sweeping the world

Chapter 172 Girl?Pity!

Chapter 172 Girl?Pity!

Set things right?

Yes, the answer Liu Yan got was to set things right. Those families who took refuge wanted to open the city gate for the Han, but it seemed that they were not successful.

"Why didn't you mention it beforehand?"


These families were scared to death by Liu Yankuai recently, especially the two families where Li Chun and Wang Xiao belonged, otherwise Wang Yu would not have dedicated himself to the family.

A large number of families were destroyed, wouldn't the surviving families be frightened?They just wanted to give Liu Yan a "surprise", so they needed to do something, but the "surprise" proved to be unsuccessful.

It doesn't matter if you can't flatter, the attitude has been shown, it seems that after doing this, most people have enough psychological comfort?
Zhang Liang was terribly frightened just now, he hadn't figured out whether he was resisting or surrendering, yet there was an insider who wanted to control the city gate?
"It's people from various families in the city." The general who spoke looked at his face resolutely, and he should be around 30 years old: "My lord, there are cavalry troops outside the city in the north."

Zhang Liang was about to speak, but he saw movement outside the city.

A large number of siege equipment was pushed forward, and then a man in a scholarly and Confucian robe slowly approached the city gate on foot.

"They are the Han tribe?" Zhang Liang pulled the beard on his chin: "Do you have a good cooperative relationship with Xiu Chenghou?"

Xiucheng Hou Ranmin recently went to the northwest, who seems to be suppressing someone?His cooperative relationship with the Han Dynasty is not a secret in Hou Zhao.

What is the relationship between Zhang Liang's family and Ran Min?When the word "Xiu Chenghou" is mentioned, it is obviously more respectful.

The scribe from the Han Dynasty was undoubtedly trying to persuade him to surrender. He gave two options, the first was to surrender, and the second was to destroy the city.

The huge Donglai County was flattened by the Han tribe in two months. It seems that there are nearly [-] Han tribes outside Xiami City?There are only less than one thousand defenders in Xiami City, and even if the young and strong are gathered in the city, the combined guard force will not exceed three thousand.

Zhang Liang was thinking, when a strange sound came from the Han side, and after a while, there was a dull sound in the city, and then there was a chaotic noise.

"My lord, their catapults have launched."


There were a few more weird noises. This time Zhang Liang looked carefully, and it was indeed the catapult cart launched by the Han Dynasty.

The first round of shots seemed to be fired into the city, hit a building or something, and caused chaos anyway.

With the first round of school shooting, although the second round's hit rate is still worrying, at least it hit the city wall, causing the tower to shake.

Zhang Liang trembled in his heart, and hurriedly said: "Consult with them, if you surrender, you won't sacrifice your life, and you can give them luggage!"

The general with a resolute face said "No!" and left, but after turning around, his face was full of helplessness.

Liu Yan soon knew the choice of the county magistrate of Xiamicheng. He stroked his chin: "Is it the same as Xiu Chenghou?"

Of course Lu Yi knew who Xiu Chenghou was. Perhaps it should be said that after the first battle in Yangzhou, Ran Min's reputation in the Eastern Jin Dynasty was not low at all.

In fact, it is difficult for Ran Min to be less famous, but he killed a famous general in the Eastern Jin Dynasty.

"Your Majesty, do you want to accept the conditions?" Lu Yi refrained from saying something, and his real thought was: "The first county you encounter when you enter Beihai County should be a bloodbath, to deter those who will attack next. of the city."

Liu Yan has been getting news about Ran Min from Zhang Shi, knowing that Ran Min is going to the northwest to suppress the rebellion, and even more knowing that there is actually a not-so-weak force united around Ran Min.

"Then...the Zhang family is a member of Ran Min's camp?" Liu Yan looked at the 'white face' on the tower from a distance, thought for a while, and said, "I demand unconditional surrender."

The scribes in charge of persuading surrender passed by again, and this time Zhang Liang refused without even thinking about it.

Are you kidding me!Everyone surrendered unconditionally. Wouldn't that mean putting oneself on the knife like a piece of meat, allowing people to cut it however they wanted?
There is no second solution, and Liu Yan is not here to engage in an armed parade, so he must not leave any hidden dangers in the rear, and can only order an attack.

This time Liu Yan brought quite a few siege equipment, including 38 catapults, and nearly [-] other equipment such as ballistas and carts combined.

The attack on Beihai County was not in a hurry for the Han Dynasty, and some of Liu Yan's plans were involved. It was just an accident that Wang Yu assassinated the Beihai County Guard in the middle, and it was not known what direction the situation would develop.

The rumbling began, and it was the row of catapults firing stone bombs.

The bed crossbows did not participate in the shooting, and it was far from the time for them to play a role, so they just carried them quietly. The thick crossbow arrows on the body were aimed at the direction of the city gate, so the city gate was opened, and a team of about 300 cavalrymen Appeared, nearly sixty thick crossbow arrows left the string in an instant.

Have you ever seen a scene where a man and a horse are strung upside down by a long crossbow arrow?It was a kind of collision where a person vomited blood in his mouth, and a horse was able to stamp its hooves in mid-air, but was slammed into the ground, wall or some other object with a strong force.

