Chapter 461

It is rumored that during the Yan and Han Dynasties, Guangling was a large county with a population of 8. Not to mention the well-developed spinning industry, it could be regarded as a land of fish and rice.

Now when we talk about the Yan Han Dynasty, we are talking about the Eastern Han Dynasty and not the Western Han Dynasty.There was a time when the Yan Han Dynasty was not allowed to be mentioned. First when Cao Pi usurped the Han Dynasty, and when Liu Yuan established the Puppet Han Dynasty, it became a taboo, at least because of the inferiority of the small court of Jin.

According to the record method of history books, because of the Western Han Dynasty and the Eastern Han Dynasty, there will be a Han Kingdom established by the Huns later. If Liu Yan really recovers the old land of the Han family and makes the Han Kingdom stronger, there will be two Liu's Han Empires in the Western Han Dynasty and the Eastern Han Dynasty In the past, Liu Yan, who is also from the Liu family, is really not a good name for the Han Dynasty.

"I once heard the king talk about..." Wang Meng said in a slightly hesitant tone: "Will it be recorded as the Third Empire? The Third Empire of Han Dynasty."

Wang Meng and Xie Daoyun were walking in the city, accompanied by Gao Ping and some Han soldiers.

There was a heavy snowfall a few days ago, and the ground and roofs were covered with white snow. The most common people seen on the streets were people cleaning the snow in front of their doors.

"Empire?" Xie Daoyun is an educated person. She clearly knows what the word "Empire" means. Not only can it be called an empire if it unites the Central Plains, but it can't be called an empire just because it is strong.She opened her mouth wide in surprise, and said when she came back to her senses: "It will not only restore the old land of the Han family, but also retake the Western Regions, and even..."

In fact, it must be added to defeat another empire in the war. The previous Western Han Dynasty took the Xiongnu Empire as a sword, and the Eastern Han Dynasty, which continued the Western Han Dynasty, had the size of an empire in strength but did not win any imperial contests with the outside world.

There were four important foreign wars in the Eastern Han Dynasty.

In order to stabilize the Xuantu County and Lelang County established during the Western Han Dynasty, the Eastern Han Dynasty had many contests with the Goguryeo, Korean, Yi, Yi, Raccoon, Woju and other ethnic groups. The biggest opponents in the Northeast were Wuhuan and Xianbei. The most successful one was After conquering Wuhuan, the other tribes were actually just intimidated and established the Wuhuan school captain.

Next, the Eastern Han Dynasty fought against the remaining Southern Huns from the Western Han Dynasty. However, in the early stage, they relied on the Great Wall to fight against them. Later, they used attrition and co-optation policies to make the Xiongnu surrender in name only, and the establishment of Xiongnu captains gave them some control.Judging from the fact that the Southern Huns would go south to hunt grass valleys from time to time, the Eastern Han Dynasty's control over the Southern Huns was not as strong as imagined.

The problem left over in the northwest at the end of the Western Han Dynasty was the various ethnic groups known as the Qiang people who made a living by herding sheep. The army of the Eastern Han Dynasty fought local wars with the Qiang people for a long time. During the most powerful period of the Eastern Han Dynasty, Longxi County was completely occupied by the Qiang people. Not only did the school lieutenant not play a positive role, but on the contrary, he made the situation worse, which led to the chaos of the Qiang people in the following hundred years. It was not until Duan Shashen (Duan Ying) used killing methods that he could be regarded as a little deterrent to the Qiang people. Playing off, during Dong Zhuo's turmoil, the Qiangs even entered Sili and went straight to Chang'an.

The most successful foreign war of the Eastern Han Dynasty should be to the south, that is, Wujun, Kuaiji, Nanhai, Hepu, Jiuzhen, Jiaozhi, Yulin and other counties.However, this time it was not included in the four major wars of foreign wars, because those in Zhuyue and Jiaozhi were not even qualified to be called enemies.

The battle for the recovery of the Western Regions is recognized as one of the "Four Big Four", but compared with the control of the Western Han Dynasty, the Eastern Han Dynasty's control of the Western Regions is not even as strong as the Cao Wei period.

"It can be seen from the above that the Han Dynasty that the King of Han wanted was not the (Eastern) Han Dynasty after the ZTE, but the (Western) Han Dynasty that was the direct descendant of the founding emperor." Xie Daoyun stopped while walking, and she saw something on the road She knew Ah Liu, and apparently Ah Liu also discovered her.She raised her hand to say hello from a distance, and then asked Wang Meng, "Can I go over and have a look?"

