sweeping the world

Chapter 158 Seal, the seal of Liaodong governor!

Chapter 158 Seal, the seal of Liaodong governor!

Qianyan's expedition to Goguryeo was only [-] yuan, but when it turned around, it became more than [-] yuan. Liu Yan was not surprised by this at all.

The Hu people have a special "skill", which is plundering. Basically, the purpose of fighting is to rob supplies and people. Maybe they pay more attention to the plundered population, but the Hu people can always succeed in making the captured population obedient.

Murong Xianbei made [-] to [-] popsicles that were hung from the trees. Under the shock of such a big scene, the captive population in Goguryeo should be obedient.

Now, eight thousand former Yan troops who just came from Lindao, each of them saw the scene on the left and right sides of Lindao with their own eyes. They were the companions who came to the Han side and were hung up and frozen into popsicles.

Some people get pleasure from doing unscrupulous things and get satisfaction from it. But once they think about how they might be like that, they should feel a cool feeling spreading from the soles of their feet to their foreheads, and finally they will get a headache. A shiver.

"There really is a Xiongcheng!" Yang Yu really believed it only after seeing it with his own eyes: "This is really troublesome."

There are two troublesome places. One is that the Han Dynasty has such a city defense, will it be intimidated by the army to come over and be frightened?If he is not intimidated, will he agree to the demands put forward by Qianyan? Second, what would Murong Hao think if he knew that the Han Dynasty had Xiongcheng as its backing?It would be difficult for Murong Xianbei to allow such a majestic and towering city wall to exist. After the national policy has been formulated, it will definitely be in a dilemma.

Yang Yu assigned a scribe: "You, go up and invite Princess Tuoba to speak."

The scribe who was called was stunned, swallowed his saliva and had to pat his horse forward.

In other words, they all came for about a quarter of an hour, and they just stood still looking at the city wall from the beginning to the end. Really a lot.

"It's strange, why is there no banner on the top of the city?" Yang Yu said his voice a little loudly on purpose, and even secretly glanced at Murong Ke: "It can be seen that Tiefu of the Han Dynasty is more measured."

Yang Yu must know the attitude of Murong Ke, who is more powerful in Murong's family. As long as he knows Murong Ke's attitude, he can probably guess the views of Murong's family.

Murong Ke gave Yang Yu a funny look, and said: "Zuo Sima will just do the errands assigned by his father."

Yang Yu immediately smiled. The matter became extremely simple because of Murong Ke's words. As long as Liu Yan agreed to the conditions of Murong's family, the war would not break out, and the national policy of the former Yannan going south would not change, at least sweeping the rest of the people. The country and power will not change before.

The scribe was already out of the bow and arrow range of the city wall, and he didn't want to see Tuobaxiu at all, but rather cleverly shouted that King Yan wanted Liu Yan to be canonized as Liao 1 Eastern Inspector and Ma Jushui Captain.After shouting, he tentatively drove his horse forward a little, and entered the range of bow and arrow at the top of the city. When he found that there were no arrows above, he boldly asked to see Tuobaxiu.

"Inspector of Liao 1 East?" Liu Yan was stunned, and asked the people around him in surprise: "Is the Liao 1 East Inspector the highest official position in a state?"

There is a difference between governor and state pastor. The current official positions are rather chaotic. Although the systems of each country are imitated from Jin, Jin itself is also chaotic enough. There are both governors and state pastors. In fact, the two official positions are the same. , but there are differences in terms of authority. For example, the governor of the state is in charge of the army and the government, but the governor is not.

Liu Yanhui was stunned. Didn't he just want to get a state to upgrade the system?

Now, Qianyan actually wants to canonize Liu Yan as the governor of Liaodong. Isn't it just a little bit of head, and the right to govern a state is considered to be in his hands?
Of course, it is impossible for Qian Yan to really hand over the governance of a state, but Liu Yan only needs the seal ribbon, just that seal ribbon!Get the seal and see if the system recognizes it. Under this premise, Liu Yan can temporarily make the necessary compromise!
"Husband?" Tuobaxiu had called softly several times, waiting for Liu Yan to turn his head to look over, and said, "Can you allow Nunu to come forward and speak?"

Liu Yan was in hesitation. The emergency call-up order had been issued, and young and strong men came from behind one after another. On the city wall, besides regular soldiers, there were also a large number of temporary conscripts, allowing them to see Tuobaxiu chatting with the enemy. , Will there be any bad thoughts?

That was something that had to be thought about. After all, Liu Yan was at the scene, and letting Tuoba Xiu come forward to talk to him would only show weakness and cowardice.

"You show up with me, but I will talk." Liu Yan ignored the surprised eyes of his subordinates and stepped forward.When he reached the edge of the battlements, he stared at the scribe below: "Who are you!?"

