sweeping the world

Chapter 145 The Beginning of the Winter War

Chapter 145 The Beginning of the Winter War

It's almost something that doesn't need to be entangled, but Liu Yan has to think about it.

From the beginning to the end, because of the worrying problem of biological intelligence quotient produced by the system, it is really difficult for Liu Yan to regard the "people" produced by the system as human beings, and more often as tools and consumables.

But you can't treat Jin people like that. Every time at midnight, Liu Yan doesn't think about what to do if the system suddenly disappears one day?
If you rely too much on the system, and one day the system really disappears, no matter how powerful Liu Yan is, it is very likely that it will collapse in an instant.Otherwise, Liu Yan would not be a nanny, isn't he just worried that every Jin person in his hand will die and one will be lost?

To be clear, population is both a burden and the foundation of prosperity.Liu Yan can't talk about the burden caused by overpopulation now, but if he wants to become strong, he must absolutely not lack population. Should he really adopt the cruel elimination method and directly drive the Jin people he took in to the battlefield without even training? Then pick out those Jin people who didn't die?
Looking at the white snow, Liu Yan made a decision in his mind. The vacated population of the system will be all soldiers. Adding the original [-] swordsmen and the [-] cavalry rewarded by the system, there will be [-] system population. Soldier.

Liu Yan, the three hundred cavalrymen, did not understand some things. For example, if the cavalrymen were lost, could they be replenished?

What is more strange is that Liu Yan found that this group of cavalry in armor was not simple. For example, the pack horses with auxiliary riders and camels knew how to cooperate.

Currently, there are only a thousand troops stationed on the "Liaodong Great Wall", which means there is only one soldier every 1 meters.This situation did not matter much before. After all, there was a desert east of the city wall, and all the original hunters within thirty miles had been wiped out by the Han tribe.

Considering that there will be a war with Murong Xianbei after the beginning of spring, it is time to mobilize the troops and let the troops familiarize themselves with the city gate first, and the officers should also understand the surrounding terrain.

"Stay here and get to know the surrounding mountains and rivers as soon as possible." Liu Yan was speaking to Li Tan: "Also, you must be mentally prepared to accept orders at any time to lead troops to harass the east of Liao 1."

Li Tan answered "No!" in a muffled voice, with the urge to lead his army out to burn, kill and loot Qianyan immediately.

The city wall is not a straight shape, but a jagged shape every 200 meters or so, which belongs to the "Star Bastion". That is because this layout of the city wall allows the archers on the defensive side to provide a larger and wider shooting angle.

To put it simply, once the enemy army breaks into the straight city wall, the archers can only stick out their bodies if they want to shoot arrows. This will expose the archers on the city wall to the shooting vision of the enemy archers below the city. The army broke into the city wall, and the defenders could only rely on rolling stones and wood to cause damage to the enemy.

Irregular concave walls, the defenders on the walls have more shooting range, and they can shoot arrows at the enemy soldiers in the concave part without sticking out their bodies.This point was actually discovered a long time ago, and the Wengcheng was created in that way.

"That's why we need an urn at the city gate." Liu Yan led his people to the west side of the city tower, pointed to the city wall of the same size, and said, "If necessary, you can even deliberately let the enemy troops in to form a situation like a turtle in an urn."

With its own city wall, city offensive and defensive battles have been staged in China for countless years and times, and it has sufficient offensive and defensive experience.What the Han people should have doubts about is that Murong Xianbei took less than ten days to conquer Wandu, the capital of Goguryeo. Is it because the Goguryeo people are too useless, or because Murong Xianbei has strong siege ability.

Liu Yan stayed at the "Liaodong Great Wall" for seven or eight days, waiting for the new snow season to come, and left the city wall to start patrolling the area.

Speaking of which, the Han Dynasty immigrated 1 people (not counting slaves) to the eastern part of Liao Dynasty. Regardless of whether they admit it or not, Liu Yan paid more attention to the eastern Liao Peninsula than Changguang County and Dongmu County.

At present, there are only 1 people left in Changguang County and Dongmou County, and the seven large islands of Miaodao Islands even have nearly 4 people.

No wonder there are so many people who are hesitant about whether the Han tribe should give up developing in the territory of Hou Zhao. Those families who cannot migrate at will will inevitably start to collude with external forces.

"Are you still used to it?"


"Mulberry hemp can be planted in the coming year, but silkworm breeding still needs to be done."

"Your Majesty won't move this time, will he?"

Liu Yan had a strange expression when asked by Ah Xiang.

Many rules and regulations in the Han Dynasty are being improved, especially in the resettlement of the people, which should be at a "world-leading" level, and the emergence of Daughter Village is one of the products.

On the narrow peninsula of Liaodong, there are generally 1000 to 2000 people in a village. Each village has its own shared fields, and the functions of the village are also distinguished in detail, such as complete farming, handicraft workshops, silkworm raising and weaving.

Most of the time, Liu Yan regarded the entire Hanbu as a large group company, but he was not the one who came up with it. In the past, Tian Shuo and Ji Chang could discuss plans with each other, and Cai You and Lu Yi were added later.Liu Yan sometimes participates in discussions, but more often than not, he plays the role of the final decision.

