sweeping the world

Chapter 1041 Hurry up! (Thanks for Dongdong 88 rewards)

Chapter 1041 Hurry up! (Thanks for Dongdong 88 rewards)

There can only be one voice in the army. For the first time, Liu Shen actually violated the military order of the supreme commander. He was not punished, but got the desired result. At that moment, he was no longer an officer. , exists as the prince of the Han Empire.

Since he was the prince of the Han Empire, he had to bear the special status brought by this status. Whether it was because of the need to be in charge of the army or because of political considerations, Li Kuang certainly could not let Liu Shen continue to stay in the army. middle.

No commander wants an army to have a person who can resist and violate his military orders and is difficult to deal with, even if that person is a prince.

The guarded Han army's strength has been increased. After discussion, Barodos and Pales think that only this is normal, and it is not normal if the strength of the Han army does not increase. After all, their next marching area is a mountainous area.

"I always feel that there is something strange." Pallos couldn't tell where the strangeness was, he could only guess: "They should have discovered something, or there is some problem that we have ignored."

"The Marquis of Siris is very young!" Barodos guessed: "He should be the heir of a high-ranking nobleman, and there are more than 20 guards around him at all times. If we can hold him hostage after we take action, we may be able to rely on him to escape successfully. "

"I should have ignored this!" Pallas felt something was wrong no matter what he said, but gave a different opinion on what Barrodos said: "We all know that compared with gunpowder and flintlocks, Being the heir of a high-ranking noble is nothing. Is it?"

Barodos thought about it for a while, and admitted that he was indeed wrong.

The fact is that is the case. At present, only the Han Empire masters the production methods related to firearms. Once they are no longer exclusive possession, it will inevitably cause a new round of reshuffle. Compared with this, the heir of a high-ranking nobleman is simply insignificant.

"Perhaps we should try it!" Pallos explained, "Although it's useless, it's still possible to delay for a while."

Barodos glanced at Pallos in embarrassment, thinking why this guy didn't seem to give himself face?

The horizontal length of the mountain is about a hundred miles, and the thickness is about thirty miles?
Compared with the territory of the Han Empire, the mountains here do not look like green mountains and green waters at all. On the contrary, there are not many trees and plants.

Probably because of the altitude, they could also see that most of the mountains that were not too high were shrouded in clouds and fog.

If they are identified by modern geographical location, they have already entered the border of Afghanistan.

That place in Afghanistan is full of mountains, and there are very few flat areas, and it was a barren place with very few plants a long time ago.

Of course, the Han army would not choose the border of Afghanistan, which is full of mountainous areas. They had to set foot for a while because of the constraints of the geographical environment, pass through this mountainous area and then move northward, arriving at a large river called the Amu Darya by the Persians. on the river.

Once it reaches the Amu Darya, this Han army will stay again, build another bridgehead, and wait for the follow-up troops to arrive before officially marching into the Sasanian territory.

The army marched into the mountainous area. Due to the influence of the terrain, the length of the team was once again lengthened, and it was necessary to divide it into several arrows to travel.

"Is there no way to cross the mountain in one day?" Li Kuang felt that this was not good news: "Is there any change on the other side of the mountain?"

"Our troops who went through the mountain first set up a temporary camp at the exit." Song Ping looked a lot more haggard than the previous few days. It can be seen how busy the affairs are, so that there is not enough rest time, and it takes a lot of time. Very energetic: "The scouts explored the surrounding area, and only found a few traces of enemy activities with less than a hundred people within fifty miles."

The two had already entered the mountainous area, and they were in a position where they could see Liu Shen's troops.

The strength of Liu Shen's troops increased to three thousand, the number of firearms soldiers was still only one thousand, and the number of cold weapon soldiers reached two thousand.

During the march, soldiers with cold weapons from the Han army marched in a mixed formation with Roman slave soldiers, and soldiers equipped with firearms walked behind the team with Liu Shen.

This change made Barodos and Pales feel disappointed and uneasy at the same time.

