sweeping the world

Chapter 1043 The way to bring chaos?

Chapter 1043 The way to bring chaos?

Ji Chang, who was evaluated as rigid, was looking at the document just sent from the General's Mansion with a worried face.

These documents are about the damage of the Han Empire overseas, including a large number of Han people being detained by various countries, otherwise the General’s Mansion would not have been sent to Zhongshu Province.

The Han people have developed too fast in the past few years, and even set foot on the land of Europa.

A large number of businessmen or people who like to travel, they are in foreign countries.

This time the Persians and Romans took the lead in launching an anti-Han axis, and pulled a large group of countries into the so-called anti-Han axis. The war broke out too suddenly, and countries took action against the Han people in their own countries more or less quickly. , the number of Han people who fell into the hands of various countries was not small.

Similarly, after the outbreak of the war, the Han Empire also began to arrest those who opposed the Axis of Han. The number of people arrested was very large. Even the group of nobles from various countries who went to sea were arrested, including Julian and Kexie. Yas was a member of both Roman and Sasanian royal families.

In the seventh month since the war broke out, the army of the Han Empire had reached within two hundred miles of the Sasanian border, and the first one who would pay the price for the war was the Hunnites. .

"The mobilization is not limited to the Guanzhong and the Northwest." Sang Yu said with a sad face: "Shandong and the southeast have also begun to mobilize."

Those places are probably the former Guanzhong Zhili, Liangzhou, Qingzhou, Jizhou, and Yangzhou. Among them, Jizhou, Qingzhou, Guanzhong, and Yangzhou are relatively densely populated. The age is limited to 20 to 30 years old, but it is still possible to mobilize at least 50 soldiers within a year.

"We need to prepare a large number of military uniforms for the four seasons of spring, summer, autumn and winter, as well as an exaggerated number of bedding and daily necessities, and indispensable supporting equipment..." Ji Chang said with some distress: "There is no shortage of national funds, but... there is a shortage of manpower."

Today's Han people are in a state of restlessness. They already know that dozens of countries or tribes have formed an alliance, shouted slogans to destroy the Han Empire, and waged war.

Han people aged around 20 years old or above have basically gone through that period of darkness before they straightened their backs and became human again. Haven't tasted it.

The government has just announced that it will focus on restoring people's livelihood, launch large-scale projects to provide jobs, and increase supervision and reform of workshops and factories to ensure workers' treatment. As a result, what kind of anti-Han axis has emerged? !

There has been a bad thing about the government’s decision to castrate slaves before. Many people are still depressed about how to castrate slaves. Once slaves are castrated, they cannot work for a long time, and then slaves can no longer give birth to new slaves.

To be honest, even if the government offers generous compensation, more than [-]% of slave owners are still opposed to slave castration.

The result was good. First, there was a large-scale slave riot, and then an anti-Han axis emerged.Two consecutive events proved one thing, that is, there should be no other races in this world!

The military is naturally happy about the enthusiasm of the people. They love war and desire war, but they also know that the people should not be disgusted.

Under this general trend, no matter how unwilling civilian officials are, they must put victory in the war as the first priority, which is too frightening.

"A large number of young men and women have entered the army, and there will inevitably be a shortage of labor among the people." Ji Chang sighed sadly, and then continued: "The Han Dynasty has been encouraging more children. Every household has babies or children. That is, With auxiliary strategies, the men in the family leave home to serve, leaving only the women to take care of both the elders and the children. How can we maintain production?”

Ji Chang did not mention slaves. The castration of slaves is already underway in various places, starting with the official slaves. Once the official slaves are castrated, it is the turn of the slaves owned by the people to be castrated.

Slaves who are castrated will inevitably lose their ability to work. At the same time, they are also destined not to receive meticulous care. Some will die during castration, and another batch will die if they lack a good environment to recuperate.

After the slave riots, the number of remaining slaves, both official and private, was probably over [-] million. According to some relevant estimates, there may only be around [-] million left once full castration is completed.

Just castration will kill 200 million people?This is not an exaggeration at all, mainly due to the lack of veterans who are proficient in castration, and secondly, the disinfection is not good enough, the cultivation environment behind the injured and the food problem.

"Let's increase the slave capture on the Black Continent..." Sang Yu opened his mouth and said, "Go deeper if the coastline is gone. There are many blacks in that continent, and there should be several million captured."

