sweeping the world

Chapter 180 The Weird Situation

Chapter 180 The Weird Situation

Before the expansion of Qingzhou, Liu Yan had the territory of a county in the east of Liaodong, and there was also a county on the Korean peninsula, which was equivalent to mastering two counties outside Qingzhou in advance.

In this way, Liu Yan can be said to have "cracked" the trap set by the system in advance?
Something seems wrong?For example, if Liu Yan captures Guanggu City, the capital of Qingzhou, and obtains the Qingzhou Mu (Inspector) Seal of Shijie Zhao State, and then Shijie's central government recognizes the status of the highest official of a state, it is equivalent to meeting the system's upgrade conditions?

The reason why he was a little confused was the psychological shadow left by Liu Yan's first upgrade of the system. He upgraded from the "Dark Age" to the "Feudal Age", and he had fully experienced a period of unbearable experience and deeply understood the system. unreliable.

Beihai County is not a big county, it should be said that it is the smallest county in Qingzhou.However, the history of this small county is not "small" at all. There have been quite a few celebrities successively, especially in the late Eastern Han Dynasty.

The Han Department operates under the secret, the time is about one and a half months?And no matter how long it took, anyway, the outline of the city wall of Zicheng was built, and in a short period of time it already had the appearance that an advancing base should have.

Liu Qian is not yet the governor of Beihai, so he is not qualified to talk about "sending" the secret to Liu Yan.Even if Liu Qian became the governor of Beihai, he could only secretly stop interfering in the secrets, and it was impossible to publicly "give" the secrets to Liu Yan.

Now is an era where the weak are prey to the strong. Liu Yan doesn't need Liu Qian to secretly give secrets to the Han, he just wants to grab it directly.What makes Liu Yan feel depressed is that since he wanted to play "Besieged War" before capturing Guixian County, it still seems impossible to realize it?

Gathering nearly 4 people, Liu Yan set off with the people.

Among the 4 people in the Han Dynasty, the number of soldiers and auxiliary soldiers increased to 8000, and the rest were regarded as militiamen who guaranteed logistics.

It will increase to 1, which is related to the expansion of the Han tribe. Except for the original [-] people, the others are the products of the expansion, such as those family members and households who succumbed to the Han tribe.

Once people gather together, thousands of people will become a dense mass, and when the number reaches "[-]", the crowd will be even more crowded. It's okay when there is order, but if there is no order, you need to squeeze people if you want to move around.

The deployment of the army requires a strict order, so it needs to be dispatched according to the organizational system. The cavalry with relatively high mobility were dispatched first. They left the camp amidst the sound of roaring horseshoes, but they did not leave immediately. security forces.

Xu Zheng looked vigorous, and he indeed looked majestic.

It took the Han Dynasty four years to form a cavalry army. After many twists and turns and troubles, it can be regarded as a cavalry team of about [-]. If the auxiliary cavalry is included, the number is actually about [-].

"Where is the Tiger Army?" Sang Yu was extremely curious about this army. He sat on Liu Yan's side astride his horse and looked around for a long time but did not see the Tiger Army at all.

"This unit did not participate in the war in Beihai." Liu Yan was not sure where Sang Yu learned about the existence of the Huben Army. He told the truth, "They have been training on the Korean Peninsula and using Goguryeo."

Sang Yu showed an obvious disappointed expression, first murmured "It's a pity!", then stared at Liu Yan for a long time, and said: "Is it because the time has not come yet for the emperor not to light the flag?"

The Han tribe has always had no banners, which is an extremely abnormal thing, but Liu Yan has never taken it seriously.

Sang Yu obviously understood why Liu Yan didn't set up banners. It was in a state of understanding almost instantly. It can be seen that the two really have an unspeakable tacit understanding.

"After occupying Qingzhou, it is not easy to show the banner." Liu Yan looked very happy: "In a few years, in a few years, we will be able to show the banner."

Lu Yi is getting more and more bored. He has already been appointed as the marching commander of Beihai County Expeditionary Army, and he has never understood Liu Yan's thinking. However, a guy who appeared suddenly understood Liu Yan within a short time. An inexplicable sense of depression filled Lu Yi's heart.

Liu Yan said that it will be a few years later, referring to the fact that the strength is sufficient, or that the Shijie Zhao State is completely in chaos.

"It's coming soon." Sang Yu obviously understood Liu Yan's thoughts again, and said happily: "Shihu is getting more and more stupid, and the competition among the princes is getting more and more fierce, it's coming soon!"

"Your Majesty." Lu Yi needed to change the topic to something he understood, and said, "Xiami is only [-] miles away from Duchang, and the army can reach the city of Duchang in one day."

The layout of the cities in Beihai County seems a bit "crowded". In addition to the major cities, there are also some "towns", such as Mixiang, Hanting, Zicheng, and so on.

The scale of those "towns" is not too big, but the unified name "town" indicates that there was a history of garrisoning troops. Therefore, "jun" should be added in front of "town", and the entire name is military town.

Mixiang, which is relatively close to Xiami, has long been captured by the Han troops. Zicheng, thirty miles north of Duchang, will be the first target of this battle. The purpose is of course to break Duchang's dominance.

"Beihai's county and county soldiers are in chaos after internal strife, and it is not difficult to capture Zicheng." Lu Yi seemed confident, and said: "It takes a few days to capture Zicheng, and Duchang will become an isolated city, but I don't know Beihai County. Will Cheng Liuqian send reinforcements from other places?"

