Chapter 171

Death of one's own body in exchange for the survival of the family, this kind of drama is never lacking in any era.

Wang Yu was certain to die from the moment he was hit by the arrow, and he knew this very well personally, so he was able to speak clearly about some things, such as what he did during the time when the Han tribe disappeared.He assassinated Liu Yan to win life for the family, and he told Mr. Gong Tao that he still wanted to win life for the family.

Mr. Gong Tao knelt and sat down again. Right in front of him were the corpses of Liu Yan and Wang Yu. The blood of the two corpses had flowed into a red line because of the unevenness of the ground.

Originally, the body was to be moved away, but Mr. Gong Tao left it behind on purpose.How could he not know that Wang Yu killed himself for "benevolence", but the "benevolence" he achieved was a family, not a country or a nation.

"Family, country, world!" Mr. Gong Tao woke up from his contemplation, his eyes stopped looking at the two corpses, and he looked to the east: "Things are getting more and more complicated."

It can be guessed that the Han Dynasty regained control of Changguang County and Dongmou County, and captured Dongnai County. It must have launched a heart-pounding purge, forcing Wang Yu to use his own life to replace Liu. Yan's life.

Mr. Gong Tao can be sure of one thing, that is, what happened here today will soon reach Liu Yan’s ears, and those who reveal what happened today are among those warriors who pretend to be loyal guards .

Once Liu Yan died, Beihai County would be without a leader, so there would still be resistance for the Han to take Beihai County, but it would definitely be much easier.

This is the fact of the matter. Wang Yu completed a deal with Lu Yi before he set off. The agreement was that Wang Yu kill Liu Yan, the governor of Beihai County, in exchange for the Wang family not being exterminated.

This time, Liu Yan's murderous intentions were serious, and nearly 3000 people died because of his orders in just two months.

"Your Majesty, crossing this river is the territory of Beihai County." Lu Yi was riding a white horse, and he looked quite chic in a scholar's robe. He pointed to the other side of the river with his whip: "There are more than two hundred miles over there. Other than that, it's secret."

It had been three days since they set off from Ye County, and they should have waited longer, but three days ago, someone sent two heads, one of which belonged to Wang Yu, and the other was identified as Liu Yan, the governor of Beihai County.

Everything seems weird these days, for example, Liu Yan was depressed that Wang Yu would go to assassinate, and then the two heads turned out to be that guy named Mr. Gong Tao sent someone over, was it a demonstration or something?
In any case, Liu Yan, the governor of Beihai County, was confirmed to be dead, which meant that it was difficult for anyone in Beihai County to form an effective integration. Amid the unanimous clamor of his subordinates, the Han tribe shouted slogans of revenge, crossed the glue (modern glue river) and stepped into the The territory of Beihai County.

Beware of pitfalls and conspiracies?Look at the vanguard of the Han tribe. It is called the tribal armed forces, but it is actually a [-]-unit troop of system soldiers. Liu Yan led a troop of [-] ordinary people as the central army, and there were some soldiers and a large number of soldiers behind him The auxiliary soldiers escorted the luggage, and the left and right wings each had about [-] cavalry troops.

What kind of traps would such a battle be afraid of?How many troops should the enemy use for an ambush?Then there is where can hide tens of thousands of troops nearby?Post an incognito symbol?
There are only two bridges that can pass through the whole glue, one is the one being used by the Han Dynasty, and the other is at the border between Changguang County and Gaomi County.

After the Han people cross the glue, they will go straight to Xiami, but they don't know what's going on there.However, when Liu Yan, the governor of Beihai County, died, he must be in a state of chaos without dispatch?
"Your Majesty, then the general will set off first?" Xu Zheng is now a general, riding a red war horse, the cloak on his back is blown by the wind.

Liu Yan is also riding a horse, a tall and snow-white Dawan horse, matched with the military uniform of a high-ranking person. If a modern girl saw it, she would not call Tang Seng anyway.

The current cavalry army of the Han Dynasty is not small. After four years of repeated training, there are already [-] cavalry troops that can be used.

After getting permission, Xu Zheng gave a loud shout, and the three thousand cavalry basically kept one man, two horses or even three horses, and left amidst the sound of hooves and dust.

In fact, if there are no two horses or three horses, the marching speed of the cavalry will not be faster than that of the infantry.Do you know such a thing?It probably happened in the Civil War in the Lighthouse Country. The marching speed of the cavalry on both sides was actually slower than that of the infantry. Why?It's because war horses are troublesome to take care of! (Baidu by myself, but too many cumbersome quotes)

"There is no shortage of horses in the Central Plains. Maybe we should have more cavalry." Lu Yi is from Jiangxia, Jingzhou. Looking at the cavalry who were leaving, he said in a tone full of emotion: "The cavalry of the (Jin) court Very rare…”

Liu Yancai didn't want to talk about the small imperial court in the Eastern Jin Dynasty, and every time he heard about the Sima royal family, he would feel angry.

