sweeping the world

Chapter 181 Unraveling the Mystery

Chapter 181 Unraveling the Mystery
The intensity of the wars carried out by the Han Dynasty cannot be considered high. Most of the battles are in the thousands, and the rare few times are tens of thousands.

There are [-] defenders in Duchang City?In that case, this battle of Duchang should be the one where the Han tribe was established and faced the most enemy troops.

Liu Yan was originally excited and full of anticipation, but when he learned that the enemy army had a fight among themselves, that enthusiasm dissipated for some reason.

On the third day after arriving in Duchang City, trebuchets kept bombarding a city wall. Amidst the sound of collapse, I watched the hastily repaired city wall tilt and fall. What I noticed was that I saw some wood.
Yes, there are logs in the fallen walls!It seems to be some pillars and beams or something, and even door panels can be seen.

"Hollow one?" Liu Yan was stunned for a moment: "It took three days of bombing before it hit?"

In Shijie Zhao State, not paying attention to city defense has probably become a "popularity" long ago. It is really rare to see cities that pay attention to city defense. Most of them look dilapidated, and most of them even have gaps in the city walls.

When Liu Yan led the army to the city of Duchang, he was still feeling emotional, saying that the city guards of this city looked good at last, and asked if Jin people served as the city guards.

What is happening now?There is even a section of the city wall that is hollow!

"Scattered bang!" Liu Yan said with a strange voice, "Look for a place that looks relatively new, and go for it."

The result was quite embarrassing. Those city walls that looked relatively new were basically just like a piece of shit. It took them three days to realize that there was such a situation.

After the east wall was bombarded, the other walls were bombarded in turn. In less than seven days, Duchang City became a city with loopholes in defense.

"It's not right, it's very wrong!" Lu Yi frowned and said, "For seven days, the defenders haven't launched any counterattack!"

Duchang City was surrounded by Liu Yan's order in accordance with the old tradition of encircling three ques and one. The east side is the main direction of attack, and the other two sides are mostly fortifications and trenches.

"There are really [-] defenders in the city?" Li Kuang is now a military lord, and he can attend the main meeting. After listening carefully for a long time, he found that the meeting was not as high-end as he imagined. It seemed a bit...how should I put it? ?It is dull.

Lu Yi's eyes lit up when he heard this: "Yes... Is there really [-] defenders in the city?"

The chief officer of the scout battalion started sweating as soon as he heard it. He stood up and saluted, and said, "I guarantee my life. The defenders in the city have never left the city since they retreated!"

"Is the smoke in the city okay?" Liu Yan signaled the chief officer of the scout battalion to sit down, and said: "I see a lot of smoke every day. Has anyone noticed the time of the smoke?"

How long does it take to cook a meal, and how long should the cooking smoke be? It is not difficult to distinguish with experience, but before, I only paid attention to the amount of cooking smoke, and did not pay attention to the time of cooking smoke.

"Your Majesty means..." Lu Yi's eyes widened: "Is there no food in the city?"

It seems that there is only one explanation that makes sense, that is, the smoke and other things are completely bluffing. The morale of the defenders in the city is extremely low due to lack of food. Otherwise, why didn't they fight back slightly from the beginning to the end?
Don't say anything, Liu Yan decides to attack tomorrow.

The next day, the Han army camp in the east of Duchang City became busier than usual, and even the smoke rose earlier than usual. Experienced people should know that the contact war is today just by looking at it.

Amidst the roar of war drums, the gate of the barracks opened after the meal, and the sound of extremely neat footsteps appeared first, and groups of soldiers walked out of the gate and went straight to set up an army formation beyond the bow and arrow range of the Duchang city wall.

There is still no reaction on the city walls of Duchang City, giving people a strange feeling that penetrates to the bone.

"..." Liu Yan, who personally supervised the battle, kept frowning and put on a posture of attacking the city. The defenders of Duchang still looked like this, so why did they bombard them with catapults for so many days?
All the participating troops that should be in place are in place, and there are finally more figures on the city wall, but it still seems that there is something wrong.

"There are... a little few people?" Lu Yi obviously didn't understand the situation at all: "How many waves should we shoot first?"

Liu Yan nodded, and ordered: "Three rounds for bed crossbows, six rounds for bows."

Naturally, someone will convey Liu Yan's order, which is conveyed in semaphore, and then the war drum will be sounded.

The sound of bow strings rattling with toothache began to appear with the sound of clappers, and the arrow array composed of archers raised a dark cloud on the ground, making a sharp piercing sound and rushing towards the city wall. In an instant, the arrowheads and objects The crashing sound started.

"It's really not right, the defenders' bows and arrows are too weak." Liu Yan looked at the top of the wall: "The number of people has not increased."

After about half a quarter of an hour, the firing of long-range weapons ended. Liu Yan ordered the tribal armed forces to advance. They would enter through the gaps in the collapsed city walls.