Every Roman has at least two Han soldiers holding cold weapons, and without too much observation, you can find that the Han soldiers are staring at them. It seems that as long as a Roman slave dares to make any changes, the Han soldiers will Will draw a knife and hack to death without hesitation.

The mountainous terrain is complex, which is actually a good opportunity for Barados and Pallas. However, the Han army guarding them has turned into soldiers holding cold weapons. If they really do it, they have to rush away many cold weapons with bare hands. Only the soldiers of the Han army can rush to the firearms arm of the Han army.

"I can't do it." Pallos didn't know whether to relax or be nervous: "The people of Seris are too cautious!"

Barodos' complexion was very gloomy.

The day passed, and the troops stopped marching at night and were ordered to rest on the spot.

Piles of bonfires were lit. If viewed from the outside, several long dragons formed by bonfires appeared in the mountainous area. Each long dragon was more than ten miles in length, making the picture look quite spectacular.

This geographical location is sultry in the daytime and cold in the evening, probably because of the terrain of the mountains. The northwest wind blows along the valley, and the flames of the bonfire are blown to the other side. If people do not have enough warmth, they will definitely be blown by the cold wind. shivering.

"Are you going to discuss it with the Siris people?" Barodos was really trembling by the wind. The property of the Siris, they certainly don't want to see property damage, go ask for some blankets."

Pallas nodded and stood up. His standing up immediately attracted the attention of many Han soldiers.

"What do you want to do?"

"It's too cold at night, and the wind is too strong on this side."

"sit down!"

"Can I go to your chief and discuss distributing some blankets to keep warm?"

In other words, Pallas could only speak Chinese stumblingly, or else he could not communicate at all.

Xing Lin looked at Pallus eye to eye, and then looked at the Roman slave soldiers who were shivering in the cold wind. Those Roman slave soldiers were all looking at this side.

"We are still useful." Pallos said very sincerely: "Every one of us has undergone strict training and is a good fighter. Once on the battlefield, we will kill many, many enemies of the Han Empire. We should not be so meaningless. die."

"Sit down, don't move around." Xing Lin thought for a while, then continued: "I will report it."

Seeing Xing Lin's resolute attitude, Pallos sat down again in great disappointment.It was true that he wanted to ask for a blanket, and he also wanted to rely on walking to send a signal to those Romans who knew that it was not the time to act rashly.What's more, he wants to walk around and observe, it's too restrictive to stay in one place all the time.

Xing Lin is only a corps leader, and the news needs to be reported level by level.

By the time the request about the Romans reached Liu Shen, about 10 minutes had passed.

"Are there enough blankets?" Liu Shen asked Xu Guang, the commander of the other unit. Xu Guangzai was responsible for managing the team's logistics. He received the answer that there were indeed enough blankets and asked for his opinion: "What do you think?"

"That depends on what Your Highness thinks." Seeing Liu Shen's surprised expression, Xu Guang said, "Distributing blankets will inevitably cause some commotion. If the Romans are restless, they may do it immediately. If Your Highness wants to actively induce They do it, blankets should be given out."

Liu Shen ignored this layer just now, and fell silent for a while.

They guarded the Roman slave soldiers very strictly. As long as the Romans did not lose their minds, they would not do anything under such conditions, and they would stay dormant until the guards of the Han army relaxed.

Up to now, they have no actual evidence to show that the Romans did pretend to surrender, and everything is just a guess.This is also the reason why no proactive action was taken.

"You go and report to the captain." Liu Shen was silent for about 5 minutes, and said with a determined face: "Because our negligence caused the Romans to attack, it is better to make arrangements to lure them to attack!"

Xu Guang seemed to have guessed what Liu Shen would choose, and immediately agreed.

On the other side, when Yang Rui saw Xu Guang and learned about the details, the surprise on his face flashed away, he smiled heartily, and said happily, "You are indeed His Highness!"

Xu Guang knew what Yang Rui's words meant.

The superior person may not be smart enough, but he must have the determination and courage to make a decisive decision when encountering a situation. Hesitation should not appear on the superior person.