The scribe who raised his head and looked up saw that it was a man coming out. He immediately greeted him loudly with eyes: "Song Qian, the villain, greets Tiefu!" After a pause, he saw that there was no bow and arrow pointing at him from the city wall, and then Said: "By the order of Zuo Sima, please ask Princess Tuoba to go out of the city and have a friendly talk."

In fact, Yang Yu invited Tuobaxiu instead of Liu Yan to talk.

The leader of the Han tribe married Princess Tuoba, and Liu Yan became the in-law of Tuoba Daiguo. In any sense, the "political correctness" is that Yang Yu is of course in contact with Tuobaxiu, which is not considered Insulting Liu Yan, on the contrary, is sending a signal in some respects, that is, Murong Xianbei intends to accept Hanbu Tiefu.

How else can we say that politics is an extremely complicated matter?Yang Yu now hopes that Liu Yan is smart enough to understand the signals released, but he doesn't really want to be a fool with a big brain and muscles. That is really not good for anyone.

It’s not that they like to repeat themselves, but they are the pioneers of Qianyan’s Jin traitors. They really don’t want twists and turns. What are you fighting for!They should be the ones in the entire former Yan regime who most hope to temporarily ignore the group of people who suddenly appeared from the Han tribe, thinking that no matter how rebellious the Han tribe is, they only hope that the Murong family can agree to deal with it in the future.

That's it!Those Jin traitors sold everything, even their ancestors, just for the sake of prosperity and wealth?If you want to get rich and honor, you want to rectify your name, so there is nothing more important than going south to become Zhengshuo in the Central Plains.Under this premise, the Han tribe attacked the former Yan envoys, the Han tribe hanged hundreds of people, and the Han tribe built the city wall... That is to say, it is very troublesome to build the city wall later, and the rest can be forgiven.

Although I don't know how the Han Dynasty built the city wall, Yang Yu doesn't want to care about that now. He just asks Liu Yan to happily accept the red line drawn by Murong Hao, and the two sides play together happily. As for the settlement or something, Later on.

Liu Yan didn't know Qianyan's state of mind as a Jin traitor, but because he knew that he would become the governor of Liao 1 East, he actually wanted to deal with it softly.He is extremely eager to upgrade the system. As long as the system is upgraded, whether it is the instability on Hou Zhao's side or the outbreak of war on Qian Yan's side, he will have stronger capital to deal with it.Then under the premise of system upgrade, the compromise is just a temporary product!
Both parties want a temporary compromise, then everything will be much easier to talk about.

The scribe from Qianyan drove his horse back, and Liu Yan made adjustments and prepared to leave the city.

Lu Shaoyang was excited to discover that the officers on the city wall kept issuing orders, the archers entered the highest alert state, and some armored cavalry, leather cavalry, including the legendary elite tribal armed forces were mobilizing. open sign.

"Is this...going out of the city to fight, or?" Lu Shaoyang was not asking others, he thought excitedly: "Once there is a fight, those of us who have been conscripted should have a chance to defend the city. It's time for bravery!"

There must be people with ideas like Lu Shaoyang, and it is estimated that there are quite a few. After all, the Han Dynasty now puts all emphasis on military merits first.

There must be people who were frightened and trembling seeing the development of the situation. They looked flustered and started to make mistakes when they did things. As a result, they didn't have to wait for the military personnel to whip them.

It turned out that Bai was nervous, and no fighting broke out after leaving the city. Liu Yan led the people within the range of the bow and arrow at the top of the city, and Yang Yu led the people to the bow and arrow chariot outside the city.

Afterwards, a small group of people from both sides left the brigade, and began to speak in front of the two armies, not knowing what to say, anyway, they couldn't hear it from the top of the city.

This kind of situation is not weird, it can even be said to be normal. Only when morale needs to be boosted, people on both sides will shout loudly on purpose, especially when each shouts their own, ignoring what the other side is saying.

There were at least 2 pairs of eyes watching the scene. On the Han side were about 8000 regular army soldiers and recruited young men, and there were about [-] people on the other side.They didn't hear loud conversations. Experienced people know that there is a high probability that they will not be able to fight, so these people are more relaxed.Only some inexperienced guys are nervous.

Now Liu Yan is not interested in anything except the Yinshou of Liao 1 Eastern Inspector, quietly listening to Tuobaxiu and the other party who doesn't know who?Anyway, he was talking about the origin of Tuoba Xianbei and Murong Xianbei in a hypocritical manner.What made him pay more attention was a guy with a power value of 93 under the "scan".

After the formalities were over, it was time to negotiate the conditions. Yang Yu couldn't imagine that things would go so smoothly. It went so smoothly that he just talked about it. Tuobaxiu, who had been signaled a long time ago, bargained a little, but there was no clamoring about the situation. After becoming the governor of the East, the Han tribe will obey Qian Yan within their ability.

"Then... it's settled?" Yang Yu couldn't control the joy on his face, and the person who asked the question was replaced by Liu Yan.

Liu Yan finally turned his attention from Murong Ke to Yang Yu, without delay: "Yes."

(End of this chapter)

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