In the past, Ji Chang was very disgusted with the wanton use of slaves, but because of the insufficient number of Han people, and because he thought it was inappropriate to use Han people in some dangerous projects, he never expressed his objection.

If the use of foreign slaves with yellow skin can still make Ji Chang feel that there is no obstruction to the view, with the rapid increase of white-skinned slaves and black-skinned slaves, he began to have his own actions, that is, to mobilize wherever there is danger. Slaves with fair skin and dark skin used to express their attitudes by reducing the number of these two skin types.

"Two lovers?" Liu Yan walked into the courtyard and saw Ji Chang and Sang Yu were silent and absent-minded: "How elegant are you today?"

This is a scenic spot on the edge of the Qinling Mountains. It is said that in the pre-Qin period a long time ago, the First Emperor built a palace here, but it was destroyed by war later.

Since the first emperor could choose to build the palace, it can be seen that the scenery must be good.

Now that the population of Chang'an has reached more than 120 million, various facilities in the city are basically built by relying on a huge number of slaves. The planning and construction of roads have been fully completed, and the construction of the periphery has begun.

People in the city always need a place outside the city where they can go for a walk, usually in the outskirts of the city. With Zhu Xia's sentiments and like to climb mountains and wading, they were originally in a location to build a park near the mountains, but later It was temporarily converted into a barracks.

The second branch of the Han Empire, and also the first firearms division officially with a designation, will be fully equipped with firearms here, and will be familiar with the operation of firearms.

Seeing Liu Yan appear, Ji Chang and Sang Yu stood up and saluted, saying, "Your Majesty!"

"Is it because you have no idea about the war?" Liu Yan's understanding is like this, otherwise, what are the two of them doing here?He walked over and sat down on the stone chair, and said: "I just received Li Kuang's battle report that the more than [-] enemy troops in Penchi River have collapsed."

"Congratulations, Your Majesty!"

Both Ji Chang and Sang Yu showed overjoyed expressions.According to their estimates, that war would take a year or two or even longer, and they never thought that the results would appear so soon.

"Over 12 people were killed by the Anxi Protectorate, and [-] were captured. The Roman and Sassanian troops invaded the east, and only [-] Persians fled back to their homeland." Cai You finished speaking beamingly, glanced at Liu Yan, and added : "His Royal Highness Shen also made great contributions in this battle. He had insight into the conspiracy of the Romans and personally supervised his subordinates to deal with it properly. Li Duhu greatly appreciated His Royal Highness Shen."

"Don't put gold on his face." Liu Yan said so, but the expression on his face was very gratified: "I am very happy to be able to do my job well, an 11-year-old kid."


As ministers, they saw that Liu Yan was obviously very happy and relieved, but they looked disapproving, wondering whether they should keep silent or flatter him.

"Liu Shen is already on his way back to Chang'an." Liu Yan looked at a unit that was practicing four-stage shooting, and his gaze stayed on Liu Ming, the eldest son of the concubine: "I let one son go to the battlefield, and the second son will also do it." Join the army in the war."

"Your Majesty is Mingjun!" Sang Yu said with admiration and respect first, but then hesitated: "It's just... Your Highness Ming..."

"He is also my heir." Liu Yan looked at Sang Yu and said, "As a prince, he should make a contribution to the great man."

The three ministers fell silent.In fact, they did not approve of Liu Yan's arrangement of Liu Ming's entry into the army, and they clearly expressed their opposition several times.

The reason for their opposition is quite simple. Liu Yan asked Liu Shen to go to the army for training, and it could also be said that Liu Shen won the favor of the military, which meant that Liu Shen could build his own team.

Liu Yan's behavior was seen by the ministers as a signal to train Liu Shen as a prince, but later even Liu Ming was assigned to join the army as a soldier, so they were a little confused .

"Your Majesty." Ji Chang's title is different from His Majesty, it is a title for the patriarch: "I still oppose Prince Ming's entry into the army."

"I know your concerns." Liu Yan really knew it, but he was just worried that Liu Ming would have his own team, and felt that it was a way to create chaos.He still said: "Zhu Xia has had a system of enfeoffment since ancient times. Ministers and nobles have entrusted cities and states, and princes and kings are the same. I have laid down such a country and rewarded the merits of the kings. As long as the princes are not too ridiculous, in the future It will also have its own feudal country."

