sweeping the world

Chapter 173 Orderly Robbery

Chapter 173 Orderly Robbery
It's really a pity. At that moment, I don't know how many people were complaining about the secret defenders. Why didn't they formally resist for a round or something? If there was resistance, it would not be as simple as breaking the city. He can also kidnap people openly and aboveboard!

"Why don't you...play around and kill him?"

"it's not good."

They are all hesitation, one is hesitation about whether to "shoot" the little girl, and the other is hesitation that disobeying the military order will lose his life.

"If you want to do it with you, I won't participate!" Zhao Qian really didn't want to take this kind of risk: "Everyone think about it carefully, if you have a good time in your crotch, I don't know if you have a chance to regret it for a lifetime."

No matter how many thoughts there are, the people who entered the room behind could only curse "bad luck" or something, turn around and walk out with a very bad expression.They will leave because friendly troops are robbing this house, and according to the established rules, they can only choose the next house.

Zhao Qian's robbery is still relatively gentle, he will never use his hands if he can speak.

"Biaohuhu idiots, how do you have the rich robbery experience that those of us who have been to Goguryeo should have?" Zhao Qian came out of the house cheerfully, and saw those people rushing into another house just now: " Don't you understand that only the owner knows where the most valuable things are hidden?"

In other words, what have the soldiers of the Han Dynasty who came back from the Korean Peninsula experienced?

Robbery happened all over the city, but it was not without restraint. For example, whichever group of people robbed for as long as they should go back, and then replaced with the next group of people.

"War..." Liu Yan was at a very good angle, and he could almost see the whole city: "It seems that the soldiers have the general's order to listen to it." He said that he did not set fire.

This city is still useful, it is very useful.

Liu Yan originally wanted to find a place in the wild to build a camp, build fortifications and so on, and wait for the united enemy troops to surround him, but he didn't expect that the dense city defenses were repaired well.

Could it be that the farming nation is a race that is good at farming and building cities?Otherwise, the other cities managed by the Hu people look dilapidated, and the cities run by the Jin people can't see anything in the city for the time being, and the defensive city walls look like they have been repaired with care.

Lu Yi also nodded in satisfaction. He actually resisted Liu Yan's deployment of building camps in the wild to attract the enemy's decisive battle.

No one could understand Liu Yan's real thoughts, but they just felt that letting the enemy army besiege such a thing was fucked no matter how they thought about it.

Of course, if they knew that as long as Liu Yan built enough barracks and enough resources, he could summon soldiers infinitely, they probably wouldn't feel so fucked.

A burst of drums sounded in the city, which was to remind the soldiers who had gone out to return.

Zhao Qian was one of the first soldiers to rush into the city, and he had the priority to rob.On the way back when he heard the sound of the drum, he was still chanting "it's a pity".

"When will I have a bed-warming lady!"

"At least no one died this time."

"That's right."

It turned out that it was not just Zhao Qian who felt it was a pity, too many people were talking about it after successive rounds.There is really no way. The ratio of men to women in the Han Dynasty is quite different. It is destined that most people will find it difficult to find a daughter-in-law. As long as they go to war, they think about whether they can grab three, so that one can be left as a wife.

The returning soldiers entered the camp, and Zhao Qian, like everyone else, went to line up after entering.



What is this doing?is recording.Everyone doesn't remember names, that's because there are too many people with the same names, so they have to remember numbers.

Zhao Qian's number is 3471, which is a relatively high number, so the person in charge of recording couldn't help but look up.

do you know?When Zhao Qian was looked at, he was thinking dirty words like "look at an egg" in his heart.He is a group of people who became soldiers relatively early, and now he is not even a corps leader.Why?That's because I made a lot of mistakes...

Someone who could read and write sat behind the long table, holding a brush in his hand, and wrote a row of numbers on the numbered packages in the newspaper.

The packages are quite messy, mostly just wrapped in cloth and tied tightly. The contents inside are very miscellaneous. Someone will specially identify them and select [-]% of them according to their value and return them to the public. Only the remaining [-]% can be legally seized.

There is no misunderstanding, that is, after the soldiers rob, they can share the account with the army. After all, the army is the biggest violent machine. Since it has something to do with violence, it is impossible to be a peace envoy. Robbery in war is just a trivial matter, and more crimes It happens all the time.

The first batch came back, and the second batch set off.

The winner has the right to enjoy everything, Liu Yan can't stop this, he can only formulate a set of rules.

The residents of Xiami City soon discovered that the new occupants of the city will not kill people when there is no resistance. For the loser side, the victor's not killing people is already worth burning incense and fulfilling their wishes. It is not an extravagant hope. more.

The first batch had one hour (two hours) to scrape oil and water, and the second batch only had half an hour to scrape oil and water. They still need to drive out all the people they can find, and when the time is up, they will take them back to the barracks together .

