Chapter 157

"Are we...are we going to the battlefield?"

"No way? It should be that... test, or efficacy?"

"It's not like..."


Don't expect how good the recruited soldiers will be. They are young and strong, and they will practice in two seasons every year, but they really haven't learned too profound military knowledge. The discipline emphasizes that they will not be restrained for a long time. Lose discipline.

For quite a few people in the Han Dynasty, wars and the like are no strangers.Since the establishment of the Han Dynasty, it has been in a state of war almost every year, but non-military personnel will only play roles such as civilians when needed.Since the improvement of the auxiliary army system, there have been special auxiliary roles in the army. During wartime, the auxiliary soldiers are responsible for serving soldiers, transporting supplies, protecting food roads, etc., and the militiamen are only recruited in emergencies. .

The upper echelons of the Han Dynasty haven't recruited civil servants for about a year and a half?The civil servants reduced the number of conscripts, and the young and middle-aged were restrained by a system called "gengzu".

What is the system for updating soldiers?The Qin Empire and the Han Empire were probably the two periods when the pawn system was used best.The so-called pawn system is actually a part of the "tax" and "tax" systems. Corvee service and military service are considered "fu" and a kind of "pawn" military system. That is to say, young people in the countryside need to complete the established corvee service every year. It can be as a labor force or as a soldier.

Didn’t Liu Yan want to establish a farming war system?Naturally, the tax system also needs to be implemented.Now the Han Dynasty is still in the stage of eating from a big pot. The tax can only be levied on those families and foreign trade. Ordinary civilians basically have no taxes to pay.

The number of tribesmen settled by the Han tribe in this narrow peninsula in the east of Liao Dynasty was close to 1. Later, under the reform of the village system, each village increased its household population, ranging from one thousand to two thousand. What purpose is the village.

Lu Shaoyang had just dropped his hoe and ran home, when he entered the door, he saw his wife standing nervously.

"Spear." The young woman handed out the spear, which seemed to be quite clean: "Be careful..."

Lu Shaoyang took the spear in silence, turned around and walked to the door, paused, turned his head and smiled and said, "You know, I have been waiting for today."

"Nunu knows." Xijun is not a name, it is similar to a nickname like a modern wife. She gave a blessing, and then bowed down: "I wish my husband a long life!"

There was a bell, and Lu Shaoyang held the ceremony solemnly, smiled again and stepped out, trotting towards the square of the village.

There are many people running with spears in their hands, and they don’t even need to change their uniform clothes. After all, the Han Dynasty is still in its infancy stage. Eating a big pot of rice means that everything needs to be dispatched uniformly, so whether it is food or clothing, it must depend on Distributed to the public.

To put it bluntly, a person who can be named must have a family background.You must know that this is an era when surnames are still not popular, and it is normal to have nondescript nicknames.But then again, even if the surname is popularized, there are still fewer people called Ergou or Goudan?
The clothes issued by the Han Dynasty to the people are of a uniform style, and they are called "pao" together. Because they are black, they are called black robes.It was the civilian clothing of the Han Dynasty. The Han-Qin system was more than a system. Since the country was in Guanzhong at the beginning of the founding of the country, the first choice was to continue to inherit the dressing habits of the Qin people, so it can be called Hanfu or Qinfu, but it is still The uniform is called Huaxia Yiguan.

If you have clothes, you must have a crown, or is your hair disheveled?However, the "crown" has not been worn by everyone since ancient times, and requires a certain identity.Lun scarves are not restricted, but are generally used by cultural people to show off (modern times are called pretense).It is more popular for civilians to get a rope that can be used to tie their hair, or wear a melon seed...It is more popular to tie it casually and then wear a melon seed.

Lu Shaoyang has such a name, which only proves that he was once a child of the same family. Like a group of people running towards the village square, the names A Yi, A Er and A San are definitely repeated, such as Stone and Er Gou. Once shouted, there is definitely a large crowd of people responding.

The advantage of the Han Department is that when it comes to military affairs, unless it is an officer, they will call the number directly, like the person who retired because of a disability and became the head of the security, he is now reading the number.

When the "127810" was called, Lu Shaoyang was answering "here".

This is also a fresh product brought by Liu Yan, which is convenient for pointing out, and at the same time, it also encourages soldiers to make meritorious deeds so that they can be promoted, and perhaps it can leave a mark in the history of each chapter.

"That's it..." The security guard with one hand without a palm shouted: "All the staff have arrived. Let's go!"

In the distance, "Caiwei" from "The Book of Songs. Xiaoya. The Evening of the Deer" was being sung, but it seemed to change later, and it was singing "The Book of Songs. Xiaoya. Out of the Car".

To put it bluntly, the Han Dynasty is really trying its best to "sinicize". What activities they usually have, they basically use the "Book of Songs" to teach them.

