sweeping the world

Chapter 167 The Beginning of Sweeping Qingzhou

Chapter 167 The Beginning of Sweeping Qingzhou

Liu Yan had previously recruited non-direct descendants of his family from many families in Changguang County and Dongmu County. After such a long time, those non-direct descendants had long been assimilated... Well, those who did not accept the assimilation were basically dealt with, and then Get a batch in exchange.So in some respects, Liu Yan's "Madonna" is about the overall situation, not just for a certain class.

It was a strategic layout of a side branch acting as a master, as if it was necessary to occupy and defend the narrow peninsula of Liaodong 1, it was all part of the overall strategic layout.

Liu Yan waved his master to look west, and it was time to use those earlier layouts.

The group of patriarchs who were beheaded will have side branches from the original family back, and they will have a strong backing to push them to power. It will be another matter to win over those who disagree or directly kill them with blood.

The reason why he came first to break up Donglai Academy and hunt down those who wanted to escape was to buy time for a series of things.

We must deeply understand that in the era without mobile phones, telephones, telegrams, etc. convenient communication means, once people are scattered, it is basically a dream to get in touch instantly.

Mr. Gong Tao ran away with a small number of trusted disciples. The Han Department deliberately let them go. They probably ran to a place they thought was safe and lurked for a short period of time?Then it is impossible to make a quick and effective response to this incident, which is tantamount to losing the initiative.

Liu Yan will take advantage of this period of time to first resolve the internal troubles in Changguang County and Dongmou County. This is probably a quick way to cut through the mess and restore absolute rule over the two counties in the shortest possible time. Then he will take action against Donglai County.

This time the Han tribe occupied Donglai Academy, not destroyed it.Such an academy that took decades to build looks pretty good, so why should it be destroyed?
The rest of the family members who were not killed were driven into the courtyard at the foot of the mountain and imprisoned. Then Lu Council "reasoned" one by one. It is naturally best to be willing to submit, and it doesn't matter if you don't want to.The difference is that those who surrender can be used immediately, and those who are unwilling to surrender can only be used after a period of time.

To say that there is really no "tough guy" in the family that can survive in troubled times, it was just one night, and Lu Yi reported good results to Liu Yan.

"So, there are already 32 families willing to obey?" Liu Yan couldn't help showing surprise on his face: "Can they still have some backbone?"

Lu Yi smiled and said, "Some of their cronies have already returned, but they have been detained. How many of the 32 families are truly surrendered, we will be able to tell in the next period of time."

From the perspective of a conqueror, he should like soft guys instead of tough guys, but Liu Yan couldn't help feeling contemptuous: "They can surrender to us quickly, and they can also betray us without hesitation."

Lu Yi certainly agrees with this point of view: "As long as we continue to be strong, they can only choose to obey."

That's right, the ability to successfully "instigate rebellion" against 32 families is directly related to the military strength displayed by the Han Dynasty, which is the attitude of the Han Dynasty as a strong man.If the Han tribe seems to be quite weak, there must be families that will submit, but it is by no means that there will be so many families in one night.

"Most of them think they have been deceived." Lu Yi said with obvious absurdity: "Gong Tao told them that we will give up Changguang County and Dongmou County, and joining in is just a risk-free carve-up feast. .”

Don't blame Mr. Gongtao, what Liu Yan did seems to be to give up Changguang County and Dongmou County, or how could he move the manpower again and again, leaving two counties that are almost empty?

If judged according to normal thinking, Liu Yan would really give up the two counties by doing that, but Liu Yan is a person who cannot be seen according to common sense.

Not only people outside the Han tribe thought that Liu Yan was going to give up Changguang County and Dongmou County, but in fact, people inside the Han tribe also thought so, which led to people including Ji Chang, Tian Shuo, etc. The emphasis on the eastern narrow peninsula, even when operating the Miaodao archipelago, is based on the scale of the forward base.

"Your Majesty, if we return to the army, we will cause confusion among those people." Lu Yi raised his hand and made a downward gesture: "It will be convenient to defeat them one by one before they can react."

There may be some misunderstanding, that is, after Liu Yan decided to send his troops westward, his subordinates immediately made up their minds. Dongnae Seowon, who has been hiding in the dark, appeared in person.

Donglai Academy has a wide network of contacts in Qingzhou, but they can only exert influence rather than actually subordinate them. This means that the forces that will be enemies of the Han tribe are not a real group and do not have efficient and close connections. , can only be said to be a group with common interests.

If Mr. Gong Tao was given more time, he might be able to unite those forces that do not belong to each other, or at least form a closely connected group. However, Liu Yan led his army back.

