sweeping the world

Chapter 166 The Alternative Version of Playing Hard to Get

Chapter 166 The Alternative Version of Playing Hard to Get

The number of cavalry troops of the Han tribe in Hou Zhao's territory continued to increase. It was almost when Liu Yan gained a foothold in the narrow peninsula in the east of Liao 1, and the number of cavalry troops on Hou Zhao's side had approached [-].

Of the two thousand cavalry, only one thousand can be considered cavalry, and the rest are actually cavalry in nature.Furthermore, the armored cavalry has been one hundred from the beginning to the end. It is not that they are unwilling to increase, but there is no way to increase it.

A large number of cavalry troops approached Laishan, and the reaction of everyone along the way could only be to close the gates of the city or the village, with doubts and fear in their eyes watching the cavalry troops crossing the border due to the trampling of horseshoes and rising dust and smoke.

More people wondered, didn't the Han Dynasty give up Changguang County and Dongmou County?How could there be so many troops suddenly.

When the infantry appeared, doubts and fears turned into panic. The second and third figures of each family were basically trembling, and they looked at each other in blank dismay.

"The Han Dynasty did not give up the two counties!"

"We've been fooled!"

Donglai Academy has been dancing very happily recently, gathering many families to carve up the Changguang County and Dongmou County that the Han Dynasty had abandoned, but it was all based on the premise that the Han Dynasty really wanted to give up the two counties.

To be serious, the Han tribe's raid on Changguang County and Dongmou County only happened half a year ago. At that time, no one knew the strength of the Han tribe's troops.

Most people believe that the premise of Donglai Academy is that the Han tribe evacuated in a large scale after sweeping up the two counties, and it seems that nothing is being built.

"Send...send someone to Laishan!"

What is the scene of the army crossing the border?It was an atmosphere full of chills, and there was a troop of about [-] stepping on neat steps. The footsteps sounded like heaven and earth beating drums of war, and anyone who saw it would feel terrified.

That's right, it took Liu Yan about a month to increase the number of soldiers in the system to [-], that is, [-] soldiers, [-] spearmen, and [-] archers.

In fact, only [-] troops that can be replenished again and again are already extremely against the sky. Liu Yan does not need to deliberately gather too many other troops, and can start fighting with only soldiers who operate siege equipment.

However, Liu Yan has already understood one thing. It is reasonable to take advantage of the opportunity to experience more things trained by the troops. He cannot always rely on the soldiers of the system to fight.

When the Han cavalry arrived at the foot of Laishan Mountain, they immediately pursued the families' teams that were scattered to go back. Most of them chose to force them to surrender. If they refused to surrender, they would naturally kill them all if they caught them.

The head of the mountain of Donglai Academy, that is, Mr. Gong Tao, he could see what was happening below from the mountain, and saw the cavalry of the Han Dynasty chasing and dispersing the teams of various families, the expression on his face became extremely complicated.

"They are really cruel!" Mr. Gong Tao found that he did not understand the Han tribe: "They seem to have no worries at all?"

Wang Yu had met Liu Yan twice, but to be honest, he didn't have a strong impression.He is only worried about one thing now, will the Wang family be on Liu Yan's revenge list?That seems to be possible, after all, he is Mr. Gong Tao's proud disciple, and besides not participating in various carve-up discussions recently, the Wang family seems to have basically violated the requirements of the Han Dynasty?

"Let's go, let's go down!" Mr. Gong Tao felt that everything could be saved, after all, Donglai Academy was only in series, but never really launched an attack on the Han.

Wang Yu was more hesitant, and after thinking about it, he could only follow behind the master obediently.

The cavalry of the Han tribe arrived at the foot of Laishan Mountain and only cared about chasing those scattered guys, and indeed they had not yet launched an attack on Donglai Academy.

By the way, how many families or representatives were on the top of the mountain just now?The cavalry in charge of the pursuit stopped batch after batch, and most of them surrendered, because there were too many of them, and the cavalry had to kill some guys who neither surrendered nor kept talking nonsense.

I don't know why, Mr. Gong Tao took the people halfway and then returned to the mountain, and halfway Wang Yu just found a reason to run alone.

In fact, it's quite simple. That's because the follow-up infantry from the Han army has already arrived. It turns out that Mr. Gong Tao still has enough confidence that the Han army will not attack Donglai Academy, but he doubts himself when he sees the infantry. judgment.

When the infantry came, it was very straightforward to encircle the courtyard at the foot of the mountain, and the cavalry blocked several obvious main roads. The situation was extremely bad for Donglai Academy.

"It seems like that?" When Liu Yan arrived, the courtyard at the foot of the mountain was already surrounded, and he naturally saw the captured family members: "Pick out those from Changguang County and Dongmou County."

Li Kuang, who was in charge of guarding the prisoners, immediately responded, "No!"

Li Kuang was originally a patriarch of many families in Changguang County, but Wubao was breached during the Hu people's raid last time, and he became a member of the Han tribe after a long time.

