sweeping the world

Chapter 1042 Ended in the Killing

Chapter 1042 Ended in the Killing
Barodos really didn't want to die so aggrieved, he nodded wildly and kept thinking about what to do next.

The remaining three Romans also nodded quickly.Now that they have already surrendered once in order to survive, it is not worth worrying about continuing to surrender. Just now they were just angry that they cooperated so well, but the Han army wanted to kill themselves.

"..." Yang Rui was speechless for a while, and cursed in a low voice: "What about the pride of the strong country that was promised? I thought that there would be at least one tough one out of ten."

The Romans were taken away with ten people from each team, not all of them were brought to Yang Rui's location, there were thirty locations to deal with them.

About an hour later, Pales was brought to the cellar where Yang Rui was.

"Dear General..." Pallos was both panicked and angry. He entered the cave and took out the rag from his mouth before he could speak: "Why!?"

Pallos had already seen a pile of corpses stacked inside, and it didn't take too much careful identification to find that they were all Romans.

"I already know why you surrendered." Yang Rui didn't make any hysterical expression, on the contrary, his face looked very gentle: "For gunpowder, isn't it?"

Pales struggled for a while, was pinned down by two Han soldiers, and shouted: "No! We are defeated, and we are willing to fight for the Han Empire in order to survive, and exchange blood and kill our own people in exchange for a chance to live !"

"Do you know why I know your plan?" Yang Rui smiled and said, "There are traitors among you."

The expression on Palles's face was obviously low and stiff, and he repeatedly confirmed who would tell the Han people about the plan. He couldn't think of anyone who would be so unsteady in his will. The people who knew the plan were all big nobles in the country. The rest of the people knew that they only knew that they had to respond to the nobles' uprising.

"Do you know?" Yang Rui looked at the silent Palles, and said slowly: "The big man originally wanted to be friends with Rome, and maybe he would conspire with Sasanian one day in the future. Before Sassanian is eliminated, the big man and Rome will be friends." very good friend."

"We surrender sincerely..." Pallos still chose to struggle: "You have so many soldiers, elite cavalry, and so many excellent scouts. We have snatched gunpowder, how can we escape? Can't escape, why? Will grab gunpowder!"

"Of course, to be friends, you need to follow the rules of a big man." Yang Rui admired Pallos' performance, and continued to say: "What's wrong with leasing some of your land? You can also request a lease from a big man, maybe The big guy will agree. Wouldn’t it be nice to be friends, happily generate income together, and then carve up your thousand-year-old enemy?”

"Impossible! You Siris..." Pallos really hoped to see the furious Yang Rui, knowing that there might be a chance to defend himself.What he was facing was a Yang Rui who was not at all smoky, and he knew very well that the calmer Yang Rui was, it meant that he really knew the plan of himself and others: "Seresians are too arrogant, and they never thought of forming an equality with any country." diplomatic relations. For you Serisians, there are only two kinds of people in the world, one is the dead and the other is the slave.”

"Look, won't telling the truth make you feel extremely happy?" Yang Rui smiled more kindly: "The big man actually doesn't like the name Seris, which translates to silk. We are not tailors, and silk is just an insignificant part of our civilization." existence. Because you like silk, you gave us such a name, which is very inappropriate."

"Rome was once glorious, and we know what kind of state an arrogant person would be." Pallos stopped struggling and looked at Yang Rui mockingly: "The end of our Alexander Severus era is the most glorious. The century-old Parthian Empire. We reached the pinnacle, and the next moment we fell into the abyss, entering the era of military chaos."

Yang Rui smiled and nodded, motioning for Pales to continue.

"When I was learning the language of Siris, I recognized the phrase 'prosperity and decline'." Pallos suddenly struggled violently: "Our history, your history, has staged countless times of extreme prosperity, and then It went to decline again, until the demise of a dynasty. Now Seris is extremely powerful, and may continue to be strong until Sassan is eliminated. But my family background with a history of 200 years tells you that when the Seris set foot in the Mediterranean, it was When the people of Siris face weakness again, your country will surely perish again, and your descendants will be enslaved!"

Yang Rui's expression finally changed: "Cut off his tongue!"