Do you know what the core class in the Han Dynasty are thinking now?They suddenly discovered that Liu Yan is actually very good at "playing chess", and it took so long to arrange the "chess game". All of them are more confident about the future, and everyone is full of energy and enthusiasm. confidence.

Perhaps Liu Yan was "playing a big game of chess" from the very beginning, but the conscience of heaven and earth is aimed at the encirclement and suppression of the army that may appear in Hou Zhao, not those families.

"Shi Bin has already led his army to the north, and there is no imperial army around Qingzhou. However, we still don't have much time, and we need to create more established facts before the imperial court reacts." Lu Yi looked at the bonfires everywhere at the foot of the mountain, Confidently said: "Your Majesty's preliminary layout has been completed, and now it's up to you to complete the finishing touches!"

Including auxiliary soldiers and militiamen, Liu Yan mobilized 6000 manpower this time, which is equivalent to a little more than one-fifth of the population of the Han Dynasty. It is impossible to simply consolidate the rule of Changguang County and Dongmou County .

At the dawn of tomorrow, the troops will disperse and attack. They will complete surprise attacks one after another before most of the families know what is going on, and try their best to break through as many cities or villages as possible. It's Wubao.

The offshoots of the various families who had come to serve in the Han Dynasty earlier brought people back to the family overnight, and used all available means to complete the control of the family.

Being a member of the strong is a kind of happiness in troubled times, at least Chen Bin feels that he is quite happy.

Chen Bin is a branch of the Chen family. He is the kind of clansman who can be abandoned at any time in times of danger. Therefore, he was abandoned without hesitation two years ago and was sent to the Han tribe to become a member of the Han tribe who could be killed at any time. hostage.

During the two years, Chen Bin changed repeatedly from an insignificant person. First, he changed from a hostage to a soldier of the Han tribe, and then he became a member of the Han tribe in a real sense. Those who are not become the head of a strong army, and will soon become the head of the family from a side branch of the family.

"Captain, is your family big?"

"It's big, but it's big!"

"How big is it?"

"There are more than 300 people in the clan, and there are more than 2000 households. How big do you think it is!"

Chen Bin didn't bring many people. They were fifty soldiers selected from the village. Those people were carefully selected by him, and they could all be called heroes. They were his arm to seize the leadership of the family in the future. .

The fifty soldiers were all wearing leather armor, and they all looked capable and energetic. They all participated in at least ten battles, and fought against the Goguryeo people in the sea of ​​corpses and blood on the Korean peninsula.

Just look at the armbands of the fifty soldiers. Everyone has at least one copper-colored skill badge, most of which are spears, and there are quite a few badges of knives or swords. They have passed the tribal assessment and have been recognized." Technical staff".More importantly, they have all experienced on the battlefield.

In other words, the Han Dynasty has been fighting Goguryeo on the Korean peninsula with little intensity. It is harassing, burning, killing and looting everywhere, and it is also encroaching on Goguryeo's territory.

During the continuous battle, Liu Yan carried out batch rotations of the army in a planned way, which was tantamount to training troops with a large number of temporarily armed people from Goguryeo.In terms of effectiveness, the Han Dynasty has gone through a series of military training with very good results, allowing almost every soldier to experience the tempering of the battlefield, resulting in a large number of meritorious civilians.

Chen Bin is now a part of the huge class of Hanbu Gongmin. He is proud of this identity, and also proud of the silver-white sword badge on his armband.

Gongmin is a special group in the Han Dynasty. They enjoy another layer of social welfare besides the "skills" assessment. Any commoner who sees them should avoid them and salute them. They have priority in owning real estate and the right to marry a wife. More importantly, Even if he retires, he has a better chance of being transferred to a local official than anyone else.

"It's almost here, don't show your sharpness when the time comes, just take it home with me to visit relatives." Chen Bin's voice was relatively loud: "Enter the Wubao first, and then listen to my orders when the time comes!"

A loud "No!" sounded.

Seizing power has never been achieved simply by killing, killing and killing. It needs a reasonable step. If you can kill less people, you should definitely not kill more.

For example, Chen Bin and other side branches who are responsible for going back to "stand up and call the shots", what they need to do is to form effective control over the family, so that the family can contribute to the collective of the Han Dynasty in the next battle, then it is really not just Killing can be done, but coercion and inducement are also needed.

"Your Majesty is destined to rule Qingzhou, and the family can only join in, not be crushed as a stumbling block." Chen Bin is like many people who share a common mission, thinking with conviction: "The family can only participate in the great cause of Your Majesty." Only by doing so can we grow stronger, and only by making more contributions can we grow stronger. I must not screw up and let the family lose such a good opportunity!"

In other words, what philosophy did Ji Chang teach this group of people?

(End of this chapter)

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