sweeping the world

Chapter 144 Liaodong Great Wall (pseudo)

Chapter 144 Liaodong Great Wall (pseudo)

Thanks to Liu Yan's establishment of the "number" system from the very beginning... Since everyone has their own number, the Han Dynasty should be the most rigorous and distinct force in the household registration system in the world.

If there is one more person, the number will be added, and if there is one less person, the number will be registered. It will be counted every three years. It is absolutely clear at a glance how many people (free people) there are.

At the same time, now that the numbering system has been developed, how can the registration of men and women not be done in one step, and even the date of birth, no matter how the respondent answers, it will be recorded uniformly anyway.

Under a series of systems, how many people are there in the Han tribe, what is the ratio of men to women, and what is the age distribution? Liu Yan can definitely say with pride: everything is under control!
If there is a registration system for freedmen, then there must be no shortage of slaves, so that if the core members do not know how much manpower the Han has available, then they are not called core members.

For almost three years, the ratio of men to women in the Han tribe has not been balanced. There is almost a gap between three men and one woman.

Because there are more men than women, you can imagine what the society would be like. If you can seize the opportunity to chat with women, can you get them? In addition, it always increases the chance of leaving the bachelor. The result is that Han men treat women in every way. More accommodating.

Think about why women in later generations of the Chinese dynasty become more and more outrageous?That's what I'm used to.A similar situation occurred in the Han Dynasty due to the imbalance in the ratio of men to women.

Fortunately, under the long-term thinking that men are superior to women, women will not be overly arrogant, and even dare not have the idea of ​​"looking for a spare tire". At most, they will choose excellent ones in choosing a mate.But isn't this just natural?If you choose a spouse instead of an excellent one, do you just choose a "slim" one?

In order to be able to get rid of bachelors as soon as possible, joining the army has become a more realistic choice, because the social status of soldiers has been deliberately raised.If it doesn't matter social status, if you go out to grab three women and you can keep one, I don't know how many men just think that this is worth their own efforts.

"By the way, those Korean girls and Japanese girls look pretty good." Brother Tom looked a little wretched, not just his looks, but let him say: "I happened to be at the pier last time, and I saw Korean girls wearing Is exposing your breasts, I heard it is a local custom?"

Korean girl?It is the women of the three Hans, Mahan, Jinhan, and Byeonhan.Except for a very small number of Koreans, they are all slaves now.It is not nonsense to say that Korean women wear clothes showing their breasts. It is a custom in Sanhan. This custom has been preserved even after World War I. It is the concept that breasts are beautiful. (Baidu by myself: Korean dew~chest dress)

Uh, there is another point that I have to mention. In fact, in the stage of 342 BC, or even in the following stages, it is not a rare thing to be naked, especially in times of war or famine. It's really not that special.

One thing must be clearly known, a pair of trousers is worn by the whole family, even in the Heavenly Dynasty after the liberation of the Great Heaven Party, it still exists.Only when the social economy has developed to a certain level, people will consider covering themselves up. In the 21st century, there are more people running around naked every day in Africa.

Naturally, it is impossible for the Han Dynasty to cover everything, but knowing the bitter cold in eastern Liaoning, they will definitely make more preparations.Even if they have prepared warm clothes, there are still people who freeze to death. The only thing the Han Dynasty can guarantee is that the free people will not have similar situations.

Continuing to the northeast, this is not the first time Liu Yan has inspected. He is naturally happy to see the development of the territory step by step. However, Murong Xianbei's possible attack with troops is a lingering shadow.

To put it bluntly, Qianyan is really in a period of rising now, especially after the construction of the Three Thousand Cavalry, they have really achieved the point of "fighting all over the world" in the east of Liao 1.

Take a look at Goguryeo, the most powerful country on the peninsula, it seems that it is not only the number one on the peninsula, but also grabs what it wants from Buyeo, Yeji, Louyi, and Quwo. As a result, Qianyan only dispatched [-] troops to attack. The [-] army was wiped out, and the capital city of Goguryeo, Marudu, was also easily captured. As a result, the king's biological mother was captured, and the tombs of the previous kings were even dug up.

Wan came from a fortified city. I don’t understand why the Goguryeo people were breached without defending it for ten days. Liu Yan should think about whether Qianyan has any sharp siege equipment. If Qianyan really has sharp Siege equipment, can the city walls built by the Han Dynasty be defended?

After spending half a day, Liu Yan's team came to a certain section of the city wall that was more than ten miles long, and they went directly to the city wall when they arrived.

The Han Dynasty really built a city wall of more than ten miles on the Liaodong Peninsula. Thanks to the convenience of Liu Yan's "systematic city wall", although the built city wall consumed a huge amount of stone, it can be seen The city wall made of stone is really a visual and sensory stimulation.

"It's a pity that I didn't have time to get the cement out." Liu Yan thought to himself: "Building a city wall with cement is the strongest in a certain way."