The capital of Beihai County is Pingshou, which is located on the west side of Gaishui. Even if the Han army captures Duchang, they will need to cross Gaishui when heading to Pingshou.

On the east side of Pingshou is a place called Zhenting, which can be regarded as a bridgehead in Pingshou, the capital of Beihai. There used to be a garrison of [-] troops, but now I don't know if the garrison of Zhenting is still there?

The daily march is boring, and the marching state before the battle will make it boring and add a kind of restlessness that is hard to explain. Until the troops reached the east bank of the beach, the Han did not find or encounter any enemy interception.

Irrigation water and beach water are two major water systems in Beihai County. Irrigation water runs from the Bohai Sea through Beihai County to Gaomi County, and beach water runs from the Bohai Sea through Beihai County to Dongguan County through Gaomi County.

The Han Dynasty already had sufficient experience in erecting pontoon bridges, which was accumulated in the Korean Peninsula. After all, the troops sent to the North Sea this time all rotated back from the Korean Peninsula, and the Korean Peninsula is such a narrow peninsula. There are surprisingly many water elements.

"The scouts have explored the coast for [-] miles, and confirmed that there are no traces of enemy troops around." Liu Yan probably felt that fighting such an enemy was boring, and he looked a little out of shape: "The cavalry has already advanced from the lower section of the river bed. Crossing the river, Xu Zhenghui led the cavalry to squeeze the enemy into the city of Duchang. It took us two days to build the pontoon bridge, and we will arrive at the city of Duchang in five days."

Perhaps Liu Qian, the Prime Minister of Beihai County, has not fully grasped the overall situation?Otherwise, the Han tribe would definitely not be allowed to cross the beach smoothly.

Until the whole army of the Han Dynasty crossed the beach, and even some troops established a defense line around the three pontoon bridges erected, there was still no movement on Liu Qian's side, but retreated to the "Murong Yan Kingdom" in Gaomi County. Chess pieces" has a new trend.

"Are you going to attack Changguang County?" Liu Yan was surprised: "The Gaomi County side doesn't believe that Mr. Gong Tao is a pawn of Murong Yan?"

"Maybe..." Sang Yu stroked his chin: "Maybe Xiang Fang is also from Murong Yan Kingdom?"

Can it still be like this?But it's not impossible.

Just look at what the state of Zhao in Shijie looked like. Shihu couldn't get the loyalty of everyone because of his improper position. Furthermore, the Shijie regime's control over the states and counties has not been strong. From the northwest, it can be firmly controlled by the Yao family Mastering it, and seeing that the Fu family can control Guanzhong, and even Liu Yan can kill a certain county guard and replace it, one can imagine how "sieve" the Shijie regime's local rule should be.

Xiang Fang is the sheriff of Gaomi County. What's more special is that he was born in Jin. His county magistrate is Fei Yan, who was born in the Fei family of Jizhou. Fei Yan has a deep friendship with Mr. Gong Tao.

"Changguang County..." Liu Yan checked on the unfolded map: "Except for the Huang 1 Island Area, we have no place worth guarding in Changguang County?"

Lu Yi, who had been in charge of Changguang County and Dongmou County for two years, frowned when he heard this: "But it wouldn't be good to let them drive straight in, right?"

"You don't need cavalry to attack Duchang City?" Liu Yan looked at Lu Yi and said, "Let Xu Zheng lead the army south?"

"In addition to the cavalry going to fight, maybe the infantry needs to be transferred back from the Miaodao Islands and Liaoyi East." Lu Yi glanced at Sang Yu more clearly, then looked at Liu Yan again, and said, "Come together." A defense force of about 1 people can be made together."

The Han Dynasty has been expanding its army recently. The 20 troops produced a 1-scale army, and only 1 were brought to Beihai County. The remaining 1 troops can be mobilized.

"Then... Zishen will be the commander of the marching army, and cooperate with Xu Zheng to deal with the battle in Changguang County!" Liu Yan said that Zishen was Sang Yu's cousin.

Sang Yu immediately responded with "No!", and then asked: "Will the Huben army be transferred back?"

Liu Yan and Lu Yi looked at each other, and said, "Then call the Huben army back."

Sang Yu showed a satisfied expression: "That would be great." How much does he expect from Huben Army?
Facts have proved what Lu Yi said earlier, Zicheng, which is the capital of Duchang, was easily occupied by the Han because there were no defenders, and they had already arrived at Duchang City.

Everyone was talking, and when they finished what they had to say, they all looked at Duchang City, which was flying the "Zhao" flag on the top of the city. Looking over there, I don't know why it gave people an extremely desolate mood?

The city wall of Duchang City looks to be about seven meters?There are deep traces of time on the city wall, probably because there was a siege battle in the last internal strife, and traces of deep rest can also be seen.

When Liu Yan led the army to arrive, the troops had already set up catapults and bombarded them wildly, but those in Duchang City did not give much reaction. If there were no defenders on the city wall, it would really give the Han people such a big blow. The equipment troops on the side seem to be attacking the air.

At this moment, Liu Qian was sitting in the sheriff's mansion in the city with great anxiety, staring dully at many people with "dead parents" expressions on their faces...

(End of this chapter)

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