sweeping the world

Chapter 142 At odds with Murong Xianbei

Chapter 142 Incompatible with Murong Xianbei

Counting the cities occupied by Goguryeo and Baekje, the "county" in Liu Yan's system is already 9/24, and the upgrade of the Lijang system seems to have taken another small step.

In order for the system to be upgraded as soon as possible, even if Goguryeo or Baekje want to be safe, Liu Yan will definitely continue to act as a "shit stirrer" in the Korean peninsula, but he will not offend both ends like before. It should be an evaluation Then choose to form an alliance with one company and find another company is not happy.

However, some things don't go so well.

"What!? Xiqian Boliao and Li Mingzhi were beheaded by Murong Xianbei, leaving only one person in the entourage, and the rest were all cut off and hung on trees to dry!?" Liu Yan's eyes turned red instantly. He heard that Knowing that Murong Xianbei hung many captives of Goguryeo on the tree to dry, but he didn't expect that the people he sent would end up like this, and his eyes immediately turned red with anger.

The person who came to report was Gai Ning. What happened to the envoys in Qianyan was temporarily blocked by Ji Chang, but Liu Yan must be informed.

"Your Majesty, Qianyan does not allow us to attack Goguryeo, let us get out of the peninsula." Gai Ning was the eldest son of Gai Nie, and he was doing clerical work in the Han Dynasty.After getting off the boat, he was still dazed, with a pale face: "Our territory in the Liaodong Peninsula seems to be known by the Yan Kingdom."

Since Liu Yan chose to develop on the site of Liaodong Peninsula Station, he had already been prepared enough to be discovered by Murong Xianbei. If he ignored the possible impact on production, what was the purpose of building the city wall desperately?
"What else is there?" Liu Yan tried his best to endure his anger, and sent 58 people to Qianyan, only one came back in a state of embarrassment with his ears and nose cut off, and the rest were all sacrificed. It was his mistake!

Gai Ning lowered his head and said, "Chang Shi thinks we should start preparing for the battle in the east of Liao 1, please go back and take charge of the overall situation."

Xiqian Bai Liao was among the first to surrender to Liu Yan, and he was still a Hu; Li Mingzhi's Li family had contributed a lot since they surrendered, and had never disobeyed.

As patriarchs, the two were sent to envoy Qianyan to be killed, and they were killed in a cruel way. Not only is it bad news for the two families, but it will also be a huge blow to Liu Yan's prestige. If they don't seek justice, who will do it for Liu Yan Death?
According to the original development strategy, the Han Dynasty should have a good relationship with Murong Xianbei and manage the Liaodong Peninsula well. Even if they want to turn their faces, it should be a few years later.

But now it can't, even if Qianyan doesn't target the Han, the Han should retaliate in turn!
Qianyan asked the Han to get out of the Korean Peninsula, but Qianyan couldn't directly attack the Han on the Korean Peninsula. At most, Murong Xianbei let Goguryeo conditionally let Goguryeo clean up on the Han part.

So that is to say, what is very likely to happen next is that Goguryeo should change from the attitude of "autumn innocent" to hostility to the Han, and attack the Han on the Korean peninsula in exchange for Qianyan not to invade Goguryeo?

Murong Xianbei also discovered the Han tribe's occupation of the Liaodong Peninsula. There are already detectives on the periphery of the peninsula's city wall to spy on information. The next step may be that after the withdrawal from Goguryeo, they will directly rush to the Han tribe's territory in the Liaodong Peninsula. ?
"Tune Xu Zheng over to the Korean peninsula, Lu Tai and I will go back to the Liaodong peninsula together!"

Liu Yan originally wanted to keep Lu Tai, but Lu Tai was a little rigid. What the Korean peninsula had to deal with was no longer a low-key and consolidated situation. What was needed was a more flexible Xu Zhengmu, but Lu Tai could have Play better.

It's time for Ji Chang to come to the Korean peninsula, as there is a need for someone who can handle complicated affairs with full authority.His status is sufficient, and even Liu Yan believes in Ji Chang's ability.

It should be time to seize a time difference. Before Goguryeo responds, Baekje does not know what is going on, and will arrange a defense chain in the territory occupied by the Korean Peninsula.

"I'll bring back the tribal armed forces, and all the remaining troops will stay." Liu Yan has always been a vigorous and decisive person. He learned the news on the same day, made arrangements in one day, and prepared to go back to Liaodong Peninsula the next day.He told Lu Tai at the pier: "Wait for Ji Changshi and Xu Junhou to come over, and return to Liaoyidong after you take over."

Lu Tai replied with a tense face: "No!", you can see the tension in his heart.

Liu Yan didn't ask too much, and talking too much would only put unnecessary psychological pressure on Lu Tai.

The incident of the Han tribe’s feud with Qianyan did not spread to Goguryeo and Baekje so quickly, especially Baekje. The Han tribe in the Korean peninsula recently only needs to focus on guarding against Goguryeo.

After finishing what should be said, there is no need to say, no matter how much nonsense is said, it will not have any effect on the situation. Liu Yan boarded the boat, and after a while, bursts of instructions came out.

Those who returned to the Liaodong Peninsula with Liu Yan, apart from the 1 tribal armed forces, were Li Tan and Xiqian Jiantong.

