Chapter 143

"Is that the master? You look so young!"

"Well, who?"

"That team of angry horses in fresh clothes, the one in the front."


In the farmland, farmers in thick sheep wool clothes are picking stones and grass roots in the freezing and snowy season, hoping to sow the purpose in the season when the ice and snow melt.

This year's snow season is not too big. After all, it is only in the middle of December, so there are still some months before the real snowfall?

The Han tribe currently has a population of nearly 20, not counting slaves. They have continuously exported weapons or salt to families across the Central Plains through trade, and recently added furs to buy slaves from various places in the Central Plains.

To put it bluntly, the quality of weapons from the Han tribe is absolutely guaranteed, but the quantity cannot be satisfied, but the supply of salt is open to all families. As for whether the salt is sold to those families or kept by themselves, it does not matter to the Han tribe It's over.

What is most important in any era?It was nothing more than salt and iron, but in the era when the Miao descendants of the Han family ruled the country, since Emperor Xiaowu Liu Che of the Han Dynasty took salt and iron into the state, any emperor of the Han family would not allow the private sale of salt and iron at all.

What era is Liu Yan in now?It was the post-Zhao of the Shi family, a member of the Jie tribe, who was in power. The so-called Jie tribe has only turned around and called the shots for a few years.Besides, the biggest hobby of the Jie people is to bully other peoples, especially those who eat people. Besides killing and playing with women, they really have no other pursuits.

Although there were great Confucians in the later Zhao court to assist them, what kind of goods were those great Confucians? They were the pioneers and forerunners of traitors in the past dynasties.It is not in vain that they bear the infamy of traitors, they definitely want to gain benefits, so will the family or partners run Yantiexia, will they talk too much?

Liu Yan is definitely not the first person to manage salt and iron in Houzhao, but he is definitely one of the weakest people.

The reason why Yao Yizhong is qualified to become the great commander of the Qiang people is because the Yao family controls the largest salt pond in the Northwest and the salt supply in the Northwest including Guanzhong, thus accumulating astonishing wealth. It can be seen that the Zhao regime collapsed immediately after the Yao family Independence and nation-building are not without foundation.

Speaking of Fu Hong, the leader of the Di people, the Fu family has a small amount of salt smelting channels, but the Fu family has a huge source of iron ore. The Di people also have the most iron tools among the five Hu clans. How could the former Qin Empire be able to create such a huge former Qin Empire by keeping a low profile?Although Fu Jian is really powerful, but the sharp armor of the former Qin army also has a huge advantage!

It is absolutely nonsense to say that Liu Yan's fresh clothes are angry horses. He is wearing a dark blue corset similar to the later Sui and Tang Dynasties, and a set of black iron armor. , There are some necessary pattern engravings on the boots, and the fiery red cloak behind it looks a bit elegant.

Among the accompanying group of people, only Cai Yousao was wearing the traditional Jin literati uniform, which looked dazzling and loose.The rest of the people, one by one, wore red and black "Huaxia Zhengshuo Battle Robe", and then put on a set of simple military uniforms without patterns.

"What are you doing in a daze!" Looking at the honest farmer, he straightened his waist and angrily scolded a group of 'savages' with disheveled hair: "Your Majesty is patrolling, the **** is still not kneeling!"

The savages are actually slaves without Han household registration, most of them are miscellaneous Hus, or Jin people who have not been trained.The clothes on their bodies are a little thinner, and they work in the fields in the ice and snow, and they can't help but sway when the cold wind blows.After being drunk, one by one knelt down in the direction of Liu Yan and others walking on the avenue.

There are two types of kneeling these days, one is to kneel and sit, which is a way to sit with legs pressed and straight; the other is kneeling rather than worship, which is to kneel on the ground with the front body on the ground and the hands sunken inward. To support the ground, the palms need to be folded together, and then the buttocks should be lifted high.

Liu Yan naturally glanced at the movement on both sides. The free people stood and bowed to salute, and the slaves knelt down to bow and salute. The distinction was quite clear.

In the years now, the barbarians haven't learned the sinister side, they just know how to kill, but they have the courage to destroy a nation from the physical to the spiritual level.

Counting the enslavement of "My Great Qing" is the most successful, keeping hair but not head, and then completely discounting a nation's knees, the result is "My Great Qing Pill", even if it is over, there are a bunch of improper dog legs and uncomfortable It has been more than a hundred years since Schi Zhangluo was about to be restored, and the fighters of the late Qing Dynasty also sent Gegela and Agela to the screen to remember the glory of "I am the number one in the world in the Qing Dynasty".

If the Jie people... no, one of the Xiongnu, Xianbei, Jie, Qiang, and Di people discounted the kneecaps of the Han people in this era, would there be subsequent Yang Sui Fu Han Li or Li Tang's emphasis on tolerance?

Liu Yan's eyes can be said to be very good all the time. A slave in the field can probably tell where he was born with a quick glance.

