sweeping the world

Chapter 165 The Broken "Force"

Chapter 165 The Broken "Force"

Donglai Academy was built in the mountains, with a courtyard at the foot of the mountain and a pavilion on the mountain.

There is only one place in Qingzhou where people can study openly, and that is Donglai Academy.It was established in the sixth year after the fall of Cao Yi by a man named Mr. Gong Tao.

At the beginning of the establishment of Donglai Academy, there were only Mr. Gong Tao and a few students, and there were only a few thatched huts at the foot of the mountain. It really began to expand after the public acceptance of apprentices.

In an era when knowledge is hard to come by, having a way to acquire knowledge is already a crazy thing, enough to make people willing to pay a high price to study.

Dongnai Academy taught knowledge publicly, and in a short period of time, it had a large number of students, and had enough manpower to start the necessary construction.

The former thatched houses were quickly cleaned up and replaced with brick courtyards, first one courtyard, then the second, third... until a large group of courtyards was formed.

The academy at the foot of the mountain was established, and the Dongnai Academy had grown to a strong enough point that they began to build pavilions on the mountain.

Do you know how difficult it is to build a house on a mountain?All the materials need to be transported up by manpower, which is equivalent to leaving enough sweat on every brick and tile, and there may be a lot of brightly colored blood in between.

Laishan is of course one of the landmarks of Dongnai County. Its altitude is not too high. It is difficult for the built attic to have any "fairy spirit", at least it will not be shrouded in dense fog.

A few bells were rung in the mountains, and some scholars in white gowns formed a long trot trot. They walked across a stone hole bridge and thought about going to the opposite courtyard.

The number of pavilions in Donglai Academy on the mountain is not small, and most of them are located in relatively flat areas. Some of the pavilions seem to be deliberately chosen beside steep mountain walls, and even the water from the mountain stream is specially drawn to become waterfalls. So that although there is nothing beautiful to look at, it is so close to mountains and rivers.

Anyone who wants to do things well and make things bigger, it is inevitable to improve the style. How high the style can attract as many people. For example, Mr. Gong Tao likes to choose a set of murals that are deliberately carved when entertaining guests. Before, there was a steep cliff-like mountain wall ahead, the real cliff was on the left, and a mountain path dug into the waterfall was on the right.

In this deliberately planned open space, the ground is paved with blue bricks, and a middle-aged man in a loose robe is sitting on a purposely built high platform. Fluttering slightly, with that faint smile on his face, no matter how you look at it, it looks a bit "forceful".

Isn't the middle-aged man the same Mr. Gongtao?Below the high platform where he was sitting was a large group of people. On the left side were disciples in white gowns, and on the right side were guests in mixed clothes.

Mr. Gong Tao talked a lot before, not about learning or something, but about judging the situation in Qingzhou.

"Then, the Han Dynasty will give up Changguang County and Dongmou County, and we will take over and elect the sheriffs of the two counties?"

"There are not many people from the Han Dynasty staying in the two counties, but is it too early to give up?"

"Regardless of whether the Han tribe gave up or not, we have enough strength together, so what if we win over."

All kinds of remarks have actually been said for a while, and Mr. Gong Tao, who is sitting on the high platform, has been smiling and pretending to listen. As for whether he is really listening, who knows?
Donglai Academy did a lot of research, and the Han Dynasty only appeared for four years, but it only took four years to develop into a powerful local force.What puzzled Mr. Gong Tao was that he thought that Liu Yan would wantonly expand in Qingzhou, and he couldn't help worrying about the big things that would affect them. He didn't expect Liu Yan to wreak havoc in the Shandong Peninsula first, and then he actually made a a complete withdrawal.

It is difficult for a normal person to understand why Liu Yan would do that when the situation was good. It was because they didn't know what would happen in the future, and they didn't understand that Liu Yan was unable to capture the entire Qingzhou to upgrade the system. A helpless choice made.

Normal people should look at one thing with normal thinking. Maybe Liu Yan has a compelling reason, but the Han Department is really doing the evacuation of Changguang County and Dongmou County.

Just look at how many Han people are still in Changguang County and Dongmou County. There have been families who have been doing business with the Han Department, and most of them choose to use their population to trade salt, weapons, and so on.

The Han Department has absorbed a large number of people for several years in a row. As long as you are careful, you will find out that the tribes (including slaves) under Liu Yan's command should exceed 20 people, but the two Han tribes of Changguang County and Dongmou County How many people are there in the actual control area?
"Prince Bin agrees with our actions." Mr. Gong Tao silenced the chaotic crowd and looked at him with a single sentence. He smiled indifferently: "With Prince Bin's consent, is there any reason for us not to take action?"

Most of the people are nodding, but more people still have hesitation on their faces.

Most of the people who nodded were those families of the Hu people. They had long been used to becoming fierce after receiving the support of the strong, and they would be at least several times more fierce than usual.The situation is somewhat similar to that of the third brother in later generations, he is very cowardly, but as long as the master nods, he will bite viciously with a "bark bark".