It is precisely because Li Kuang was once the patriarch of a family that he knows which ones belong to Changguang County.As for who is in Dongmou County?Li Kuang can call Pao Ze who is familiar with Dongmou County for help.

When the distinction was made, an interesting scene happened. The people who knew Li Kuang began to intercede, talking about local sentiments, but just because they knew each other, who didn't know who?Talking about local love is a very funny thing. In troubled times, people only care about themselves, otherwise they wouldn't be in a state of disunity like now.

Li Kuang didn't put on a face of rejecting people thousands of miles away, and smiled cheerfully at everyone, neither threatening nor promising anything.He mainly didn't know how Liu Yan would deal with these people, and what attitude should he take?Just be happy like that, but just watch with a cold eye.

Cooperating with Li Kuang is Chen Jiaju.

Chen Jiaju is the patriarch of a small family in Dongmou County. At the beginning, he followed the Han tribe to migrate to Long Island very decisively. Facts have proved that it will be reused. Although he made a meritorious service, he has become a very small minority One of the Marquis?

Strong positions lead to high and low positions, as has always been the case.Others have similar credits, but they are not as decisive as Chen Jiaju. As a result, Chen Jiaju is a military lord, and the others are not.

There were quite a lot of people who surrendered, accounting for [-]% of those who came to Donglai Academy to negotiate, about [-]% were killed, and less than half of those who escaped successfully.

The families who came to Donglai Academy accounted for about [-]% of Qingzhou. Together, they are a powerful force, so I don't really believe that the Han Dynasty will kill them.But until some people were escorted out and kneeled on the ground, most people were just surprised at how the Han tribe would torture them, but still no one believed that the Han tribe would go on a killing spree, until that "cut", the light of the knife flashed, and the body and the The separation of the heads woke everyone up.

"They took my advantage, which is the benefit I gave, and then plotted for my property, which is my property!" Liu Yan didn't have a grim face, but a face of sarcasm: "Eat my benefit, think about it!" plotting my estate. Damn it!"

Not many people had their heads cut off, only seven people, but it really shocked all the captured people.

Li Chun and Wang Xiao stood by Liu Yan's side. They both had obvious happiness on their faces, but they could see vigilance in each other's eyes when they looked at each other.

Do you know why Liu Yan knows that Donglai Academy is holding a meeting here?It was revealed by Li Chun and Wang Xiao successively.

"Some of you have also benefited from me." Liu Yan looked at the patriarchs surrounded by soldiers, "hehe" laughed a few times before saying, "Perhaps... I should execute you too?"

Immediately, someone collapsed on the ground, and the crotch was instantly wet.

The Han Dynasty has been selling salt in large quantities, which can be said to be the kind of sale that never refuses.There is no shortage of sales for table salt in any era. After all, people don’t need other commodities, but salt must be eaten. The price of table salt in the Han Dynasty is fair. Who would not buy it if they can come to buy it?
"But, but... our goods are paid... the bill is paid." The guy who spoke was a little stuttering, he looked at Liu Yan carefully, and said: "It's a fair... transaction."

"That's right." Liu Yan didn't seem to be such a strict leader, at least he hadn't learned to argue with his words. He nodded: "So he's still alive, isn't he?"

According to Liu Yan's meaning, these guys should be killed. It's not justified to kill anyone. Who made them want to plot against the Han Dynasty?But Lu Yi gave a perhaps better opinion.

Lu Yi's opinion is that killing them is too cheap and easy. It's better to get enough benefits from these guys, and maybe absorb a batch of them, which will help the next battle.

Liu Yan agreed. This time the battle might cause a full-scale war in Qingzhou, so it is natural to use it if it can be used. It seems that he has come to Donglai Academy, but there is time for that guy named Mr. Gong Tao to escape.

That's right, Liu Yan didn't attack the courtyard at the foot of the mountain, he didn't attack the mountain, he was just waiting for that guy named Mr. Gong Tao to escape.

Qingzhou needs to be in chaos, but Liu Yan can't cause the chaos by himself. It's not for Shijie's face, it's just an inevitable low-key.

Mr. Gong Tao has the ability to gather [-]% of the families in Qingzhou, so he has enough contacts to cause chaos in Qingzhou. It is in Liu Yan's interest to let him start the chaos in Qingzhou and bring enough allies to attack Liu Yan.

Don't forget that Liu Yan doesn't have much time to waste. It is impossible to attack one family after another. It can only be a decisive battle as soon as possible.

A decisive battle at the beginning is what Liu Yan desires, for this reason he is willing to stay somewhere, give the opponent time, and then engage in a siege battle.

At this moment, Lu Yi was a little bit at a loss. What gave Liu Yan such a great background, willing to be surrounded, and willing to fight a battle that fought more with less?

Without it, Liu Yan has [-] soldiers who can be "resurrected" continuously. What he needs is to build a camp with sufficient defense, build enough barracks, and then... Hehehe!

(End of this chapter)

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