What does "The Book of Songs. Xiaoya. Out of the Car" say?There are six chapters in the whole poem, eight sentences in each chapter, depicting six different wills and pictures of ordering troops, setting up flags and flags, going to the Northern Expedition, moving to Xirong, nostalgic for hometown on the way, and returning after victory.

Liu Yan thinks that the Huaxia Miao people are a poetic nation, which is a habit cultivated in the Spring and Autumn and Warring States periods for hundreds of years, and it is absolutely necessary to go back to the past occasionally.

Look at the present, the young and strong from one village after another are called, and then they are nervous and silent under the farewell singing of "The Book of Songs". Generate a sense of mission that even I don't understand.

Yes, no kidding!It is a sense of mission.However, most people are still confused, just feel so relieved and excited, but what is relieved and what is excited is really hard to describe.

The majority of the Han people are young. If a village of 2000 people is recruited, it is basically possible to recruit more than [-]% of the population.As a result, when the bell rang, there was a huge crowd of people, the vast majority of people set foot on the avenue with weapons in their hands, and only a small number of people lined the avenue to send off.

"Brother Yang, are we going to the battlefield?" Ergou looked more excited: "Brother Yang often complained that he joined the tribe too late and missed the selection of soldiers many times. This time his wish will come true!"

Brother Yang is Lu Shaoyang. He really joined the Han tribe a little late and missed the best opportunity to join the military. He has always been looking forward to becoming a member of the military, especially in the military. It is really a pity to learn that some people who were once unknown have been able to enjoy high positions through military exploits.

"With Brother Yang's martial arts skills, it's not too easy to kill an enemy and get the head to become a 'public official'!" The same is called Ergou, but the other person, he said: "If the time comes, if you can make up with Brother Yang Just a little something."

They are all folks in the village, and they say that the bottom line is this.Whoever has the real ability will definitely know after a long time of contact. When you feel guilty, if you want to cling, you must cling to someone you think is strong.

"On the battlefield, the big guys take care of each other." Lu Shaoyang is not being modest, he has a sincere face: "I hope our village will make more military exploits!"

Martial skills mean that you can show your advantages when fighting alone. The battlefield is a place where arrows fly around. No matter how high your martial skills are, you will be shot to death accidentally.Let's talk about the battlefield, the chance of crowding is higher, there is definitely not enough space to display martial arts, it's just a real thing, you hit me with a knife, and you shoot me, no matter how good your body is, there must be a place to hide!

This narrow peninsula in the east of Liao 1 seems to be very large. From the westernmost coast to the city wall, according to the modern meter, it is about 400 kilometers away. According to the current meter unit, one mile is [-] steps, which is about [-] meters. Around (according to China's measurement history).

Lu Shaoyang's village is not at the westernmost point, it took them about an hour...that is, about two hours to reach the city wall.After arriving, some of them were arranged to do some manual labor in the surrounding area, and some were arranged to carry the wood and rolling stones onto the city wall.He was assigned the job of moving the wood.

Having the opportunity to go up the city wall, when Lu Shaoyang went up for the first time, he saw that the battlements on the city wall were already full of heavily armed soldiers, most of whom were archers.He looked towards the east. It should be two or three miles away from the city wall. There are many enemy troops loosely there?
Lu Shaoyang was actually disappointed in the work he was assigned to do.

At present, the Han Dynasty has begun to implement the system of military merit and nobility. Lu Shaoyang is really looking forward to coming to fight, not doing some labor work.At one point, he wanted to move to a place where it looked like a gathering of big figures, and have a high-spirited battle or something, but he knew that he couldn't pass it.

Of course, if anyone can casually approach Liu Yan who is on the battlefield, who can guarantee that there will be no bloody assassination scenes?

Qianyan's army has been here for a while, and the reconnaissance cavalry appeared more frequently before. The Han's reaction was to send cavalry to drive them away. Remained outside for necessary cruising.

Defending the city has never been to defend the city with a full-scale retreat. There has never been a successful example of defending the city in this way, which is what the wise would not do.

Defending the city is about attacking and defending. It is necessary to leave high-speed maneuvering troops outside the city, such as threatening the enemy's food roads and harassing the camp when the enemy is attacking the city.

"About [-] is just a precursor?" Liu Yan just received bad news. The hidden supply point near Dandong was pulled out.He also learned that the former Yan army of more than [-] is moving here: "Is the news accurate?"

Lu Tai kept saluting all the time, and replied solemnly: "The information from many scouts has been sacrificed, it is absolutely accurate!"

Liu Yan had to keep a serious face. In every battle, scouts from both sides collided first, and the loss rate of scouts can often show the strength of both sides: "It's not a fluke that Qianyan was able to sweep Liao 1 East..."

(End of this chapter)

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