"Since Your Highness has made a decision..." Yang Rui thought for a while, and said to Xu Guang, "Of course we have to cooperate."

Xu Guang saluted and turned to leave with Yang Rui's permission.

Soon Li Kuang also received the news, and he was qualified enough to show a gratified expression when he heard the news: "Our Highness is very good!"

Song Ping frowned and said hesitantly: "The terrain in the mountainous area is complicated, and it is more difficult to deploy troops at night."

"It doesn't matter." Li Kuang said confidently, "As long as His Highness doesn't personally go to the front line, the surrounding troops can easily surround the Romans when there is any change, and they won't let any one go."

"In this case..." Song Ping no longer hesitated, but put on a slightly ferocious expression, and said, "It's better to solve it completely than to leave hidden dangers!"

Li Kuang had already had similar considerations, guessing what the Romans wanted to do, even if their guesses were wrong, the current [-] Roman slaves had virtually restricted the number of Han soldiers twice their size.

There is no reason to guard against thieves for a thousand days. If they didn't have some concerns, such as taking into account the reputation of the Han Empire and Liu Shen's feelings, they would have planned a plan. Even if the Romans didn't think of doing anything, they could have caused them to want to do something. The fact of doing something.

As long as the Romans are killed, there is absolutely no way for the dead to be resurrected afterwards. It is not that the Han people can define things however they want.

"It's very good that Your Highness has made this decision." Li Kuang nodded to Song Ping: "It will be completely resolved!"

About an hour later, Pallos received a reply that the Han army would distribute a blanket to each of them, but they needed to go in batches to pick it up by themselves.

"The people of Siris are so cautious!" Barodos was both depressed and sighed: "So powerful, yet so cautious, this kind of Siris is an unprecedented enemy!"

"It's not wrong." Pallos also has his own opinion: "Powerful and arrogant people are not terrible. They will ignore something because of their arrogance, and they will always do some stupid things. Strong and cautious People will try their best to cover up their flaws, so that people can't find opportunities at all."

The Han army was willing to distribute warm blankets to the Roman slaves, and the Romans were all relieved when they found out.Some of them felt warm after being frozen all over their bodies. That was not a good sign. The Romans were not ignorant barbarians, and it was clear that such a situation was very close to being frozen to death.

"I'll go first." Barodos didn't think too much, and blessed Pales: "You are always ready. If the place where you get the blanket is where they keep their firearms, I will do it immediately."

Pallos hesitated for a moment, then nodded fiercely.

The mountain road they were marching on was not wide, and many people were sitting casually on the road, which was as short as less than one meter.

The terrain of the entire section is even more different. Some places are very steep, and there are also gentle slopes that can accommodate dozens or hundreds of people.

Barrodos was walking with nine other Romans under the supervision of six Han troops. They passed by a narrow and steep slope. As soon as they turned a corner and walked out, a large number of Han troops rushed up, almost It was too late to yell out anything, and after being submerged, they covered their mouths and tied them up.

"I'll give you one last chance. If you don't want to die, tell your real purpose." The translator paused for two seconds, then continued, "Nod if you want to cooperate."

Most of the ten Romans who were tied up and gagged looked terrified and bewildered. They really didn't understand how they could suffer such a fate after being so cooperative.

Barodos was shocked and angry. He really didn't expect that the Han army would do such a thing. He wondered if his own people who knew how to act would betray him, and kept thinking about what he should do.

"Is no one willing to cooperate?" The interpreter was signaled and issued an ultimatum to the Romans: "Five seconds, if you are unwilling to cooperate, your life is only five seconds!"

Among the ten Romans, six immediately nodded, but Barodos was not included.

"Take it to the cave." Yang Rui is the person in charge here, and ordered: "If you fool us, let them not die easily."

The six nodding Romans were dragged away.

Barodos saw very clearly just now that the six nodding Romans did not include those who knew the plan.He was still hesitating, but when he saw four soldiers of the Han army drawing their weapons and approaching, he nodded his head wildly the next moment.

(End of this chapter)

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