Liu Yan has been looking at the map in his mind all the time, and the number of red dots is not small as usual, but the activity of those "red dots" is too low.

The tribal armed forces as the vanguard poured in from several gaps in the city wall, and the resistance of the Duchang defenders appeared, which was blocked by some soldiers without uniforms.

Judging from the map in Liu Yan's mind, there are also "red dots" gathered in the city, and the number seems to be normal.

"The enemy's will to resist is relatively strong." Liu Yan looked at Lu Yi and said, "Could it be that they understand that it is difficult to defend the city wall that is damaged everywhere, and plan to fight us in the streets?"

Lu Yi blinked, thinking: "Street fighting? Just ignore the city wall and fight inside the city?"

This is the generation gap brought about by the times. From the perspective of cold weapons, the general situation is to conduct a city wall defense war. Once the city wall is lost, it is equal to the city's loss. Otherwise, why is the city wall lost in every offensive and defensive battle? Is the control of the city equivalent to the fall of the city?

Without seeing it with his own eyes, of course Liu Yan couldn't really know what was going on in the city. He could only roughly see from the map in his mind that under the attack of the system soldiers, the defenders collapsed after only holding on for less than 5 minutes... It just fell apart!
"Let the second batch of troops attack!"

The mighty battle drum was sounded again, Li Kuang took a deep breath, and led the troops into the city through the gap.At a glance, he saw that the ground was full of all kinds of people, and it was strange to find some strange corpses on the edge of the city corner at the gap.

how to say?Those corpses are not fresh, it seems that they have been dead for a while, and the number is not small.

Entering the city is like entering a huge graveyard, and there is a rotten smell that cannot be ignored, making people want to bend over and vomit wildly after smelling it.

In an instant, the faces of many people in the second batch of siege troops changed drastically. They were too familiar with this smell. It was the corpses with no data and no one to pick them up that left the corpses for a long time to have such a strong smell of corpses.Usually, if there is such a smell of corpses, it means the spread of various diseases, and it is very likely that there will be infectious plagues.

"What, what!??" Liu Yan was furious when he heard it: "Plague?"

Here in Duchang City, it seems that everything that is unreasonable has begun to become reasonable?That is the spread of disease!
"Your Majesty, withdraw the troops, withdraw the troops immediately!" Lu Yi's face turned blue: "The attacking troops need to be quarantined, all quarantined!"

Li Kuang's face turned blue, and if he was isolated, he must be one of them.He is a person who has seen what isolation is all about, no matter whether he is sick or not, as long as he is isolated, there is almost no possibility of surviving.

"No, seriously wrong!" Liu Yan didn't say anything, he checked the map in his mind strangely, as more and more troops attacked and dispersed, there were not too few active enemies in the city, not even a single bit It looks like a city where a plague broke out."Are there any prisoners of war?" he asked.

Lu Yi tried his best to stabilize himself and advised: "Your Majesty, there are only [-] tribal armed forces and [-] soldiers in the isolation. If it's too late, I'm afraid..."

"There are prisoners of war, there are prisoners of war!" Li Kuang looked too excited, he didn't care about respecting Lu Yi as the commander of the army, and knowing that being quarantined was tantamount to death, he even ran out without paying respects.

Liu Yan's face was full of frost, he raised his hand to stop Lu Yi from speaking, and signaled that he needed to be quiet.

Isolation is of course isolation. The loss of 1 system soldiers does not matter, but those [-] soldiers will make Liu Yan feel distressed for a long time.His heart is heavy because there is no population on the eastern peninsula of Shandong. Once a contagious plague breaks out again, what if the Han tribe captures Qingzhou? Is it just to occupy a no-man's land?
Of course, the prisoners of war were not brought here. It was Li Kuang who came to report after interrogating himself. He almost cursed and swore, and told Liu Yan that the plague did not break out in Changcheng, but...

"Four times?" Liu Yan had to be stunned: "So many?"

The prisoners of war were still brought over, but they were scrubbed until their skin was rotten before they were put on clothes to cover up their shame and brought over.

According to the prisoner's own confession, he still has some status. He is the leader of the defending army at the level of a military marquis. When asked why there were so many internal strife, he said: "Originally for the official position of Beihai County, The latter is for food."

Liu Yan and Lu Yi looked at each other for a while: "..."

In short, Shijie Zhao's weird regime made those people fight with the weak and the strong, intending to win a real boss, but they burned most of the food and fodder during the fight, making them a part of the powerful The faction of the Han Dynasty has a lot of food, and the other part is extremely short of food. The fighting did not stop until the Han army came under pressure, but the situation of the same situation could not be changed for a long time.

For example, Liu Yan should be very happy to encounter such an opponent who can still fight among themselves in a state of war, but he really felt speechless for a while.

"We are too weak, no one takes us seriously?" Liu Yan was extremely gloomy: "Is that so? It must be like this!?"

(End of this chapter)

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