Wang Meng looked at Gao Ping habitually.

Gao Ping nodded silently.They haven't received new instructions yet, and Xie Daoyun's stay in Guangling City is actually a very good result.

Guangling City is a city that is recovering. The former county magistrate of the city wall led the people to carry out some repairs. After Wang Meng took over, he also immediately focused on the repair of the city wall.This is because people today generally have no sense of security. Having a city wall that looks strong will make people feel more at ease.

The buildings in the city are basically thatched huts, and few buildings with rubble roofs can be seen. Apart from the Kaicheng Tower, there is also no house more than two feet high.

There are about three thousand people in the city. They usually live in the city and go to the suburbs to do farm work.

According to Xie Daoyun's walk around for a day or two, he didn't seem to see any business in Guangling City, which meant that there was no market.She wasn't sure whether it was because the market wasn't open because of the snow, or whether there really wasn't a market in the city.

Of course Ah Liu saw Xie Daoyun, he didn't recognize Xie Daoyun in a long white dress, and was a little dazed when Xie Daoyun waved his hand to greet him.

"Ah Liu." Xie Daoyun greeted again with a smile, pointed to the opposite room and asked, "Is this your house?"

The current urban planning is not so strict. There is only one main road in the city that is straight, and the rest of the roads change depending on the location of the houses.The houses are not neatly arranged, they are one to the east and the other to the west. Strangers are more likely to get lost in densely populated places.

The house of Ah Liu's family is very ordinary. There is a wall directly next to the road. A small door is only covered by a woven grass fence. It seems that there are no windows.

"Me." Xie Daoyun pointed to her little nose and said, "We had a good chat on the way."

"It's you..." The broom in Ah Liu's hand fell out for some reason, and it was obvious that he was very surprised: "You are... it's..."

Xie Daoyun is completely different now than when she was wearing burlap clothes. She is wearing a long skirt that is mainly white but has red trim. There is also a set of expensive-looking animal skins on her shoulders, and a furry hat on her head. There is a black cloak on the top and back, which looks extremely rich no matter how you look at it.

"Can I go in?" That's what Xie Daoyun said. In fact, she had already walked to the door, stepped back from the fence and walked in: "It's pitch black, and the air is so stuffy."

The sound of hurried footsteps followed, and it was three or four soldiers of the Han army who held their sword hilts in their hands. After they entered, they stood in a semi-fan shape, just protecting Xie Daoyun in the middle.

Ah Liu was a little dazed before following in. After entering, he called "Mother" directly, and a middle-aged woman's voice came from the back room.

The woman who came out of the back room couldn't judge her age from her appearance. She was wearing a coarse cloth skirt that traditional Han women would wear, and she held what looked like a shuttle in her hand.When she came out and saw so many people in the room, she froze for a moment before saying, "Is there a guest?"

Ah Liu had already walked to the wall at this time, only to hear a stiff sound, and the light in the room came only after the wooden doors and windows were pushed open.

"Hello, Auntie." Xie Daoyun saw the shuttle in the woman's hand and said with a smile, "Is Auntie weaving?"

"Huh, huh? I'm tinkering with the loom, weaving thread will be hemp in spring." The shuttle in the woman's hand is indeed for weaving thread. She is completely used to the darkness. There was a man in the room who looked like a soldier, but he smiled, turned his head and said to Ah Liu, "Let's talk about it."

Ah Liu responded with "Hey", opened the back door and went out.

People in the house could hear the sound of some things moving. Looking out from the back door was a small garden, and there was a house directly opposite.

Xie Daoyun really forgot that she didn't hear the "creaking" sound when she came in, so how could the woman be weaving thread?

In winter, everything is dormant, and hemp is needed for weaving threads. The residents in Guangling City are originally local people, and most of them are people who defected from the south of the Yangtze River.Ah Liu's family is a newcomer from the south. They did not participate in labor in the previous year, so there would be no output. Ah Liu was hired by the government to repair the city and get some food to survive.

With the light, you can see the things in the house clearly. There are several jars beside the east wall, and some pots and jars are placed on some wooden boards nailed to the wall.There are no tables or chairs in sight, all because tables and chairs are not popular nowadays. The table is the table and the seat is the chair.

The ground is directly covered with dirt, and the relationship that has been trampled on for a long time looks uneven, but it can be seen that there are no sundries.

The aunt has an inexplicable enthusiasm for the Han soldiers, but she is extremely cold to Xie Daoyun, who looks like a noble lady at first glance.She was asking the soldiers some questions, and the topic revolved around whether the country would recruit soldiers again, or whether there would be any corvee work that needed manpower in the near future.

