sweeping the world

Chapter 156 The Book of Songs. Xiaoya. What is Luming? - "Plucking Wei"

Chapter 156 The Book of Songs. Xiaoya. What is Luming? - "Plucking Wei"

Seven chapters are updated today, one chapter per hour.


Probably the Han tribe was desperately preparing for the war, and Li Tan was also constantly attacking and harassing the tribes and towns in the east of Liao 1, but one day he was suddenly scared to pee.

It's really scary!Li Tan was very happy to burn, kill and loot all the way, but the spies who sent out suddenly reported that he had found a large army in the southeast, a real large army, at least a hundred thousand!
It turned out that Murong Hao felt that it was unreliable to send an envoy, and it was because the tone in his heart was really unbearable.They originally wanted to go north and go directly to Fuyu Country through Xuantu County, but they made a detour halfway and came to the vicinity of the narrow peninsula in the east of Liao 1.

When Liu Yan received the news, to be honest, even though he was prepared in his heart, he still couldn't help but feel a little frightened.

"One hundred thousand?" Lu Tai's face was livid, and he almost growled and asked Li Tan: "That's right!?"

"It may be more than that..." Li Tan had personally touched the place to take a peek. He said, "The flags are all over the place, and the mountains and plains are full of military troops, stretching for twenty or thirty miles."

At that moment Liu Yan was about to yell!
Yes, Qianyan is very powerful, but there is no need to mobilize the Han people so much, right?

"Prepare for battle!" Although Liu Yan was apprehensive in his heart, he looked confident on the outside: "After preparing for so long, it's time for a showdown!"

The calmness of the superiors at the time of need will have a calming effect, and Liu Yan's demeanor made the nervous subordinates feel more at ease.

On the side of the narrow peninsula in the east of Liao 1, the overall military strength has reached 1 in repeated mobilizations, but this is tantamount to weakening the troops in other directions. For example, Changguang County and Dongmou County have almost become empty shelves. On the Korean peninsula, the lowest military configuration is maintained.

Is 1 walls that defend more than ten miles not enough?After Lu Tai realized it, he immediately said, "Your Majesty, activate the reserve service!"

Liu Yan hesitated for a few breaths, and thought for a while that it might be an opportunity to review the school. The system of the Han Dynasty is similar to that of the pre-Qin period. It is not only busy with non-farming, but also conducts drills among the people. Since last year, there have been "renewals" every year. system, let’s get together.

Almost when Liu Yan ordered the mobilization, a team of Qianyan was getting closer and closer to the narrow peninsula in the east of Liao 1. It was a team personally asked by Yang Yu. A little more.

That's right, Yang Yu was very afraid of death, but he knew that Murong Hao's order to change the marching route did not mean that a war would really break out, it would not be an attempt to overwhelm others.

Of course, whether they will fight or not depends on the Han tribe. If Liu Yan happily agrees to Murong Xianbei's conditions, the war can be eliminated, but the Han tribe will bleed heavily. After all, not everyone can offend Qianyan.

Fortunately, the soldiers of Qianyan were all Liaodong people who were hardy to the cold. Even if they were not Liaodong people, they were also Goguryeo people. Although there were losses in marching under the ice and snow, those losses were regarded as reasonable consumption.

Do you know how many people Yang Yu brought?A total of [-] troops!Among the eight thousand, there were three thousand cavalry from Murong Xianbei's tribe, and the rest were Jin people who had been attached to the army for a long time.Murong Hao's fourth son, Murong Ke, was also in the team, but Murong Ke just treated it as an outing and told Yang Yu clearly that he would not participate in any affairs.

Marching in winter is a very common thing for the Yan army. It can even be said that fighting in winter is common for the Hu people. It is the pure farming people who pay attention to not fighting in winter.

It was about twenty miles away from the narrow peninsula, when a detective came back to report, Yang Yu was stunned by the news, but Murong Ke narrowed his eyes when he heard it.

The forest road is about one or two miles long, with corpses frozen into popsicles hanging on both sides.Those corpses belonged to the group of people who had been sent to the Han Dynasty before. Everyone had their tendons and tendons broken, and there were even two Jingguan and a stone tablet.What is written on the stele, Jingqi can't understand, so naturally he can't repay.

"Bear heart and leopard courage!" Murong Ke was laughing, but looked colder looking at that handsome face: "It turned out that he really paid back exactly what he paid."

"..." Yang Yu laughed along with him for a while, but his mood was rather uneasy, thinking: "You are really too courageous, but please don't make any trouble."

Not long after, another detective sent out reported back, and when he said the words, everyone was stunned.

"City wall? A city wall with a length of more than ten miles!?" Yang Yu looked in disbelief: "Could it be a mistake? There are only a few people in the Han Dynasty, and they can build a city wall with a length of more than ten miles and a height of about four feet within half a year. , I don’t know how many feet wide the city wall is?”

