sweeping the world

Chapter 146 Unexpectedly

Chapter 146 Unexpectedly
There are thousands of people in a random mission, or they are demonstrating in a high-end and high-end manner, hoping to let the Han Dynasty know the strength of Qianyan in this way; or they can only say that they are malicious ?

Thousands of envoys, including about [-] cavalry, the rest are vehicles.It is not yet known who the envoy is, but looking at the flags that are waving, it is obvious that he is not a low-key person.

Not counting the soldiers of the system, the garrison of the "Liao 1 East Great Wall" has increased from the original 1000 to [-]. Li Tan just arrived at the garrison in the middle of the city wall with his first kick, and [-] tribal armed forces rushed over with his last kick

The [-] soldiers were [-] cavalry, [-] swordsmen, [-] archers, and [-] spearmen. Their arrival immediately boosted the morale of the city wall.

It is also true, who sees the appearance of the absolute elite, doesn't the confidence in his heart rise "噗噐噀"?They also know that if there is a war in a place where there are tribal armed forces, the tribal armed forces will definitely be in the most intense position of the fighting.

The appearance of tribal armed forces represents Liu Yan's attitude, especially the appearance of two hundred cavalry and four hundred auxiliary cavalry, which means that there are fast and mobile cavalry on the pass side, and it is definitely not easy to supplement the city defense One plus one is as simple as that.

Lu Tai, who was transferred from the Korean peninsula to the Liaodong peninsula, was already fully dressed and standing at the city gate where the former Yan envoys were most likely to leave.

Looking east from the city gate, the trees within five miles were basically cleared, but it seems that a lot of depressions were deliberately created?
Liu Yan had already issued an order to make false claims, and then let Qianyan's people in. Those with higher status who were not killed in the battle would stay and beheaded, and only one person would be left, and the rest would be killed.

That is tantamount to repaying the whole set of what Qianyan did to the Han Ministry's envoys. The difference is to let the Han Ministry succeed. Qianyan's death is twenty times that of the Han Ministry's loss.

After almost four hours, from the discovery of Qianyan's envoys on the Han side to the appearance of someone from Qianyan at the city gate.

The number of Qianyan who came to Chengguan was not too many, only fifty riders.When they saw the four-foot-high stone city wall, they were obviously in a daze, and they all just stared at the city wall in a daze.

In other words, there was no city wall here three months ago, but now there is a city wall that is a bit too long. If they hadn't asked the guide repeatedly, they would have thought that they had made a mistake and went to the Great Wall on the other side of Youzhou. !
To tell the truth, a city wall more than ten miles long appeared on the Liaodong Peninsula, which frightened the envoys sent by Qianyan.Zheng Lin, who originally wanted to get mad as soon as he came, thought it wrong. The Han Dynasty could build such a majestic city wall within half a year. He must not take it lightly, and a set of established procedures began.

By the way, Qianyan didn't pay much attention to the narrow peninsula of Liao 1 East. It was half a year ago. They raided the surrounding area in order to attack Goguryeo, and they almost ran all over Liao 1 Dong to catch laborers. Therefore, it is more certain that the Han Department is in They suddenly appeared in this narrow peninsula during the half year that they were not paying attention.

Zheng Lin was originally a Jin official, and like many people who were abandoned by the Sima royal family, the Zheng family was one of the families that were thrown in the east of Liao 1.He had just made contributions in the First Battle of Goguryeo, and was made a lieutenant by the former Lord of Yan, Murong Hao, and at the same time he was promoted to military counselor and sacrificial wine.

What is the official position of military counselor offering wine?In fact, it is a military position in the army similar to military commander, including the drafting of some administrative documents and so on. The origin is that Cao Cao served as the chief aide in the third year of Jian'an. In other words, Zheng Lin was still Murong Hao's personal aide. and the like.

The official positions of the Hu people's regime are generally messy, probably because most of the Hu people are illiterate.

At the same time, the position of civil servants among the Hu people is the lowest, and it is generally given to the attached literati.If there were only literati official positions in the Hu regime, it would mean that that person had the same status as a pig or a dog, and if he had a military position, he would be reused, such as Feng Yi, Murong Hao's number one henchman.

Feng Yi was the Prime Minister of the country first, and later was added as a Taiwei, so now the Feng family of Qianyan can be said to be in full swing.

But I have to tell the truth, a dog's leg is a dog's leg, even if he becomes a captain, he is still a dog's leg.No, what Feng Yi promised Xiqian Bailiao and Li Mingzhi in the first step, the promise before the next moment was all bullshit, and he didn't even dare to say a few words of advice. The people Liu Yan sent even a member of the Murong family I didn't see any of them, so I was ordered to cut them down.

Fifty or so Murong Xianbei cavalrymen just looked around for a while, turned their horses and left without making any contact.

Almost in the afternoon, Qianyan's envoys appeared again, and they appeared two miles away from the Chengguan with the banner of Zhan Zhao.

"There are a little more cavalry." Lu Tai said solemnly, "Even if we pretend to be low profile and let them in, they won't all come in at once."