The two ships sailed out of the port slowly, hoisted their full sails, and sailed to the north under the watchful eyes of the people on the shore.

Li Tan already knew about the killing of his father Yan Qian, he must have cried when he heard the news, his face was always cold, his eyes were full of anger and resentment, a young man who liked Tsundere had already He didn't speak for a whole day and night.

It's really hard to say whether Liu Yan feels guilty in his heart.

Isn't it very normal for a superior to assign tasks to his subordinates?If every person in power who dies must feel guilty, how false would it be?
Liu Yan has already made a plan to compensate Xiqian's family and Li's family, and will also allow Li Tan and Xiqian Jiantong to get the treatment they deserve.They can be regarded as an example, after all, they left their names with Liu Yan, and those victims who did not leave their names, although they will also receive compensation from the superiors, but... there is really a gap.

From Incheon to Liaodong Peninsula, the route is familiar and coupled with the wind, we set off in the morning and arrived at Mashijin near noon.

There were already people waiting by the port. Liu Yan stood on the deck and watched from a distance, it seemed that everything that should be there was there.

It seems that there are not many ships in the port of Mashi-Jin. It should be that personnel transport and material transfer are maintained in Houzhao territory, Miaodao Islands, and Liao-dong Peninsula?

"Your Majesty!" Ji Chang bowed to Liu Yan when he saw Liu Yan: "Do you want my subordinates to wait and accompany you to inspect the city wall first?"

If you want to inspect the city wall, a day or two is not enough. Liu Yan said: "You go directly to Incheon by boat."

Ji Chang and Xu Zheng looked at each other, and responded quickly: "No!"

The situation is not urgent, at least Qianyan has not brought the army over, and Goguryeo and Baekje have not made any moves yet, but if they can prepare one day earlier, they should not procrastinate. The two ships carrying Liu Yan and others returned The ships have been resupplied, and there will be another five ships full of grain and related equipment. The fleet will head to Incheon soon.

Liu Yan, who just got off the ground, didn't have much free time at all, and was learning more detailed recent situation from Cai You while he was on his way.

There was some movement in the two counties of Hou Zhao, for example, some families secretly had frequent contacts with Donglai Academy, which made Liu Yan more vigilant.

"Donglai Academy...is there anyone working for Shi Bin?"

It's time for Liu Yan to worry. He knows too well what kind of chemical reaction will be produced between the two groups if there is a person of high status in a certain group who repeatedly instigates them, and there is another group that can cooperate or use.

From the very beginning, Donglai Academy did not pay attention to the Han Dynasty. Those intellectuals broke their routine on Liu Yan's side, unlike when other forces rose up, they would send people to serve them.Did this group of intellectuals know from the very beginning that Liu Yan couldn't piss with them?

Cai You was obviously stunned by the question, how did he know if there would be someone from Donglai Academy working for Shi Bin?
"Let's take precautions!" Liu Yan had an inexplicable intuition: "Make a list of the families that have close contacts with Donglai Academy, and select the families that are most likely to tell the truth to understand the situation."

Cai You replied with a bitter face: "No!" In other words, he has a little research on navigation, but only half-baked on current affairs, including strategy, and it is a bit big to bear such responsibilities.

Seeing Cai You's face, Liu Yan could only sigh in his heart. The Han Department still lacked talents, and perhaps it was time to summon Lu Yi, who was in charge of the two counties.

The construction energy was transferred to the Miaodao Islands, and most of the manpower and material resources behind were transferred to the Liaodong Peninsula. It is absolutely impossible to say that the families in Changguang County and Dongmou County have no ideas.

Before doing this, Liu Yan had already discussed with Ji Chang, because there were so many ulterior motives or forces that could not be used within him, so he simply dug a hole for those people to jump.Here comes the question, with Shi Bin's interference, things seem to get out of control?
It was time to make the necessary adjustments, but the first thing was to see what Murong Xianbei would do.

Liu Yan was riding a horse from Ma Shi 1 Jin to the northeast, and what he saw along the way was that the barren land had regained the atmosphere of civilization.He had only been away for nearly a month, and villages had sprung up everywhere, and even in the severe winter, some people were plowing the fields.

The Han tribe has migrated too many times, and each time they have been able to develop stably. Those people are full of hope to open up fields, but they are relocated again and again. How can it be said that they don't complain in their hearts?But their complaints will not have any effect under the will of the group...

"We will never retreat this time!" Liu Yan clenched his hands into fists: "Not only their desire, but also our future strategic deployment does not allow us to take half a step back!"

In the future, Murong Xianbei will definitely go south. This territory of the Han tribe on the Liaodong Peninsula will become a very important strategic location. We can only do our best to consolidate and ensure a long-term and effective occupation, and even carry out a certain degree of The expansion, absolutely cannot give up!

Cai Youlue took a sneak peek at Liu Yan, who had a firm face, and he agreed in his heart. Only when he knew what kind of layout Liu Yan was doing, could he understand how firm his will to occupy Liao 1 East was.What he admired the most was that Liu Yan could guess the future direction of Murong Xianbei just from some movements of Murong Xianbei, and dared to make big bets based on his own guesses.

(End of this chapter)

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