Most of the slaves from the Central Plains looked thinner, and the clothes should be distributed uniformly in Changguang County or Dongmou County. After all, it was winter. Could it be that they would freeze to death without clothes?
The slaves from the Korean peninsula don’t have to change their clothes. They will wear the local special costumes of the Korean peninsula. It is probably a long robe with a belt that is pulled to the chest. Baekje people like white. Goguryeo people like khaki.

Speaking of which, the slaves captured from the Korean peninsula are more resistant to freezing, and probably no one cares about the life and death of the slaves on the peninsula. Liu Yan can even see some slaves on the peninsula wearing only a pair of trousers. upper body.

"Two mines have been discovered in the east of Liao 1, and a large amount of labor will be needed in the future." Liu Yan did not slow down the speed of the mount. "The other thing is to keep warm. I don't want to hear about people freezing to death, even slaves."

Cai You was still cheerful at first, but when he heard it, he hurriedly clapped his hands and said "No!", but he almost lost his balance and fell off the horse by accident.

In fact, there is no shortage of horses in the Central Plains. Even large tribes like the Han tribe, which are not herders, have swept through Changguang County and Dongmou County. They have more than [-] horses, and the number of other cattle and sheep is even more. numerous.

Of course, a horse cannot be a war horse. Not to mention that a war horse needs to be professionally tamed, even a riding horse must undergo necessary training before it can be ridden.

Under normal circumstances, a horse needs to be trained from about one year old, and it takes two to three years to become a qualified war horse. The standard for a war horse is not to be startled in a noisy environment, not to be startled when arrows fly horizontally, and to run with its belly in place. , pull the rein to stop, or even lightly kick to know how to slow down, and many other aspects.That requires absolutely qualified horse trainers, but not everyone can figure out a set of procedures.

At present, the horse breeds in the Central Plains are quite complicated. Of course, the northern pony horses (Mongolian horses) account for the majority, but the Dawan horses and Wusun horses from the Western Regions are not rare, and there are relatively excellent northern Sanhe horses. , the cold-resistant Liaodong Ma from Liaodong and other regions.

Because the barbarians entered the Central Plains, it really became an era when horses were everywhere in the Central Plains. If Liu Yan was willing, he could collect a large number of Dawan horses or Xiji horses (Wusun horses) to form an armored cavalry. To be able to keep up is really to be able to organize it.

The Jie people of Hou Zhao had an absolutely elite armed cavalry, which was the elite Jie people called "Longteng Guards".In addition to about [-] armored cavalry, the Dragon Guards also have [-] armored soldiers. It is precisely because of the existence of this army that Jie is the overlord of the Central Plains that no one dares to mess with.In the future, the Jie people will organize another elite team, which is the absolute elite called "Gao Lishi". (In fact, it is already being formed)
The majestic Liu Yan and others galloped past slowly, and the rural people who had been saluting resumed their work. They still have nearly a month to toss the fields, and if it snows again, they will spend ten days and a half months. .

"Can we really be like you in the future?" Although he was shivering from the cold, Ah Shi really wanted to know, enduring the risk of being whipped, and continued to ask: "After half a year... what kind of observation period, Can it be like you?"

Chen Xing, a seemingly honest farmer, actually has a lot of heart. It should be said that he can be assigned to supervise slaves. How can there be any honest people?He wouldn't tell the slaves who were staring at him that there was no observation period before, it was a system that only appeared after they migrated to the Liaodong Peninsula.

That's right, any force will absorb as many members as possible at the beginning of its establishment, but when it reaches a certain level, rules and regulations should appear, and that will mean that it will be convenient to join early, and you will have to struggle for qualifications if you join late.

Muttering some random things in his mouth, Chen Xing's eyes followed the direction of Liu Yan's team all the time.

There has been a lot of news recently. For example, the group of people who fought in the Korean peninsula will come back in turn. After returning, they will be assigned women.
Well, the allocation of women is a misinformation. It is actually a limited matchmaking of meritorious soldiers and civilian women.Then, when people are captured on the battlefield, according to the concept of leaving one out of three, if there are more than three women, they have the right to keep one person to serve them.

Why is there a so-called inspection period in the later part of the Han Dynasty? It is mostly related to the system of official slaves. After all, serving soldiers means that they cannot participate in production. How about military merits?The existence of slaves is necessary!
In addition to official slaves, soldiers on expeditions can also arrest slaves themselves. This is a prerequisite for the Han Dynasty to implement Qin's [-]th rank. Some things will change, but the status and treatment basically remain the same as in Qin Dynasty.

"Now I don't have to worry about eating and drinking, but I lack a wife. Should I sign up to join the army next time?" Chen Xing was able to find that the status of warriors in the tribe was getting higher and higher, so he made up his mind: "The guys who go out have a wife first. , this alone will make countless people envious, not to mention there are many privileges, you must join the army and make meritorious service!"

(End of this chapter)

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