sweeping the world

Chapter 1009 Attacking Han Worldwide (7)

Chapter 1009 Attacking Han Worldwide ([-])

The emperor went out on inspection tours, but something was extremely wrong everywhere.

The place where the slave riot first occurred was a quarry in Wuyang County.

The head of the guard who was in charge of monitoring the slaves in the quarry was very steady and adopted the most conservative method. Although six Han Chinese were killed in hard labor, he prevented the rioting slaves from spreading to the people.The riot was suppressed by means of siege.

The location of the second riot was also in Wuyang County, but it happened in the slave camp where the national road was built.The consequences of the riot this time were far more serious than those at the quarry. Not only did thirteen guards die and were injured, but as many as 170 civilians were killed and injured in the riot, and some slaves fled to the mountains.

The number of rioting slaves was about 200, and there were only about [-] guards guarding them. The people spontaneously participated in the suppression, and the riot was suppressed in just two days. Even though more than [-] people escaped, it was very troublesome. .

The arrest of escaped slaves is much more than the manpower used to suppress it. The suppression of riots only dispatched more than a thousand guards and more than 3000 people, but the pursuit of escaped slaves used 4 to [-] people. Carry out a carpet search in the mountains and forests.

As the first county where slave riots occurred, the official document sent by Wuyang in duplicate was not delivered to the emperor and Jichang who stayed behind in Chang'an, and riots broke out frequently in other places.

The most commotion was in Yuannan, Wuling County.

Wuling County is one of the areas to build the Jingchu grain production area. It is located in the west of Dongting Lake and in the upper reaches of the Yuanshui River.

Since it is to build a grain-producing area, the number of slaves used must be indispensable. At the same time, it is not scattered like building a national road, but intensively centralized resettlement.

It was also at night, and there was nothing wrong with it beforehand. The riot happened so suddenly, and the Han people responded immediately after the riot happened.

The fact that Han people participated in the riots made things more complicated. The number of Han people involved in the riots was not that large. Compared with the [-] slaves, there were only more than [-] Han people participating in the riots.

"Those are the remnants of the southern gentry who were dealt with in repeated attacks." Cai You has sorted out the information, handed it to Ji Chang, and said: "The ones farther away are left by Huan Wen, and the ones nearer are those who violated the law and were punished." Labor."

Huan Wen killed many people in the south of the Yangtze River, but only a small number of people were captured.He killed too ruthlessly, killing a group of people who hindered the stability of the rule, but also involved some people who were not worthy of death, leaving many problems and troubles.

"The Han people have always had hidden worries in the south, and it might as well break out." The news Ji Chang knew was that the number of Han people involved in the rebellion on the Dongting Lake side has been increasing, and it has increased to more than [-] in just one month: "There has been no outbreak. It’s a hidden danger, but it won’t be after the outbreak.”

As the left-behind attendant, Cai You represents the emperor.

Zhongshu ordered Ji Chang to stay behind, without the title of supervising the country, but doing the work of supervising the country.

Of course, someone must stay at the center, but official documents from various places are actually made in duplicate. One copy is sent to Chang'an, and the other one is bound to be sent to the emperor's palace.

"Before we thought it was the result of the castration trend." Cai You had a mocking expression on his face: "I didn't expect it to be that simple."

"The gunpowder manufacturing base in Shaofu has not been attacked for the time being." Ji Chang also showed a mocking expression. Although he was surprised by what happened, he also felt that it was reasonable: "It is said that they are irrational, but how dare they do that?" Do it. But it can be explained by doing that, the big man is far stronger than them at present, and in a few years they will be even less able to resist."

It is said that the real evidence has been obtained to prove that the frequent riots in the Han Empire are related to various countries, among which Rome and Sasanian are the most active.

"The big man originally wanted to live in peace for a few years, but he couldn't live in peace." Cai You said angrily, "When the big man establishes a country for the New Year, every time he wants to deal with and develop internal affairs, he always jumps out as an enemy."

Does that really seem to be the case?

During the sixth year of Yuanshuo, the central government held a good meeting and decided to temporarily suspend foreign wars to concentrate on internal affairs. As a result, the small imperial court of the Eastern Jin Dynasty took the initiative to launch an offensive.