After a while, Ah Liu re-entered the house, holding a hot clay pot in his hand. He first put it on the corner and then went out. He came back again and brought some bamboo cups.

"What's hot is boiling water."

Ah Liu was very impressed with the requirement to drink boiled water. He didn’t understand what it means to have parasites in unboiled water that can easily make people sick. It was the military’s requirement when he was serving corvee, and he kept this habit in mind when he wanted to join the army. .He poured the water quickly, holding it one after another with both hands. When it was Xie Daoyun's turn, he looked a little hesitant.

Xie Daoyun was not slow. He took matters into his own hands when no one was there to help him. As a result, Ah Liu was embarrassed and at a loss.

"Auntie, we are just passing by." Although Gong Qiao is a soldier, he is also a first-class nobleman, and there is an iron badge on the right chest of the battle robe to show this.He knew the reason for the aunt's enthusiasm. Seeing the eager eyes of the aunt, he thought for a while and said: "The corvee should be more frequent. Your children are not short of work."

"That's good, that's good..." The aunt immediately showed a happy smile: "I have something to eat and food for the king. The king is a good king, and the government is a good government."

Xie Daoyun was very uncomfortable being deliberately left out. She wouldn't have a fit, but she lost her original interest, bowed politely and left.

Wang Meng didn't enter the house, but stood on the street looking at the people sweeping the snow, with a gentle smile on his face.When he saw Xie Daoyun coming out, he could see that Xie Daoyun seemed very unhappy.

"We had a good chat before..." Xie Daoyun was unhappy and also disappointed: "I used to meet people like this when I was in the south and went to the countryside, and it's the same when I came to the north..."

There are classes in society, and some classes are used to keep them at a respectful distance. There are people who feel inexplicable in the situation, and there are people who enjoy it.Since ancient times, the common people have a natural alienation from the powerful. After all, it may not be beneficial to get close to them, but if they get offended, they will be ruined at any time.

Wang Meng just laughed at what Xie Daoyun said. He knew in advance that Xie Daoyun was dressed like this and could not contact the people at all, but he was not close enough to remind him.

"Let's go, let's go." Xie Daoyun's mood changed a bit quickly. Before she left, she waved her hand to Ah Liu who was standing beside her. After walking for a while, she suddenly asked Wang Meng: "Will the people get close to you when they see you?"

"..." Wang Meng came from the common people. After becoming an official, he knew that it was difficult to get along with the common people. He said with a wry smile, "Without fear, Meng feels very content."

The two walked and talked, and soon went away.

Ah Liu looked at that pretty figure for a long time without turning his head. After waiting for Xie Daoyun's figure to completely disappear, he turned around and saw his mother's eyes full of hatred.

"Your father, your eldest brother, and your second brother all died at the hands of wealthy families in the south." The aunt is Huang's daughter-in-law. She said to Ah Liu very sternly: "Huang Liu, you must remember firmly that the south Those big families are the enemies of our family."

Don't ask them how this family knew that Xie Daoyun was from a southern family. The appearance and temperament of people in any place may not be traceable, but they can definitely be seen from the characteristics of their clothing.

"Mother..." Ah Liu wanted to say that Xijun just now didn't look like a bad guy, but on the contrary, he looked very beautiful, but he didn't dare to say what was in his heart, so he could only respond, "My child understands."

"You are too young to join the army." The aunt seemed to have thought of something, showing a disappointed expression, and muttered in a low voice: "I heard from them that there will be a lot of corvees in the near future. You have to ask the old uncle for more help..."

The old uncle mentioned by the aunt is the security chief of the neighborhood in this area. He is a Han soldier who retired because of his disability.

Most areas of the Han Dynasty adopted the cooperative commune system, and are gradually turning to a normal social system. In order to arrange for many soldiers who have retired due to injuries, there is a security chief for each household. The security chief is responsible for conveying some news from the government and collecting corvee The list is also determined by the chief security officer.

"It is a good thing for a big man to do corvee service." The aunt likes to nag, and there is obvious ardent expectation in her nagging: "If you go to do corvee service, everything you eat and drink will be from the government. If you do corvee service more times, you will be selected first to join the army. You are not old enough, you should do more corvée, and it will be easy to join the army in the future. A soldier who becomes a king will have five acres of land. With land, he can find a daughter-in-law, and he can make meritorious deeds for his children and grandchildren... "

Ah Liu was sweeping the snow with a broom while listening to his mother's chatter. He felt both hope and a heavy responsibility in his heart.

(End of this chapter)

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