, you can have everything from a sword, a spear, a strong bow, and leather armor, and you eat meat with your meals."

To put it bluntly, Xie Daoyun and other members of the Xie clan had the most contact with Gao Ping's Han Army Qingqi. They were extremely impressed with the complete equipment of the Han Army's field troops. It can be seen that their quality is inclined to teamwork and personal combat skills. Not necessarily how high.

"The Hu people were so docile when facing the Han army." In front of Xie Lan, he saw a very young-looking Han soldier slapping a fierce Hu man with a gun. The beaten Hu man only dared to lie on the ground. Rolling without daring to resist: "The Hu people around don't even dare to look at it. Are they afraid of being killed by the Han army?"

It was a strange scene. The county soldier who beat people with a gun was not strong. He was alone among the crowd. His subordinates had already been beaten until people vomited blood, but those who were also barbarians didn't dare to approach them like they were hiding from the plague.

The Han army, which is also a county soldier, did not stop or make a fuss, and did what they should do.

"Go ask someone." Xie Daoyun looked at Xie Biao and said, "Why did you hit someone?"

Xie Biao's original intention was not to meddle in other people's affairs, especially those of barbarians, but he was told that he had to do so.

The person who went to inquire soon came back, and the answer he got was that the Hu man who was beaten bumped into the county soldier.When he came back, the beaten barbarian was dead.

After Xie Daoyun got the answer, he was stunned for a long time. He didn't know how long it took until the team started again. When he came back to his senses, the roadside was already empty, and all he could see were plants waiting to be revived.

"One outing..." Xie Daoyun's tone was very low, his eyes were slightly dull, and he said as if whispering: "I have seen the people who were beaten, and he didn't even dare to dodge when he was beaten..."

Xie Lan roughly guessed what Xie Daoyun was talking about, and the people who beat the common people should be some kind of family member.

"I stepped forward to stop..." Xie Daoyun raised his head, and said with a strange expression: "The man said that the people are no different from animals, not to mention that they only beat them because they feel an eyesore, even if they kill them and pay a little money, they will be thanked." .”

Xie Lan couldn't respond. In addition to fighting for wealth, some aristocratic families in the south also seemed to have trouble with the common people by reciting poems, drinking alcohol, taking drugs, and playing with women.Let them do something useful and natural, that is, to carry on the family line, and the rest is really out of the question.

Xie Daoyun has so many feelings because of many contrasts.In the state of Jin, people are mistreated everywhere, and the number of people who are drunk and dreaming of death is unimaginable, and most of them are descendants of some so-called top-ranking families.The people in the Han Kingdom are in a good situation, eagerly looking forward to a better life, and have an atmosphere of striving for progress. Furthermore, the Hulu who are feared like tigers in the south are not regarded as adults by the Han Kingdom.

What kind of social environment in a country can reflect what kind of spirit it has.If the ruling class wantsonly oppresses the people, then don’t want the people to be of the same mind. On the contrary, they will be alienated and hated.A country that can take care of and unite its people is more likely to be united as one. Treating outsiders toughly can cultivate the self-confidence of the Chinese people, and treating non-Chinese people too kindly will undermine the self-confidence of the Chinese people.

Xie Daoyun, who was emotionally affected, was depressed for the next two or three days, and even his previous interest in everything disappeared.

It took two months for the team to approach Linzi. Xie Daoyun, who had recovered a little, saw a capital city without walls.She was very curious about why Linzi didn't have a capital city, and all she could see was that there were checkpoints on some main roads.

"City wall?" Gao Ping came back after completing the relevant procedures. Facing Xie Daoyun's question, he was taken aback for a moment, and then said with a smile: "There are quite a lot of opinions, and I don't know where to start next time."

One of the answers Xie Daoyun got was that the army of the Han Dynasty was strong, and a country with a strong army would not need a city wall.She sneered at this statement. The Qin Empire once thought the same way. In the end, because the capital had no city walls and felt that it could not hold on, it surrendered without a fight.

(End of this chapter)

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