During the struggle and abuse, Pallos had his tongue cut off, his jaw was dislocated in the process, and his balls in his crotch were also kicked into pieces. The double pain made him curl up like a shrimp.

"Captain?" Qin Song happened to see that scene when he came over, without any special thoughts, Hui reported: "The result of the preliminary interrogation is that less than 40 people know the truth, and it is not ruled out that there are other insiders."

"The guard's plan is to pick out some Roman slaves who really surrendered as 'human appearances', and kill all the rest." Yang Rui saw Pales' body froze suddenly, and stared at him resentfully.He ignored Palesi's bitter and blood-stained face, and said to Qin Song: "You don't need to come down to make a decision on this kind of thing. You can get it done!"

Pallas suspected that he had heard wrongly and actually heard the word "Your Highness".He forgot the pain for a moment, and the image of Liu Shen appeared in his mind.

If he could speak, Pallos would definitely scold himself for being an idiot. He was only less than five meters away from Liu Shen several times. If he dared to go all out, he might seize the opportunity to attack, even if he couldn't kill Liu Shen. It will definitely cast a psychological shadow on Liu Shen.

If Pallas is still alive today, he will live in regret for a long time to come, until he is hanged on the gallows one day.

Throughout the night, some of the dug caves in the mountain were busy killing, until it just ended before dawn.

Under the massacre, every cave was filled with a strong smell of blood, and at the same time the soil on the ground became extremely wet.

In the end, the three thousand Roman slaves only left a round number of one hundred. If they did not lie, none of them were so-called nobles, but all of them were new-generation Roman citizens, and none of them had time to receive education.

"Your Highness." Xu Guang was assigned the task of covering up the corpse. After finishing the job, he found Liu Shen. Seeing Liu Shen holding a book in a daze, he called softly, and said, "The troops are about to move out again."

"Yeah." Liu Shenyi didn't rest all night, he put away his books and asked, "Are you done?"

"This..." Xu Guang still nodded: "It has been dealt with."

Liu Shen still said "hmm" and signaled the guards to pack their things, while he walked towards the direction of burying the body.

"Your Highness." Xu Guang persuaded: "You don't need to go and look at it? It has already been filled up."

Liu Shen still walked until he reached the scene, and all he saw was a large piece of obviously overturned soil: "They should be damned, right?"

"The enemies of the great man deserve death." Li Kuang came over after receiving the news: "The false surrender was actually a deliberate sneak attack, so they deserve to die even more."

Liu Shen saluted Li Kuang and said, "Guardian."

"Your Highness, don't worry about it." Li Kuang said gently: "We have given them a chance. For the Han people, the Jie people, Xianbei people, Qiang people... and countless other people who have committed all kinds of evil after the Han people weakened, did not give them a chance. Opportunity for the Han people. It is the enemy of the great man, and our duty is to eliminate it, whether it is on the battlefield or off the battlefield, it is justice to eliminate the enemy for the great man!"

"Shen understands." Liu Shen pulled an ugly smile and said in a low voice, "It's just... not used to it."

What needs to be said has been said, and Li Kuang knows he can't say more.

No matter what knots Liu Shen has, he can only rely on Liu Shen to resolve them.

"More than two hundred miles ahead is the border of Sassanid." Li Kuang paused, looked at Liu Shen with a little embarrassment, and said, "When you arrive in Sassanid, you will be five hundred miles away from the mainland of the great Han. After the army arrives , I don’t know when I will be the teacher.”

Liu Shen knew that such a day would come, but he didn't expect such a day to come without even taking a look at Sassan's border.

"Shen...you know what the Protector of Duty means." Liu Shen didn't hide the disappointment on his face. After a while, he saluted again, and said in a tender voice, "I wish the Protector of Duty and all the officers and men a great victory. , Martial luck is prosperous!"

Li Kuang secretly heaved a sigh of relief. He was afraid that Liu Shen would get angry and refuse to listen to the arrangement when he reached the Sasanian border, and even wanted to participate in the next war when he reached the Sasanian border.At that time, he will not be able to force Liu Shen to be sent back to the country, and he can only make trouble with Liu Yan in the end.

