sweeping the world

Chapter 179 Qingzhou Six Counties

Chapter 179 Six Counties of Qingzhou
What kind of person is Sang Yu?To use a modern term, he is an angry youth.

Modern cynics don't know when engaged in became a derogatory term?It was really not easy to find an angry youth during the period of the Five Hu and Sixteen Kingdoms, especially in the Central Plains that had been ruled by the Hu people for decades, the appearance of an angry youth was even rarer than the blossoming of iron trees.

Maybe a historic moment?When Liu Yan met Sang Yu, both of them saw "interesting" in each other's eyes. As for "interesting", it's really hard to say.

At that moment, Liu Yan was thinking in his heart: "You are really young, do you have any special talents?"

Sang Yu was thinking: "Looking so young, you can actually build a career. Although the Han Dynasty seems a little turbulent now, it is difficult, and it will be a sense of accomplishment when you help it!"

In another moment, Liu Yan and Sang Yu showed hearty smiles at the same time. Although they had met for the first time, they felt that they had a good understanding of each other.

Perhaps because of the extremely good impression, Liu Yan took Sang Yu for a stroll in person, and walked around Xiamiben City, Satellite City, and Walled City without hesitation, and would also give some introductions in person. As for the strategy? Of was not mentioned a word.

"Let me say something?" Sang Yu wandered around. Although Liu Yan didn't mention the layout, he could see it: "I'm afraid it's quite difficult to attract the enemy to attack?"

Liu Yan had a smile on his face and didn't respond.

"Then ask again." Sang Yu asked with a very serious face: "Is Mr. Liu really wanting to restore the glory of the Han people?"

Liu Yan withdrew his smile in an instant, and with a very serious expression, he said two short words: "Yes!"

"That's it..." Under Liu Yan's gaze, Sang Yu began to arrange his clothes. After a while, he started to untangle his hair again. He smiled at Liu Yan when he was done. My lord!"

"..." Liu Yan was taken aback for a moment, and quickly walked over to help Sang Yu up, and said heartily, "I still call you Your Majesty."

"Alright." Sang Yu began to maintain a hearty smile again, looked around, asked Liu Yan some situations, and finally said: "I don't know if your lord has heard the news? The head of Donglai Academy is Murong Yan The Anzi whose country is on Shijie's side."

Liu Yan is still a little dazed now. He thought that recruiting Sang Yu would be a lot of trouble, but it turned out that it was not so smooth. The people sent to recruit came back empty-handed, thinking that there was no hope, but then Sang Yu appeared.

After seeing Sang Yu, Liu Yan thought that he was going to be tested again. After all, since the end of the Eastern Han Dynasty, China began to pay attention to what "a good bird chooses a tree to live in; a good general chooses a master to follow; a good minister chooses a king to serve". In a word, the relationship between the monarch and his ministers is so determined?

Sang Yu entered the role quite quickly, and when his status as a subject was confirmed, there was a burst of explanations about the general situation in Qingzhou immediately, and even when Lu Yi came later, he just greeted politely, followed by a long narration.

"Therefore, I'm afraid it will be difficult to fight a defensive battle in Xiami." Sang Yugang felt that his mouth was a little dry, and the next moment Liu Yan had already handed out the water bag, and he took it naturally and drank it for a while before talking to Liu Yan. Yan thanked, and finally said: "Yu found traces of Junshang's cavalry everywhere in Beihai County, and even Qi County has appeared Han cavalry, but I don't know why Junshang didn't attack Duchang?"

Lu Yi wanted to speak, but was preempted by Liu Yan.

Liu Yan only said: "Spring is coming to an end soon."

"So that's it!" Sang Yu immediately showed an expression of "I understand", then bowed to Lu Yi and said, "Lü Zhang Shi Gaocai."

"..." Lu Yi still hasn't figured out what the situation is. Hearing the words, he wanted to be humble, but he didn't have the chance to speak again.

"This makes sense." Sang Yu's voice sounded more excited: "Strong harassment is destroying the war potential of those potential opponents, so that no matter whether it is a short-term victory or a protracted war, there will be backers. ", but then he lowered his voice and murmured: "In this case? It seems that the Han tribe is not short of food."

Liu Yan and Lu Yi looked at each other, and they had a common thought, that is: "Hey boy, why are you so excited, you seem a little jumpy?"

"When we came, most of the cavalry had already returned, and the infantry in the city and the camp hadn't practiced yet?" Sang Yu looked at Liu Yan with piercing eyes, a little excited and expectant: "Yu came at the right time?"

The spring plowing season is over now, and the rainy season is probably coming soon?There is only one explanation for Liu Yan's shrinking of his troops, and that is to launch an attack before the rainy season begins.

It was only at this time that Liu Yan had the opportunity to introduce the two of them to each other. Although the two parties knew each other, it would be more polite if the re-introduction by the monarch was grand and formal.

Sang Yu met Lu Yi seriously again, chatted politely and courteously, and then faced Liu Yan after dealing with it, and said with a sad face: "Can you send some people to prepare a bucket of hot water, But Yu didn't wash up properly for a few days, and it's so uncomfortable."