Zhang Liang has been around Liu Yan all the time. He used the terrain to watch an orderly robbery, and his mouth was not closed from the beginning.

The original defenders of Xiami City had surrendered long ago and were housed in a large circle surrounded by wooden fences. They were already worrying about their fate.

"It's not a 'national', let alone a 'nation'."

"Well, the Han people... don't have the habit of cannibalism?"

It has long been publicized that the Jie people have the habit of cannibalism. Most of the rest of the Hu people do not eat people, at least not when there is food, but the Jin people are the least likely to be cannibals?
It doesn't seem right, Cao Cao used people as military rations during the Three Kingdoms period, and people would change their children for food during the famine earlier, regardless of region or race.Therefore, if you count it carefully, no nation is noble, and the inside of its crotch is yellow, and it is either shit or shit.

The prisoners of war who were talking a lot suddenly quieted down, and they saw their county magistrate Zhang Liang.

The vast majority of people showed a relieved expression, and their thoughts were: "The county magistrate has not been cut, so there is nothing worthy of being cut for a small person like me?"

A small number of them seemed to be burning with anger. What these people were thinking was: "If there is such a talkative and incompetent person in the stall, if they don't beat him up properly, they will be so aggrieved and unable to control their lives."

"How will Sheriff Liu deal with those..." Zhang Liang swallowed: "Those people?"

Liu Yan paused, turned his head to look at the prisoners of war surrounded by wooden fences like livestock, and said, "Since they didn't cause much damage, they won't be executed."

Zhang Liang swallowed more frequently, thinking: "The rumors are indeed true. Once the Han tribe encounters resistance, they will be treated differently according to the losses caused by the resisters." That's why he was not firm in his resistance. Hara who couldn't help but surrender immediately!
Liu Yan first said "Let's get started" to Lu Shaoyang, and then said when he looked at Zhang Liang: "I will pick out some people with families and give them a chance to serve my subordinates as servants and make meritorious service." Slowly turn back to normal..." He was in a good mood to explain that he was already doing something there.

Lu Shaoyang is the captain of the personal guard, because he is Liu Yan's personal follower, so his status is naturally different.It is one of his responsibilities to convey Liu Yan's military order.

"Promise!" After listening to the order, Li Kuang turned to look at his subordinates: "Let's get started."

Those with loud voices began to shout to the prisoners of war: "In Xiami City, those with families stand on the right, and those without families stand on the left." This sentence will be repeated repeatedly.

The prisoners of war didn't know what the Han tribe was trying to do. Everyone looked at each other nearby, and no one moved a step while looking at each other.

"Idiot, put it another way." Li Kuang's face collapsed: "Wouldn't you tell those with families to stand and those without families to squat down?"

When you don’t know why, the human instinct is to stay where you are cautiously. If no one takes the lead, you will not move. It is because you are afraid that if you move a little, you will be killed. Although you still have a sense of resistance when standing and squatting, it will not be so strong. .

Changing the way of shouting was really useful. What surprised Li Kuang was that there were more people standing than squatting. He said something stupid and murmured, "What a bunch of lucky guys!", signaling his subordinates to proceed one step action.

Someone shouted outside, and another soldier opened the wooden fence and went in.

The prisoners of war listened to the call very seriously. When they heard that people with families would be recruited into some kind of "new attached army" to serve the Han, many people who had squatted down secretly stood up.

"I'll let your family members come to recognize you later." Li Kuang stood on a high place: "Give me another chance, those with families will line up to get out of the wooden fence to change places, and those without families who want to fish in troubled waters Be careful moving your head!"

Liu Yan just changed places after watching the beginning. He needs to personally preside over an execution.

Before the siege, the battlefield regulations have been repeated repeatedly. As long as the brain is not so sick that it only has a three-second memory like a goldfish, they can understand what can be done and what can't be done.

"One, two, three..." Liu Yan was counting, and there were 21 people who were bound and kneeling on the ground. He turned his head and looked at Xiqian Jiantong, who seemed to be sighing and disappointed: "It's so difficult to control the crotch. ?"

Xiqian Jiantong's face was expressionless, and he didn't even blink.

"The residents in the city will be concentrated in a while. Remember to explain why the heads of these soldiers were beheaded again and again, and wait for the residents to understand before doing so." Liu Yan looked at Xiqian Jiantong very seriously: "All those residents will be transferred. , become slaves of the tribe, and many of them will become tribe members in the future, do you understand?"

"Your Majesty, I understand!" Xiqian Jiantong seemed to be reciting: "Let them feel that we are fair, so that they can be more obedient and easily accepted by us." He saw that Liu Yan's eyes should be staring, and he knew that we should What to say: "The soldiers were killed not because they raped women, but because the soldiers violated military orders."

Yes, killing those soldiers was not for rape, it was a violation of military orders!

(End of this chapter)

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