In the ninth year of Yuanshuo, the central government decided to focus on the restoration of the domestic people's livelihood again. As a result, the Murong Yan Kingdom and Tuoba Dai Kingdom brazenly launched an invasion.

From the 13th year of Yuanshuo to the [-]th year of Yuanshuo, many people tried their best to change the national policy, and finally got the emperor's support to deal with internal affairs first.This time, in order not to make any troubles, they were even willing to let the military take the initiative to go to Hunnit and Xigaoche to make them unhappy. As a result, the whole world attacked Han again.

"Is Your Majesty still determined not to return to the capital?" Ji Chang just asked, somewhat puzzled, "What's Your Majesty thinking?"

If there were only riots in one or two places, the disturbance of the emperor's Xingyuan might not even happen.

The problem is that large and small riots are happening all over the country now, and there is even more evidence to show that it was done by various countries, so the next step must be to respond.

"Your Majesty means, let us handle domestic affairs by ourselves." Cai You said distressedly, "Let us leave the external affairs alone."

The chief official and the subordinate officials at the general's mansion were all accompanied on the tour, and the highest official left was just a servant.

The official position of the minister is not low, but he really does not have the authority to transfer troops, let alone issue orders to overseas troops.

The domestic army and the left-behind servants have no right to mobilize, so the county lieutenants or captains from all over the country can only preside over the suppression.

What Cai You can do is to transfer the decision from the center to the emperor Xingyuan.

What Ji Chang did was to clean up his hands.

"You said..." Cai You really couldn't hold back, and asked, "Did Your Majesty decide to go on tour because he had already made up his mind?"

Ji Chang didn't want to guess too much. He thought there were some possibilities, but the likelihood was not high.

If it had been Liu Yan's insight, he should have responded in advance.

Judging from the current response methods, all localities have targeted measures after the riots broke out, and it does not seem to be arranged in advance.

If it comes again, judging by Liu Yan's personality, if he finds something in advance, it is impossible not to take necessary measures against those foreigners.

As for the disputes that would arise from arresting or killing foreigners without real evidence, not only would Liu Yan, the emperor, not take it seriously, it could even be said that even the most ordinary people would not think it was such a big deal. matter.

"An order has been issued to the local area." Ji Chang had the right to do those things: "People with non-Han nationality should be gathered together for control."

Again, no one would think that rough treatment of Gentiles is a thing.I usually don't go rough because there is no need to be rough.If something really happened, it wasn't that the Han people didn't have the so-called human rights in the Han Empire.

Cai You said gloomily: "I hope the military won't be too harsh this time. The big man still needs those slaves."

Ji Chang could only smile at this, and he didn't expect the military to be lenient at all.He has already begun to plan the plan, which places to choose to make up for the missing labor force.

"It's like this in China, overseas..." Cai You said worriedly: "It's conceivable that it will be more serious."

Ji Chang waved his hand: "You and I, as left-behinds, focus on domestic affairs."

Cai You said in other words that if he was caught off guard, even if the overseas enclave was lost, he would have to fight back later.He was worried that the losses would be too serious, especially the suspicion that the military would take this opportunity to go into war. If that were the case, it would be a joke to repair the internal affairs.

Asanyang, tens of thousands of miles away.

One of the gunboats, the "Xingyang", was sailing on rough seas. Captain Liang Min had just received a report. The lookout found that two ships had collided at 45 degrees to the left of the ship's bow.

"One is a Daqin ship, and the other is a Persian ship." Xiao Xin is an intelligence officer, and he personally reported to the captain if he found out: "They have already set off a smoke column for help."

"In such a large sea area, they can still collide." Liang Min had no intention of going to the rescue, and joked, "Are they blind?"

Of course Xiao Xin would not suggest that the captain go to the rescue.

If one of them is a Han ship, they will not hesitate and will definitely go to the rescue. They are all foreign ships. Whether they save it or not depends on their mood.

"This route is very prosperous." Chen Tan is the first mate of the gunboat. After resting, he came to the flagship room and asked, "Isn't there a ship that went to rescue people?"