Everyone was speechless again.

They have indeed received generous rewards, everyone has their own feudal country, and they have such treatment. Could it be that they object to Liu Yan assigning a feudal state to his heirs?
"I don't want some heirs who are older than the deep palace to control the feudal country." This is the first time Liu Yan expressed his clear point of view: "If the enfeoffment is far away, they must have the ability to resist foreign races, and even have the ability to continue to expand. Talent. How can it not be cultivated?"

Sang Yu hesitated again and again, gritted his teeth and said, "Your Majesty should make an early decision on the candidate for the crown prince."

Ji Chang and Cai You turned their heads elsewhere. They knew that it was Sang Yu's one-man show and they should not participate in it.

Sang Shimiao, she only has one daughter now, and not having a son means that she doesn't even have the qualifications to compete for the crown prince.

Now that Sang Yu asked Liu Yan to be the crown prince, Liu Shen must have the most advantage. Liu Ming, who was arranged to join the army, was only slightly threatening.It's like he said that Sang's will not get involved.

Liu Yan now has seven sons, except for Liu Shen who was born to Empress Cui Wan, the rest are all low-rank concubines in the harem, and the four concubines below the empress are all born daughters.

In the whole court, I don't know whether to lament Liu Shen's good life, or wonder if the rest of the nobles are not up to date. If the Han Empire really should have a clear heir, there is really no more suitable candidate than Liu Shen.

"I will consider it." Liu Yan stared at Sang Yu for about 2 minutes before opening his mouth, and then changed the subject: "The war to invade Sassanid will officially start in the fall of next year, and several generals will go. A suitable civilian minister. I have decided to let Sang Qing go."

Sang Yu knew that this was a reward for expressing his opinion, so he showed a joyful expression and promised: "Your Majesty will not be disappointed!"

In the Han Empire, no matter how high the status was, no matter how prominent the title was, without enough military merit to support it, it was actually very vain.

Many high-ranking officials and nobles, they actually took the credit for the merits of the dragon, and then they have a degree of support from the rear, stable internal support for the front war, and may not have real military merits, especially the military merits obtained on the battlefield.

Sang Yu is one of those people who have never been to the battlefield to gain military merit. He has always hoped that one day he can make up for this deficiency, but after so many years, there has been no chance.He can be regarded as having it now, but he may not be so happy.

"Shang Shuling is in charge of the six departments..." Ji Chang said hesitantly: "The Marquis of Pingxiang went to the front line..., the six departments..."

Sang Yu immediately looked at Ji Chang with a very stinky face.

"I'm in charge of it myself." Liu Yan also sent Sang Yu to the front line, and he would be summoned back as long as he had meritorious deeds, which was gold plating in the pure sense.He smiled heartily to himself first, and continued, "How can the big man be safe if he hasn't wiped out those enemy countries? The future big man will put military affairs first."

That is a fact, not all the countries on the anti-Han axis must be destroyed, but the Persian Sasanian, which is the closest to the Han Empire on the World Island, must be destroyed.

Ji Chang frowned even deeper.He really felt that he would come here for whatever he was afraid of, but he just hoped that the whole country would not fall into military control again, otherwise the people's livelihood would only get worse and worse, and the country would not look like a normal country.

"I've been thinking about it for a while..." Liu Yan looked at the three of them, and finally fixed his gaze on Ji Chang: "Whether to establish a wartime cabinet."

Sang Yu opened his mouth, but still didn't say anything.

Cai You knew this, and he gave some advice.

The Han Empire had just changed from the system of Sangong and Jiuqing to the system of three provinces and six ministries.Compared with the system of Sangong Jiuqing, the powers of the system of three provinces and six ministries are dispersed, mainly for the consideration of imperial power.

If in a state of peace, the authority is scattered and the efficiency of handling things is slower, it is actually a good thing rather than a bad thing for a big country.

If we enter a state of war, we must no longer be able to procrastinate in doing things. The state machinery should be running at full speed so that everything can be done as quickly as possible.

"Your Majesty." It was the first time Ji Chang heard the news, and he said, "Chen...Chen...", intending to object, but he didn't dare to say that.

(End of this chapter)

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