"Thank you, Your Highness." Li Kuang thought for a while, and said, "I will personally write a letter to His Majesty on what His Highness has done in the army. Your Majesty will be delighted to learn of His Highness's performance in the army. Please also, Your Highness, please don't forget the words of Anxi Dufu. Robe friendship."

Liu Shen is not a dull person, and it is clear that Li Kuang is veiled to express his positive opinion on himself, and is willing to give a positive evaluation on the wind.He really needs a positive evaluation, which is beneficial to stepping further towards the throne of the prince, so he saluted solemnly again.

A group of guards, people from Cui's side couldn't help but show joyful expressions.

Even the imperial guards were very happy.

The Cui family naturally had a reason to be overjoyed. Once Liu Shen became the crown prince, their natal family as the crown prince's biological mother would guarantee the wealth of the second generation.

Not to mention the imperial guards, many of them have been employed since Liu Shen was a baby. As long as they don't become disabled and retire prematurely, their devotion to duty for many years will definitely be rewarded.And that reward still depends on what identity Liu Shen will eventually have. There is no higher reward than Liu Shen's one day being a great treasure.

Liu Shen returned to his army and told Xu Guang about his decision to return home.

"This..." Xu Guang was stunned for a while, then he was extremely entangled, and finally showed a happy expression: "That's fine."

"You can ask everyone." Liu Shen has already made mature considerations: "If you don't want to go back to the country, the guardian will naturally have arrangements. If you want to go back to the country, you can go back with the palace."

Some of those honorable sons and nephews had served in the army before, and most of them were temporarily inserted in. Of course, the purpose was to seize the opportunity of Liu Shen joining the army, so they knew each other well.

The time they served under Liu Shen's command was only the past three months, and they never thought that the time would be so short, and many of them didn't even have the chance to get acquainted.

"I will stay." Xu Guang took a deep breath and continued, "Most of them should stay."

"That's right..." Liu Shen didn't want to say more, he was not stupid, if he didn't understand what these people meant at the beginning, he should figure it out later.He smiled and said: "The collision between the empires, Sassanid may be more famous than the big man, but it will definitely be a protracted war. A good man should have the heart to make contributions, how could he give up? Such a fight."

Xu Guangneng could draw some judgments from Liu Shen's words and expressions. Those honorable children who chose to return to China with Liu Shen would probably be labeled as unusable by Liu Shen.

"General Xu is the pillar of the great man." Liu Shen stepped forward and patted Xu Guang on the shoulder, and said solemnly: "I hope you will also be the pillar of the great man in the future."

Xu Guang stared at Liu Shen blankly, unable to react for a while, subconsciously looked at Liu Shen again, his face was still tender, but his eyes were very different.

If there is any difference between the current Liu Shen and the previous Liu Shen, it is probably that those eyes are more determined, and they are the eyes that see some confusion and find the future direction.

"Ji Hai..." Xu Guang said in a strange way: "If he chooses to stay, he must be stubborn. Your Highness should take him back."

"..." If Liu Shen hadn't known that Xu Guang and Ji Hai had no enmity, he would have thought it was a stumbling block.He was very impressed with Ji Hai, knowing that Ji Hai is a guy whose lifelong goal is to dawdle, he has no ambitions, and his mouth is particularly broken, so he couldn't help laughing and said: "It will really be tough."

"I beat him with [-] military sticks last time, and he screamed so terribly when he was beaten." The smile on Xu Guang's face was very natural, and he teased: "Actually, the beating was not that serious, he was lying on his back to recuperate At that time, the problem of my mouth liking for random thoughts has not changed. I don’t know where I got this problem.”

Liu Shen did know. He learned about it out of curiosity. Ji Hai was originally a civil servant in the Northeast. He said he was a civil servant, but he was actually a pasture administrator. There were not many people he could talk to. He used to talk to himself. The problem with my speech has now become a problem with my tongue, which has been improved.

"He only came home once in two or three years..." Xu Guang actually knew what was going on, and said emotionally: "Zhongshuling... well, it's a family matter, but Zhongshuling is really ruthless. No one can stand it instead.”

Liu Shen was actually a little apprehensive towards Ji Chang, he had the impression that Ji Chang was a very old-fashioned person...

(End of this chapter)

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