Of course, the cavalry of the defending army came out to destroy the catapults. They were "baptized" by sixty vehicles, and only a few cavalry escaped from the city gate.

After about three rounds, the city gate hole was full of corpses of people and horses, and the thick crossbow arrows that missed the target were piercing the ground and the wall, but it was nailed to the wall outside the city gate hole. most.

What happened in the city gate was watched by countless people, and the Han people naturally cheered up their morale, while the defenders all turned pale.

"Close, close!" Luckily, Zhang Liang was a 'bale face', even if he was frightened again, his face was pale like that: "Hurry up and close the city gate!"

The catapult carts of the Han Dynasty temporarily stopped, replaced by the sound of roaring horseshoes. It was about [-] riders trying to charge the city while the city gate was wide open.

Dozens of figures appeared in the city gate. Of course, these people were the defenders who wanted to close the gate, but when they were running to close the gate, the sound of toothache reappeared.

The thick crossbow arrows arrived instantly. If you were inside the city gate, you would definitely hear the sound of "咻咻" breaking through the air. It is estimated that you have not had time to think about it, and the next moment you will feel your body being hit by something. It was cold, there was severe pain behind, and then the eyes went dark and he lost consciousness. Everything should have happened in a short tenth of a second.

Zhao Qian felt very moved. He never thought that dozens of bed crossbows would be so spectacular when fired together, and he couldn't believe that people would fly up and stick on the top wall after being shot by bed crossbows.

"Get ready, the city will be broken soon!"

Similar military orders began to be circulated in the infantry ranks. That is, the cavalry on their own side only succeeded in rushing in under the arrows of a small number of archers on the city wall.

"Similar cities are worse than Wubao." Liu Yan lost interest in watching again: "The attack of Wubao is much more troublesome than the city."

When the infantry also rushed into the city, the apricot-yellow flag was belatedly raised on the city wall, which represented that the defenders believed that the city would no longer struggle and surrender, but by this time it was already too late.

No general would immediately issue an order to seal the sword when the city was breached, which would be an extreme blow to the morale of the army. After all, any breach of the city indicated that at least one round of looting could be carried out, which was the benefit of the soldiers who took huge risks.

Not long after, Zhang Liang was brought to Liu Yan.

"Zhang Liang?" If possible, Liu Yan wanted to put on a '囧' face: "You don't look like Liuhou at all."

Zhang Liang still had a "white" face, and he was even wearing a "Kyogen costume" for singing.

Al, "Noh drama" contains "wild words", and we must make a very solemn statement. It is really not the populism of the Japanese. It was passed from the mainland. It was just preserved by the Japanese, but it was lost on the mainland. It's like There is a lot of culture that can be seen in Bangzi, but not in mainland China.Furthermore, the most complete "Tangcheng" in the world is in Tokyo, a Japanese city. (Not honor-worshipping devils or nonsense, that’s really it.)
Zhang Liang was dragged "Putong" to the ground in front of Liu Yan who was straddling his horse. He looked up to meet the sun, which made Liu Yan look like he was looking at a god.

"Should I kill you?" Liu Yan really thought about it, and said with a smile: "You decide, okay?"

Zhang Liang is still confused now.He has been working hard to manage the city defense of Xiami City, and it took a lot of effort to repair the city wall. During the period, he also replaced the city gate with a solid and solid city gate. What is the result?Is it... It didn't even work, the city was broken? !
"Rom, ransom!" Zhang Liang felt that his little life was worth some money: "Five thousand gold, or any material of equal value!"

The so-called "five thousand gold" is five thousand catties of copper, which is still a good price, and the transaction is of course a transaction.

Liu Yan was somewhat disinterested in such an easy siege battle. He went up to the city wall not long after, and saw that there were many Han soldiers running, killing, and looting inside. Our troops marching into the city.

Because there was an explicit order prohibiting arson, the Han soldiers who were happy to rob naturally did not dare to disobey the order. Zhao Qian had successfully robbed three houses.

"So, it's good for me and for you not to resist!" Zhao Qian's eyes scanned the face of the young girl, with obvious pity.

Military disaster?Yes, for this family, it is a military disaster now, they are people who sit at home and suffer disaster from heaven.As the owner of the house, the middle-aged man of course noticed that Zhao Qian had been looking at his daughter all the time, hesitating whether to beg for mercy or desperately?
"Who, hurry up and make a decision!" Zhao Qian swallowed, with regret in his expression, this time breaking the city is not counted as a battle, he can only rob property but not people: "It's really a pity..."

The middle-aged man who was robbed gritted his teeth and wanted to fight desperately. He was clenching his fists. A sound attracted his attention. When he saw a few soldiers walking in slowly, his brain froze and he closed his eyes in despair: "I can't fight!" gone."

"It's you?" Zhao Qian grinned and asked, "Together?"

The people who entered the room were of course soldiers from the Han Dynasty, and they didn't know what was going on. Everyone glanced around the room, and their eyes were finally fixed on the girl.

"You look good, don't you?"

The owner of the house shook, and the girl fell limply on the ground...

(End of this chapter)

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