"[-] soldiers gathered in Beihai County?" Liu Yan had already held Ma Rang by the side of the road: "Although we have made careful efforts here, we have not infiltrated like Donglai County, Changguang County, and Dongmou County."

Lu Yi nodded in a daze. He thought this was normal. He was surprised that Liu Yan had started to deploy in Donglai County two or three years ago. , that would look scary.

Beihai County only has a few more county towns than some border counties in the real sense, and the population is of course larger. According to repeated investigations, Beihai County has six places that can be called counties, but its territory is far larger than Changguang, Changguang, and Guangzhou. Donglai and Dongmou are much smaller.As a result, one thing is destined, that is, the county town will be relatively "dense".

Attacking a city with a cavalry army is a relatively stupid act. Xu Zheng will only try to rush into the city when he goes first, but as long as the defenders are not sick and see dust and smoke from a distance, they should know that the army is pressing down. How seriously ill is that? Why would the gates of the city remain open, and let unknown troops rush into the city foolishly?
Facts have proved that the captain of the city gate of Xiami City is not sick. When he found that an unknown army was approaching, he immediately chose to close the gate of the city.

There are not so many fools in the world, and there are absolutely no fools who can at least hold an official position. Once a fool holds a partial official position, it will be even more miserable than being an ordinary person.Is not it?At least ordinary people will not lose their lives if they make mistakes. A fool who is an official will not only lose his own life, but also his family and those who need to be protected.

Xu Zheng didn't meet a fool, so his cavalry army could only wander around the densely packed city wall for a while, and then rushed to the surrounding area, mainly to attack some city villages or nomadic tribes before the infantry arrived.

It should be that after Xu Zheng led the people to wreak havoc for half a day, the Chinese army led by Liu Yan came.

Liu Yan personally inspected Xiami, and found that this city is actually better in repair than Ye County, the capital of Donglai County?
"What should be done." Lu Yi said the answer: "The county magistrate of this city is from Jin."

Then it all makes sense!The Jin people are the chief officials, and their favorite thing to do during the war is to build city defenses when they have nothing to do.

Liu Yan looked up. The height of the city wall should be about six meters, but he didn't know how thick it was.

There is a flag flying above the city head, which is a kind of triangular flag, and the letter "Zhao" is written on it.

Looking at the tower, there are many people gathered there, should it be a group of high-ranking officials who came after being notified?
"Are you trying to surrender?" Lu Yi was looking at the two-story tower. He could see a man in scribe's uniform surrounded by a crowd of people.

Liu Yan has nothing to say, he is here to "expand the territory", and there is no option to attack by force.

It should be said that Liu Yan showed his fangs this time, warning those who are hiding in the dark and playing tricks.As for how much territory to lay down and what to gain, having a brand new awareness is already a relatively relaxed thing.

Well, the above sentence is a lie. In fact, Liu Yan is extremely eager to expand his territory, or he will torture Goguryeo desperately, and then go back to Hou Zhao to make a fuss!He repeatedly checked the upgrade conditions in his mind, but with five counties, it was five counties, and three more counties would be able to fulfill one wish... Uh, the system has been upgraded to the "Castle Age"!

The sound of loud and orderly footsteps was ringing. It was a troop of 3000 troops marching at the same frequency. Just by looking at it, one would feel that the momentum was huge, and one could tell at a glance that they were definitely well-trained The elite, or the elite of the elite.

Zhang Liang was a little silly. Although he had the same surname as the one among the three heroes of the early Han Dynasty, he was a "second generation" with a good background and someone in the court.

"Say it! How should I hit you!" Zhang Liang's face looked pale, but it wasn't frightened, it was covered with a layer of hoarfrost: "Hurry up and say it!"

Why did Zhang Liang have hoarfrost on his face?They were dancing just now. It is a dance that requires ventriloquism. If it really had a name, it would be called "Noh", but "Noh" was definitely not learned from the devils in Jin, because the origin of "Noh" The location is in the Central Plains, so it should be the little devil who learned from the mainland.

"Noh" has other names in the Central Plains, one of which is called "Nuo Dance", which was originally a dance for wizards to pray for blessings, exorcise ghosts, etc. Jin scholars who like to eat five stones, why do they stay? The next "Jin Wei demeanor" is because they are a group of psychopaths who have already been beaten by the barbarians. They need to have fun when they are drunk, and they have created countless kinds of entertainment, such as taking drugs and learning how to bray (Jin people) I'm so stupid~ I really like to learn), drinking with pigs (Ruan Xian, Biaozi Zhongrong)..., and countless other absurd things.

Liu Yan has good eyesight. He also saw from a distance the scribe on the tower with his face painted white. He was about to say something when he saw the door below the tower was opened, and a group of people who looked like Someone from the defenders came out of the city, and then there seemed to be a fight or something inside the city gate, and then the city gate was closed again, and those who came out of the city gate were being shot and killed by the archers on the city wall.

"Where is this playing?" Liu Yan was more certain, he did not arrange any internal response in the lower secret.

(End of this chapter)

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