Anyway, it's not a Han Chinese ship, so let's talk about it as something new.

After a while, they forgot what happened just now, and the watchman reported again, saying that two ships had collided again, but this time the two ships that collided seemed to belong to the Han people.

"What's the situation?" Liang Min looked at Xiao Xin and asked, "The wind and ocean currents are abnormal today?"

This is the sea, not a narrow inland river. How careless or a natural accident beyond human control is it that makes the two ships collide in such a vast sea area?

Xiao Xin walked to a place full of pipes, opened one of the covers, and asked loudly: "Bosun, check the ocean current data."

Not long after, a response was given from the tube, and no abnormality was found in the ocean current.

Those tubes lead to all parts of the ship, and the flagship room uses these tubes to communicate with people on the same ship but in different locations.

The style of the ship is Han, and the crew on board must be close enough to see if the crew is Han.

Today "Xingyang" had no tasks that could not be delayed, so Liang Min ordered the warship to sail to the location where the accident happened.

About half an hour later, the "Xingyang" arrived at the sea area where the accident occurred. Two ships could be seen with the naked eye, one of which had sunk and flooded the deck.

"There are people from us." Chen Tan was watching with a telescope: "It's just that there are not many people from us."

There are some Han Chinese ship owners who run ocean merchants who will use foreigners on a large scale. Liang Min didn't think too much about it, so he ordered the boats to be lowered.

Liang Min said: "It would be best if the unsinkable ship can be placed. If there is no other way, our people will be taken over."

As for the Gentiles?It’s fine if other ships come to rescue. Before the other ships come to rescue, the ship sinks. They are lucky to hold something that can float. people on board.

When the "Xingyang" approached within [-] meters, the two ships that had the accident could already hear cheers.

Qin Gui looked like a very aggressive man, and he yelled at his companions suppressedly: "It's coming to an end, don't back down!"

The twenty or so Han people present had different expressions on their faces, some were full of confusion, and some twitched their cheeks and looked ferocious.

"If you do this vote, you will never want to set foot on Han soil."

"With money, where can't you stay comfortably?"

"That being said, I don't feel comfortable at all."

"Kill them all, who knew we did it?"

The discussion stopped when the three small boats approached. They were either silent, or shouted for help or thanks.

More foreigners did not dare to make eye contact with the soldiers of the Han army on the three small boats.

The Han army didn't think much about the appearance of the foreign race. Some of their soldiers serving overseas are too accustomed to the fear of the foreign race.

"What's the situation with you?" Huang Yi asked Qin Gui, "How can you be hit by such a big sea?"

Qin Gui said with a look of displeasure: "The waves were too big, the boat broke through the waves and had no time to react, so it was hit by the middle."

As soon as Huang heard this, he didn't say much.

The sea is not the same as inland rivers. When there are strong winds and waves, it is nothing unusual for ships to sail below the average sea level.

That's when the sea water was swept up, and the sea level at the ship's location dropped. Sometimes it could drop seven or eight meters, and then the waves washed away and suddenly rose above the average water level.

If that was the case, bumping into a ship that suddenly appeared could only be said to be unlucky to a certain extent.

"How many Han people are there?" Huang Yi didn't see the abnormality of some people, thought it was a sudden accident, and didn't think much about it.He got the answer and greeted: "Swim over by yourself. In addition, restrain those alien races. The warship can only carry our own people, and no alien race can board."

"Naturally, naturally..." Qin Gui greeted his companions, jumped into the sea first, and shouted something in an unknown dialect while swimming. Do it. The soldiers will definitely put us in the cabin, and do it directly when we get to the cabin."

The Han soldiers who came over didn't think much about it, their duty was to come and rescue the Han people.

The ship seemed to be silent at all. When Hassan saw the three small boats constantly rescuing people, he said to the people next to him: "God has favored us. As expected, there are no other warships following the 'Xingyang'."

Hardisan tried his best to hide his excitement: "I thought I would be lucky if I could get the gunpowder. I didn't expect to get a gunboat!"

(End of this chapter)

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