In fact, Liu Yan is still relatively self-aware. Advanced things do not necessarily conform to the contemporary era, only those that conform to the real situation are the best.On this point, he laughed wryly at himself more than once. After all, after reading so many novels, which time traveler is not omniscient and omnipotent, Wu Neng leads the army to win the battle, and Wen Neng rules the country by himself.Fortunately for him, it is appropriate for the "ancient people" to refer to it, at most it is to make appropriate improvements.

No kidding, other traversers did not start from scratch. In the military, not only one person can train hundreds of thousands of troops (even without training). The system has been messing around for four years and hasn't wiped out Zhao after Shijie, which is simply incompetent.

In terms of civil affairs, other time-travelers know how to farm, build houses and various new technologies, and most of them do not even succeed in their experiments.Okay!Liu Yan doesn't know how to farm, after all, he has never farmed before!Furthermore, he has been working on paper for two years but has not been able to produce white paper. He has also been working on cement for nearly two years before he has the first batch of finished products. It is a waste.

Liu Yan, who has always been ashamed, can only walk on thin ice!Professional things should be done by professional people, so he should be the one who takes care of the whole situation carefully.

"Work hard, maybe you can become the first female county magistrate in history."

"It's not number one anymore. It existed in ancient times."

Liu Yan was stunned, he really didn't know who was the first female county magistrate in history.

Ah Xiang is a talkative person, she talked about Ehuang and Nvying, and then talked about a few more famous women.

"...?" In Liu Yan's memory, none of those seemed to be county magistrates.But there was no need for him to correct Ah Xiang, instead he listened cheerfully.

Just as Ah Xiang was about to talk about Lu Zhi, Li Tan hurried over.

Li Tan came alone on horseback. After landing, he saluted and spoke quickly: "Your Majesty, thirty miles to the northeast of the city wall, I found a team flying the flag of the (former) Yan State envoy."

There were nearly a thousand people in that team, and those leading the way were the "Jie" representing the former king of Yan, and the banner of Murong Xianbei.This form only illustrates one problem, that is, a team of envoys that can represent Murong Huang.

If the information from the Han Ministry is correct, Qianyan has already withdrawn his troops from Marudu in Goguryeo?
Liu Yan immediately asked: "Have you sent scouts to investigate further?"

Li Tan replied: "Already dispatched!"

Well, Liu Yan can't walk around in the territory of the Liaodong Peninsula now. Qianyan can send troops to attack Goguryeo in the winter (November) and brave the ice and snow. Wouldn't he come to conquer the Liaodong Peninsula in December? The Han part?

Li Tan was hesitant to speak, and with Liu Yan's permission, he said: "Your Majesty, please lead an army to attack the envoy team!"

Liu Yan was still thinking just now, whether to send troops to kill all the envoys, wait for Qianyan to send another person, and lie that he has never seen the envoys at all, so that it may be able to delay for a while. Please.

When the envoys from the Han Dynasty arrived at Murong Xianbei's side, they were treated well by Feng Yi at the beginning, but they were unexpectedly killed so that only one person came back.What kind of confidence made Qianyan dare to send an envoy, not afraid of revenge from the Han Dynasty?

To be honest, maybe Murong Hao is really not afraid. Qianyan is now the well-deserved overlord of Liaodong and has just won a big victory in Goguryeo. So what if you know which onion it is?
"Nearly a thousand..." Liu Yan thought for a while and shook his head: "Nearly a thousand people, and most of them have horses, so it's not easy to make a surprise attack."

Li Tan had a sad look on his face.

"It's not easy to do in the wild, you can put them in and kill them all." Liu Yan clearly saw Li Tan's lowered head suddenly raised.He said with a smile: "You hold my talisman, mobilize the surrounding troops, and then make preparations for ambushes."

Li Tan was simply ecstatic in answering "No!", looking at Liu Yan with gratitude to the point of being overwhelmed.

It wasn't that Liu Yan was reckless, it was that no matter how low-profile he was, Murong Xianbei obviously looked down on the Han tribe at all, so he would definitely attack.

Under such a premise, he behaved weakly. Could it be that Murong Xianbei stopped fighting because of Liu Yan's weakness?Since Murong Xianbei was destined to come over, it seemed that he didn't plan to wait for the ice and snow to melt in the coming year before returning, so it would be better to stimulate Murong Hao to come here in the ice and snow.

"Are you going to fight again?" Ah Xiang frowned, then forced a smile, and made a blessing: "The little lady wishes the king a successful victory and long-lasting martial arts!"

Liu Yan just nodded, and ordered someone to bring the horse to turn over.

Qianyan is undoubtedly a powerful and tyrannical country, and Murong's family is now a family full of talents. It would be a lie to say that Liu Yan is not afraid of fighting Murong Xianbei in his heart.He only has one idea now. Since they are going to fight and they are the defensive side, it is best to fight in winter!
(End of this chapter)

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