Li Tan stared at the Qianyan envoys that appeared. He felt that he had endured enough, and was about to lead the army out for wandering with Liu Yan's permission to do something to vent his anger. Qianyan actually sent an envoy.As for him, he immediately felt that it was God's favor to kill ordinary Liaodong "savages", even if those "savages" were Xianbei people, how could the envoys who directly killed Qianyan want to be comfortable?

In contrast, although Xiqian Jiantong also had a cold face, he really didn't see any obvious anger or hatred in his eyes.

Lu Tai saw that someone from the Qianyan envoys was driving forward to talk to him, so he kept the story short and asked, "The Wengcheng can accommodate at most [-] cavalry or [-] infantry. Which of you is responsible for the enemies who have left the Wengcheng?"

Li Tan was still staring at Qianyan's envoys, his hand holding the handle of the knife had blue veins.

"Lieutenant, I'm willing to serve you." Xi Qianjian saluted respectfully, and said, "But I don't know whether the Lord's tribal armed forces will participate in the war?"

Lu Tai speeded up his speech, simply said the word "natural!", and asked Xiqian Jiantong to go down and prepare.

Of course Xiqian Jiantong's father would be sad when he died, but he is a Hun, and his concept is different from that of Jin people.The death of my father must be a sad thing, but if the death of my father makes the person who is loyal to him have the idea of ​​​​making amends, and still implements the idea, then it can only be said that Xiqian Bailiao's death was worth it.

Almost the moment Xiqian Jiantong went down, someone was shouting under the city gate, calling for the person in charge on the city wall to come forward for training.

What is "training"?It is a condescending dialogue, which means that the people of Qianyan feel that sending someone to speak is giving the Han tribe enough face.

Naturally, it was impossible for Lu Tai to come forward in person, it was Fu Wei who spoke to him.

Some unnutritious words began to echo up and down the Chengguan, to the effect that why the Han tribe came here without Qianyan's permission, it was really hateful and bold, and then Fu Wei responded with a low profile.

"Ambassador, the Han Dynasty seems to be scared, and they dare not say much at all."


Zheng Lin never took his eyes off the city wall. He just couldn't figure out a problem. How could the city wall, which is more than ten miles long, be built within half a year (actually three months), and depending on the scale and materials of the city wall, Obviously not shoddy.

"Let their leaders go out of the city and kneel down." Zheng Lin turned his gaze to the tower, because he was far enough away from the city wall, so he could see it more comprehensively. The one who made the conversation is that (Lu Tai)."

Kneeling is a concise word, and the whole sentence should be kneeling and bowing down.

However, Zheng Lin frowned. He originally thought it would be a relatively simple matter, but he just came here to scare, reprimand, and rob. After seeing the majestic city wall, everything changed.

Qianyan killed the envoy team of the Han Dynasty with his front foot, and then ran over to show off his might, saying that he was not afraid of the Han Dynasty's revenge?

To be honest, if the Han tribe looked like a barbaric tribe that was barbaric and not civilized, Qianyan would never be so stupid as to send an envoy to try to subdue it, it should have sent troops to destroy it directly.

The problem is that the Han tribe looks a bit civilized, and it seems to be a tribe with the Jin people as the upper-level ruling structure?Then Qianyan should change the method, for example, blackmail when it needs to be blackmailed, and send troops directly if it feels that the blackmail is not enough.

Well, in fact, the deaths of Xiqian Bailiao and Li Mingzhi were somewhat inexplicable. I guess Murong Hao didn't even know their names. He only heard that a man named Hanbu was coming to form an alliance or something. He felt humiliated and wanted to I didn't even think about ordering to cut it down.

It was only after the person was killed that Murong Hao learned from Feng Yi that the Hanbu was from Tiefu of Tuoba Xianbei.Later, he even discovered that the tribe called the Han tribe not only took advantage of Murong Xianbei's attack on Goguryeo, but also ran to the back of Goguryeo to pick up bargains, but also quietly established their own territory on the land of Qianyan?
To put it bluntly, Murong Hao didn't really care that much about the Han tribe taking root in the narrow peninsula in eastern Liao 1. He was angry that the Han tribe "killed first and played later" ran to the back of Goguryeo to grab food.This is also a common feature of the Hu regime. They don't have a lot of ideas about territory, but they care very much about "grabbing food".

Zheng Lin came here this time, one is to reprimand Liu Yan, the Xianbei Tiefu, for disrespecting the strongest royal family in Xianbei, and the other means to let the Han tribe hand over the benefits obtained from Goguryeo, and finally it is about keeping silent Things that occupy this narrow peninsula.

Now a new situation has emerged. The Han tribe not only occupied the narrow peninsula without saying a word, but also frankly played with building walls. This is clearly about to crack the ground!

Xianbei and other Hu people may not care so much about people running in to live in their own territory. They even welcome people running in from some aspects. One more place where young and strong can be recruited, and one more tribe that can collect taxes, but building a city is a few mean? !

Now Zheng Lin has only one thought in his mind, that is, "the matter is serious", and what was originally a matter for discussion has become a war that must be resolved with iron and blood.

(End of this chapter)

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