In fact, the city wall was built within three months, but to be honest, if Liu Yan hadn't had a "golden finger" and endured stagnant development and consumed a huge amount of stone, it really wouldn't have been built.

According to the normal situation, it would take at least several years to prepare the relevant materials for the construction of the city wall, and depending on the scale of the city wall, it would take tens of thousands or even hundreds of thousands of civilian workers, and it would take three to five years to be able to build it. Build the city wall.And this is still a rammed earth city wall. If you pay attention to some stone walls or something, it will take longer.

Murong Ke left the brigade with a small number of guards, and took some time to find an open place by taking other roads. When he saw the city wall towering over the horizon, his handsome face was "squeezed". Absurd: "It's true that a city wall was built in half a year, and it's still a stone city wall!"

It's incredible, isn't it?When did stone walls become so easy to build?And what may have gone wrong, how many people is there in the Han Dynasty?

On the other side, Yang Yu is walking on a forest road full of human popsicles. The corpses are all frozen, so there is no smell, but the picture looks rather creepy.

Probably wild beasts or something saw this "meat storage yard". The gnawed bones and some stumps on the ground were obviously the masterpieces of carnivores. They also found a large number of footprints of wolves, tigers and some other animals.

"What sound?" Yang Yu listened carefully: "The bell?"


The original barrenness on the peninsula of Eastern Liao 1 has been replaced by one village after another, and the managers of each village are basically disabled and retired veterans.

Xiaohan used to be a corps leader in the army, but it is a pity that he lost an arm during an attack on Wubao, and had to retire at the age of only 24.

In order to improve the social status of soldiers, the Han Dynasty also established an independent social system, which has always treated disabled veterans very generously.It is only one of them to let disabled and retired grassroots officers serve as village chiefs and security chiefs. They have a salary other than pensions for a long time, and they even have a preference for introducing wives.

Losing an arm is naturally very difficult. Xiaohan is more comforted that his life has not been in trouble because of his disability. After he retired, he became the head of the village. mother-in-law.Although the mother-in-law is six years older than him and is a 30-year-old remarried woman, I don't know how many people envy him.

I was basking in the sun in Xiaohan, wondering if my mother-in-law is pregnant, should I train the young and strong in the village in the coming year, give me some excellent service, and accumulate merits, so that I will get more benefits when my child is born, long-term The old man who co-managed the village appeared.

"Urgent! Ring the bell! Ring the bell!"

Xiaohan was stunned for a moment, and the next moment he was rolling and crawling and managed to stand up. When running fast, he was so coordinated because of physical discomfort and fell down. He climbed up the only high tower in the village and held the bronze bell with one hand. When the rope was about to be pulled, there were already bursts of bells ringing in the distance, and bells were ringing in more and more places.

"Is this... about to start a war?" Xiao Han was still confused. He took a deep breath and pulled the rope to ring the bell. He couldn't help but think: "Then I can become a temporary officer and then go to the battlefield? "

The alarm bells sounded everywhere in the narrow peninsula of Liaodong. People who were doing anything were stunned when they heard it, and then their faces changed drastically, and they threw away anything they could and ran home.

The young and strong who returned home, when they went out again, they held the weapons issued by the tribe, mostly spears.

The young and strong without family members, the people living together took spears, basically five people formed a basic "team" of the army, and then marched to the square of the village.

Most of the young and strong with families looked at the wives, mothers and children, while holding the spears loosely and tightly, and finally left the door under the silent gaze of their families.

Since the confirmation of the emergency call-up system, except for the only test at the beginning, it has not been done again since then.

The narrow peninsula is full of bells ringing everywhere, and you can see running people everywhere, people too old or too young. They first stood silently beside the road, waiting for women to also start to gather on both sides of the road, forming a group. The sidelines watched batch after batch of young men marching eastward.

I don't know who took the lead, but the silence was broken by the singing. It was singing the "Caiwei" section in "The Book of Songs. Xiaoya. The Deer Ming Zhishi". It also directly passed the previous few paragraphs and entered Chapter 4 directly. and Chapter 5.

"Bilweihe? The flower of Weichang. Belushe? A gentleman's car."

Look... what kind of flower is that blooming?It is Tangdi flower.Whose car was that driving by?

"Since the military chariot is driving, the four men are doing business. How dare you settle down? Three victories in one month."

Ah... of course the generals' followers.The military chariot has already been driven, and the four stallions are tall and big.Where dare to live in peace?Because there are many battles in a month!

"Driving with the four males, the four males are the same. The gentleman relies on it, and the villain relies on it."

Hmm... drive four stallions, the four horses are tall and strong.The generals sat in the chariot, and the soldiers also relied on it for concealment.

"Four peony wings, like a fish suit. Isn't it a daily warning? The thorns of the hole!"

It seems...the four horses have been well trained, as well as the bow decorated with elephant bones and the quiver of shark skin (referring to excellent equipment).How can you not be on guard every day?The problem of the wolf is very urgent!

One person sings, everyone sings, and the people send their babies...to the battlefield!

(End of this chapter)

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