What hesitated was the big clan of the Jin people. They didn't have much ambition, and it was also the environment that made them dare not have too much ambition at all.With the Hu people in power, Jin people will only become victims if they have ambitions. Even if the action is finally successful, they will get too little, but they will pay far more than they imagined.

The Han tribe is actually pretty good in the eyes of many Jin people. Liu Yan usually doesn't embarrass anyone, and he doesn't collect too much tax. He only shows his ferocious side when he is provoked.

Yes, if you can easily acquire Changguang County and Dongmou County, it is of course beneficial to be able to join the big guys together, but although there are signs of withdrawal from the two counties, the Han Department is not really withdrawing?
"The Li family, the Wang family and Liu Yan have a lot of contact." Mr. Gong Tao was definitely referring to the Li Chun family and the Wang school family who were detained by Liu Yan. No less than 5 people have been resettled in the islands near Dongnae."

Those news are no secrets. As long as you pay attention to the Han Dynasty, no one knows that the Han Dynasty has spent a lot of effort to build many islands.

In fact, after the Han Dynasty developed the Miaodao Archipelago, those who learned that they could farm extensively on the islands were completely dumbfounded. I don’t know how much regret they didn’t develop first.

Just when Mr. Gong Tao was about to say something, someone came over with hurried footsteps.

The visitor went directly to the high platform, and whispered a few words in Gong Tao's ear, making the people below stupefied for a while.

The smile on Mr. Gong Tao's face froze for a while, he waved his hand to get the reporter back, and after a moment of silence, he said to the people below: "The Han Department... has dispatched troops back to Qingzhou."

There is no need to hide it, and it is absolutely impossible to hide it. The Han Dynasty mobilized thousands of troops and did not know where they came back.

The scene was quiet for a long time, and Li Chun stood up first with a sullen face: "Shan Zhang, I have something to do next, so I will take my leave first."

After Li Chun came Prince Wang, but Prince Wang only bowed and left without any hesitation.

Some people took the lead, and many others stood up and said goodbye. The difference is that some people said good scenes, and some seemed in a hurry.

Those who left were basically families from Changguang County and Dongmou County, and many of them had family territories close to the two counties. They were afraid that their families would be attacked after the Han army returned to the army, and they must go back to make relevant preparations.

"Hehe, is there anyone else who wants to leave?" Mr. Gong Tao's voice was much louder than before: "They are a little stupid."

In fact, there were quite a few people below. Hearing what Mr. Gong Tao said, most of them showed surprised expressions.

"Since Liu Yan returned to the army, he must know what happened." Mr. Gong Tao smiled for a while, squinted his eyes and said: "Since they know, then they should stay to discuss, why did they leave?"

This time, everyone nodded in agreement.

"Liu Yan has returned to the army, which proves that the Han Dynasty does not want to give up Changguang County and Dongmou County." Mr. Gong Tao said loudly: "The war is inevitable, and you should go back and prepare!"

Talking about negotiating one moment, calling people to leave the next?At this moment, everyone stood up, some looked solemn, while others relaxed, depending on how far they were from the front of the Han troops.

"Master?" Wang Yu was slightly confused: "You... just let them go?"

Mr. Gong Tao showed an inscrutable smile, and kept smiling without speaking.

He thinks that the Han Dynasty will not bring the army back for fun, and there must be a large-scale military operation.In that way, as long as Liu Yan attacks anyone, the families that participated in the negotiation to carve up Changguang County and Dongmou County will be panic-stricken, and eventually they will unite with Donglai Academy.

What is Mr. Gong Tao anxious about?What should be urgent is those families.

What the wise man said is that in the current situation, if Mr. Gong Tao knew that Liu Yan's first target was Donglai Academy, and the army was already on the way, he would not remain "forced".But don't blame him, who made Liu Yan never take the usual path?

The Han troops landed from Penglai, the infantry should have arrived at Laishan in about two days, and the cavalry would have arrived within a day. As a result, when Mr. Gong Tao was teaching Wang Yu earnestly, some people panicked in the afternoon. In a panic, they reported that a large group of cavalry was approaching Laishan.

For the first time, panic flashed across Mr. Gong Tao's face, he was stunned for a while, but he still didn't forget to "force the grid", and seemingly calmly ordered: "Dismiss all living beings."

How many students are there at Dongnai Academy?In fact, it's not too much, probably less than five hundred.If you add a group of servants and so on, Donglai Academy has two to 3000 people on the Laishan side.

So does Dongnae Academy have an army?On the surface there is no army at all.If there is an army in the dark, it will take time to assemble, and it will take time to deploy defenses. Unless you know in advance that someone will attack, it is absolutely difficult to deploy an effective defense in half a day.

Mr. Gong Tao listened to the eagerly ringing bell, looked at the evacuating crowd, and muttered in confusion: "Why didn't you follow the routine? We should do it first, and we should do it first with the families of the two counties. Why... come here first side?!"

(End of this chapter)

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