The city wall of more than ten miles took nearly three months to build. The city wall is six meters wide and nine meters high. It has complete female walls and battlements. Liu Yan also added an arrow tower every 200 meters.The city wall with a total length of more than ten miles has three gates, each gate has a tower facility, and below are three gates that can be opened.

If it weren't for the facts, no one would believe that such a majestic city wall with a length of more than ten miles could be built in less than three months.However, it happened that something really happened, which surprised countless people and almost dropped their jaws.

"Majestic!" Cai You's eyes were filled with shock and relief: "The city walls of Guanggu City, the capital of Qingzhou, are not so majestic!"

As the capital of Qingzhou, Guanggu City should be one of the few strong cities in Qingzhou, but the city wall is only about eight meters high and six meters wide, and there is not much distance between the arrow towers.

"Those arrow towers will place bed crossbows!" Liu Yan knew that it was impossible in the short term, but bed crossbows could be built, but it was not that simple: "All the forests within five miles of the city wall must be cleared."

It should mean that not only all the forests within five miles of the city wall should be cut down, but even the trees within tens of miles that can be used to make siege equipment should be cut down as much as possible. This is to prevent the enemy from using local materials to make engineering equipment. .Can the enemy army get suitable wood from farther away?Then do it!The farther away, the greater the logistical pressure on the enemy.

Murong Xianbei killed the principal and deputy envoys sent by Liu Yan. The news was not blocked. Liu Yan even made a big publicity, emphasizing the desire for revenge, and made the troops more vigilant. It seems impossible to fight Murong Xianbei avoided.

It is impossible to say that there is no tension within the Han tribe, especially some newly joined tribes are particularly afraid, and there is also a confusion about whether they will migrate again.After all, the Han Dynasty has really carried out many migrations, worrying that the houses and fields that have been built so hard will be abandoned again.

This time Liu Yan did not drag his feet and clearly expressed his determination never to retreat.If you just talk, there will definitely be people who have doubts, and there will be more and more people, which may have the effect of unintentional production. Liu Yan needs to use actual actions to confirm his determination to fight Murong Xianbei.

Standing on the city wall, everyone looked around. Speaking of which, choosing this place to build the city wall was definitely the right choice.The surrounding terrain is flat except to the west of the city wall, while to the east of the city wall is a mountainous terrain, and there is a large wetland, and further away is a mountainous area.

What is a wetland?It's a land of plenty of water!If there is too much water, a swamp will form.One can imagine how to set up camp in such a terrible place, and how inconvenient it would be to mobilize troops.

Even for people who don't know much about military affairs, as long as they stand on the city wall and look at the terrain, they will always have a "my advantage" observation ability.Now a group of people stood on the city wall and watched, and there was a kind of ease in the conversation, which was confidence in the defensive battle.

"If there is a war, the garrison of the ten-mile city wall should not be less than [-]." Ding Yi said with some sighs: "I didn't expect it, it was really completed within three months..."

Those people sent by Ran Min thought they had witnessed a miracle. It was not that no one wanted a way to quickly build a city, but Liu Yan really had nothing to say. Even he himself did not understand the system. Farmers used the same tools. Why is it so efficient?

The garrison here needs [-]?There are not [-] soldiers in the Han Dynasty now, so how can there be [-] people to defend the city wall!

Liu Yan should consider expanding his army, and it will be a large-scale military expansion. If the war does break out, he must survive first and then think about construction.

"Yes, Your Majesty." Cai You is now in charge of internal affairs, and said, "Improve the benefits and benefits of the army, and the enthusiasm for joining the army is high. Are you considering expanding the army?"

Liu Yan really wants to expand the army, but counting the auxiliary soldiers of the Han Department, there are already nearly 5000 people serving in the military, which is equivalent to thirteen civilians supporting one soldier.It can be said that if the trade of the Han Dynasty grows bigger, the productivity brought by the golden finger will naturally be hungry. If thirteen civilians support a non-productive soldier in a pure farming system, the social system will collapse, right?
There are various signs that the Han tribe must have a battle with Murong Xianbei in the Liaodong Peninsula, but it is not known how large it will be.Furthermore, the situation on Houzhao's side was also a little bit bad. With the Yao family operating from it, Shi Bin began to turn his attention to the Han Dynasty. There must be something wrong with the abnormal activity of Donglai Academy, so Liu Yan had to guard against it.

In terms of age, Liu Yan would not have any difficulty in expanding his army by another [-] to [-], but...most of the young and strong have joined the army. Can production keep up with consumption?

Liu Yan had too many doubts. He was hesitant to vacate the upper population limit of the previous system. It was not a day or two. Was it to recruit more non-system young adults to serve as soldiers, to get more farmers to supplement productivity, or to recruit system soldiers wantonly?
(End of this chapter)

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