"..." What could Liu Yan say?
If Lu Yi hadn't heard so much, he really wondered if this young man, Sang Yu, could be of any help.Seeing Liu Yan looking at Sang Yu's leaving back strangely, he said with the ethics that his colleagues should have: "It should be because he hasn't given the crown ceremony yet, and his personality is a bit out of character, but he really has real talents."

Liu Yan just nodded and changed the topic: "How is the army gathering?"

"Tomorrow is the deadline." Seeing Liu Yan starting to move, Lu Yi slowly followed, and said, "There was an internal strife in Duchang, and the number of defenders in the city fell to less than [-]. Now it is Duchang The moment when the defender is restless is the time to attack."

I don't know who spread the news that Mr. Gong Tao is a pawn of Murong Yan Kingdom, that is an extremely explosive news.However, Mr. Gong Tao couldn't explain it, and the death of Liu Yan, the governor of Beihai County, was unknown, which resulted in internal strife in the "anti-Liu Yan alliance".

Mr. Gong Tao, who was unable to explain his identity, withdrew from Duchang City after the internal strife with his faction, and withdrew to Gaomi County with a man named Fei Yan, leaving Liu Qian with the remaining Less than [-] defenders stayed in Duchang City.

During this period, Liu Qian sent someone to Liu Yan's side, and completely shifted the responsibility for this war to the legendary Mr. Gong Tao, a pawn of the Murong Yan Kingdom, hoping to turn the fighting into jade or something, stop the confrontation, and together target the culprit who fled to Gaomi County Mr. Gong Tao.

If Liu Yan didn't have too much ambition, Liu Yan would be willing to "offer Xia Mi with both hands", which would recognize the Han Dynasty's right to possess Xia Mi.Then, the Han Ministry should indeed give up and turn their attention to Mr. Gong Tao's group, the main culprit of the outbreak of this war.

"But we are not simply out for revenge, are we?" Liu Yan stopped at the gate of the cavalry barracks, turned around and looked at Lu Yi, who followed every step of the way, and said with a smile: "Mr. Whatever it means, regardless of whether it is a chess piece of Murong Yan Kingdom, what does it have to do with us?"

Maybe that's really the case. Murong Yan's southward trip was invited by Shijie Zhao. The background was that Ran Min gathered a camp to liquidate the cruelty of the Jie people. Family is also somewhat responsive.

There may be quite a few people who don’t believe it or find it surprising that the so-called “killing the barbarian order” issued by Ran Min received a response from barbarians. Then we need to analyze a little bit, such as whether there is really a “killing barbarian order” or not. "Killing order"?
Leaving aside the "Order to Kill the Hu" and the like, but the "Order to Kill the Han (or call to kill the Han, call to destroy the Han)" is real, and the person who issued it was not from the Shijie family, but Fu Jian's father, Fu Hong ( Di people) and Yao Yizhong (Qiang people) jointly released.

Fu Hong and Yao Yizhong jointly issued the "Decree to Kill Han" because Ran Min had completely suppressed Shijie. This is also a retaliatory measure for Ran Min to issue a targeted "killing order" later.

Liu Yan thought for a long time and his thoughts were still a little confused. There were indeed too many doubts during the period of the Five Hu and Sixteen Kingdoms, and many things were full of inconsistencies.

Too much intricate information has been put together, and one thing Liu Yan can be sure of is that Murong Xianbei can easily capture Qingzhou after going south, which must be related to Murong Xianbei's layout before the war broke out.

"We need to get more benefits before the third-party forces step in." Liu Yan said that the reality of the joint discussion must be that there must be third-party forces outside (or within) Qingzhou secretly watching, he stepped forward Walking into the cavalry barracks, he said: "Create more facts of occupation."

No matter what he was thinking in his heart, Lu Yi kept nodding.

If Beihai County is captured again, it means that the Han Department has mastered the four counties, and then it will become the most powerful force in Qingzhou. No matter who enters Qingzhou, they will not be able to bypass the Han Department.

At that time, and no matter what direction the current situation should develop, Lu Yi believes that as long as he has enough chips in his hands, there will be more room for manipulation if he is tough or compromises, but he really does not agree to continue to enter Gaomi after occupying Beihai County. county.

Changguang County, Dongmou County, Donglai County, Beihai County, the four counties plus Qi County and Gaomi County, it is equivalent to the entire Qingzhou. (The number of counties under the jurisdiction of Qingzhou has been changing in each era)
Naturally, Lu Yi didn't know that Liu Yan aspired to become the shepherd or governor of Qingzhou, and he didn't know that Liu Yan needed to control Qingzhou to complete the system upgrade. He only knew that once the entire Qingzhou was occupied, it would be a big deal.

The two of them inspected the cavalry camp, but Liu Yan kept smiling bitterly in his heart. He only figured out one thing after he sent his army to the west. Since there were not as many as eight counties in Qingzhou, it meant that the system was There is a trap left. There are only six counties in Qingzhou. If you want to complete the system upgrade conditions, you still need to expand outward after occupying Qingzhou...

(End of this chapter)

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